does Newman have any more role on this team?

Sep 5, 2007
I thought someone might ask about Newman in the post-game presser but his name never came up. Anyone have any insights? What’s the deal?
Honestly so tired of hearing this case
If he ever gets playing time and plays well enough to carryover meaningful time that’s great. Until then ride the 9 guys playing bus who are more productive
I know this isn't how Brandon wanted the season to go. I just hope his head and heart are still in it and he keeps working hard everyday in practice. There might not be a lot of minutes for him the rest of this year, but next year could be wide open with Stefanovic, Hunter, and Ivey all possibly moving on.
He has to show up. His recent chance was a start for Ivey. I think he went 0-5.
And he doesn’t like delivering the mail in the rain.

but he can make "muffin" issues disappear.....

Honestly so tired of hearing this case
If he ever gets playing time and plays well enough to carryover meaningful time that’s great. Until then ride the 9 guys playing bus who are more productive
Just To clarify, in raising the question, I wasn’t making a case for him to play more. Nor did I have anyone in mind that shouldn’t be playing in order to get Newman minutes.I assume that MP willPut the team on the court that he believes-is the best team at any given time. But given that Newman doesn’t figure into that mix very often of late, I’m just sincerely asking how folks are thinking of his role right now? Shall
we anticipate that his role for the rest of the season will continue to bethis minimal, or do folks think he might still play a significant role in some games? Is he headed for the transfer-portal? Does anyone have any insight on what Newman, himselfis thinking about his situation? i’m just trying to get some opinions-on where he stands.Nothing more. I’m not making an argument… I’m just asking what folks think or what someone might know
I am sure there will be a time in next 2 games or so, Newman will get in and if he plays well, he may earn some more time. If next time he gets in , he plays bad, time will be more limited, going forward. You are not going to hear at a presser that he is thinking of transfering or how much play he will get. He must earn it in practice, and when Matt needs him to pickup someone, he will play him.
Just To clarify, in raising the question, I wasn’t making a case for him to play more. Nor did I have anyone in mind that shouldn’t be playing in order to get Newman minutes.I assume that MP willPut the team on the court that he believes-is the best team at any given time. But given that Newman doesn’t figure into that mix very often of late, I’m just sincerely asking how folks are thinking of his role right now? Shall
we anticipate that his role for the rest of the season will continue to bethis minimal, or do folks think he might still play a significant role in some games? Is he headed for the transfer-portal? Does anyone have any insight on what Newman, himselfis thinking about his situation? i’m just trying to get some opinions-on where he stands.Nothing more. I’m not making an argument… I’m just asking what folks think or what someone might know
My question is why didn't you think to check the thread named "Newman" that's within the top several threads in the forum that already thoroughly addresses the topic instead of making a new thread rehashing it? Its not like it was buried a page or two deep or under some other title like "game thread"... It says "Newman"...
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I'm guessing none of the posters here have never had someone close to them pass away. When I was young, I felt I'd just bite my lip and move on. Let me just say it doesn't work that way.

We all need to be encouraging him and praying for him.

