FEMA running out of money?

I'd agree with FISA and the Patriot Act. I wouldn't call the military budget spending bad though. Not necessarily good either. Military is a necessary evil and there were concerns that prior administrations had been neutering it.
So you’re saying that with familiarity of the peace dividend promise? When we spent 300 billion annually during the Cold War because of course that would allow us to eventually spend only 100 million. Just like world war 1 was the war to end all wars right? What a bunch of bullshit.

Not bad? Do you work for Exxon? Lol
The problem is with all these "NEW" needs illegal immigrants create, well should we more accurately say, that Biden/Harris created, each costing billion$. These NEW expenses put a tremendous burden on Govt being able to do it's normal obligations in the future that Americans
💰 Emergency Response
It's not only a tremendous burden, it's flat-out illegal. ". . . no money can be paid out of the Treasury unless it has been appropriated by an act of Congress. . . ."
There are a high number that are. In the tens of thousands for each category.
Quite the coincidence. But you don't watch Fox News right?

That is an absurd lie. Just three days ago, a Missouri judge blocked yet another student loan cancellation by Biden.
That's not the Supreme Court (you can tell because the article is about a Missouri judge), nor is it blocking the same forgiveness program that the Supreme Court blocked (you can tell because the plan in question doesn't provide $10,000-$20,000 in forgiveness to all Federal student loan holders justified under the HEROES Act), nor is it something that the Biden admin is doing in defiance of the Supreme Court (you can tell because, again, this ruling is in regards to a different program AND because the Supreme Court hasn't ruled--or even taken up a case--about this one). Hope this helps!
The data has been post on this site before, not by me even...

Here is over 13,000 murderers that we even know of. Then you have rapists and pedophiles with just as many if not more.

There are a couple possibilities here.

1. You're a liar and know this isn't true but are stating it as fact.
2. You saw reports that fit your position so you simply accepted them. Your news sources did no more reporting because they too only care about news that matches their politics. Since you don't watch any news outside your echo chamber, you're not aware the numbers were misrepresented.

3. You believe whatever trump tells you. Going with that one.

That's not the Supreme Court (you can tell because the article is about a Missouri judge), nor is it blocking the same forgiveness program that the Supreme Court blocked (you can tell because the plan in question doesn't provide $10,000-$20,000 in forgiveness to all Federal student loan holders justified under the HEROES Act), nor is it something that the Biden admin is doing in defiance of the Supreme Court (you can tell because, again, this ruling is in regards to a different program AND because the Supreme Court hasn't ruled--or even taken up a case--about this one). Hope this helps!
I'll let you quibble about details. "The Biden administration has now cumulatively forgiven $168.5 billion in federal student loan debt for 4.75 million borrowers."

I'll let you quibble about details. "The Biden administration has now cumulatively forgiven $168.5 billion in federal student loan debt for 4.75 million borrowers."

Details? I think the only detail that matters in this case is that the Biden admin is, in fact, NOT defying the Supreme Court as was claimed. But, move the goalposts all you want to try to make it look like I argued that student loans hadn't been forgiven at all, when I clearly didn't. You called me a liar and have now posted two articles as proof of that claim that simply do not support it in any way. This second one, in fact, completely confirms what I said in my "details" about the plan that was blocked, so thanks for that.
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The data has been post on this site before, not by me even...

Here is over 13,000 murderers that we even know of. Then you have rapists and pedophiles with just as many if not more.

Ol' Bob must have nothing but comic books for his reading library......the dude is not well read....

Post in thread 'Finally some truth about the border'

The source is this admin ICE data....which gives us #4.... the truth......Ol Bob's showing himself not well read. & is only able to parrot what lib media tells him LOL 🤡
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Ol' Bob must have nothing but comic books for his reading library......the dude is not well read....

Post in thread 'Finally some truth about the border'

The source is this admin ICE data....which gives us #4.... the truth......Ol Bob's showing himself not well read. & is only able to parrot what lib media tells him LOL 🤡
Lol. You didn't read the news that came out later either did you.

Those figures were not from the Biden admin.........a little cussing for you.........dumbass.

From my link.

The new figures released by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) do show some 13,000 non-citizens convicted of homicide were on its records and not in its custody.

However, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which oversees ICE, said the figures cover a period of many years, and include migrants who entered the US under the Trump presidency and previous administrations.

The DHS said: "The data goes back decades; it includes individuals who entered the country over the past 40 years or more, the vast majority of whose custody determination was made long before this [Biden-Harris] administration.

I do love it so when you do exactly as you accuse others of doing and make a complete ass of yourself. Oh, and you also jumped the gun without waiting for all the info to come out.