Dispelling many of the lies told about Trump

@BNIBoiler Not shocked I haven't heard from him yet. Every single post I have shared that disproves his ideals, he never responds. I.E. the voter I.D. laws being started in 2003 not 2008.
I moved to Manhattan in 1974, and I lived in the projects just out of college. Everyone knew certain neighborhoods did not allow blacks. Exceptions were if you knew someone on the building board. However, I would go to buildings asking for any vacancies, and the mostly black superintendents would decide if I could apply during this time. NY charged every apartment owner in these neighborhoods with discrimination. If they settled with Trump, I think he must have been one landlord with a few black tenants.

I lived in a rough neighborhood near the Northwest section of Central Park. I was a bouncer and a bodyguard, but I avoided the park because gangs of teenagers roamed it. However, some idiots would go jogging. After the brutal beating, five teenagers were fingered as being there. And yes, the police did some inexcusable tactics to get confessions. However, everyone in my neighborhood would have cheered when those kids went to prison. It is like when I saw the movie Death Wish and all my neighbors were cheering Charles Bronson. We wanted more police. When Giuliani became mayor, he added many more police officers, and crime plummeted. The murder rate dropped from around 1300 to around 300, and there were very few complaints against police. As important, the complaints against the police were almost non-existent. Everyone was happy except Don Sharpton, who had to drive hatred between whites and blacks.
@BNIBoiler Not shocked I haven't heard from him yet. Every single post I have shared that disproves his ideals, he never responds. I.E. the voter I.D. laws being started in 2003 not 2008.
I respond to almost every post as I see them. I like to engage in good discussions. But there is one thing that I will not do here is get into a back and forth discussion on whether or not Chump is a racist or not. Won't do it. I've said my say on the matter several times.
I respond to almost every post as I see them. I like to engage in good discussions. But there is one thing that I will not do here is get into a back and forth discussion on whether or not Chump is a racist or not. Won't do it. I've said my say on the matter several times.
You have also said Biden is not a racist, which shows you are not able to identify a racist.
I lived in a rough neighborhood near the Northwest section of Central Park. I was a bouncer and a bodyguard, but I avoided the park because gangs of teenagers roamed it. However, some idiots would go jogging. After the brutal beating, five teenagers were fingered as being there. And yes, the police did some inexcusable tactics to get confessions.
What tactics were those? From my understanding, there was no mistreatment of the Central Park 5. They all admitted to committing the crime, and they also gave details that nobody else could have known.
I respond to almost every post as I see them. I like to engage in good discussions. But there is one thing that I will not do here is get into a back and forth discussion on whether or not Chump is a racist or not. Won't do it. I've said my say on the matter several times.
You just so happen to have not seen the previous 10 posts I've corrected you on the voter I.D. laws? That's convenient.

You also refuse to learn that you're wrong about Trump. That's also very convenient.

(you) Yeah I want to engage in good conversation (accept when it challenges my ill conceived belief systems).
What tactics were those? From my understanding, there was no mistreatment of the Central Park 5. They all admitted to committing the crime, and they also gave details that nobody else could have known.
I will respond to this nonsense. They admitted to the crime ONLY because they were coerced to admitting the crimes by the police interrogators. These guys were juveniles at the time and their parents were not present during the interrogations which is by law. There have been scores of black people either currently in prisons/death row or have been released due to the police illegally coercing confessions. This is partly how blacks and whites live under 2 different justice systems. The Central Park 5 has been totally exonerated from this crime due to DNA evidence and a confession from a dude, not part of the Central Park, that admitted he acted alone. His DNA from hair and semen matched the DNA at the crime scene. So, to say that the Central Park 5 had no mistreatment is grossly disingenuous. And of course your video left out the coercion, the DNA evidence and the confession of the actual rapist.

What part of exonerated don't you understand?
I will respond to this nonsense. They admitted to the crime ONLY because they were coerced to admitting the crimes by the police interrogators. These guys were juveniles at the time and their parents were not present during the interrogations which is by law. There have been scores of black people either currently in prisons/death row or have been released due to the police illegally coercing confessions. This is partly how blacks and whites live under 2 different justice systems. The Central Park 5 has been totally exonerated from this crime due to DNA evidence and a confession from a dude, not part of the Central Park, that admitted he acted alone. His DNA from hair and semen matched the DNA at the crime scene. So, to say that the Central Park 5 had no mistreatment is grossly disingenuous. And of course your video left out the coercion, the DNA evidence and the confession of the actual rapist.

