Elizabeth Warren

It’s always about the economy, you’re right. And it’s the one thing Trump has working in his favor (and it’s a huge one to be sure).

But if the economy starts the really struggle, then where does he go? Not that I want the economy to struggle, but I am really not sure what he could bring to the table.

The democrats have to just be wary of getting sucked into the personal aspects of how Trump campaigns (a lesson I need to take to heart on here) and be firm on their platform. The other democrats who are left also need to fully back the eventual nominee. Punching down to his level won’t work.

But, as you state, the single largest voting issue will always be the economy. Trump is smart enough to do some manipulation into 2020 to keep the economy in his favor. If it's strong, like it is now, Dems will have few talking points to attack him on and most of them are going to be secondary in voters minds to their checkbooks.
1) in polling, the economy always takes its place at or near the top as the #1 voting issue. But it's uncommon, barring an '08 - '09 scenario, to completely dominate the others to the extent that it's paramount.
2) Voting one's best interests is dependent on the subjectivity of what constitutes the connection to those interests.
3) honestly think a good economy, by now baked in, will preclude other TRUMP issues from determining votes ??

I think Trump will sell the economy, the unemployment rate, taxes, stock market, etc, etc. He'll run on that platform because most people will put immigration, guns, the environment, Russia, etc as a secondary issue.
Don't be shocked is a sweet deal with China occurs between March and Aug in 2020.
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I predict a large number of Dems and independents flip for Trump in 2020, you know, with the economy going so good. tic
Not going to get pulled into a tariff discussion, whether they are ever good...sometimes good and how any of that reflects on China with anyone in this forum. I'm offering the link only as background into the market facilitation program to provide some help while this battle wages. Payment will probably be on soybean mostly since that is how China is attacking to try to get Trump to back down. For reference...can probably figure 52-62 bushel typical yields for bean. Price after margin where I am was $8.49 in the fall. Although beans were $12 a few years ago...probably safe to consider $9.70 to $10.00 reasonable numbers recently. So beans are down $1.20/ $1.50 a bushel for better understanding.
The trouble for beans is that not only have the been down a bit, but there is glut of them this year caused by a very wet spring when corn couldn't be planted in time.
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The trouble for beans is that not only have the been down a bit, but there is glut of them this year caused by a very wet spring when corn couldn't be planted in time.
I wasn't sure how many switched over. I understand there are some issues with insects and corn in Indiana this year. Today, after the margin it was $8.53. It is just a toy thing for me, but I usually have half of what I expect in yiel sold in the futures. I know I have more weeds than I ever had...that they say was due to the "dry" spot immediately after planting.

I've been beans on beans for the last 4 to 5 years
I do not think that at this time, a woman can win the presidency. Especially if the woman is as liberal or far left or whatever as Elizabeth Warren appears to be. . My female friends and colleagues who believe that she can win are in their 20s and 30s so I may be wrong ???
I do not think that at this time, a woman can win the presidency. Especially if the woman is as liberal or far left or whatever as Elizabeth Warren appears to be. . My female friends and colleagues who believe that she can win are in their 20s and 30s so I may be wrong ???

To be fair, no one thought a reality-show-hosting, multi-bankruptcy “business” man would be president either, but here we are. Lol
Look at it this way Beth. If Hillary, with all her baggage, came within an eyelash of beating Trump, EW shouldn't have any trouble winning the Presidency.
Hey , lets all base our vote on a candidate being a woman ! That is really an intelligent way to vote. We did that before similarly and didnt work out well
Hey , lets all base our vote on a candidate being a woman ! That is really an intelligent way to vote. We did that before similarly and didnt work out well

