Feel the Bern...the campus has been compromised

IMHO Purdue and the country need Trumps strong convictions to liberty, freedom of press, the 10th amendment, and greatenes to be great again. Trump will yank us from this PC-haze that allowed unqualified people like Hussein Obama to take the presidencey. This country is at its best when PW (politicly wrong) rather then PC.
Be nice if he flew his jet to the Purdue airport and had a big rally.
IMHO Purdue and the country need Trumps strong convictions to liberty, freedom of press, the 10th amendment, and greatenes to be great again. Trump will yank us from this PC-haze that allowed unqualified people like Hussein Obama to take the presidencey. This country is at its best when PW (politicly wrong) rather then PC.
When I hit campus back in the Vietnam War era, the Students for a Democratic Society had a sign-up table in the Memorial Center. Once those kids who are standing in line to see Bernie get out and find a job (if they can find something other than being a Starbucks barista in the so-called Obama Recovery) and start paying taxes, they'll get a good dose of how the world works and move on to something that makes more sense for them.
I still regret not going to see Ronald Reagan...
I saw Ronald Reagan at Mackey. I remember hearing that he had to drive all the way West and north to get to Mackey because of all the tunnels on campus. Whether that was true or not, I don't know.
I don't think a racist would allow a black woman to care for his/her child for several years.

Dude, seriously? In a thread full of ridiculous statements, this one just made me chuckle. Didn't you ever see the movie The Help?
Didn't you ever see the movie The Help?

Don't eat the pie...



When I hit campus back in the Vietnam War era, the Students for a Democratic Society had a sign-up table in the Memorial Center. Once those kids who are standing in line to see Bernie get out and find a job (if they can find something other than being a Starbucks barista in the so-called Obama Recovery) and start paying taxes, they'll get a good dose of how the world works and move on to something that makes more sense for them.
only after they get off your lawn.
If the Klan wanted to find a fertile recruiting ground, I guess just start a thread about politics on here.

p.s. I hope this post gets this thread locked/deleted/move to GA board
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If the Klan wanted to find a fertile recruiting ground, I guess just start a thread about politics on here.

p.s. I hope this post gets this thread locked/deleted/move to GA board

Ain't nobody in this thread got a thing on Clayton Bigsby though.
I don't think a racist would allow a black woman to care for his/her child for several years. Nice back door job of calling me a racist though bros. Nice since you don't know me.

:eek: Really? Your father let "one" in the house?

My, yours are very brave parents indeed, sir. They're certainly crossing that gap an filling the divide. :)
Agree, doesn't need to be a political thing. Regardless of what candidate may be on campus, it is good exposure for Purdue.
Well, maybe. I was there when George Wallace came and visited in 1976. He drew a decent sized crowd at the airport.
speaking of Indiana being relevant in the primary... Bob Knight was on the campaign trail with Trump.

As for Bernie, it also worked out really well that this came during dead week.

fwiw, Bob has been speaking at a Trump rally in Indianapolis for the last 20 minutes or so. MSNBC is broadcasting it live.
Nothing but hand outs, safe spaces, and immorality from this neo-socialist ideologue and America's youth are just eating it up instead of trying to make America great again. I am seriously concerned about the future of this country when the lazy and entitled millennials take over. Welcome to the USSA (United Socialist States of America) IMO.

Totally agree. About half the handouts I see at the grocery, the recipients of the handouts drive a better car than I do. You wait in line forever while they try to spend every last dime, your time be damned. As a good friend suggested to me, tell them that since I'm paying for their groceries the least they can do is let me cut in front of them!

You sound poor. Are you a Purdue graduate?

I've lived in central Indiana for 40 years and still haven't seen anyone use food stamps.

Pull yourself up by the bootstraps, make something for yourself, and get out of poorpeopleville.

I have never waited behind a poor at the grocery. I've never seen a poor count food stamps.

What is wrong with you? A food stamp recipient has a nicer car than you? Good grief, you sound like a total failure.
I actually find something about this post "troubling". Not quite the right word. That what should be a mundane/routine occurrence is worthy of being remembered and noted in a post, just feels um .. "somehow".
So you are the judge...making the call on everyone. but I understand and respect your politics, but please don't promulgate this diatribe. Norm
So you are the judge...making the call on everyone. but I understand and respect your politics, but please don't promulgate this diatribe. Norm
so he's the judge, but not the folks talking about how young people are this, or liberals are that?