What part of exonerated don't you understand?
I will also respond to this nonsense.

There was NO WRONGDOING by police and prosecutors in 1989. That was the statement of the Corporation Counsel of the City of New York (the city’s lawyer), who reviewed all evidence of the original investigation, in 2014. It was also the statement of the District Attorney of New York County.

What evidence do you have that they were coerced? You do realize that you can go look up the original video's of the confessions, and ALL of the parents are present, so this notion that the parents were not present is just a flat out lie. I don't deny that there are people in prison that were treated unjustly by the police. There's just no evidence of that fact here. In fact, when the police originally picked up two of the boys, the police didn't know anything about the woman yet. They were only aware of one of the men that had been assaulted. Yet several of the kids made comments about the woman jogger. Some of the kids talked about how "Rudy" took her bag and it had a walkman in it. Rudy was a nickname for Reyes. How did the kids know about the walkman if they weren't involved? Several of the boys had mud all over their clothing and even had blood and semen in their pants. The female jogger had been left in 2" of water for 4 hours before police found her, washing away most of the evidence. Let's not forget that this was 1989 where DNA evidence collection and knowledge was in it's infancy. One of them led the police to the exact location that she was found where he made the comment, "I knew she was bleeding, but damn. That's a lot of blood." Many of the kids friends came forward and said that the kids were bragging about just raping someone.

All of the doctors that treated the victim said that her wounds were consistent with multiple assailants. Markings on her body were consistent with multiple people abusing her. The victim herself, believes that there was more than one person that attacked her and was very upset when the others were let go.

Reyes was one of the attackers, but he wasn't alone. He only came forward because he had something to gain. He was already going to be in prison for a long time, but he was given easier treatment for "confessing". Many of the details Reyes gave were inconsistent with how the crime was committed. Notably the fact that Reyes was left handed and demonstrated hitting her from behind with a pipe, yet she was hit on the right side, not the left.

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I will also respond to this nonsense.

There was NO WRONGDOING by police and prosecutors in 1989. That was the statement of the Corporation Counsel of the City of New York (the city’s lawyer), who reviewed all evidence of the original investigation, in 2014. It was also the statement of the District Attorney of New York County.

What evidence do you have that they were coerced? You do realize that you can go look up the original video's of the confessions, and ALL of the parents are present, so this notion that the parents were not present is just a flat out lie. I don't deny that there are people in prison that were treated unjustly by the police. There's just no evidence of that fact here. In fact, when the police originally picked up two of the boys, the police didn't know anything about the woman yet. They were only aware of one of the men that had been assaulted. Yet several of the kids made comments about the woman jogger. Some of the kids talked about how "Rudy" took her bag and it had a walkman in it. Rudy was a nickname for Reyes. How did the kids know about the walkman if they weren't involved? Several of the boys had mud all over their clothing and even had blood and semen in their pants. One of them led the police to the exact location that she was found where he made the comment, "I knew she was bleeding, but damn. That's a lot of blood." Many of the kids friends came forward and said that the kids were bragging about just raping someone.

All of the doctors that treated the victim said that her wounds were consistent with multiple assailants. Markings on her body were consistent with multiple people abusing her. The victim herself, believes that there was more than one person that attacked her and was very upset when the others were let go.

Reyes was one of the attackers, but he wasn't alone. He only came forward because he had something to gain. He was was already going to be in prison for a long time, but he was given easier treatment for "confessing". Many of the details Reyes gave were inconsistent with how the crime was committed. Notably the fact that Reyes was left handed and demonstrated hitting her from behind with a pipe, yet she was hit on the right side, not the left.

Wow, you are a piece of work. If what I said was untrue, then why were the Central park 5 COMPLETELY exonerated and released from prison?

