Did Harris win? Did Trump lose? Agree/Disagree?

Not me but we've been through this before.

Being clear that I don't agree with your version of the facts, lying is not a treasonous act unless you are giving aid and comfort to the enemy or some such thing. If it were, trump would have more indictments than he already has.

You're a complete whackjob. Move to a socialist or fascist country where you can get your wish.
What is my wish Bob?
To have a politician who sat on the intelligence committee, that knows the truth yet spreads lies to hand cuff the leader of the free world by promoting the Russian hoax, that emboldened Russia, that divided our Country, held accountable.
And I bet you are against making America Great. Am I right?
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I remember you being for DeSantis but not the others. Irrelevant. Between your constant TDS and mean tweets comments it's clear you're all on board and you will defend trump on everything. And yes, no one can forget your BS caveat that you don't like his personality but like his if one doesn't affect the other.

You called him a megalomaniac. I agree with you. You think that fact doesn't affect what policies he comes up with? The actions he takes?
Once again, you fail in your ability to separate the personality from the policymaker.
The country was unequivocally in better shape under Trump than under Biden. Period.
But there's too many dipshits in the country who looked at Biden and said....."Hmmm, he seems like a nice guy. I guess I'll vote for him".

A meglomaniac isn't necessarily a bad thing. Most people in that level of power have those traits.
Four questions? Four answers:
  1. That's why hopefully Trump, who has been convicted through legal process, with appellate opportunities and with the best lawyers money can buy, will be in jail soon. Just like legal process produced hundreds of convictions with consequences from both J6 and the summer riots in Minneapolis and Seattle.
A made up concocted charges and trial from a democrat DA with a very political agenda. Trump will never see jail time.
  1. Because George Floyd is the symbol of a bigger problem that people gave attention to... and because of that attention it has improved. It's not because he was a good guy - he wasn't.
George Floyd was a multiple time convicted felon who couldn't follow the law. He rolled the dice with his life be believing the rules didn't apply to him. He also did of a drug overdose and a cardiovascular event, not someone with their knee on his back (because he was resisting arrest and wouldn't comply with police instruction).
  1. For media sources that are inclined to be friendly to her? Well shoot; that's how it works for all sides like it or not. But not if you consider Fox the main stream media - and they are the biggest, 'main-est' media source. BTW, not a lot of stories debunking 'pet-eating' on Fox or Breitbart lately.
Is Fox consider part of the MSM? Not sure. I would consider the big 3, (ABC, NBC, CBS) as well as the print media, which are all very liberal except for the WSJ.
  1. Because media is allowed to be wrong without criminal prosecution - once again no statutory basis for charging. The primary punishment for misinformed or biased media is in the court of public opinion.
A made up concocted charges and trial from a democrat DA with a very political agenda. Trump will never see jail time.

George Floyd was a multiple time convicted felon who couldn't follow the law. He rolled the dice with his life be believing the rules didn't apply to him. He also did of a drug overdose and a cardiovascular event, not someone with their knee on his back (because he was resisting arrest and wouldn't comply with police instruction).

Is Fox consider part of the MSM? Not sure. I would consider the big 3, (ABC, NBC, CBS) as well as the print media, which are all very liberal except for the WSJ.
So define "Main Stream Media." Not by 'which media qualify in your eyes'; but by the criteria that make a media organization "main stream."
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So define "Main Stream Media." Not by which media qualify in your eyes; but by the criteria that make a media organization "main stream."
the news outlets that don't require cable. The 'evening news' shows that a lot of people watch when they get home from work.
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the news outlets that don't require cable. The 'evening news' shows that a lot of people watch when they get home from work.
Appreciate the straightforward answer, but only about 25% of US homes qualify under your definition. Mainly very, very old people don't either have cable or a streaming cable equivalent.
What is my wish Bob?
To have a politician who sat on the intelligence committee, that knows the truth yet spreads lies to hand cuff the leader of the free world by promoting the Russian hoax, that emboldened Russia, that divided our Country, held accountable.
And I bet you are against making America Great. Am I right?
Apparently your wish is to live in a country in which a person can be arrested and tried for treason for telling lies about a political figure. I don't think I'm misunderstanding you. You said a couple times.

If that is true, you're living in the wrong country. Considering all the times MAGA brings it up, it seems that you would understand what the constitution says. In short, the very first amendment says we don't do that in this country. I'm sorry to explain this like you are a child but it seems appropriate given your desired action against a member of congress.

If you move to an authoritarian country with a strongman in control, you can get your wish........although people to tend to not speak out against those in charge as they can end up in prison or dead.

You have to take the good with the bad in a society where free speech is the standard. You don't get to pick and choose which speech is allowed and which isn't. Sounds like you want a dictator you agree with. You're on the right path.
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Apparently your wish is to live in a country in which a person can be arrested and tried for treason for telling lies about a political figure. I don't think I'm misunderstanding you. You said a couple times.