Plenty of judges to go around I think.
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You sound poor. Are you a Purdue graduate?

I've lived in central Indiana for 40 years and still haven't seen anyone use food stamps.

Pull yourself up by the bootstraps, make something for yourself, and get out of poorpeopleville.

I have never waited behind a poor at the grocery. I've never seen a poor count food stamps.

What is wrong with you? A food stamp recipient has a nicer car than you? Good grief, you sound like a total failure.
You sound poor. Are you a Purdue graduate?

I've lived in central Indiana for 40 years and still haven't seen anyone use food stamps.

Pull yourself up by the bootstraps, make something for yourself, and get out of poorpeopleville.

I have never waited behind a poor at the grocery. I've never seen a poor count food stamps.

What is wrong with you? A food stamp recipient has a nicer car than you? Good grief, you sound like a total failure.

You can't be this obtuse. I have seen well to do families divorce so the unemployed mother can get snap benefits to lessen the cost of feeding a newborn.

I've seen snap benefit recipients in Audis and bmws, which are nicer than most people can afford
Are you're referring to Regan's appearance at the Lincoln Day dinner back in 1980?

If so, I had a unique opportunity then as one of my fraternity brothers was heavily involved in Young Republicans and, Regan also belonged to my fraternity. As a result, my fraternity helped out with a number of campaign stop's duties ranging from driving some of the vehicles from the airport to the Union/hotel, loading luggage as well as checking press passes for entry into the dinner.

I was one who got to check press IDs and was backed up by a "federal agent". As it turned out, the "federal agent" wasn't secret service (although there were plenty of them there) but a treasury agent who had been called in due to the lack of manpower. In other words, he was an accountant (and looked the part, too).

It was odd having journalists, many of whom I'd watched for years on TV, coming up and having to turn them away as they didn't have the correct badge.

That night, we all were invited out to a party at the hotel where they were staying and enjoyed drinks while Tom Brokaw interviewed Regan nearby. The next morning we also got to meet Regan in person as he was boarding a plane. I'll never forget the secret service agent's instructions to us: "When Gov. Regan appears, stay where you are and don't rush toward him". I can only assume had I ran to meet him in my youthful exuberance, I would have been rudely tackled or worse.

Nonetheless, a highlight of my life. Regan was very impressive in person and commanded the room where ever he went. Some of that was probably his height and also his acting background but whatever it was, people were awestruck by his presence.

Treasury agents weren't accountants.

My grandpa was one. He worked undercover breaking up the mafia in the 70s and 80s in Vegas. Really some crazy stories. Ex Marine Drill Instructor, those guys aren't anything to under estimate. He would always get pissed because the treasury agents would do all the dirty work and the FBI would come and screw it up or take the credit.
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You can't be this obtuse. I have seen well to do families divorce so the unemployed mother can get snap benefits to lessen the cost of feeding a newborn.

I've seen snap benefit recipients in Audis and bmws, which are nicer than most people can afford
and you saw them counting food stamps too? which decade was that?
So you are the judge...making the call on everyone. but I understand and respect your politics, but please don't promulgate this diatribe. Norm
Norm, please point out where I judged anyone's actions or words. I don't know anybody enough to judge them. All I do is point out inconsistencies in reasoning/posts of which Tony's posts contain quite an obvious few. I also explain how certain things look to me. Anyone is free to disagree with me.
You can't be this obtuse. I have seen well to do families divorce so the unemployed mother can get snap benefits to lessen the cost of feeding a newborn.

I've seen snap benefit recipients in Audis and bmws, which are nicer than most people can afford

Was the claim legal?
You can't be this obtuse. I have seen well to do families divorce so the unemployed mother can get snap benefits to lessen the cost of feeding a newborn.

I've seen snap benefit recipients in Audis and bmws, which are nicer than most people can afford
Wow! Just like Reagan's Welfare Queens driving Cadillacs and wearing mink stoles.

Why haven't you turned them in for fraud? It's your civic duty.
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Treasury agents weren't accountants.

My grandpa was one. He worked undercover breaking up the mafia in the 70s and 80s in Vegas. Really some crazy stories. Ex Marine Drill Instructor, those guys aren't anything to under estimate. He would always get pissed because the treasury agents would do all the dirty work and the FBI would come and screw it up or take the credit.
Actually, this one was. I talked to him about what he did while we were waiting around and even he chuckled about him standing in for a field agent. Didn't want to imply that all Treasury agents were accountants, so sorry if that's the way it came across.

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