I can't believe that you went here. I don't know your age but your are showing that you are either ignorant or youngster or both. Just just said that the Corporation Counsel of the City of New York (the city’s lawyer) and the
District Attorney of New York County. said that there was "no wrongdoing" by police and prosecutors. Dude, that is their job to resprepresent the city in which during law suits and other city matters. The Corporation Counsel of the City of New York (the city’s lawyer) in particular is just like a corporate lawyer for a large corporation. They council the corporation, the city in this instance in all legal matters of the city. In other words, they are like a defense attorney representing a client. then of course the District Attorney of New York County will say that. They are the entity that charged the Central Park 5 in the first place. Duh.

As far as the confessions. The confessions were made in front of their parents. However, the hours of the police interrogations were NOT in front of the parents.

So, perhaps the doctors were correct that there wounds were consistent with multiple assailants. Those wounds were not caused by the Central Park 5. No DNA or any other forensics place the Central Park 5 at the crime scene.

So, again why were the Central Park 5 COMPLETELY exonerated?
Wow, you are a piece of work. If what I said was untrue, then why were the Central park 5 COMPLETELY exonerated and released from prison?
They were NEVER exonerated. That's a false statement that the media keeps using, but it's not true.

"In December, 2002, the District Attorney’s Office agreed to set aside the verdicts in the original cases on the basis of newly discovered evidence. In that circumstance, the usual practice is to order a retrial of the case, including the new evidentiary findings. In this instance, since the five defendants had served their prison sentences, it made no sense to try them again for the crimes of which they had already been convicted.

McCray, Santana, Richardson, Salaam, and Wise were NEVER EXONERATED (despite the fact that journalists and filmmakers mistakenly use that term). Reyes’ claim was only relevant to the charges relating to the female jogger – Trisha Meili – and did nothing to clear the five defendants of the other brutal assaults and robberies in the park on April 19, 1989. The penalty for attacking and injuring one of the male joggers was the same, according to the law, as the rape of Meili.

In 2014, Mayor Bill DeBlasio acted on his campaign promise to Al Sharpton and directed his Corporation Counsel to settle the civil lawsuit (which the city had been fighting for more than a decade under Mayor Michael Bloomberg) brought by the five defendants in 2003. At the time of the settlement, Corporation Counsel Zachary Carter stated that there had been NO WRONGDOING BY POLICE AND PROSECUTORS."
I can't believe that you went here. I don't know your age but your are showing that you are either ignorant or youngster or both. Just just said that the Corporation Counsel of the City of New York (the city’s lawyer) and the
District Attorney of New York County. said that there was "no wrongdoing" by police and prosecutors. Dude, that is their job to resprepresent the city in which during law suits and other city matters. The Corporation Counsel of the City of New York (the city’s lawyer) in particular is just like a corporate lawyer for a large corporation. They council the corporation, the city in this instance in all legal matters of the city. In other words, they are like a defense attorney representing a client. then of course the District Attorney of New York County will say that. They are the entity that charged the Central Park 5 in the first place. Duh.
The people in the District Attorney's office and others that reviewed the information were not the people that tried the case and have no reason to protect those that did. NOBODY has ever found any wrongdoing by the police. Anyone claiming otherwise is listening to the words of those convicted and nothing else.
As far as the confessions. The confessions were made in front of their parents. However, the hours of the police interrogations were NOT in front of the parents.
Where's the evidence? Show me the evidence. Otherwise you're basing your opinion on a myth.
So, perhaps the doctors were correct that there wounds were consistent with multiple assailants. Those wounds were not caused by the Central Park 5. No DNA or any other forensics place the Central Park 5 at the crime scene.
Did you miss the part where she was rolling around in 2" of water for 4 hours? Most of the evidence had been washed away. You are forgetting that they found semen in the pants of a couple of the boys and several kids friends came forward saying the kids bragged about the rape. Also, how did they know about "Rudy" (Reyes) and that he took her walkman?
So, again why were the Central Park 5 COMPLETELY exonerated?
They were never exonerated. They would have had to go back to trial for that to happen. They were never tried again because they had already served their sentence.

You keep calling me a piece of work, but I'm the one following the facts here. You're choosing to ignore them.
They were NEVER exonerated. That's a false statement that the media keeps using, but it's not true.

"In December, 2002, the District Attorney’s Office agreed to set aside the verdicts in the original cases on the basis of newly discovered evidence. In that circumstance, the usual practice is to order a retrial of the case, including the new evidentiary findings. In this instance, since the five defendants had served their prison sentences, it made no sense to try them again for the crimes of which they had already been convicted.