Neither Fansince 72 nor I are suggesting anything about basing OUR votes on gender of candidate. We were/are discussing whether a woman can win an election for president at this time in our history. I am saying IMHO, that no woman regardless of party, can win in 2020. Fansince 72 thinks a woman can win as Hilary came quite close to winning. Please feel free to comment on whether or not you think a woman, of either party, can win at this time and specifically, can that woman be Elizabeth Warren.
Neither Fansince 72 nor I are suggesting anything about basing OUR votes on gender of candidate. We were/are discussing whether a woman can win an election for president at this time in our history. I am saying IMHO, that no woman regardless of party, can win in 2020. Fansince 72 thinks a woman can win as Hilary came quite close to winning. Please feel free to comment on whether or not you think a woman, of either party, can win at this time and specifically, can that woman be Elizabeth Warren.
I have no problem with a female president or one of ethnicity just don't run on that being the reason they are elected and unfortunately that won't happen for a while. We saw what happened when it was tried once
Fansince72: You are right about Hillary but perhaps the Clintons had more political favors to call in, more political clout and greater access to money. However, I am not sure about that as I have not been following closely the current state of the candidates. I did see today that Warren is increasing her lead over Biden and Bernie in Iowa. Have you seen any national polls on their popularity with voters?
I have no problem with a female president or one of ethnicity just don't run on that being the reason they are elected and unfortunately that won't happen for a while. We saw what happened when it was tried once

But do you think voters will support a woman in enough states so that she could win the electoral college and thus the presidency? For example, I know a woman can carry California but can a woman carry Texas or Ohio or Pennsylvania, etc? I think Warren is strong in the East and the West but I don't really know about her popularity in the midwest and southeast. Frankly, I am surprised that she is doing so well in Iowa.
But do you think voters will support a woman in enough states so that she could win the electoral college and thus the presidency? For example, I know a woman can carry California but can a woman carry Texas or Ohio or Pennsylvania, etc? I think Warren is strong in the East and the West but I don't really know about her popularity in the midwest and southeast. Frankly, I am surprised that she is doing so well in Iowa.
My point is the person running,not the sex or ethnicity . I vote for who represents my viewpoints and that has been a real problem for yrs . It would be nice to not feel like voting for the lesser of two evils and neither party can really show that but nothing is worse than blindly voting based on sex/race in my opinion
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Isn't that one of the vectors of attack against Warren? Two Income Trap is NOT a left leaning book. EW used to be an interesting thinker who wasn't tuned to partisan thinking. Since, she is certainly all in with the woke left. She has flipped A LOT of her old positions to appeal to the hard left.
Looking at the tread after your post, she's got long row to hoe. I do wonder how much of an ideologue she is vs. an advocate? That is, how much of her left lean is ideology, her upbringing/background which influenced TIT, as opposed to her being an advocate for her constituency, Mass. liberals and now the extreme of the Dem party? Much like Trump, if she hasn't become an ideologue, she has a lot of wiggle room.
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But do you think voters will support a woman in enough states so that she could win the electoral college and thus the presidency? For example, I know a woman can carry California but can a woman carry Texas or Ohio or Pennsylvania, etc? I think Warren is strong in the East and the West but I don't really know about her popularity in the midwest and southeast. Frankly, I am surprised that she is doing so well in Iowa.
There are people that would vote for her only because she is a woman. However, I have never come into contact nor seen any evidence that people would not vote for a woman. Where would such thought originate? Course, I'm not tied into intersectionality and its illogical leanings that perpetuate such nonsense that permeates so much around us...or maybe it is because I have worked with and for women at different times for over two decades?

The last thing I would care about Warren was that she was a woman.
But do you think voters will support a woman in enough states so that she could win the electoral college and thus the presidency? For example, I know a woman can carry California but can a woman carry Texas or Ohio or Pennsylvania, etc? I think Warren is strong in the East and the West but I don't really know about her popularity in the midwest and southeast. Frankly, I am surprised that she is doing so well in Iowa.
There are people that would vote for her only because she is a woman. However, I have never come into contact nor seen any evidence that people would not vote for a woman. Where would such thought originate? Course, I'm not tied into intersectionality and its illogical leanings that perpetuate such nonsense that permeates so much around us...or maybe it is because I have worked with and for women at different times for over two decades?

