It appears you’re what Regionnaires like Dakich would call “a fish.” Hook, line and sinker -- you swallow all that. Reality bites when he says during another game, “I’d like to give a big shout out to the Indiana University women’s basketball team for their 18-point blowout of arch-rival Purdue.” Incredibly complimentary, indeed.
Millions??? Hahaha. Yeah, he bathes in ESPN cash. That’s why he does endorsements for a third-tier auto dealer in Plainfield.
You just keep taking in his free-for-all gush, calculated in our case to maintain his citywide radio audience. While that’s in contrast to other iu-bred media, it’s nowhere near as insightful as someone who’s always with our team and has been so for every Purdue basketball game for the past 35 years, starting while Dakich was still in his crimson diapers deep inside swayback hall.
Usually it’s good to hear what the national audience is hearing, but when Pandering Dan (or Breathless Beth Moanin’ Monotone) is on our beat, it’s time to dial the sound from elsewhere.
Did you find his comment about the women's basketball game offensive? Was it untrue?
Sounds like you have a personal issue with Dakich that I can't really help you with.