McCray, Santana, Richardson, Salaam, and Wise were NEVER EXONERATED (despite the fact that journalists and filmmakers mistakenly use that term). Reyes’ claim was only relevant to the charges relating to the female jogger – Trisha Meili – and did nothing to clear the five defendants of the other brutal assaults and robberies in the park on April 19, 1989. The penalty for attacking and injuring one of the male joggers was the same, according to the law, as the rape of Meili.

In 2014, Mayor Bill DeBlasio acted on his campaign promise to Al Sharpton and directed his Corporation Counsel to settle the civil lawsuit (which the city had been fighting for more than a decade under Mayor Michael Bloomberg) brought by the five defendants in 2003. At the time of the settlement, Corporation Counsel Zachary Carter stated that there had been NO WRONGDOING BY POLICE AND PROSECUTORS."

The people in the District Attorney's office and others that reviewed the information were not the people that tried the case and have no reason to protect those that did. NOBODY has ever found any wrongdoing by the police. Anyone claiming otherwise is listening to the words of those convicted and nothing else.

Where's the evidence? Show me the evidence. Otherwise you're basing your opinion on a myth.

Did you miss the part where she was rolling around in 2" of water for 4 hours? Most of the evidence had been washed away. You are forgetting that they found semen in the pants of a couple of the boys and several kids friends came forward saying the kids bragged about the rape. Also, how did they know about "Rudy" (Reyes) and that he took her walkman?

They were never exonerated. They would have had to go back to trial for that to happen. They were never tried again because they had already served their sentence.

You keep calling me a piece of work, but I'm the one following the facts here. You're choosing to ignore them.
Facts. You are the one speculating that evidence was rubbed off while rolling in mud. For the sake of argument that he did roll in mud. If the evidence was washed away, there is no evidence present in court. You would make a horrible prosecutor. Even then they still had enough DNA to match the real, confessed rapist.

You are exonerated when new evidence is discovered that places you no where near the crime. That evidence was DNA AND confession of the person that actually did the crime. Plus any other forensics that does not place them near the crime scene. The Central Park 5 sentence was vacated. That means exoneration sir.
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Wow, you are a piece of work. If what I said was untrue, then why were the Central park 5 COMPLETELY exonerated and released from prison?

I can't believe that you went here. I don't know your age but your are showing that you are either ignorant or youngster or both. Just just said that the Corporation Counsel of the City of New York (the city’s lawyer) and the
District Attorney of New York County. said that there was "no wrongdoing" by police and prosecutors. Dude, that is their job to resprepresent the city in which during law suits and other city matters. The Corporation Counsel of the City of New York (the city’s lawyer) in particular is just like a corporate lawyer for a large corporation. They council the corporation, the city in this instance in all legal matters of the city. In other words, they are like a defense attorney representing a client. then of course the District Attorney of New York County will say that. They are the entity that charged the Central Park 5 in the first place. Duh.

As far as the confessions. The confessions were made in front of their parents. However, the hours of the police interrogations were NOT in front of the parents.

So, perhaps the doctors were correct that there wounds were consistent with multiple assailants. Those wounds were not caused by the Central Park 5. No DNA or any other forensics place the Central Park 5 at the crime scene.

So, again why were the Central Park 5 COMPLETELY exonerated?
Here is a BLACK police officer that was the man to bring in one of the 5. Says the idea that they weren't involved is ridiculous.

"The cops were barely out of the park when they saw them. Reynolds recalled, 'There were 30 of them on the move. There's only two of us so, you know, clearly we're not going to get all of them. Long story short we got five of them.'

Two were Raymond Santana - who had, Reynolds said, been leading the pack - and Kevin Richardson who started crying in the back of the squad car.

Reynolds said, 'He [Richardson] started crying and saying that he 'knew who did the murder'. He said it was Antron McCray and he would tell us where he lived.'

The officers assumed he was talking about Loughlin who was beaten unconscious.

Back at the precinct Reynolds began processing the arrests, reaching out to their parents and writing up appearance tickets for the boys who, as juveniles, would have to return to family court at a later date.

