
It appears you’re what Regionnaires like Dakich would call “a fish.” Hook, line and sinker -- you swallow all that. Reality bites when he says during another game, “I’d like to give a big shout out to the Indiana University women’s basketball team for their 18-point blowout of arch-rival Purdue.” Incredibly complimentary, indeed.

Millions??? Hahaha. Yeah, he bathes in ESPN cash. That’s why he does endorsements for a third-tier auto dealer in Plainfield.

You just keep taking in his free-for-all gush, calculated in our case to maintain his citywide radio audience. While that’s in contrast to other iu-bred media, it’s nowhere near as insightful as someone who’s always with our team and has been so for every Purdue basketball game for the past 35 years, starting while Dakich was still in his crimson diapers deep inside swayback hall.

Usually it’s good to hear what the national audience is hearing, but when Pandering Dan (or Breathless Beth Moanin’ Monotone) is on our beat, it’s time to dial the sound from elsewhere.

Did you find his comment about the women's basketball game offensive? Was it untrue?

Sounds like you have a personal issue with Dakich that I can't really help you with.
Talking purely on the matter of replays I have always said "Why is replay only valid at certain times of the game or in certain circumstances"? Every second played is just as important as any other. Therefor, replay everything or nothing. Or give the coaches 2 challenges a game(correct or wrong) and that is it
He does get annoying because he talks soo much.
Like he gets paid for every word he says.
I do like him overall.
I've always thought DD makes comments if a call was correct or not much more than any other color guy. I'd much rather the color guy talk more about the players, coaches, or actual play than what the refs are calling.
First of all I'd like to say that I like DD overall, and I'll listen to his show occasionally. He knows the game and I often hear good insight. He also doesn't pander to all the usual suspects like Coach K or Cal or Dickey V like so many other guys do during the broadcast.

I prefer him over most color guys, but I can surely see where many posters are coming from when they say they don't. His over the top compliments of Purdue, the players and Coach Painter often have a caveat attached to them and you can't honestly say you can't tell who he is rooting for during a Purdue broadcast. He has ties to IU, Mich and now OSU. He has a dislike for MSU, so if he were to do that broadcast when we play up there then I'm sure his rooting interest will be for Purdue (unless OSU needs us to lose for the conference lead). Come on, how many times did he say "John didn't like that call and I don't blame him" or "you can't call that" on Michigan? I never heard him once say the same when a call went against Purdue. Not once. Heck, he never even commented about that reset of the shot clock when Cline knocked it out and DD's partner asked him about it. DD has no love for Purdue, but I can live with that and appreciate him at the same time.
Why listen to a former iu player-and-coach who became a former Wolverine’s proud papa, when you can dial down that noise and dial up Purdue radio for veteran Purdue broadcasters’ four decades of Purdue insider knowledge, always giving the Purdue perspective to every play, and hearing it all 12 seconds ahead of the action you’ll later witness and better analyze on the screen? Blackman has been at it 13 years, while Clisby has been covering Purdue exclusively for 35 years. He was already a Boiler veteran before Dakich had washed off his Region rust and first learned to spell loosier.

Give me a Boilermaker every time.

The radio delay drives me nuts when trying to watch the game...
I like Dakich except he talks too damn much. Let's face it, when he went into the Vanderbilt recruiting even the play by play guy wanted to shut him up. Here is a clue for Dan and all color guys, not every play requires a comment.
I like Dakich except he talks too damn much. Let's face it, when he went into the Vanderbilt recruiting even the play by play guy wanted to shut him up. Here is a clue for Dan and all color guys, not every play requires a comment.

I read that as an attempt to zing the IU fanbase, which is his shtick. I'm always more forgivable of tangents when I approve of the objective :)
The best thing DD could do to zing the IU fan base is to constantly talk about Purdue, their team, the coach and so on. And do it in such a way that there is no doubt that Purdue is great. Then not say a single thing about IU. Don't mention IU, don't discuss the coach, the score they earned, just never mention them. And never, ever mention the banners, even that they need cleaned.
The best thing DD could do to zing the IU fan base is to constantly talk about Purdue, their team, the coach and so on. And do it in such a way that there is no doubt that Purdue is great. Then not say a single thing about IU. Don't mention IU, don't discuss the coach, the score they earned, just never mention them. And never, ever mention the banners, even that they need cleaned.

He has a radio show that gets more attention when he's railing against IU - which is what I meant when I called it his "shtick".
He has a radio show that gets more attention when he's railing against IU - which is what I meant when I called it his "shtick".

I don't think he is doing it for ratings. He is genuinely upset with IU and has been for a long time. The number of people listening already is what it is and there will not be an increase in listeners as he constantly trashes IU. He could get a big boost with a more positive, direct approach to Purdue, Butler and ND.
Just 'sync up' your TV broadcast with the radio.

Not sure if you have cable or what, but I can use the pause button for the TV broadcast for just a moment and get it really close.
I like to TiVo it and then start watching it 30 minutes after it starts so I can fast forward thru all the commercials.
Just 'sync up' your TV broadcast with the radio.

Not sure if you have cable or what, but I can use the pause button for the TV broadcast for just a moment and get it really close.
Sorry - replied before I read yours
The radio delay drives me nuts when trying to watch the game...

Usually the radio is 11-12 seconds ahead of the telecast action. That can get wild at times, but generally it allows you to focus on the play-makers. It's like having ESP (minus the N).