does Newman have any more role on this team?

I am certain that Painter is very clear with him about why he is not playing. It is not a lack of talent as Newman is a very talented player.

It is very rare to see a ten man rotation in college basketball these days. Coach Painter wants to give big minutes to Ivey, Stefanovic, and (now that he is playing like he is capable of) apparently Hunter. It’s either going to be Morton or Newman backing up the wing positions and Painter clearly has more confidence in Morton at this time.

I don’t try to figure out who might transfer at the end of the season and I have no idea what Newman is thinking. I hope he stays though, as I think he has a lot of potential.
It always looks like BN is looking to score as soon as he comes off the bench. He launches the first 3 he gets a look at. He seems to believe his role is instance offense but it he misses 2 in a row, he gets pulled.
Work up a sweat, bang a few bodies, get into the flow, get a garbage bucket, do something to take the focus off scoring right away.
We lose two shooting guards from this team and you don’t see Newman’s role expanding next season? WTF
Newman's role WILL expand IF he grabs the opportunity and does something with it. It won't be a gift of seniority

Whatever ultimately happens, props again to Brandon for handling everything as he is and has.

The season has not gone at all as he had hoped or planned, but, he remains committed to the cause nonetheless...engaged...great teammate...putting in extra work (and this is only one more example of such).

Real easy kid to root for, and, all that he is doing is going to pay off.
I’ve liked him as a player, attitude, etc. I agree with other comments that when he has gotten an opportunity he appears to be pressing (that’s just my feeble minded opinion). Keep hoping he gets more opportunities and that he will let the game come to him (as they say) and a few shots fall. Would really like to see it start tonight.
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We have a highly hyped player who is currently redshirting That loves to shoot and score and is trying to become a 3 in a lineup with Furst and Edey. We also have a couple of guards coming in next year known for their shooting ability. I hate to say this but I don’t foresee Newman’s role becoming any bigger next year than it is currently. He’s known for his offense and it would appear that role will be handled by someone else . I suggested when he redshirted that his future here was dim and he was the most likely player to transfer. When the rumors started 2 years ago of several players talking about transferring. It turned out to be a different player
Give the guy a break. Clearly struggling but we’ve seen how quick someone can change with Hunter. He has the tools to be an excellent player and he’s just in a funk. I also think TKR will play more 4 than what your suggesting with Furst playing some center. I think Newman is an excellent catch and shoot player and will backfill what we lose with Sasha. We will lose 3 guards, He can provide valuable veteran minutes.
Give the guy a break. Clearly struggling but we’ve seen how quick someone can change with Hunter. He has the tools to be an excellent player and he’s just in a funk. I also think TKR will play more 4 than what your suggesting with Furst playing some center. I think Newman is an excellent catch and shoot player and will backfill what we lose with Sasha. We will lose 3 guards, He can provide valuable veteran minutes.
Sasha isn't setting the house on fire tonight
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