Reynolds' partner asked Santana and Stephen Lopez, a member of the group he was arrested alongside, what they were doing out making trouble and why weren't they with their girlfriends instead.

According to Reynolds, 'Santana said, 'I already got mine,' and they kind of laughed. I just assumed it was an in-joke. It only became significant after we learned what had happened to the jogger.'

Reynolds couldn't release any of them or complete the mounds of paperwork required by their juvenile status until their parents had shown up
Facts. You are the one speculating that evidence was rubbed off while rolling in mud. For the sake of argument that he did roll in mud. If the evidence was washed away, there is no evidence present in court. You would make a horrible prosecutor. Even then they still had enough DNA to match the real, confessed rapist.
I speculated nothing. I read what a medical professional stated in a report. You're making accusations here and you're not even looking at the evidence/facts.

You are exonerated when new evidence is discovered that places you no where near the crime. That evidence was DNA AND confession of the person that actually did the crime. Plus any other forensics that does not place them near the crime scene. The Central Park 5 sentence was vacated. That means exoneration sir.
You do understand that they had more evidence than just the confessions right?

Here's more from the article that interviewed the black police officer that was part of the investigation.

"While the boys were waiting, at around 1.30am, the call came in that a female jogger had been found in the park, raped and beaten to within an inch of her life.

The detectives responding to the crime had been told that Reynolds had arrested five out of a group of about 30 kids 'wilding' in the park. Now they instructed Reynolds not to let them go.

He recalled, 'They said, 'Look, we don't think these kids have anything to do with it but they were up there at the same time that she was attacked. They might have seen something so we're going to come down and debrief them.'

Reynolds was in the room for all of those interviews. He said, 'Their parents are there, they're getting their rights read. We ask them what happened in the park?'

According to Reynolds they did not ask the kids about the rape directly. The first two kids told almost identical stories. They said they'd been in the park with a bunch of kids who were beating people up but they didn't touch anybody.

Reynolds wrote them up and let them go home.

Then, he said, 'The third kid is Kevin Richardson. He's there with his mother. We read him his rights. We ask him what happened. He said the exact same thing the other kids said - everyone else was beating people up but I didn't touch anyone.'

Then one of the detectives noticed he had a scratch on his face. They asked him how he'd got it and at first he blamed Reynolds's partner for the injury.

When told the officer was next door and would be asked if that was true Richardson changed his story.

Reynolds said, 'He said, "Okay, it was the female jogger." And I'll be honest with you I almost fell off my seat because I was not expecting him to say that.

'And then he starts to go into the story of the attack on the jogger. No coercion. We didn't even think he was involved. He starts to give it up right there in front of us.'

Ultimately police questioned 37 boys and, contrary to Netflix's dramatic depiction, there was nothing random or rushed in the five who were ultimately charged.

They became the Central Park Five, he said, not because cops were anxious to pin the crime on someone but because they implicated themselves and each other when interviewed.

In DuVernay's drama particular attention is given to Korey Wise's story. He is shown accompanying his friend Salaam to the station, an act of loyalty that sees him embroiled in the case when he wasn't even on the cops' radar.

Reynolds is exasperated by this. He said: 'Korey Wise was named by other participants in the wilding that day. We went specifically to look for him.

'When detectives asked a couple of people in front of their building if they had seen him they said they saw him earlier and he said, "Y'all better stay away from me because the cops are after me."'

When they asked him why, Reynolds said, the people in front of the building stated that Wise had told them: 'You see that woman in Central Park last night? That was us.'

This account was committed to written statements.

Reynolds also pointed to the fact that the first thing Wise did when he got home late on April 19 was wash the clothes he'd been wearing.

When they went to pick up Antron McCray - whom Reynolds had earlier let go - the detective asked him to go and get the clothes he had been wearing the night before.

Reynolds said, 'He comes back out and he's got on a sweat suit. The front of it is completely covered with mud from head to toe. What could he possibly be doing that he's completely flat in mud?'"

He was covered in mud because the jogger was laying in water.
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Impressive...Gotta be one serious next-level racist, conspiracy theory lunatic to still believe in the validity of the indictment of the Central Park 5.
I speculated nothing. I read what a medical professional stated in a report. You're making accusations here and you're not even looking at the evidence/facts.

