For all of the Democrats who think Trump is “in it for himself”

You have the gall to talk about who the public voted for when you support a man who actually tried to disregard the vote of the public? Take a look on the mirror first and kindly piss off.

Nobody was elected here. It was primary voting. You do know that candidates used to be chosen at the convention all the time right?

Most of all, Biden wasn't removed. It was his choice. Was there pressure applied? I'm sure there was. But it was his decision.
The pressure Biden felt to drop out was in the form of the gigantic check he has to carry to the bank for doing so.
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I know you're no spring chicken, but it you don't believe Biden was removed as the candidate by the dem power brokers, then you might be as senile as Biden.
There will be books written for years about it for sure. Maybe you'll end up being right. But right now it's an example of Occam's razor and your habit of defaulting to a conspiracy to explain it. You have any facts whatsoever?
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There will be books written for years about it for sure. Maybe you'll end up being right. But right now it's an example of Occam's razor and your habit of defaulting to a conspiracy to explain it. You have any facts whatsoever?
Occam says he was pushed out.

There will be books written for years about it for sure. Maybe you'll end up being right. But right now it's an example of Occam's razor and your habit of defaulting to a conspiracy to explain it. You have any facts whatsoever?
So, you think that after defiantly confirming and reconfirming that he was in it to win it and wasn't going anywhere, that Biden woke up one morning and said "yah know, I think I'll drop out."

The only conspiracy is not that there were huge sums of money at play, but who provided those funds. Soros is a good bet as one of the big "donors".
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Those are trump promises, not policy yet.

How's he going to pay for them? Thought you were a budget hawk?

Drill baby drill or trickle down from another tax cut for the rich and corporations?
Tax revenues will increase after about 2-3 years post tax cuts, just like they did the first time around.

Hey, I don't care who endorses who.

When Klan leader David Duke endorsed Donald Trump that absolutely wasn't Donald Trump's fault. Now, when Trump states that Diddy is a very good friend of his? That's pretty icky.
Nice goal post movement. YOU are the one that tried to play the association game and when it was thrown back in your face, you deflect. Sad.
Just like Democrats have done the last few decades whenever they lose.
No they freakin didn't. You are so in a cult.

"Just like" would mean trump conceded and went to inauguration. And objecting to the election results is not the same as trying to overturn them......about 4 different ways.

You want it both ways. The election was stolen........but if it wasn't, trump did nothing different than the dems did. You ever notice that?

If you lose and concede you can bitch all you want.
No they freakin didn't. You are so in a cult.

"Just like" would mean trump conceded and went to inauguration. And objecting to the election results is not the same as trying to overturn them......about 4 different ways.

You want it both ways. The election was stolen........but if it wasn't, trump did nothing different than the dems did. You ever notice that?

If you lose and concede you can bitch all you want.
You saw Pelosi's video in which she said it was her responsibility to ensure the safety of the House members in session, right?

And you are aware of these transcripts as well, right?

Tax revenues will increase after about 2-3 years post tax cuts, just like they did the first time around.

? ?

Your argument that they worked is based on a projection? Even if the "projections" end up being right, the tax cuts have to be the reason? No other factors or policies affect revenues?

As for your unproven statement that tax revenues increased 2019-20. Once again you're throwing out crap you haven't checked out.

You saw Pelosi's video in which she said it was her responsibility to ensure the safety of the House members in session, right?

And you are aware of these transcripts as well, right?

This has NOTHING to do with my post. Just #4 on your list of deflections you pull out of your ass when you have nothing to contribute. I'll address it anyway.

So what? She's in the middle of a crisis and is taking responsibility whether it was hers or not. And it wasn't.

What do those transcripts prove? That members of Trumps admin did nothing either. His own ACTING SECDEF said he took trumps request as presidential banter. Those people WORKED FOR HIM.

And for 2-1/2 hours trump watched what was happening on TV AND DID NOTHING TO STOP IT. One phone call from the POTUS and the forces move in. ONE DAMN CALL COULD HAVE STOPPED IT. He did NOTHING. His formal and informal advisors calling him and telling him to stop it. His own son. Nothing.

"Hey Mark, the president needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home...this is hurting all of us...he is destroying his legacy." Laura Ingraham wrote.

-"Please get him on tv. Destroying everything you have accomplished." Brian Kilmeade wrote.

-"Can he make a statement?...Ask people to leave the Capitol." Sean Hannity urged.

As the violence continued, one of the President's sons texted Meadows:

"He's got to condemn this s*** Asap. The Capitol Police tweet is not enough." Donald Trump, Jr. texted.

Meadows responded: "I'm pushing it hard. I agree."

Still, President Trump did not immediately act.

Donald Trump, Jr. texted again and again, urging action by the President:

"We need an Oval address. He has to lead now. It has gone too far and gotten out of hand."

But hours passed without the necessary action by the President.

These non-privileged texts are