He can still be a valuable player for us this year and I.m convinced he'll make some All Big Ten team next year.
My question is why didn't you think to check the thread named "Newman" that's within the top several threads in the forum that already thoroughly addresses the topic instead of making a new thread rehashing it? Its not like it was buried a page or two deep or under some other title like "game thread"... It says "Newman"...
You’re right. I should have searched out those posts before starting a thread on my question.Therecwere some good comments there that directly addressed my questions. I’m not exactly a regular reader and poster to-the forums. I I hope to do better in the future. Thanks for setting me straight.
You’re right. I should have searched out those posts before starting a thread on my question.Therecwere some good comments there that directly addressed my questions. I’m not exactly a regular reader and poster to-the forums. I I hope to do better in the future. Thanks for setting me straight.
Hey, glad you take it as a learning moment... Didn't mean to rail on you, especially if you're a n00b at this, we're all beginners at some point, and this place can use fresh Boiler faces... :D I just wanted to tell you that even though it means bumping this thread - now hopefully this thread will die, and Newman discussion will stay confined to the older larger thread..
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Newman is in a tough spot. The only role he really fits is as a 3 pt shooter when SS is on the bench and SS is proving his worth on the floor.
I was thinking that BN could be a defensive stopper but that role seems to have gone to Morton.
We have a highly hyped player who is currently redshirting That loves to shoot and score and is trying to become a 3 in a lineup with Furst and Edey. We also have a couple of guards coming in next year known for their shooting ability. I hate to say this but I don’t foresee Newman’s role becoming any bigger next year than it is currently. He’s known for his offense and it would appear that role will be handled by someone else . I suggested when he redshirted that his future here was dim and he was the most likely player to transfer. When the rumors started 2 years ago of several players talking about transferring. It turned out to be a different player
We have a highly hyped player who is currently redshirting That loves to shoot and score and is trying to become a 3 in a lineup with Furst and Edey. We also have a couple of guards coming in next year known for their shooting ability. I hate to say this but I don’t foresee Newman’s role becoming any bigger next year than it is currently. He’s known for his offense and it would appear that role will be handled by someone else . I suggested when he redshirted that his future here was dim and he was the most likely player to transfer. When the rumors started 2 years ago of several players talking about transferring. It turned out to be a different player
I'm not saying that won't happen. But, you're talking about guys who have never played a D1 game, so that's all theoretical at this point. As others have pointed out, Brandon has had a very tough year off the court. Give the kid a little space and see if he can grow from it.
I'm not saying that won't happen. But, you're talking about guys who have never played a D1 game, so that's all theoretical at this point. As others have pointed out, Brandon has had a very tough year off the court. Give the kid a little space and see if he can grow from it.
Agree I just don't see those guys coming in and taking his spot. It's his to lose and I really hope he figures out whatever he needs to so he can be a star for us.
Newman is in a tough spot. The only role he really fits is as a 3 pt shooter when SS is on the bench and SS is proving his worth on the floor.
I was thinking that BN could be a defensive stopper but that role seems to have gone to Morton.
No reason that Newman still can't be/do that...not sure that it leads to a lot more minutes at the moment still though.

He indeed is in a tough spot...that happens when you have a team that has a lot of really good players, several at your position.

Credit Morton for finding his way to the floor...if anyone looked to be in a tough spot and "odd man out" coming into this year, it was probably him...he improved at both ends to the point that he earned minutes at a position that he was not even brought in to play, and, has generally taken advantage of the opportunities with those minutes as well.

Newman is a really talented kid...has the skills and ability to be good at both just has not worked out unfortunately.

He struggled a year ago when he went back to coming off of the bench after having started...he had the tragic loss of his Dad off of the court...his minutes started to decline and he struggled even in those that he got, with Morton getting more minutes and playing well...Hunter getting more minutes and playing well...Sasha getting more minutes than he just has made minutes really hard to come by for him.

It is no doubt tough for him...has to be. Similar thing happened to/with Wheeler.

He remains a great teammate...he is as supportive of the guys on the floor as anyone...he sits close to the coaches generally and is asking questions or pointing things out on the bench...he puts in extra work after practice...and, he is not a distraction in any way...hard as a coach or teammate to not take note of those things...never mind as a fan.
Agree I just don't see those guys coming in and taking his spot. It's his to lose and I really hope he figures out whatever he needs to so he can be a star for us.
Kaufmann-Renn is going to play, and, is good enough to play a lot.

He will have an edge on Loyer, but, he is still going to compete for minutes with multiple guys...that is a product of having a lot of really good guys on a team, which is the goal.

Wheeler discovered the same did means nothing at all about the individual or their skills and abilities.

The only thing I would disagree with that you said was that it is "his to lose"...everybody will have the same opportunity for minutes...rather than it being his to lose, it is his for the taking...but, that is the same for Trey, Morton still, Heide and Loyer, and, that does not even account for the prospect of someone transferring in.

Jaden leaving is more impactful probably to Newman and his opportunities than Sasha.

I hope he capitalizes and plays as well as he is capable...that would be great for him, and, would be great for Purdue as well.
Kaufmann-Renn is going to play, and, is good enough to play a lot.

He will have an edge on Loyer, but, he is still going to compete for minutes with multiple guys...that is a product of having a lot of really good guys on a team, which is the goal.

Wheeler discovered the same did means nothing at all about the individual or their skills and abilities.

