Dave Ramsey telling it like it is

100% of Customers gets screwed everytime minimum wage is raised for the 1% on them.

Ramsey made a great comparison to how raising corporate taxes screws 100% of consumers.

This is basic, yet so so many don't understand.
According to @BNIBoiler grocery stores and restaurants should just eat the pay increases.
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Sure absorb that on the 1.5-2.5% profit they might make. That is just ignorant.

But Dems like BNI demonstrate how so many just do not understand basic economics.
Democrats understand economics like this. Spend what money they have on whatever, lotto tickets, nails, tattoos, drugs, alcohol, weed, then can’t pay the bills. Government comes in with a new program for free this or that.
Democrats understand economics like this. Spend what money they have on whatever, lotto tickets, nails, tattoos, drugs, alcohol, weed, then can’t pay the bills. Government comes in with a new program for free this or that.
It used to make me shake my head. Someone would constantly be on FB asking where to get the best new phone, hottest tattoo, piercing, or vape pen. Along about Thanksgiving the same person would be begging for assistance for presents for their kids for Christmas because they're broke. Today, I know longer see that. I see young parents that are having trouble buying food after paying rent and for school supplies. The reality is that these are now working parents that fear not being able to feed their family.
Democrats understand economics like this. Spend what money they have on whatever, lotto tickets, nails, tattoos, drugs, alcohol, weed, then can’t pay the bills. Government comes in with a new program for free this or that.
What is the point of blanket statements like this other than a really lame attempt at gaslighting? It’s also just a really stupid thing to say given that I’m sure you must know many democrats who absolutely do not think this way at all.
What is the point of blanket statements like this other than a really lame attempt at gaslighting? It’s also just a really stupid thing to say given that I’m sure you must know many democrats who absolutely do not think this way at all.
Sure there are democrats that don’t think or do those things. However, there is no denying that democrats have given people various programs for just about everything to gain votes to bail out people for poor spending responsibilities for their families.
Sure there are democrats that don’t think or do those things. However, there is no denying that democrats have given people various programs for just about everything to gain votes to bail out people for poor spending responsibilities for their families.
Like what? Be specific. Because otherwise all you’re doing is trying to bob and weave (poorly, I might add) around your idiotic statement.
Like what? Be specific. Because otherwise all you’re doing is trying to bob and weave (poorly, I might add) around your idiotic statement.
Seriously if you don’t know what the Democrats have given people over the years, not sure of idiotic statements. You might need to check yourself out.
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Seriously if you don’t know what the Democrats have given people over the years, not sure of idiotic statements. You might need to check yourself out.
Well you made the claims, so one would think you would have links right at the ready to back your claims up. Then again, when you're full of shit like you are, it's no surprise that all you have is 'trust me, bro'.
Sure there are democrats that don’t think or do those things. However, there is no denying that democrats have given people various programs for just about everything to gain votes to bail out people for poor spending responsibilities for their families.
Some surveys suggest that 12% of the voters would sell their vote for $25 and 20% for $50-$100. Now go to an urban area in a battleground state that might be decided 20,000+/- voters and pay them especially in a ballot harvest and you now have known votes for less money than buying advertisements that you hope leads to the vote you desire. Although it is more costly than a pack of cigarettes and a free bus ride, now you can watch them vote for their pay.
Some surveys suggest that 12% of the voters would sell their vote for $25 and 20% for $50-$100. Now go to an urban area in a battleground state that might be decided 20,000+/- voters and pay them especially in a ballot harvest and you now have known votes for less money than buying advertisements that you hope leads to the vote you desire. Although it is more costly than a pack of cigarettes and a free bus ride, now you can watch them vote for their pay.
What are these 'some surveys' you're referring to?

Also LOL at the ballot harvesting bit. The level of paranoia that some of you on here let develop in your brains is something. I mean it's almost admirable.
100% of Customers gets screwed everytime minimum wage is raised for the 1% on them.

Ramsey made a great comparison to how raising corporate taxes screws 100% of consumers.

