Covid-19 isn't political?


May 29, 2001

One expert says,"This is now the US Epicenter"
Who is this Lilian Abbo with the Jackson Health System?
What makes her an expert? 11-20 years experience in General Infectious Disease. Sounds logical.
What is her motivation? RNC in Florida sounds like the target.

A closer look of the Florida COVID-19 dashboard is in order:
2,688,366 Total People Tested
291,629 Tested Positive
2,393,614 Tested Negative
10.8% Test positive
Of this:
18,881 people require hospitalizations
4,514 people have alarming # at first pass. A number to take seriously as well.

89.2% chance that people will not test positive for it.
If you test positive, 1.54% chance it will result in death.
If you take deaths vs Total Testing, there is .168% chance of deaths.

I'm not making those #'s up, they come directly from Florida's COVID-19 dashboard.
I observe that it is serious, but it is now the US EPICENTER? I'm refuse to look at the other 49 states to crank all the #'s. She used her position to grab a headline. That is all there is to it.

Want further evidence of Political pandering?
China is 23rd in positive cases reported in the world. 85,117...behind both Qatar and Argentina.
A country of 1.4 Billion people has so few of cases. Why is that? Does this puzzle anyone?
Note: remember we are to believe facts and science.
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One expert says,"This is now the US Epicenter"
Who is this Lilian Abbo with the Jackson Health System?
What makes her an expert? 11-20 years experience in General Infectious Disease. Sounds logical.
What is her motivation? RNC in Florida sounds like the target.

A closer look of the Florida COVID-19 dashboard is in order:
2,688,366 Total People Tested
291,629 Tested Positive
2,393,614 Tested Negative
10.8% Test positive
Of this:
18,881 people require hospitalizations
4,514 people have alarming # at first pass. A number to take seriously as well.

89.2% chance that people will not test positive for it.
If you test positive, 1.54% chance it will result in death.
If you take deaths vs Total Testing, there is .168% chance of deaths.

I'm not making those #'s up, they come directly from Florida's COVID-19 dashboard.
I observe that it is serious, but it is now the US EPICENTER? I'm refuse to look at the other 49 states to crank all the #'s. She used her position to grab a headline. That is all there is to it.

Want further evidence of Political pandering?
China is 23rd in positive cases reported in the world. 85,117...behind both Qatar and Argentina.
A country of 1.4 Billion people has so few of cases. Why is that? Does this puzzle anyone?
Note: remember we are to believe facts and science.

Point to ponder!
A person is tested positive for the virus. Repeat tests are done 7 times with 7 results testing positive.
So does that count as 7 new cases? It most definitely is a 7 positive test result statistic.
Vietnam has had only one (1) case of COVID-19 as of Saturday, July 11th. And I am not sure that person was Vietnamese?? Why?
If you don't think there's political motivation behind a lot of these numbers, then you're crazy.

I was watching one of the national news networks the other day (only because my wife wanted to) and literally, and I'm not exaggerating here, every single story was either about Covid spiking in red states or some racially charged black/white issue. This not only included the story the anchors were discussing but the ticker at the bottom. Every single ticker headline had something to do with race.

One expert says,"This is now the US Epicenter"
Who is this Lilian Abbo with the Jackson Health System?
What makes her an expert? 11-20 years experience in General Infectious Disease. Sounds logical.
What is her motivation? RNC in Florida sounds like the target.

A closer look of the Florida COVID-19 dashboard is in order:
2,688,366 Total People Tested
291,629 Tested Positive
2,393,614 Tested Negative
10.8% Test positive
Of this:
18,881 people require hospitalizations
4,514 people have alarming # at first pass. A number to take seriously as well.

89.2% chance that people will not test positive for it.
If you test positive, 1.54% chance it will result in death.
If you take deaths vs Total Testing, there is .168% chance of deaths.

I'm not making those #'s up, they come directly from Florida's COVID-19 dashboard.
I observe that it is serious, but it is now the US EPICENTER? I'm refuse to look at the other 49 states to crank all the #'s. She used her position to grab a headline. That is all there is to it.

Want further evidence of Political pandering?
China is 23rd in positive cases reported in the world. 85,117...behind both Qatar and Argentina.
A country of 1.4 Billion people has so few of cases. Why is that? Does this puzzle anyone?
Note: remember we are to believe facts and science.

People don't get it and die the next day. It's a known fact that people that die from Covid typically do ~2 weeks after getting the virus. So if we take the last two weeks worth of test data out of that dashboard that leaves us with 131,240 people tested positive through June 30th. With 4514 deaths, that leaves us with a 3.44% death rate.

But that's for Florida as a whole. She said Miami is the epicenter, not Florida, so this numbers exercise isn't even relevant to the statement she made.

