Democrat vs Republican kids


Gold Member
Oct 5, 2004
Valparaiso, IN
The whole video is interesting, but this start point is where you can see a massive divide. Democrat kids were less open to the idea of having a Republican friend than the other way around.

One kid called Trump like Hitler. Another said he believed the Republicans wouldn't want to see him at their house because he was black. Sad.

The whole video is interesting, but this start point is where you can see a massive divide. Democrat kids were less open to the idea of having a Republican friend than the other way around.

One kid called Trump like Hitler. Another said he believed the Republicans wouldn't want to see him at their house because he was black. Sad.

Dude, you act like you are surprised by the video responses of the participants. Chump is a polarizing figure.

As far as believing that republicans won’t want him over because he is black, that is the state of the current Republican Party and why blacks don’t fool with them. I’ve been telling y’all that for the longest. You say it’s sad, perhaps it is. Sad because of the repub il-treatment of blacks since the mid 1960s.

I bet more people will vote for Harris because they like her than the number of people that will vote for Chump because they like him.
Dude, you act like you are surprised by the video responses of the participants. Chump is a polarizing figure.

As far as believing that republicans won’t want him over because he is black, that is the state of the current Republican Party and why blacks don’t fool with them. I’ve been telling y’all that for the longest. You say it’s sad, perhaps it is. Sad because of the repub il-treatment of blacks since the mid 1960s.

I bet more people will vote for Harris because they like her than the number of people that will vote for Chump because they like him.
I bet more people will vote for Harris because they don't like Trump than will vote for Harris because they believe that she's competent.
I bet more people will vote for Harris because they don't like Trump than will vote for Harris because they believe that she's competent.
Well either way, both scenarios speak of the jacked up nature of Chump and that he should be no where near the White House.
I bet more people will vote for Harris because they don't like Trump than will vote for Harris because they believe that she's competent.
I bet more idiots vote for Harris because they like crime, inflation, and illegal immigrants.
I bet more people will vote for Harris because they like her than the number of people that will vote for Chump because they like him.

This used to be false. But Harris is making inroads. While Trump has owned the enthusiasm gap forever (ie have a voters that like him). Harris has definitely closed that gap.

Ironically she did so over falsely using the abortion issue. Which shows how gullible DEM voters are on this issue, as it is NO longer a national Presidential issue, and is a state issue for women to discuss and decide in each state.
This used to be false. But Harris is making inroads. While Trump has owned the enthusiasm gap forever (ie have a voters that like him). Harris has definitely closed that gap.

Ironically she did so over falsely using the abortion issue. Which shows how gullible DEM voters are on this issue, as it is NO longer a national Presidential issue, and is a state issue for women to discuss and decide in each state.
But….but y’all keep reminding me of the electoral college votes. If the Dems keep hammering the abortion issue in the key states, that’s going to be a problem for women at least for Chump.
But….but y’all keep reminding me of the electoral college votes. If the Dems keep hammering the abortion issue in the key states, that’s going to be a problem for women at least for Chump.

You are correct, Dem voters are dumb and easily manipulated by emotion.

This is a state issue ONLY. Period. Dem voters don't seem to know that. Uniformed sheep.

You are correct that both Dem media and the Harris campaign have preyed on their ignorance. They work well together to manipulate their sheep.

Could be an election day difference.....that amounts to nothing on abortion.....but 4 years of listening to drunk Hallmark.
You are correct, Dem voters are dumb and easily manipulated by emotion.

This is a state issue ONLY. Period. Dem voters don't seem to know that. Uniformed sheep.

You are correct that both Dem media and the Harris campaign have preyed on their ignorance. They work well together to manipulate their sheep.

Could be an election day difference.....that amounts to nothing on abortion.....but 4 years of listening to drunk Hallmark.
I’m not just talking about the Dems. When it comes to pro choice that’s speaking to the choir. I’m mostly talking about independent and Republican women in the key states that don’t want the government, state or otherwise to tell them what they can do with their bodies.
I’m not just talking about the Dems. When it comes to pro choice that’s speaking to the choir. I’m mostly talking about independent and Republican women in the key states that don’t want the government, state or otherwise to tell them what they can do with their bodies.

And K2 is playing them on the issue.
Too emotional to know they are getting played .

But a manipulative masterpiece by the K2 campaign and the Dem media complex. Might work?
And K2 is playing them on the issue.
Too emotional to know they are getting played .

But a manipulative masterpiece by the K2 campaign and the Dem media complex. Might work?
Well that’s called politics. What about Chump playing on emotions on the immigrant issue. There’s plenty of emotions going on there. Then he is even putting one ethnic group against the other with this black job BS.
Well that’s called politics. What about Chump playing on emotions on the immigrant issue. There’s plenty of emotions going on there. Then he is even putting one ethnic group against the other with this black job BS.

At least it's a national issue.
Abortion....state only.