If that is true, you're living in the wrong country. Considering all the times MAGA brings it up, it seems that you would understand what the constitution says. In short, the very first amendment says we don't do that in this country. I'm sorry to explain this like you are a child but it seems appropriate given your desired action against a member of congress.

If you move to an authoritarian country with a strongman in control, you can get your wish........although people to tend to not speak out against those in charge as they can end up in prison or dead.

You have to take the good with the bad in a society where free speech is the standard. You don't get to pick and choose which speech is allowed and which isn't. Sounds like you want a dictator you agree with. You're on the right path.
Viktor Orban is calling for him
How, exactly, does one sound white? Or black? Come on, twin. Let that racism flowwwwww. Is this what you teach your grandkids too?

Get rid of that tired old word and racism accusations. Today she was with the Hispanic gathering and sure sounded like a wanna' be in that crowd. If DJT did the same, you'd be bitching like an Iranian with a new pager.
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Get rid of that tired old word and racism accusations. Today she was with the Hispanic gathering and sure sounded like a wanna' be in that crowd. If DJT did the same, you'd be bitching like an Iranian with a new pager.
I will get rid of them when you stop being racist, gramps. This isn’t that difficult. Well, it is for you apparently.
Apparently your wish is to live in a country in which a person can be arrested and tried for treason for telling lies about a political figure. I don't think I'm misunderstanding you. You said a couple times.

If that is true, you're living in the wrong country. Considering all the times MAGA brings it up, it seems that you would understand what the constitution says. In short, the very first amendment says we don't do that in this country. I'm sorry to explain this like you are a child but it seems appropriate given your desired action against a member of congress.

If you move to an authoritarian country with a strongman in control, you can get your wish........although people to tend to not speak out against those in charge as they can end up in prison or dead.

You have to take the good with the bad in a society where free speech is the standard. You don't get to pick and choose which speech is allowed and which isn't. Sounds like you want a dictator you agree with. You're on the right path.
Of course not.
But I currently live in a Country where the sitting political party took a 7 year old misdemeanor charge, against their political opponent, that had passed the statute of limitations, and somehow turned it into 34 felonies.
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Of course not.
But I currently live in a Country where the sitting political party took a 7 year old misdemeanor charge, against their political opponent, that had passed the statute of limitations, and somehow turned it into 34 felonies.
I thought republicans were the party of law and order though? So if someone is committing crimes and is convicted, isn’t that what you want?

Also, please show how the misdemeanor charge was past the statute of limitations please. Thanks.
Of course not.
But I currently live in a Country where the sitting political party took a 7 year old misdemeanor charge, against their political opponent, that had passed the statute of limitations, and somehow turned it into 34 felonies.
Well then demonstrate you are sincere and stop calling for ANYBODY to be prosecuted for free speech.
I thought republicans were the party of law and order though? So if someone is committing crimes and is convicted, isn’t that what you want?

Also, please show how the misdemeanor charge was past the statute of limitations please. Thanks.

Here you go.
#4 about half way through the article.

Here you go.
#4 about half way through the article.
Thanks for the link. I can see it both ways. Probably not the strongest item for the prosecution on its own merit but tied with everything else it was enough.
Sounds pretty racist. No surprise. You're the most racist here.
So should the Yale degrees of Justice Clarence Thomas, Dr. Ben Carson, and Dr. Henry Louis Gates be taken away since affirmative action is racist?

The founder of affirmative action was a black Republican, Arthur Fletcher who worked under the Nixon and Reagan administrations.
So should the Yale degrees of Justice Clarence Thomas, Dr. Ben Carson, and Dr. Henry Louis Gates be taken away since affirmative action is racist?

The founder of affirmative action was a black Republican, Arthur Fletcher who worked under the Nixon and Reagan administrations.
I couldn't careless about any of them. Just don't be out here on your high horse calling others racist, when you believe in discrimination due to race. Do you support segregation too? You just going all in? Do you want all black dormitories at Purdue?
I couldn't care less about any of them. Just don't be out here on your high horse calling others racist, when you believe in discrimination due to race. Do you support segregation too? You just going all in? Do you want all black dormitories at Purdue?
Affirmative action and DEI is not racism. By the repubs being against them both, they will never have significant black voter support. Secondly if white folks didn’t discriminate against blacks on the first place during the Jim Crow era, there wouldn’t be any need for affirmative action or DEI in the first place.
Affirmative action and DEI is not racism.

