Of course there is climate change. Always has been always will be. Does man contribute? Of course! The worst are India and China. We are a ridiculous fraction, and probably contribute more by sending private jets to multiple million dollar environmental conferences, where we foot most of the bill. Scientists have received hundreds of millions to research the coming of one big ice cap, the destruction of the ozone layer, global warning, and the contention that the oceans are all going to rise in a foot in ten years. Do you think Obama believes it? If so, why did he spend tens of millions on a mansion on a penninsula?
Since the fifties, I have been an advocate for clean water, saving energy, composting, and recycling. This will be a bigger factor on saving the environment IMO. Also in finding bacteria called Ideonella sakaiensis that eats plastic.
Vaccines have gottten rid of many diseases. Over the past thirty years, at least 80% of parents who had their kids get vaccines around age two have sworn that coincided with their child getting autism. When the media continues to state that there is NO link, I definitely beliefve they are lying. Vaccines contribute to autism - period. As an engineer, you must conclude that is too much of a coincidence. BTW, I also think there are rays in the stmostsphere that contribute too, but that is hard to prove.