You do understand that they had more evidence than just the confessions right?

Here's more from the article that interviewed the black police officer that was part of the investigation.

"While the boys were waiting, at around 1.30am, the call came in that a female jogger had been found in the park, raped and beaten to within an inch of her life.

The detectives responding to the crime had been told that Reynolds had arrested five out of a group of about 30 kids 'wilding' in the park. Now they instructed Reynolds not to let them go.

He recalled, 'They said, 'Look, we don't think these kids have anything to do with it but they were up there at the same time that she was attacked. They might have seen something so we're going to come down and debrief them.'

Reynolds was in the room for all of those interviews. He said, 'Their parents are there, they're getting their rights read. We ask them what happened in the park?'

According to Reynolds they did not ask the kids about the rape directly. The first two kids told almost identical stories. They said they'd been in the park with a bunch of kids who were beating people up but they didn't touch anybody.

Reynolds wrote them up and let them go home.

Then, he said, 'The third kid is Kevin Richardson. He's there with his mother. We read him his rights. We ask him what happened. He said the exact same thing the other kids said - everyone else was beating people up but I didn't touch anyone.'

Then one of the detectives noticed he had a scratch on his face. They asked him how he'd got it and at first he blamed Reynolds's partner for the injury.

When told the officer was next door and would be asked if that was true Richardson changed his story.

Reynolds said, 'He said, "Okay, it was the female jogger." And I'll be honest with you I almost fell off my seat because I was not expecting him to say that.

'And then he starts to go into the story of the attack on the jogger. No coercion. We didn't even think he was involved. He starts to give it up right there in front of us.'

Ultimately police questioned 37 boys and, contrary to Netflix's dramatic depiction, there was nothing random or rushed in the five who were ultimately charged.

They became the Central Park Five, he said, not because cops were anxious to pin the crime on someone but because they implicated themselves and each other when interviewed.

In DuVernay's drama particular attention is given to Korey Wise's story. He is shown accompanying his friend Salaam to the station, an act of loyalty that sees him embroiled in the case when he wasn't even on the cops' radar.

Reynolds is exasperated by this. He said: 'Korey Wise was named by other participants in the wilding that day. We went specifically to look for him.

'When detectives asked a couple of people in front of their building if they had seen him they said they saw him earlier and he said, "Y'all better stay away from me because the cops are after me."'

When they asked him why, Reynolds said, the people in front of the building stated that Wise had told them: 'You see that woman in Central Park last night? That was us.'

This account was committed to written statements.

Reynolds also pointed to the fact that the first thing Wise did when he got home late on April 19 was wash the clothes he'd been wearing.

When they went to pick up Antron McCray - whom Reynolds had earlier let go - the detective asked him to go and get the clothes he had been wearing the night before.

Reynolds said, 'He comes back out and he's got on a sweat suit. The front of it is completely covered with mud from head to toe. What could he possibly be doing that he's completely flat in mud?'"

He was covered in mud because the jogger was laying in water.
Again I ask. Why were the Central Park 5 conviction vacated, since you don’t like exonerated?

I just have to ask. Are you a flat earther? You sound like one. I’m an amateur astronomer. You won’t win the flat earth argument either.
  • Haha
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Impressive...Gotta be one serious next-level racist, conspiracy theory lunatic to still believe in the validity of the indictment of the Central Park 5.
Boilermaker03 is a stone cold racist. There are several on this forum. He fights so hard on every claim of racism. Reminds me of that old saying, “You throw a rock in a pack of dogs. The one that yipes is the one you hit.”
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Again I ask. Why were the Central Park 5 conviction vacated, since you don’t like exonerated?

I just have to ask. Are you a flat earther? You sound like one. I’m an amateur astronomer. You won’t win the flat earth argument either.
You're also a self-proclaimed student of history who has said repeatedly that Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation did not free any slaves.

I just have to ask. Are you really a Purdue grad - and in what?
Boilermaker03 is a stone cold racist. There are several on this forum. He fights so hard on every claim of racism. Reminds me of that old saying, “You throw a rock in a pack of dogs. The one that yipes is the one you hit.”
Has he called black males "boy" like the guy you voted for did ?
You're also a self-proclaimed student of history who has said repeatedly that Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation did not free any slaves.

