Does Trump seriously buy those hats at truck stops?

Ivanka should have known better given her father's constant ranting about Hillary but I'm sure she did not reveal any "top secrets" in her emails. The Clintons' were always to clever for their own good but the whole "lock her up" regarding Hillary was ridiculous. I am troubled that Trump has been actively trying to get the DOJ to prosecute Hillary and Comey. This is a very bad look for a democracy-it's what despots do .
Lol get bent, you orange lipped Trump a$$ rimmer.

First, it doesn’t matter what I would say because you wouldn’t believe it anyway, even if I provided links to all of my statements. Second, there has been thread after thread after thread on here that has outlined it already. Feel free to look them up. Finally, you’re part of his base (yeah you can try to deny that but it’s pretty obvious) and he knows whatever he says you will believe it. So continue to live in your middle aged white man castle and jerk yourself off to all of his nonstop word vomit and enjoy your denial.

And lol at your ivanka defense. Jesus Christ you’re such an a$$ sucking troll.
Wow....typical Hillary liberal. Can't win a discussion with facts, you all resort to name calling. And when you post a whit of truth, someone might believe you.

You don’t care about facts and i don’t care about your feelings so it all works out.
Ivanka should have known better given her father's constant ranting about Hillary but I'm sure she did not reveal any "top secrets" in her emails. The Clintons' were always to clever for their own good but the whole "lock her up" regarding Hillary was ridiculous. I am troubled that Trump has been actively trying to get the DOJ to prosecute Hillary and Comey. This is a very bad look for a democracy-it's what despots do .
They're guilty of crimes against the state.
I really like he does not drink alcohol and does not smoke cigarettes. He also is a very good golfer. He is hated by so many and CNN and other channels, all newspapers, all Hollywood, all democrat and some republican congress members all cannot stand him. But he gets up everyday and gets after it. Like he told Chris Wallace, only a fighter could have won the election.
Right on cue, pissed off cause he played golf with Jack Nicklaus yesterday. People now do not like Jack Nicklaus.