Gallup and CNN: Obama Approval rating


Gold Member
Feb 5, 2003
I believe both now have him at 54. Obama got a convention bounce as well. Whether folks are looking back and saying all and all not bad, or folks are holding Obama up to the two current candidates and finding newfound appreciation, or some other reason, I don't know.

But Obama is going to leave the WH I predict with approval ratings approaching 60 pts.
about the same amount of people that pay no federal tax or don't file at all. Sounds right.
I believe both now have him at 54. Obama got a convention bounce as well. Whether folks are looking back and saying all and all not bad, or folks are holding Obama up to the two current candidates and finding newfound appreciation, or some other reason, I don't know.

But Obama is going to leave the WH I predict with approval ratings approaching 60 pts.
And 70 percent say the country is on the wrong track. Go figure.
Yup. They think the country's on the wrong track, but don't blame the conductor (or engineer, if you prefer). Go figure.
Or they'd prefer things to go even farther than Obama has taken them. Which when you get into the 70s means exactly that for a significant chunk since conservatives don't make up much more than 30-40% of the country.

Obama has done great, but I wish the republicans wouldn't block him is what a significant chunk of liberals believe, whether you think that makes sense or not, and that thus the country is going in the wrong direction.

I personally think it is going in the right direction, just painfully slowly.
Clinton and Trump make Obama look like FDR.
I'm not sure it's all that, but I certainly agree some folks are reconsidering Obama in light of the future options. I know I preferred him to Clinton by far in 08. And if given a choice, if he could run for a third term, he'd be very preferable to either fact, if it were him and Trump, my goodness I think he'd be up by 20 pts right about now.
I personally think it is going in the right direction, just painfully slowly.
The point of the system is that change is supposed to be slow, unless it is universally desired by the people. Obama had a mandate at one point, and the people took it away from him in the legislative branch. He no longer has that mandate, thus the change has slowed to just what he is able to do in his limited executive authority. Some argue that he's abused that authority - I do not - but no one should argue that the change has been rapid. And that's by design. If the country overwhelmingly agreed with you, we would "progress" much quicker than we have, but the country does not overwhelmingly agree with you based on the last two elections. That itself, of course, is always subject to change.
I'm not sure it's all that, but I certainly agree some folks are reconsidering Obama in light of the future options. I know I preferred him to Clinton by far in 08. And if given a choice, if he could run for a third term, he'd be very preferable to either fact, if it were him and Trump, my goodness I think he'd be up by 20 pts right about now.
No it wasn't meant as some kind of way to diminish Obama, just a statement of what I perceive as fact. I would prefer another four years of Obama with at least one house Republican than either Trump or Hillary under any circumstances.

If someone called me today to ask if I approved of Obama, I don't honestly know what my answer would be and that's quite a change from about six years ago, as I'm sure you'll recall.
Obama has done great
Wow...I couldn't disagree more. SURPRISE!

That said, I don't believe anyone currently running is capable of improving the situation. I voted for Kasich in the primary, and I probably would have held my nose and voted for any of the other Republican contenders had they won the nomination. But, no way am I voting for the Donald.
about the same amount of people that pay no federal tax or don't file at all. Sounds right.

The good news is that he is leaving. Even HRC will be better than him because she doesn't hate America. How could she since she has become rich gaming the system.
The good news is that he is leaving. Even HRC will be better than him because she doesn't hate America. How could she since she has become rich gaming the system.
Do you really, truly believe that Obama hates America? Really? Not just right-wing rhetorical talking point, but actual, reasoned belief?
The good news is that he is leaving. Even HRC will be better than him because she doesn't hate America. How could she since she has become rich gaming the system.
lol posts/logic like this is why I cannot remotely take you seriously.
No it wasn't meant as some kind of way to diminish Obama, just a statement of what I perceive as fact. I would prefer another four years of Obama with at least one house Republican than either Trump or Hillary under any circumstances.

If someone called me today to ask if I approved of Obama, I don't honestly know what my answer would be and that's quite a change from about six years ago, as I'm sure you'll recall.
I didn't take it as a slight of Obama. Obviously we are politically split country. So a large minority would oppose anyone we put up there solely on politics. And it's absolutely true that objectively most would agree that in a myriad number of ways Obama is significantly better than Trump or Clinton, even if you think Obama on his own is not good.

I just meant that I think fundamentally a small plurality/majority of independents overall think positively of him on his own merit, all things being equal.
Even HRC will be better than him because she doesn't hate America..
That is just silly. I don't doubt that you may well believe it. That type of thinking is without question in my mind one of the most significant reason that the country suffers from many of the woes that we do. I didn't approve of a great many of George W. Bush's positions,and decisions, but I never questioned that he loved the country and wanted what was best for it. I never approved of portraying him as stupid. I know many liberals did, but I believe that they were wrong and inappropriate as well.
That being said, I have been and continue to be absolutely horrified at the vile vitriol spewed at the current President and the office he represents.
I'm not sure it's all that, but I certainly agree some folks are reconsidering Obama in light of the future options. I know I preferred him to Clinton by far in 08. And if given a choice, if he could run for a third term, he'd be very preferable to either fact, if it were him and Trump, my goodness I think he'd be up by 20 pts right about now.
OK- this we agree on. But he would beat Hillary by 20 points also. He's not a good president, but he is likable. Unlike the other 2 bozos.
Do you really, truly believe that Obama hates America? Really? Not just right-wing rhetorical talking point, but actual, reasoned belief?
I don't believe Obama fundamentally hates America, I just think many of his positions are wrong and often bad for the country. He believes he's doing the "right thing" for the nation.

There is a line of thinking that says that Obama is "directed" by outside forces to do what he does. George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George H.W. Bush were as well, according to this train-of-thought. HRC will be, too.
These approval polls are a farce. Are the foodstampers gonna promote reductions in food stamps? Ditto the Medicaid low life.

The losers of our society are going to advocate for and vote for more, more, more welfare upon themselves.
These approval polls are a farce. Are the foodstampers gonna promote reductions in food stamps? Ditto the Medicaid low life.

The losers of our society are going to advocate for and vote for more, more, more welfare upon themselves.
Refreshing take! I was beginning to think you were just a run of the mill racist and religious bigot. Now it turns out you also hate the poor - and MANY of those are white folks. Hmmmm.

You seem to mention food stamps & Medicaid. Not Medicare? So being old and on the dole is okay? I just want to understand the full roster of people you think are unworthy.
I don't believe Obama fundamentally hates America, I just think many of his positions are wrong and often bad for the country. He believes he's doing the "right thing" for the nation.

There is a line of thinking that says that Obama is "directed" by outside forces to do what he does. George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George H.W. Bush were as well, according to this train-of-thought. HRC will be, too.
I don't have a problem with your opinion. I do have a problem with the people (and there seem to be some) who actually think Obama hates America/is a jihadist/whatever.

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