This is basic, yet so so many don't understand.
Went into Panera's today in Indy at their new store on Michigan Road. Kiosks right at the front door to order. The owners can't continue to pay wages that are ridiculous for restaurants which unless you're a manager was never intended to be a career job.
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What is the point of blanket statements like this other than a really lame attempt at gaslighting? It’s also just a really stupid thing to say given that I’m sure you must know many democrats who absolutely do not think this way at all.
That use of the word gaslighting....Do you know where it comes from originally?

Also...According to a 2022 Washington Post report, it had become a "trendy buzzword" frequently improperly used to describe ordinary disagreements, rather than those situations that align with the word's historical definition.

You racism.
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That use of the word gaslighting....Do you know where it comes from originally?

Also...According to a 2022 Washington Post report, it had become a "trendy buzzword" frequently improperly used to describe ordinary disagreements, rather than those situations that align with the word's historical definition.

You racism.
I wasn’t disagreeing with him, though. I was calling him out. Sorry you just wasted your time, twin.
Well you made the claims, so one would think you would have links right at the ready to back your claims up. Then again, when you're full of shit like you are, it's no surprise that all you have is 'trust me, bro'.
Really hard to believe a supposed Purdue grad (fraud) can be so dumb in not knowing what programs the Democrats have given to people over the years.
Really hard to believe a supposed Purdue grad (fraud) can be so dumb in not knowing what programs the Democrats have given to people over the years.

I’ll happily show you my diploma. I just find it curious that you make a ridiculous set of claims and are then unwilling to put your money where your keyboard warrior hands are, that’s all. Mighty curious.
Glad you believe i wasted my time when I didn't.
Oh I fully believe you don’t think you wasted your time. I have zero doubt after you hit copy/paste that you crossed “have you owned a lib today?” right off your list of daily affirmations. Good for you, twin. Good for you.
Went into Panera's today in Indy at their new store on Michigan Road. Kiosks right at the front door to order. The owners can't continue to pay wages that are ridiculous for restaurants which unless you're a manager was never intended to be a career job.

Another example of how minimum wage screws the public. In this case wages so high that young workers are out of a job-replaced by technology. So many youth that learn valuable skills in that first job don't get them when needed. Society then has to train more at a later level in life.....perhaps when they have a different level of receptiveness to concepts like being on time, responsibility, work ethic, reliability and concentration.
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Another example of how minimum wage screws the public. In this case wages so high that young workers are out of a job-replaced by technology. So many youth that learn valuable skills in that first job don't get them when needed. Society then has to train more at a later level in life.....perhaps when they have a different level of receptiveness to concepts like being on time, responsibility, work ethic, reliability and concentration.
On many occasions, there is no wage that is low enough to justify keeping an employee over technology. Because that technology is often a one time investment and thereafter free. It shows up on time, never gets sick, maybe occasionally glitches, but compared to inherently flawed human beings? There is often no comparison.

Do you pay your bills on-line? Is that because higher minimum wages screw the public out of bookkeepers that can process mailed, paper checks? No; it is because digital payment is more efficient and far cheaper than any employee wage.

Of course, there are some jobs that require human interaction. But business owners are going to be bottom-line oriented, and technology often is so far and away an actuarial savings that even a low (or no) minimum wage will not be able to compete. So for a corner diner where people go to sit and interact with the waitress? That won't go techno. But a chain fast food place that can replace a cashier with a touchpad? That's a no-brainer.

Welcome to "times change!"
Sure absorb that on the 1.5-2.5% profit they might make. That is just ignorant.

But Dems like BNI demonstrate how so many just do not understand basic economics.
Dems and lefty libs like BNI only believe tax increases are good because that's what democrat leadership tells them to believe. He doesn't understand fiscal/monetary/tax policy and how it rolls down to the consumer and impacts pricing, jobs, etc.
What's not true about that statement? It's a fact that democrats rely on govt programs to a much greater extent than conservatives.
That’s not what he said though. You’re trying to defend something he didn’t say when I first replied to him.
What are these 'some surveys' you're referring to?