The only thing I would disagree with that you said was that it is "his to lose"...everybody will have the same opportunity for minutes...rather than it being his to lose, it is his for the taking...but, that is the same for Trey, Morton still, Heide and Loyer, and, that does not even account for the prospect of someone transferring in.

Jaden leaving is more impactful probably to Newman and his opportunities than Sasha.

I hope he capitalizes and plays as well as he is capable...that would be great for him, and, would be great for Purdue as well.
I can see K-R starting and Loyer getting a lot of PT.
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Somebody might've mentioned him and I missed it, but I think Waddell could also be in the mix there at the 2 or 3 to get some minutes. He had some really good reviews from practice prior to his injury.
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I am certain that Painter is very clear with him about why he is not playing. It is not a lack of talent as Newman is a very talented player.

It is very rare to see a ten man rotation in college basketball these days. Coach Painter wants to give big minutes to Ivey, Stefanovic, and (now that he is playing like he is capable of) apparently Hunter. It’s either going to be Morton or Newman backing up the wing positions and Painter clearly has more confidence in Morton at this time.

I don’t try to figure out who might transfer at the end of the season and I have no idea what Newman is thinking. I hope he stays though, as I think he has a lot of potential.
Did not read every comment. this is where we pretty much have to trust the coach that he will do the best he can for Brandon and the team.
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Hey, glad you take it as a learning moment... Didn't mean to rail on you, especially if you're a n00b at this, we're all beginners at some point, and this place can use fresh Boiler faces... :D I just wanted to tell you that even though it means bumping this thread - now hopefully this thread will die, and Newman discussion will stay confined to the older larger thread..
I personally prefer this thread
We have a highly hyped player who is currently redshirting That loves to shoot and score and is trying to become a 3 in a lineup with Furst and Edey. We also have a couple of guards coming in next year known for their shooting ability. I hate to say this but I don’t foresee Newman’s role becoming any bigger next year than it is currently. He’s known for his offense and it would appear that role will be handled by someone else . I suggested when he redshirted that his future here was dim and he was the most likely player to transfer. When the rumors started 2 years ago of several players talking about transferring. It turned out to be a different player
I would not agree with the view of banking on a high school post player and a couple of skilled but moderately recruited true freshmen having the inside track on a guy who will be in his fourth year in the program. Same kid who also started half the season last year before a lottery pick replaced him in the starting lineup. I don’t follow that logic.

From my perspective Brandon is caught in a numbers game this year. He’ll need a strong offseason but with Sasha, Jaden and Eric leaving there will be a ton of backcourt minutes up for grabs.

To the original poster’s question, I suspect that Brandon’s role remains limited unless he has some sort of breakout. He’ll get opportunities, Iowa’s trapping and OSU’s ball pressure limited his minutes, but he’s squarely at the end of the rotation.
Kaufmann-Renn is going to play, and, is good enough to play a lot.

He will have an edge on Loyer, but, he is still going to compete for minutes with multiple guys...that is a product of having a lot of really good guys on a team, which is the goal.

Wheeler discovered the same did means nothing at all about the individual or their skills and abilities.

The only thing I would disagree with that you said was that it is "his to lose"...everybody will have the same opportunity for minutes...rather than it being his to lose, it is his for the taking...but, that is the same for Trey, Morton still, Heide and Loyer, and, that does not even account for the prospect of someone transferring in.

Jaden leaving is more impactful probably to Newman and his opportunities than Sasha.

I hope he capitalizes and plays as well as he is capable...that would be great for him, and, would be great for Purdue as well.
It seems like Painter is turning the corner on his recruiting in the last few years. He's beginning to get good recruits without an immediate path to minutes. As a result we're seeing talented guys redshirt but we're also seeing guys who had major roles early in their career being surpassed by younger talent.
Kaufmann-Renn is going to play, and, is good enough to play a lot.

He will have an edge on Loyer, but, he is still going to compete for minutes with multiple guys...that is a product of having a lot of really good guys on a team, which is the goal.

Wheeler discovered the same did means nothing at all about the individual or their skills and abilities.

The only thing I would disagree with that you said was that it is "his to lose"...everybody will have the same opportunity for minutes...rather than it being his to lose, it is his for the taking...but, that is the same for Trey, Morton still, Heide and Loyer, and, that does not even account for the prospect of someone transferring in.

