Data scientist DESTROYS the BLM narrative

Where's the data to support that? Show us your source...
No, you tell me, when was the last a cop sodomized a white dude in custody? Last time a cop shot no-threat white dude 16 times? Last time cops force confessions out of whites etc. If all this happens more with white dudes in custody then you should have plenty of data to support it. Plus have some outrage about this.
No, you tell me, when was the last a cop sodomized a white dude in custody? Last time a cop shot no-threat white dude 16 times? Last time cops force confessions out of whites etc. If all this happens more with white dudes in custody then you should have plenty of data to support it. Plus have some outrage about this.
Where’s the data to back up your original assertion?
Where’s the data to back up your original assertion?
You dad. He should be able validate everything I say about policing in the black community. He knows damn well this stuff should happens more with blacks in custody. What do you think the riots in the 60’s were about? Police brutality. That never stopped in black communities.
You dad. He should be able validate everything I say about policing in the black community. He knows damn well this stuff should happens more with blacks in custody. What do you think the riots in the 60’s were about? Police brutality. That never stopped in black communities.
And again, we are reverting back to decades ago in the past. And you keep pushing the thought that this happens every single day by police to blacks and whites, more so blacks. Whites are killed more by police these days but you counter that with information from the 60s. Why do you keep doing this? You’re accomplishing nothing. Every single day you divide and act like we are being slaughtered by police completely unprovoked. Stop it. Intelligent people wouldn’t post this stuff.
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And again, we are reverting back to decades ago in the past. And you keep pushing the thought that this happens every single day by police to blacks and whites, more so blacks. Whites are killed more by police these days but you counter that with information from the 60s. Why do you keep doing this? You’re accomplishing nothing. Every single day you divide and act like we are being slaughtered by police completely unprovoked. Stop it. Intelligent people wouldn’t post this stuff.
First of all ask your dad. Secondly, again fir the sake of argument that more UNARMED whites are being killed where are the videos that today’s technology should be prevalent. Sure there maybe YouTube videos you could find. But also where is the outrage. I can’t believe white folks would let this happen if this was happening as often as y’all say.
I can’t believe white folks would let this happen if this was happening as often as y’all say.
You've been shown statistics over this before which you clearly either ignored or too ignorant to understand. My guess is it was likely a bit of both.

Since you're not black, why are you not more outraged over more white people being shot?
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You've been shown statistics over this before which you clearly either ignored or too ignorant to understand. My guess is it was likely a bit of both.

Since you're not black, why are you not more outraged over more white people being shot?
You’re ignorant
First of all ask your dad. Secondly, again fir the sake of argument that more UNARMED whites are being killed where are the videos that today’s technology should be prevalent. Sure there maybe YouTube videos you could find. But also where is the outrage. I can’t believe white folks would let this happen if this was happening as often as y’all say.
Are you looking for reasons to be outraged? Let’s start there. I haven’t read through all of your posts but you seem to never post anything positive or unifying. That could be worth looking at firstly.

Second, we know ugly things have happened in the past within all communities. We have made so much progress but our political leaders and others seem completely set on turning back the hands of time to divide us while talking us into the present day conditions being as bad as it used to be. Stop taking the bait and living in the past. Stop dividing. We all recognize history. Recognize it and move on.

Make this country a better place and have productive discussions. You’re not doing either.
No, you tell me, when was the last a cop sodomized a white dude in custody? Last time a cop shot no-threat white dude 16 times? Last time cops force confessions out of whites etc. If all this happens more with white dudes in custody then you should have plenty of data to support it. Plus have some outrage about this.
You have no data. You have nothing but single case examples. That's all you live by....
I’m mostly talking about unarmed killings. We can all agree if armed, deadly force should be used. For the sake argument that what y’all are saying that unarmed whites are killed more, I would bet that most of those are not justified. Just like the unarmed blacks killed by police.
Unarmed does not mean unjustified.
What's unjustified mean? If an officer has a split second to make a decision whether someone is pointing a real gun or a bb gun, or during a nighttime pursuit, the perp turns back towards them with something shiney in their hand (does the cop wait so see if the perp fires it to determine whether it's a phone or a gun?)