I just have to ask. Are you really a Purdue grad - and in what?
So what slaves did Lincoln free?
So what slaves did Lincoln free?
I have told you this previously. Did you forget - or are you denying it as some type of conspiracy to make a Republican president look good?

".....the U.S. Army occupied parts of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Virginia, ... where enslaved people did immediately become free.

<and> As the U.S. army advanced and expanded its reach, more enslaved people came into its lines. In fact, historian and author William Harris estimates that more than one million enslaved people had been freed by the war’s end."

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I have told you this previously. Did you forget - or are you denying it as some type of conspiracy to make a Republican president look good?

".....the U.S. Army occupied parts of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Virginia, ... where enslaved people did immediately become free.

<and> As the U.S. army advanced and expanded its reach, more enslaved people came into its lines. In fact, historian and author William Harris estimates that more than one million enslaved people had been freed by the war’s end."

Perhaps it’s a matter of semantics. The Emancipation Proclamation was just a military document that allowed the slaves in the south, the states you mentioned to go fight for the Union army. They needed more soldiers to fight the confederate army. The Emancipation Proclamation did not free any slaves in the northern states like Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, etc.

High school history class did a disservice and did not tell the entire story. I know there is only so much that they can cover in a little time.
Again I ask. Why were the Central Park 5 conviction vacated, since you don’t like exonerated?

I just have to ask. Are you a flat earther? You sound like one. I’m an amateur astronomer. You won’t win the flat earth argument either.
What an absolutely stupid question. I'm a flat Earther because I have the audacity to see the evidence for what it is? You are just incapable of seeing things for what they are. Have you viewed ANY of the evidence/links I've sent you or are you going to pull another voter I.D. thing were you're going to stick with your false narrative because you refuse to look at the facts.

Raymond Santana has been out lying his ass off and it's easily provable. Trying to say that they didn't do ANYTHING. That they were followers. YET, many of the people that were in the group outside of the 5 fingered Santana as the leader. He was the one that planned it and he was the one taking head counts.

Boilermaker03 is a stone cold racist. There are several on this forum. He fights so hard on every claim of racism. Reminds me of that old saying, “You throw a rock in a pack of dogs. The one that yipes is the one you hit.”
If I didn't need more proof that you're a fukking moron, now you're calling me a racist without evidence. Sorry if I offend your feels because I find it necessary to refute someone being called racist when they CLEARLY aren't. You love calling people racist with no evidence. I guess this is just par for the course.
Again I ask. Why were the Central Park 5 conviction vacated, since you don’t like exonerated?

I just have to ask. Are you a flat earther? You sound like one. I’m an amateur astronomer. You won’t win the flat earth argument either.
So here's a serious question for you? Why were only those 5 charged with the rape? Why not any of the other 30+ kids that were brought in? If it was all a fabrication, why did they only pin it on them?

Amateur astronomer... man I'm a GD pilot. I know the Earth is round because I see it every time I fly.
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I have told you this previously. Did you forget - or are you denying it as some type of conspiracy to make a Republican president look good?

".....the U.S. Army occupied parts of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Virginia, ... where enslaved people did immediately become free.

<and> As the U.S. army advanced and expanded its reach, more enslaved people came into its lines. In fact, historian and author William Harris estimates that more than one million enslaved people had been freed by the war’s end."

He doesn't forget, he just ignores. Anything that proves him wrong, he blows it off and then calls the person that linked the evidence racist.
So here's a serious question for you? Why were only those 5 charged with the rape? Why not any of the other 30+ kids that were brought in? If it was all a fabrication, why did they only pin it on them?
You never answered my question. Why was the Central Park 5 convictions vacated?
So here's a serious question for you? Why were only those 5 charged with the rape? Why not any of the other 30+ kids that were brought in? If it was all a fabrication, why did they only pin it on them?