Jaden leaving is more impactful probably to Newman and his opportunities than Sasha.

I hope he capitalizes and plays as well as he is capable...that would be great for him, and, would be great for Purdue as well.
I like the view of backcourt / wing minutes next year being ‘there for the taking’. I think that Brandon has a tremendous leg up on the younger guys being in his fourth year in the system, but to your point there will be open competition, which is a good thing, and he’ll have to go take it.
We have a highly hyped player who is currently redshirting That loves to shoot and score and is trying to become a 3 in a lineup with Furst and Edey. We also have a couple of guards coming in next year known for their shooting ability. I hate to say this but I don’t foresee Newman’s role becoming any bigger next year than it is currently. He’s known for his offense and it would appear that role will be handled by someone else . I suggested when he redshirted that his future here was dim and he was the most likely player to transfer. When the rumors started 2 years ago of several players talking about transferring. It turned out to be a different player

I can see K-R starting and Loyer getting a lot of PT.
Loyer will never ever be a pt.
We have a highly hyped player who is currently redshirting That loves to shoot and score and is trying to become a 3 in a lineup with Furst and Edey. We also have a couple of guards coming in next year known for their shooting ability. I hate to say this but I don’t foresee Newman’s role becoming any bigger next year than it is currently. He’s known for his offense and it would appear that role will be handled by someone else . I suggested when he redshirted that his future here was dim and he was the most likely player to transfer. When the rumors started 2 years ago of several players talking about transferring. It turned out to be a different player
We lose two shooting guards from this team and you don’t see Newman’s role expanding next season? WTF
Kaufmann-Renn is going to play, and, is good enough to play a lot.

He will have an edge on Loyer, but, he is still going to compete for minutes with multiple guys...that is a product of having a lot of really good guys on a team, which is the goal.

Wheeler discovered the same did means nothing at all about the individual or their skills and abilities.

The only thing I would disagree with that you said was that it is "his to lose"...everybody will have the same opportunity for minutes...rather than it being his to lose, it is his for the taking...but, that is the same for Trey, Morton still, Heide and Loyer, and, that does not even account for the prospect of someone transferring in.

Jaden leaving is more impactful probably to Newman and his opportunities than Sasha.

I hope he capitalizes and plays as well as he is capable...that would be great for him, and, would be great for Purdue as well.
Jaden spend some time handling the ball. Sasha does not.
As Newman does not either, I find it hard to see how you find Jadens minutes impacting Brandons more than Sasha.
We lose two shooting guards from this team and you don’t see Newman’s role expanding next season? WTF
THREE. Some guys have an agenda. (I'm not accusing the OP, but this is an ongoing thing and way to consistently put out there to be an accident)
They either want 'their guy' being the star (if they are a boiler fan) or they are outright fans of other teams and want to see ours broken up.
THREE. Some guys have an agenda. (I'm not accusing the OP, but this is an ongoing thing and way to consistently put out there to be an accident)
They either want 'their guy' being the star (if they are a boiler fan) or they are outright fans of other teams and want to see ours broken up.
Or in this case you have a clueless poster like wolegib who routinely posts unsubstantiated, unsupported comments on this board.
Jaden spend some time handling the ball. Sasha does not.
As Newman does not either, I find it hard to see how you find Jadens minutes impacting Brandons more than Sasha.
There are going to be minutes with Jaden's and Sasha's absence...that was what I was getting at...that, If Sasha is a true "3", and, Trey is going to play the "3", then, Brandon's minutes are going to come at the 2 and 3...those minutes are available with Sasha and Jaden not being there.
Maybe Newman is secretly practicing as a scoring point guard to be unleashed in the tournament when we need an edge?

Seriously hope Painter has some secret stuff up his sleeve this year. I like the full court pass from Tre to Edey as an example.
Or in this case you have a clueless poster like wolegib who routinely posts unsubstantiated, unsupported comments on this board.
To be fair, I think a lot of us have a tendency to oversell potential for early impact when it comes to incoming freshmen who were highly ranked recruits. But, the B1G is a tough league. Even guys who were awesome in high school/AAU will face a learning curve at the high major level. We'll know more next year.
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