So not only did you use the wrong data set, but you interpreted it incorrectly. I don't doubt that any mainstream media's reporting of what's going on is politicized, which is why I don't pay attention to mainstream media. But clearly your bias caused you to interpret the data in a way that would reinforce your own beliefs.
Point to ponder!
A person is tested positive for the virus. Repeat tests are done 7 times with 7 results testing positive.
So does that count as 7 new cases? It most definitely is a 7 positive test result statistic.
That is a good question. Would like to be enlightened on that answer if anyone knows. If the person that tests positive gets taken out of the general testing population and monitored separately for recovery.
People don't get it and die the next day. It's a known fact that people that die from Covid typically do ~2 weeks after getting the virus. So if we take the last two weeks worth of test data out of that dashboard that leaves us with 131,240 people tested positive through June 30th. With 4514 deaths, that leaves us with a 3.44% death rate.

But that's for Florida as a whole. She said Miami is the epicenter, not Florida, so this numbers exercise isn't even relevant to the statement she made.

So not only did you use the wrong data set, but you interpreted it incorrectly. I don't doubt that any mainstream media's reporting of what's going on is politicized, which is why I don't pay attention to mainstream media. But clearly your bias caused you to interpret the data in a way that would reinforce your own beliefs.
I will not deny that I'm biased due to all the misinformation that makes headlines. I do dig further to find if my concerns are valid or not. The only difference is I'm looking at Florida and Lilian Abbo pointed to Miami which I did not do.
The real answer would be to do as you indicated, take snap shots of 2 weeks ago, and then compare to today's information.

Regarding this EPICENTER subject:
Why would she not upward report to CDC to determine if Miami/Dade County is indeed an EPICENTER or not? Could NYC, Chicago, Atlanta have worse cases and percentages? Let CDC make the call where EPICENTERS are and what is being done to bring it down.
You bring up a valid point. It is clear that different people from different backgrounds can look at data sets and come to vastly different conclusions.
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If you don't think there's political motivation behind a lot of these numbers, then you're crazy.

I was watching one of the national news networks the other day (only because my wife wanted to) and literally, and I'm not exaggerating here, every single story was either about Covid spiking in red states or some racially charged black/white issue. This not only included the story the anchors were discussing but the ticker at the bottom. Every single ticker headline had something to do with race.
My company now has 9 who are positive. One is now on vent. They all worked in the same work station cell.

It’s far from political. It’s real. If you haven’t been exposed or hit with it. Be happy.
That is a good question. Would like to be enlightened on that answer if anyone knows. If the person that tests positive gets taken out of the general testing population and monitored separately for recovery.
I'm not sure on that question but some states count you as a Chinese coronavirus death if you test positive and end up dying, regardless of what you died from.
Just gotta toss some casual racism in there while you’re at it, eh PA?
Whatever. I never want to see you write or use the following from this point forward:
  • Ebola virus
  • Middle East Respiratory Virus
  • Spanish flu
  • Lyme disease
  • West Nile virus
  • Zika virus
  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
  • Guinea Worm
  • Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever
  • German Measles
This disease was called Wuhan coronavirus or Chinese coronavirus by all of us in March. Then your CCP masters objected and, like clockwork, it's racist.
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Whatever. I never want to see you write or use the following from this point forward:
  • Ebola virus
  • Middle East Respiratory Virus
  • Spanish flu
  • Lyme disease
  • West Nile virus
  • Zika virus
  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
  • Guinea Worm
  • Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever
  • German Measles
This disease was called Wuhan coronavirus or Chinese coronavirus by all of us in March. Then your CCP masters objected and, like clockwork, it's racist.

Ahh yes, using another bad take to defend yours.

FYI, the Spanish flu originated in the US

So per that article they are counting everyone who they know who has it that dies as a COVID death due to requirements in data reporting. Sounds like an innaccurate way to do it, but per the article only impacts <5 people.

It also says: "The state also has about 3,000 death certificates in their system that have deaths relating to symptoms of coronavirus. These are not counted in the death numbers because they have not been investigated fully yet. If all are actual coronavirus deaths, it would put Washington into the top 10 highest death counts by state (assuming the other states aren’t counting deaths the way we are). That would be a bad look for Inslee, and would keep us closed longer."

So in reality the number of deaths could be higher despite them including those <5 deaths.
So per that article they are counting everyone who they know who has it that dies as a COVID death due to requirements in data reporting. Sounds like an innaccurate way to do it, but per the article only impacts <5 people.

It also says: "The state also has about 3,000 death certificates in their system that have deaths relating to symptoms of coronavirus. These are not counted in the death numbers because they have not been investigated fully yet. If all are actual coronavirus deaths, it would put Washington into the top 10 highest death counts by state (assuming the other states aren’t counting deaths the way we are). That would be a bad look for Inslee, and would keep us closed longer."