The last thing I would care about Warren was that she was a woman.

I will never understand the theory/thought that the United States, which is (supposedly, although I have my doubts anymore) the most advanced country in the world, isn’t ready for a woman president when many other countries are being successfully led by women. It’s absurd and so narrow-minded.
I will never understand the theory/thought that the United States, which is (supposedly, although I have my doubts anymore) the most advanced country in the world, isn’t ready for a woman president when many other countries are being successfully led by women. It’s absurd and so narrow-minded.
What if it is a fallacy as you suggest...which it is. Why would people promote such a thing? We know the answer. Years ago it was encouraged that this country was a melting pot, but today there are many that promote the salad bowl concept which is much different.
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There are people that would vote for her only because she is a woman. However, I have never come into contact nor seen any evidence that people would not vote for a woman. Where would such thought originate?
The last thing I would care about Warren was that she was a woman.

Your post interests me because it has been my experience that men are willing to support and vote for a woman. In my experience, it is women who often do not support women. For example, several of my friends remarked on how “emotional” Warren is in debates, at rallies, etc. and how much they disliked that. (Personally I thought Bernie was more emotional than Warren in last debate.) Women have been accused for a long time of being “too emotional” so perhaps women are trying to overcome that stereotype??? In the workplace, I have seen a great deal of “backbiting” and undermining of women by women. Of course, this may also occur with men but I am not privy to men’s private conversations with other men.
There are people that would vote for her only because she is a woman. However, I have never come into contact nor seen any evidence that people would not vote for a woman. Where would such thought originate?
The last thing I would care about Warren was that she was a woman.

Your post interests me because it has been my experience that men are willing to support and vote for a woman. In my experience, it is women who often do not support women. For example, several of my friends remarked on how “emotional” Warren is in debates, at rallies, etc. and how much they disliked that. (Personally I thought Bernie was more emotional than Warren in last debate.) Women have been accused for a long time of being “too emotional” so perhaps women are trying to overcome that stereotype??? In the workplace, I have seen a great deal of “backbiting” and undermining of women by women. Of course, this may also occur with men but I am not privy to men’s private conversations with other men.

This. A man can yell and scream and he’s just being authoritative and a leader. A woman does the same and she’s an unhinged bitch. We see it all the time and it’s a terrible stereotype. I cannot speak from a woman’s perspective regarding women not being as supportive of other women as they should be but you aren’t the first person to bring it up. I think it would be awesome if it was a two woman ticket this year.
But do you think voters will support a woman in enough states so that she could win the electoral college and thus the presidency? For example, I know a woman can carry California but can a woman carry Texas or Ohio or Pennsylvania, etc? I think Warren is strong in the East and the West but I don't really know about her popularity in the midwest and southeast. Frankly, I am surprised that she is doing so well in Iowa.
I don't believe she can win. Way to far to the left for most of the country. As for a woman being elected, I'd love to see Condi Rice run. I'd donate money and time for her campaign.
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I think it would be awesome if it was a two woman ticket this year.

who might she choose?

for the most part, i like t.gabbard.
but it doesn't seem like liberals (some at least) care for her much.
vs trump/pence, she would provide a challenge on their foreign policies and debates, actually serving in military.
who might she choose?

for the most part, i like t.gabbard.
but it doesn't seem like (some) liberals care for her much.
vs trump/pence, she would provide a challenge on their foreign policies and debates, actually serving in military.

Umm, no to Tulsi. For many reasons. She needs to drop out of the race.

She could run with Kamala Harris. Harris is more center-leaning on policy while remaining fairly liberal socially. I think she would offset some of Warren's further-left-leaning outreaches.