I will say, with a very high degree of certainty, that the vast, vast majority of people killed by the cops were probably doing something they shouldn't be doing, thus, the reason for LE involvement to begin with.
I'm also relatively certain that in the vast majority of these cases, had the perp complied, not resisted or fled, the outcome would be different.

Therefore, why don't we put the onus on the perp to 1) Not be doing something you're not supposed to be doing and 2) if you can't follow rule 1., then don't resist, assault or flee from the cops.
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You dad. He should be able validate everything I say about policing in the black community. He knows damn well this stuff should happens more with blacks in custody. What do you think the riots in the 60’s were about? Police brutality. That never stopped in black communities.
Tell us about the last time a cop gave you a hard time because of your skin color?
Man, you're very misguided. If I didn't know better, I'd think you were a white suburban Trump hating woman who gets all her ideas and opinions from MSNBC.
But, you actually get all your ideas from CNN, urban radio and the boys at the barber shop. Nothing is from your own life experience.
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Man, you're very misguided. If I didn't know better, I'd think you were a white suburban Trump hating woman who gets all her ideas and opinions from MSNBC.
But, you actually get all your ideas from CNN, urban radio and the boys at the barber shop. Nothing is from your own life experience.
You guys are so ignorant. So let me get this straight. If something bad happens infrequently or not at all to an individual it doesn't exist?
You guys are so ignorant. So let me get this straight. If something bad happens infrequently or not at all to an individual it doesn't exist?
Not anywhere near the extent that you claim it does.
And, I would think that if it were that prevalent, that at some point, during your 50 years, you would have experienced it.
Hell, I've been harassed more by cops in racial incidents than you have!!
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Not anywhere near the extent that you claim it does.
And, I would think that if it were that prevalent, that at some point, during your 50 years, you would have experienced it.
Hell, I've been harassed more by cops in racial incidents than you have!!
So now you say if it was more prevalent then I would have experienced it. That is not what you say when say the same thing about more unarmed whites getting killed by police. If this was a debate class, you would get an F. You know damn well you were never harassed racially by any cop.
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So now you say if it was more prevalent then I would have experienced it. That is not what you say when say the same thing about more unarmed whites getting killed by police. If this was a debate class, you would get an F. You know damn well you were never harassed racially by any cop.
More division. Do you ever stop? You’re accomplishing nothing.
You guys are so ignorant. So let me get this straight. If something bad happens infrequently or not at all to an individual it doesn't exist?
Ignorant folks don’t recognize facts and data. You don’t recognize either of those. Stop dividing and please stop saying that the information you provide is from the “black perspective” because it’s not. And I don’t care what “black talk radio” says. Stop dividing and enough of your nasty agenda. It’s not helping anything or anybody.
So now you say if it was more prevalent then I would have experienced it. That is not what you say when say the same thing about more unarmed whites getting killed by police. If this was a debate class, you would get an F. You know damn well you were never harassed racially by any cop.
7 years ago, I got pulled over twice in one day. The first time, it was a white cop and he got me for speeding. He gave me a warning.
Later that day, I got pulled over again for not coming to a complete stop before turning right on red. This time, it was a black cop and he gave me a ticket.
What else would explain this?
7 years ago, I got pulled over twice in one day. The first time, it was a white cop and he got me for speeding. He gave me a warning.
Later that day, I got pulled over again for not coming to a complete stop before turning right on red. This time, it was a black cop and he gave me a ticket.
What else would explain this?
Wow, you brought up this scenario before. You may be the dumbest poster on this site and that is saying much. You are trying to tell me that is racism.

The 1st scenario where the white cop gave you a warning is you cashing in on your white privilege. The 2nd scenario where the black cop gave you a ticket is clearly you breaking the law and you got a ticket that you deserved. Perhaps you did not like the idea that a black cop gave you a ticket.