So in reality the number of deaths could be higher despite them including those <5 deaths.
I noticed that as well and that contradictory aspect seems to make the entire article nonsensical to me... not trying to justify anything from either "side" but the material included makes no sense.
EDIR... never mind I can make sense from it... (it's still bizarre).
So per that article they are counting everyone who they know who has it that dies as a COVID death due to requirements in data reporting. Sounds like an innaccurate way to do it, but per the article only impacts <5 people.

It also says: "The state also has about 3,000 death certificates in their system that have deaths relating to symptoms of coronavirus. These are not counted in the death numbers because they have not been investigated fully yet. If all are actual coronavirus deaths, it would put Washington into the top 10 highest death counts by state (assuming the other states aren’t counting deaths the way we are). That would be a bad look for Inslee, and would keep us closed longer."

So in reality the number of deaths could be higher despite them including those <5 deaths.
Dr. Katie Hutchison, Health Statistics Manager for Washington State Department of Health: “Our dashboard numbers do include any death to a person that has tested positive to COVID-19.”

I will say that she doesn't sound like a partisan - Hutchison explained to reporters that the Washington coronavirus death data collection is complex, since “providing data in near real time is not our normal process.” Indeed, finalized death data “takes up to 18 months from start to finish.”
Ahh yes, using another bad take to defend yours.

FYI, the Spanish flu originated in the US
Scientists are still unsure of where the Spanish flu originated from. France, China and Britain have all been suggested as the potential birthplace of the virus, as has the United States, where the first known case was reported at a military base in Kansas on March 11, 1918.
My company now has 9 who are positive. One is now on vent. They all worked in the same work station cell.

It’s far from political. It’s real. If you haven’t been exposed or hit with it. Be happy.

There's a guy on my team who tested positive as well. He's young and healthy. Said he feels tired, and lacks smell/taste, but said he basically feels like he has mono.
If your coworker on the vent obese? Other comorbidities?
Lol. Okay dude. Keep staying racist!
89.2% chance that people will not test positive for it.
If you test positive, 1.54% chance it will result in death.
If you take deaths vs Total Testing, there is .168% chance of deaths.
You’ve shown your ass on here a lot, but this might take the cake. You don’t calculate a mortality rate which includes people who test negative. It’s a meaningless number.
Whatever. I never want to see you write or use the following from this point forward:
  • Ebola virus
  • Middle East Respiratory Virus
  • Spanish flu
  • Lyme disease
  • West Nile virus
  • Zika virus
  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
  • Guinea Worm
  • Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever
  • German Measles
This disease was called Wuhan coronavirus or Chinese coronavirus by all of us in March. Then your CCP masters objected and, like clockwork, it's racist.
Actually, it was only ever called Wuhan or Chinese by Trump and his minions. Most of the rest of us just called it COVID-19 or Coronavirus.
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So per that article they are counting everyone who they know who has it that dies as a COVID death due to requirements in data reporting. Sounds like an innaccurate way to do it, but per the article only impacts <5 people.

It also says: "The state also has about 3,000 death certificates in their system that have deaths relating to symptoms of coronavirus. These are not counted in the death numbers because they have not been investigated fully yet. If all are actual coronavirus deaths, it would put Washington into the top 10 highest death counts by state (assuming the other states aren’t counting deaths the way we are). That would be a bad look for Inslee, and would keep us closed longer."

So in reality the number of deaths could be higher despite them including those <5 deaths.
This is the counterpoint to every Trumpkin who talks about fake numbers with political underpinnings. These are people trying to keep up and report in real-time. The odds are good they make mistakes counting deaths that should not, but they also aren’t counting deaths that should. The numbers are probably closer to accurate than not, and may even be understated.
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You’ve shown your ass on here a lot.
Ditto for you. Stay hidden in your man cave. Be scared while a vaccine could very well be on the horizon and death rates are ACTUALLY on the decline. Keep telling yourself and others the US is in deep shit with COVID-19. Cancel onsite schooling...stay online. Bullshit!
Ditto for you. Stay hidden in your man cave. Be scared while a vaccine could very well be on the horizon and death rates are ACTUALLY on the decline. Keep telling yourself and others the US is in deep shit with COVID-19. Cancel onsite schooling...stay online. Bullshit!

Do you have young children under 10?
Ditto for you. Stay hidden in your man cave. Be scared while a vaccine could very well be on the horizon and death rates are ACTUALLY on the decline. Keep telling yourself and others the US is in deep shit with COVID-19. Cancel onsite schooling...stay online. Bullshit!
Every time you post I just picture some backwoods Wisconsin hick with tears rolling down his face pleading with people to agree with his incorrect opinions.
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Do you have young children under 10?
i do. 70 percent of fairfax will end up enrolled for IN school. more families responded for in school than teleschool and they are enrolling anyone who didn't respond for in school. people gotta work. they expect the services they PAY for and are legally required to attend to operate.