Again, that's just my opinion. But I am firmly against Gabbard at all.
Your post interests me because it has been my experience that men are willing to support and vote for a woman. In my experience, it is women who often do not support women. For example, several of my friends remarked on how “emotional” Warren is in debates, at rallies, etc. and how much they disliked that. (Personally I thought Bernie was more emotional than Warren in last debate.) Women have been accused for a long time of being “too emotional” so perhaps women are trying to overcome that stereotype??? In the workplace, I have seen a great deal of “backbiting” and undermining of women by women. Of course, this may also occur with men but I am not privy to men’s private conversations with other men.
I have supervised women AND men and can tell you what you said may have some teeth. Both have their strengths and in some things the sexes are very different. There are all kinds of evidence the difference in NOT a social construct.

That said, my experience mirrors yours as far as women backbiting other women. Having family previously as principals and AD's they would tell you that there is no comparison in the amount of hassles between cheerleaders and their "moms" versus athletes and their fathers...those from Venus get more emotional more often.

None of this is to suggest that women cannot do many of the things men do, but to say there are internal differences.

I believe it is Sweden that strives the hardest to promote an egalitarian environment and when the sexes are left to their own choosing we find females as nurses and men as engineers. I could probably dig up the numbers if needed, but it is there Basically, women tend to lean towards social things and/or people and men towards things. If women see women as more emotional are they projecting upon others what they see in themselves? I do not know. Personally, the strengths and weaknesses generally associated with the sexes on many things I do not find threatening, but complimentary…and wish more saw that.
Neither Fansince 72 nor I are suggesting anything about basing OUR votes on gender of candidate. We were/are discussing whether a woman can win an election for president at this time in our history. I am saying IMHO, that no woman regardless of party, can win in 2020. Fansince 72 thinks a woman can win as Hilary came quite close to winning. Please feel free to comment on whether or not you think a woman, of either party, can win at this time and specifically, can that woman be Elizabeth Warren.

It doesn’t matter whether Elizabeth Warren is a woman. She won’t win because of her policies.
If Nikki Haley runs in 2024, she’ll have a great shot.
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It doesn’t matter whether Elizabeth Warren is a woman. She won’t win because of her policies.
If Nikki Haley runs in 2024, she’ll have a great shot.

This makes zero sense. What are Nikki Haley's policies? Exactly. You don't know. But she would have a great shot? Come on.
Her rallies are fascinatingly Trumpian. If the economy continues down this troubling path (from where I'm standing, a combination of trying to hire and also witnessing what my job-seeking peers are experiencing), Trump has no chance. In fact, I think we're looking at a >50% chance of Dems grabbing the Senate.

Given the aggression of the Tea Partiers and the general dismissive attitude that the Republican establishment has had for norms, you better believe that 2020 is going to be a transformative year for America.

Care to elaborate on troubling economy, peers, hiring statement?
she would be a great conservative alternative for 2020
Candace Owens is a rising star... that appears to have a future. Condi with all her accomplishments, and there are many is not in the lights at this time.

The problem is and for the life of me can't understand how anyone could wish for a certain demographic as though there is some magical wand that could be used by that demographic. I don't care if it is two men, two women, one of each in whatever order tje positions were...or how mixed up the races are...NONE of that should matter. I want a person that loves this country, that I share opinions shouldn't matter the demographic...and it is very scary when that comes to the forefront for people in voting
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Had no idea that she was 70 yrs old. I thought she was maybe 60. Anyway, seeing how I can't vote for a republican in the next primary I might consider asking for a Democrat ballot and throw my vote her way. Seems like she has momentum going her way.

Warren is just way to left for me. I think she will have issues in FL, NC, PA, OH, and midwest. There are a few candidates in Dem primaries I would be good with but do not think they got a chance.

I get why people do not care for Trump’s behavior, antics, lying, etc. Thing is, if that bothers one, I do not see how Warren is a choice. Her entire life story(NA heritage) is based on a lie. That is hypocrisy at its finest IMO.
Candace Owens is a rising star... that appears to have a future. Condi with all her accomplishments, and there are many is not in the lights at this time.