Also LOL at the ballot harvesting bit. The level of paranoia that some of you on here let develop in your brains is something. I mean it's almost admirable.
so, many years ago it was discussed that buying votes could be much cheaper than being hopeful your Ad was effective. Years ago it was mostly using cigarettes and then busing people to vote. If you searched on the web and I know that it censors things you will find that 12% considered selling their vote for $25 and 20% might do the same for $50 or $100. We know cigarettes were used in the past to buy votes. So, in those battle ground states where it may be 20,000 votes or less to decide...buying votes is a LOT cheaper than million dollar ADs...and they could vote right in front of you. So, if you graduated in 95 which was a guess I would have thought you knew this
so, many years ago it was discussed that buying votes could be much cheaper than being hopeful your Ad was effective. Years ago it was mostly using cigarettes and then busing people to vote. If you searched on the web and I know that it censors things you will find that 12% considered selling their vote for $25 and 20% might do the same for $50 or $100. We know cigarettes were used in the past to buy votes. So, in those battle ground states where it may be 20,000 votes or less to decide...buying votes is a LOT cheaper than million dollar ADs...and they could vote right in front of you. So, if you graduated in 95 which was a guess I would have thought you knew this
I mean this is another tremendous rambler from you, but wtf does it have to do with anything? I could have graduated yesterday and still know that this is just you wishcasting.
I mean this is another tremendous rambler from you, but wtf does it have to do with anything? I could have graduated yesterday and still know that this is just you wishcasting.
just surprised that it appears you were unaware of the cigarettes and busing years ago which is not debatable and apparently didn't also catch the efficiency and practicality of buying votes versus Ads. Years ago, they had to go to vote and a person didn't really know for certain how they voted, but with ballot harvesting it now it becomes VERY efficient in cost and response. If you graduated last year you probably have no idea about the past. I also have a bit more insight into Slick than you would ever guess...and that can be shown easy as well and has been in the past...personally knowing his bond daddy. The world is much more than finding a link you like. Do you somehow think buying votes as I stated is less efficient and not practical...and if so, why would that be?
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so, many years ago it was discussed that buying votes could be much cheaper than being hopeful your Ad was effective. Years ago it was mostly using cigarettes and then busing people to vote. If you searched on the web and I know that it censors things you will find that 12% considered selling their vote for $25 and 20% might do the same for $50 or $100. We know cigarettes were used in the past to buy votes. So, in those battle ground states where it may be 20,000 votes or less to decide...buying votes is a LOT cheaper than million dollar ADs...and they could vote right in front of you. So, if you graduated in 95 which was a guess I would have thought you knew this
That was the reason that, at least in Indiana, bars and liquor stores were closed until after the polls closed.
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That was the reason that, at least in Indiana, bars and liquor stores were closed until after the polls closed.
We know this without looking for a link. I'm a bit surprised that someone around 50 doesn't or doesn't see the realistic problems at hand just by thinking... absent a link. We know Texas removed 1.1 million people off the voter roles and should suspect similar situations existing in other states. There are a lot of opportunities for fraud voting that shouldn't be hard to understand.
just surprised that it appears you were unaware of the cigarettes and busing years ago which is not debatable and apparently didn't also catch the efficiency and practicality of buying votes versus Ads. Years ago, they had to go to vote and a person didn't really know for certain how they voted, but with ballot harvesting it now it becomes VERY efficient in cost and response. If you graduated last year you probably have no idea about the past. I also have a bit more insight into Slick than you would ever guess...and that can be shown easy as well and has been in the past...personally knowing his bond daddy. The world is much more than finding a link you like. Do you somehow think buying votes as I stated is less efficient and not practical...and if so, why would that be?
I’m quite aware of how it works, tj. Your condescension, while noted, means nothing here because I honestly have no fukking idea what point you’re actually trying to make.