Many companies are smartly backing away from DEI. DEI isn't helpful to the workers in general, the employer & definitely the consumer. Raises costs & lowers potential employee pool. It has actually created some backlash from the consumer in many instances. And they are dropping it, or downgrading it's importance to their management practices. They have found it's just smart business.
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Many companies are smartly backing away from DEI. DEI isn't helpful to the workers in general, the employer & definitely the consumer. Raises costs & lowers potential employee pool. It has actually created some backlash from the consumer in many instances. And they are dropping it, or downgrading it's importance to their management practices. They have found it's just smart business.
They dropped it because they are racist and do not want a diverse workplace.
So should the Yale degrees of Justice Clarence Thomas, Dr. Ben Carson, and Dr. Henry Louis Gates be taken away since affirmative action is racist?

The founder of affirmative action was a black Republican, Arthur Fletcher who worked under the Nixon and Reagan administrations.
Affirmative action tells all that it aides they're not good or smart enough to do it on their own. It demeans them as well.
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Affirmative action and DEI is not racism. By the repubs being against them both, they will never have significant black voter support. Secondly if white folks didn’t discriminate against blacks on the first place during the Jim Crow era, there wouldn’t be any need for affirmative action or DEI in the first place.
Good Lord BNI....Crow is dead, and racism would be too if a certain section of the black community didn't cry it for everything.

Racism is a much maligned and mis-used word. You have the same exact rights anyone else has. By claiming it so much the meaning of the word has been totally diminished.
Affirmative action tells all that it aides they're not good or smart enough to do it on their own. It demeans them as well.
Nope. Your statement is quite intellectually deficient. So, according to you, Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, and Henry Gates were not smart enough to get into Yale? Is that what you are saying?
Good Lord BNI....Crow is dead, and racism would be too if a certain section of the black community didn't cry it for everything.

Racism is a much maligned and mis-used word. You have the same exact rights anyone else has. By claiming it so much the meaning of the word has been totally diminished.
Nope, racism would be dead if white folks wouldn’t discriminate against blacks and other ethnic groups.
Nope. Your statement is quite intellectually deficient. So, according to you, Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, and Henry Gates were not smart enough to get into Yale? Is that what you are saying?
I'm quite sure those three gentlemen would have been allowed into any college they might have chosen. Maybe you or me might not make it, but they surely would have.
Nope, racism would be dead if white folks wouldn’t discriminate against blacks and other ethnic groups.
So blacks are in no way racist to whites or others, just that whites are the only ones that are racist to blacks and others. That’s hard to believe.
So blacks are in no way racist to whites or others, just that whites are the only ones that are racist to blacks and others. That’s hard to believe.
Dude, anyone can discriminate against anyone else. But don’t be naive. Y’all know what I’m talking about. White folks discriminating against blacks during Jim Crow is what I’m talking about. And it’s still happening today under Jim Crow’s more sophisticated son, James Crow Escquire. Still overt in a some of cases but it’s more subdued and coded nowadays. If it wasn’t for that discrimination and segregation we wouldn’t need to have affirmative action in the first place.
Dude, anyone can discriminate against anyone else. But don’t be naive. Y’all know what I’m talking about. White folks discriminating against blacks during Jim Crow is what I’m talking about. And it’s still happening today under Jim Crow’s more sophisticated son, James Crow Escquire. Still overt in a some of cases but it’s more subdued and coded nowadays. If it wasn’t for that discrimination and segregation we wouldn’t need to have affirmative action in the first place.
There is more discrimination against whites and Asians in America than against blacks. Sorry that hurts your feelings. Affirmative action is just revenge racism. It's still racism.
There is more discrimination against whites and Asians in America than against blacks. Sorry that hurts your feelings. Affirmative action is just revenge racism. It's still racism.
This ought to be a classic. So in your mind, how is there more discrimination against whites and Asians?
Dude, anyone can discriminate against anyone else. But don’t be naive. Y’all know what I’m talking about. White folks discriminating against blacks during Jim Crow is what I’m talking about. And it’s still happening today under Jim Crow’s more sophisticated son, James Crow Escquire. Still overt in a some of cases but it’s more subdued and coded nowadays. If it wasn’t for that discrimination and segregation we wouldn’t need to have affirmative action in the first place.
That’s not what you said so that’s why I responded. With DEI today if one were to consider racism it would be against the white race. There’s no denying that not always the best candidate will be hired for a job.
That’s not what you said so that’s why I responded. With DEI today if one were to consider racism it would be against the white race. There’s no denying that not always the best candidate will be hired for a job.
Y'all always assume that the black person that is hired due to affirmative action or DEI is not qualified. But that's why we've had affirmative action and now DEI because historically qualified black people have been passed up for employment or education.

Then when it comes to legacy admissions, particularly in the IVY League schools, that's the biggest fault in my opinion. Bush the Younger comes to mind. Y'all say nothing about legacy admissions. How many legacy students are not qualified to enter these schools but get in because of their parents? But the Asian student law suit blamed affirmative action without looking into the legacy admission issue.