You are ridiculous.
7 years ago, I got pulled over twice in one day. The first time, it was a white cop and he got me for speeding. He gave me a warning.
Later that day, I got pulled over again for not coming to a complete stop before turning right on red. This time, it was a black cop and he gave me a ticket.
What else would explain this?
I was pulled over three times in about two weeks about ten minutes from Southern Methodist University’s campus. I had a summer internship with a company and the commute was a bit tough.

First time was a warning. I had forgotten that the certain stretch was a speed trap the second time and I unfortunately got a ticket. The third time, what an idiot I was. I was in a hurry on a Friday, got pulled over again but explained to the officer that I’d gotten a warning and a ticket in this general area before and apologized. He laughed and said that I wasn’t even going that fast to begin with.

All three cops happened to be Caucasian. Were cops on stop one and three not racist? Was cop on stop two that gave me a ticket a racist? Race didn’t even cross my mind. They were policemen and I put myself in that situation. I learned a lesson though! No more speeding.
Wow, you brought up this scenario before. You may be the dumbest poster on this site and that is saying much. You are trying to tell me that is racism.

The 1st scenario where the white cop gave you a warning is you cashing in on your white privilege. The 2nd scenario where the black cop gave you a ticket is clearly you breaking the law and you got a ticket that you deserved. Perhaps you did not like the idea that a black cop gave you a ticket.

You are ridiculous.
Cashing in on his white privilege? Intelligent people don’t post this stuff.
So when one of these "Black Traitors" like youtuber, Officer Tatum says that the Ahmad Arbery verdict was wrong, you are telling me that I should accept that? Arbery was clearly lynched in broad daylight and this fool says that. Are you kidding me? As far as Candace Owens, I never heard what comments she may have said about the verdict. However, when the video was released Candace and others were questioning and focusing on Arbery's attire on whether or not he had running shoes. Or, saying he did not have on running shorts etc. Y'all can follow these folks if you want to. I know I ain't.

You don't have to accept anything. You are fully given the right to disagree with them but at the same time, you have to accept that they have the right to disagree with YOU! All opinions contrary to your own are shouted down (if we can call it a one man shout down) and that is what you are having trouble with. Disagreement with you does not a traitor make. What part of that is so hard for you to wrap your mind around?
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You don't have to accept anything. You are fully given the right to disagree with them but at the same time, you have to accept that they have the right to disagree with YOU! All opinions contrary to your own are shouted down (if we can call it a one man shout down) and that is what you are having trouble with. Disagreement with you does not a traitor make. What part of that is so hard for you to wrap your mind around?
So a black man that is on the side of 3 white men that lynched a black man is not a traitor? What are you talking about? You are delusional.
So a black man that is on the side of 3 white men that lynched a black man is not a traitor? What are you talking about? You are delusional.
You’re repeating yourself now because you asked me the exact same question. Do you have a life? Why do you keep doing this? Officer Tatum that you disagree with is not a traitor. You are much more delusional.
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You’re repeating yourself now because you asked me the exact same question. Do you have a life? Why do you keep doing this? Officer Tatum that you disagree with is not a traitor. You are much more delusional.
If Officer Tatum is not a traitor then what is he?
Somebody you disagree with. Are you familiar with what the word traitor means?
Yes I am.

The definition of traitor
Traitor: a person who betrays a friend, country, principle, etc.
"they see me as a traitor, a sellout to the enemy"

Officer Tatum, Candace Owens others like them betray black people every chance they get.
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Yes I am.

The definition of traitor
Traitor: a person who betrays a friend, country, principle, etc.
"they see me as a traitor, a sellout to the enemy"

Officer Tatum, Candace Owens others like them betray black people every chance they get.
Candace Owens had an opinion you disagree with so she’s a traitor that has betrayed us too? Others like them meaning others you disagree with? You don’t know what traitor means then.

Intelligent people don’t post this stuff. You’re not intelligent and to be frank, not a good father if you’re living on this board creating division and tearing others down when you could be spending time with your kids. Rise above this.
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