Amateur astronomer... man I'm a GD pilot. I know the Earth is round because I see it every time I fly.
I don’t know why they were the only 5 charged with rape. What I do know is that there is a lot of pressure to charge someone. Particularly when the alleged suspects are black and Latin and the victim is white. That’s certainly ain’t new.
You owe me an apology btw. You don't just get to call me a racist because you don't like my argument. I take SERIOUS offense to that because I'm nowhere near one.
Get used to it. Y’all call me a racist all the time and I’m the one that brings it up.
I don’t know why they were the only 5 charged with rape. What I do know is that there is a lot of pressure to charge someone. Particularly when the alleged suspects are black and Latin and the victim is white. That’s certainly ain’t new.
Where did you get this idea that there was pressure to charge someone?
I am speculating having been in the area years before. But yes, the blacks and Ricans wanted this stopped. They are the ones who identified the CP5. Thanks 03, but the statements that the CP5 were bragging about the assault rings true. And BNI is correct that 3-time felon, when caught on another charge, said that he alone raped her. I am sure that Sharpton used his victim mentality speeches to make sure the kids went free because they did not rape her, even though it is clear they did everything else. I believe the City even gave the CP5 money for compensation.

The discussions have changed my mind. I always like Goldwater because if he was elected in 1964, we would not have theVietnam debacle. However, I did not like that he was not for the Civil Rights Act. However, as I read BNI and reflect back on Sharpton and his hatred, I now see that Goldwater was right. We need to treat everyone equally, and when we give minorities special privileges, they become victims. We have turned into a woke society where everyone is afraid of hurting someone's feelings, like not knowing what gender, race, or religion they are. I think people have to be held accountable, and just because they don't agree with you, that does not make them racist. I appreciate 03 for having this discussion, and BNI, even though you purposely say inflammatory words, thank you for your opinion.
I am speculating having been in the area years before. But yes, the blacks and Ricans wanted this stopped. They are the ones who identified the CP5. Thanks 03, but the statements that the CP5 were bragging about the assault rings true. And BNI is correct that 3-time felon, when caught on another charge, said that he alone raped her. I am sure that Sharpton used his victim mentality speeches to make sure the kids went free because they did not rape her, even though it is clear they did everything else. I believe the City even gave the CP5 money for compensation.

The discussions have changed my mind. I always like Goldwater because if he was elected in 1964, we would not have theVietnam debacle. However, I did not like that he was not for the Civil Rights Act. However, as I read BNI and reflect back on Sharpton and his hatred, I now see that Goldwater was right. We need to treat everyone equally, and when we give minorities special privileges, they become victims. We have turned into a woke society where everyone is afraid of hurting someone's feelings, like not knowing what gender, race, or religion they are. I think people have to be held accountable, and just because they don't agree with you, that does not make them racist. I appreciate 03 for having this discussion, and BNI, even though you purposely say inflammatory words, thank you for your opinion.
All of the evidence points to the 5 starting the assault. I have no idea if they raped her or not, but they still terrorized and beat the shit out of her. Reyes came in later, asked if he could be a part and raped her. Khorey Wise knew Reyes and refereed to him as Rudy in the original police reports (which Reyes' lawyer admits in a book was a nickname for Reyes). Wise said Rudy took the girls walkman from her pouch. That is clearly written down in the police report. The police never found the pouch or walkman. It was Reyes when he confessed that mentioned the walkman again. Another one of the 5 mentioned there was a Puerto Rican in a hoodie that he didn't recognize (Reyes).

The 5 were never convicted on their confessions alone. There was plenty of physical evidence placing them at the scene (things that conveniently get left out of all the films, documentaries and news articles today). Reyes, can't remember many of the most crucial details of the crime, like how long her hair was, even though he claims to have been running behind her for quite a while. Kevin Richardson, however, gave a perfect description of what she looked like and what she was wearing.

There's just so much evidence pointing to their guilt that you have to be ignorant of the facts to believe otherwise. Sadly, the 5 are now out there claiming that they didn't do anything wrong at all. Didn't assault anybody in the park. They are completely innocent. Even though several of them admitted multiple times that they were guilty of their crimes, just not the rape all the way up until 2002.
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Perhaps it’s a matter of semantics. The Emancipation Proclamation was just a military document that allowed the slaves in the south, the states you mentioned to go fight for the Union army. They needed more soldiers to fight the confederate army. The Emancipation Proclamation did not free any slaves in the northern states like Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, etc.

High school history class did a disservice and did not tell the entire story. I know there is only so much that they can cover in a little time.
Missouri, Kentucky and Tennessee were northern states? Interesting.