SAVE THE DATE : Democratic Convention Schedule:
Monday, July 25, 2016
11:15 AM
Free lunch, medical marijuana, and bus ride to the Convention, with forms distributed for Food Stamp enrollment.
1:30 PM
Group Voter Registration for Illegal Aliens.
3:15 PM
Rachel Dolezal, (white woman and former Seattle NAACP Chairwoman, and Bruce Jenner (former male olympian, turned transgendered) co-present: “Being the Real You.”
4:30 PM
Hillary Clinton speech: “How to Bank $200 Million as a public servant and claim to be dead broke.”
4:45 PM
Seminar, moderated by Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson: “How to have a successful career without ever having a job, and still avoid paying taxes.”
5:00 PM
Medal of Freedom presentation to recipients: Army deserter Bo Bergdahl (serving with Honor and Distinction) and National Security Advisor Susan Rice.
5:30 PM
Invitation-only Autograph Session: Recipients receive souvenir photographs of Hillary and Chelsea Clinton dodging sniper fire in Bosnia.
6:30 PM
General Yea/Nay vote
At issue: recognizing Baltimore rioters and looters as “Alternative Shoppers.”
7:30 PM
Breakout Session: former president Bill Clinton advises women how to avoid the upcoming draft.
8:30 PM
White House “Semantics Committee” Meeting
General Yea/Nay vote
At issues: re-branding “Muslim Terrorism” as “Random Acts of Islamic Over-Exuberance.”
9:00 PM
Tutorial: “Liberal Bias in Media: How we can make it work for you!”
Sponsored by CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, PBS, The Washington Post, and The New York Times, with Guest Speaker, Brian Williams.
9:15 PM
Short Film Screening with Michael Moore: “Tribute to the Brave ‘Freedom Fighters’ still incarcerated at GITMO.”
9:45 PM
Personal Finance Seminar: “Businesses Don’t Create Jobs,” Keynote speaker, Hillary Clinton.
11:00 PM
Short film, “Setting Up Your Individual, Illegal Email Server While Also Serving in A Cabinet Post and How to Pretend It’s No Big Deal,” Introduced by Hillary Clinton.
11:30 PM
Official Nomination of Hillary Clinton as the Democratic presidential nominee, hosted by Bill Maher and Chris Matthews.
Monday, July 25, 2016
11:15 AM
Free lunch, medical marijuana, and bus ride to the Convention, with forms distributed for Food Stamp enrollment.
1:30 PM
Group Voter Registration for Illegal Aliens.
3:15 PM
Rachel Dolezal, (white woman and former Seattle NAACP Chairwoman, and Bruce Jenner (former male olympian, turned transgendered) co-present: “Being the Real You.”
4:30 PM
Hillary Clinton speech: “How to Bank $200 Million as a public servant and claim to be dead broke.”
4:45 PM
Seminar, moderated by Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson: “How to have a successful career without ever having a job, and still avoid paying taxes.”
5:00 PM
Medal of Freedom presentation to recipients: Army deserter Bo Bergdahl (serving with Honor and Distinction) and National Security Advisor Susan Rice.
5:30 PM
Invitation-only Autograph Session: Recipients receive souvenir photographs of Hillary and Chelsea Clinton dodging sniper fire in Bosnia.
6:30 PM
General Yea/Nay vote
At issue: recognizing Baltimore rioters and looters as “Alternative Shoppers.”
7:30 PM
Breakout Session: former president Bill Clinton advises women how to avoid the upcoming draft.
8:30 PM
White House “Semantics Committee” Meeting
General Yea/Nay vote
At issues: re-branding “Muslim Terrorism” as “Random Acts of Islamic Over-Exuberance.”
9:00 PM
Tutorial: “Liberal Bias in Media: How we can make it work for you!”
Sponsored by CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, PBS, The Washington Post, and The New York Times, with Guest Speaker, Brian Williams.
9:15 PM
Short Film Screening with Michael Moore: “Tribute to the Brave ‘Freedom Fighters’ still incarcerated at GITMO.”
9:45 PM
Personal Finance Seminar: “Businesses Don’t Create Jobs,” Keynote speaker, Hillary Clinton.
11:00 PM
Short film, “Setting Up Your Individual, Illegal Email Server While Also Serving in A Cabinet Post and How to Pretend It’s No Big Deal,” Introduced by Hillary Clinton.
11:30 PM
Official Nomination of Hillary Clinton as the Democratic presidential nominee, hosted by Bill Maher and Chris Matthews.