The problem is and for the life of me can't understand how anyone could wish for a certain demographic as though there is some magical wand that could be used by that demographic. I don't care if it is two men, two women, one of each in whatever order tje positions were...or how mixed up the races are...NONE of that should matter. I want a person that loves this country, that I share opinions shouldn't matter the demographic...and it is very scary when that comes to the forefront for people in voting

Candace Owens? Are you serious?????? Please tell me you aren't serious.
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I have supervised women AND men and can tell you what you said may have some teeth. Both have their strengths and in some things the sexes are very different. There are all kinds of evidence the difference in NOT a social construct.

That said, my experience mirrors yours as far as women backbiting other women. Having family previously as principals and AD's they would tell you that there is no comparison in the amount of hassles between cheerleaders and their "moms" versus athletes and their fathers...those from Venus get more emotional more often.

None of this is to suggest that women cannot do many of the things men do, but to say there are internal differences.

I believe it is Sweden that strives the hardest to promote an egalitarian environment and when the sexes are left to their own choosing we find females as nurses and men as engineers. I could probably dig up the numbers if needed, but it is there Basically, women tend to lean towards social things and/or people and men towards things. If women see women as more emotional are they projecting upon others what they see in themselves? I do not know. Personally, the strengths and weaknesses generally associated with the sexes on many things I do not find threatening, but complimentary…and wish more saw that.

There are times I wish I had a good OCR scanner and software to provide backing around some things, but here is a video I could quickly find that mentions without the actual numbers and such that when people can follow their interest without any social pressure from either direction...the difference between men and women magnify...

This is quick and probably better, but it discusses that I said

She, and others, potentially have a huge potential inroad to a significant segment of Trump voters if she or they can utilize the position being put forward by John Hansen, the President of the Nebraska Farmer’s Union, slamming President Trump over his escalating trade war with China, calling it a "huge unforced error." He further said he fears Trump “does not have the skill set or the experience to fix things” with China.

Well, Trump made improvements with NAFTA. BC, Bush, and Obama did not. As for China, BC, Bush, and Obama just let the status quo go-that is not the answer. Steal US tech, patents, military tech and just let it go is poor.

I am a pro farmer person. That said, even here at Purdue, they are really ignorant if the future and 20 year past of the soy market, tariffs or not.
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Candace Owens? Are you serious?????? Please tell me you aren't serious.
absolutely serious...she is a rising star. that may change, but to deny that she is not gathering a lot of attention now is not seeing her influence. Sure she does not have political background, but that isn't the topic. the topic is someone that could carry weight and she has a good start. You seem to have an opinion about her adn yet you didn't know her a short while ago...proving that she is gathering attention
I don't believe she can win. Way to far to the left for most of the country. As for a woman being elected, I'd love to see Condi Rice run. I'd donate money and time for her campaign.
Yeah, the NSA during the first years of the Iraq war and a strong proponent of it. Thought you were against such least you are now.
That alone means she will never be president, let alone run.
absolutely serious...she is a rising star. that may change, but to deny that she is not gathering a lot of attention now is not seeing her influence. Sure she does not have political background, but that isn't the topic. the topic is someone that could carry weight and she has a good start. You seem to have an opinion about her adn yet you didn't know her a short while ago...proving that she is gathering attention

She's getting attention but I wouldn't say it's good attention. Your opinion vs my opinion of course but yikes.
Warren is just way to left for me. I think she will have issues in FL, NC, PA, OH, and midwest. There are a few candidates in Dem primaries I would be good with but do not think they got a chance.

I get why people do not care for Trump’s behavior, antics, lying, etc. Thing is, if that bothers one, I do not see how Warren is a choice. Her entire life story(NA heritage) is based on a lie. That is hypocrisy at its finest IMO.
I don't think there is any debate that Trump's personal behavior leaves much improvement as are some others. Not sure that is really debatable...even though that is 95% of the discussions surrounding him it appears...