Capitol Officer Receives Offensive Messages During His Congressional Testimony

How many protests and demonstrations happen in Washington every day? Why was the first one that trump was a part of resulted in an attack on the capitol by his supporters when none of the others do?

If not trump, who to you think convinced these people to resort to violence in mass?

Trump said nothing to try to stop the attack until 2:38 in the afternoon. This is hours after it started. His tweets from that day are public record:

You didn’t state any facts, just subjective opinions and liberal interpretations of why you think it happened.

Mike Lindell is a badass, I have no problem acknowledging that.
You never answered the first question in my last post. Why was the first insurrection since the war of 1812 during trump's first Washington rally?

The bolded portion is a fact. Since you have a hard time identifying them, I figured it needs to be reposted.

Lindell is a kook. You are too. Birds of a feather flock together.
They is Jack Dorsey the liberal Democrat that runs Twitter. Mark Zuckerberg you may have heard of him, runs Facebook. Google is another democratic media outlet, ever hear of that company?
Mark Zuckerberg is a democrat? Sundar Pichai (Google's CEO) has given to both democrats and republican political campaigns. Have you checked under your bed and in your closet for any other scary "democrats"?
You never answered the first question in my last post. Why was the first insurrection since the war of 1812 during trump's first Washington rally?

The bolded portion is a fact. Since you have a hard time identifying them, I figured it needs to be reposted.

Lindell is a kook. You are too. Birds of a feather flock together.
How many have been charged with insurrection? For as sure as you are about what it was, you’d think someone would have been charged with more than misdemeanors.
So because Trump didn’t tweet that proves something? And make up your mind, on one hand you claim Trump incited violence with his subliminal messaging and rhetoric but then say he didn’t say enough to stop the riot. Why can’t people just acknowledge a bunch of dipshits, many of which were Trump supporters, some of which were left wing antagonist, and reportedly possibly some that were fbi informants, turned a protest into a riot and let those who are responsible for committing crimes face justice? Why do you guys keep trying to make this into something else? Never heard a peep out of you clowns all last year while cities across the country were burned and destroyed by BLM and antifa. But by god, how dare a bunch of sloppy, middle aged white men, riot at the capital!! It’s the worst threat to our democracy since the civil war!!! How f$@%#*# stupid and ignorant of a claim.
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These are facts. You don't have anything to refute. It is funny you openly acknowledge you're a "my pillow guy" conspiracy follower. I'm not sure if you've seen this but it's pretty funny.


Also, how fukking gone is someone when they put their stock in the MyPillow guy. Holy shit jrcrist might be my favorite person on here now because he really just too dumb to be annoyed with.
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How many have been charged with insurrection? For as sure as you are about what it was, you’d think someone would have been charged with more than misdemeanors. Felonies
So because Trump didn’t tweet that proves something? And make up your mind, on one hand you claim Trump incited violence with his subliminal direct messaging and rhetoric but and then say he didn’t say enough to stop the riot.
These two things aren't mutually exclusive, I'm not sure why you think they are?
Why can’t people just acknowledge a bunch of dipshits, many all of which were Trump supporters, and I wish that some of which were left wing antagonist, and reportedly possibly some that were fbi informants, turned a protest into a riot and let those who are responsible for committing crimes face justice? Why do you guys keep trying to make this into something else?
You're putting a valiant effort into trying to make it into something else. Republican senators have called it a "tour" and "peaceful protest" and otherwise tried to downplay it for months.
Never heard a peep out of you clowns all last year while cities across the country were burned and destroyed by BLM and antifa.

How many cities were burned down? Can you point on a map to which cities no longer exist because of the protests last summer? You weren't paying attention then. I've said several times on here to prosecute anyone who breaks the law.
But by god, how dare a bunch of sloppy, middle aged white men, riot at the capital! Capitol! It’s the worst threat to our democracy since the civil war!!!
Funny you bring it up. There were several trump supporters carrying around confederate flags. That never happened on the grounds of the Capitol during the civil war. So, in some small way, it was worse than anything that happened at the capitol during the civil war.
How f$@%#*# stupid and ignorant of a claim.
Says the guy who is duped with every RWNJ's article about "new evidence" that the election was a fraud just to find out it was all bunk. They get you every time.

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These two things aren't mutually exclusive, I'm not sure why you think they are?

You're putting a valiant effort into trying to make it into something else. Republican senators have called it a "tour" and "peaceful protest" and otherwise tried to downplay it for months.

How many cities were burned down? Can you point on a map to which cities no longer exist because of the protests last summer? You weren't paying attention then. I've said several times on here to prosecute anyone who breaks the law.

Funny you bring it up. There were several trump supporters carrying around confederate flags. That never happened on the grounds of the Capitol during the civil war. So, in some small way, it was worse than anything that happened at the capitol during the civil war.

Says the guy who is duped with every RWNJ's article about "new evidence" that the election was a fraud just to find out it was all bunk. They get you every time.

Not mutually exclusive but why do you think no one has been charged with insurrection? Think there is much more to the story than has been revealed? Like maybe the fbi had a hand in what happened? After all, they were involved in the attempted kidnapping of Whitmer, so why not 1/6? And don’t tell me it’s because it’s too difficult to prove after how you guys have gone on and on about how significant and threatening to the democracy it was. It was a riot, nothing more, nothing less. I haven’t seen any politician come out and downplay what happened and most have condemned the violence while also keeping it in perspective. Has anyone been charged with a felony? I’ve only heard about misdemeanor charges for most.
To compare what happened on 1/6 to the civil war in any way, shape, or form is historically ignorant and irresponsible. Almost as many Americans died during the civil war than all other US involved wars combined so to compare the two in any way is silly.
I said the cities “burned” not burned down. There is a difference. But regardless of your attempt to twist things, did you not turn on the tv last summer? There were RIOTS in just about every major city across the country for most of the summer! And quit calling them protests, they were riots, just as 1/6 was.
I haven’t hid the fact that I think something nefarious happened during the election. To me, it doesn’t add up. I may be wrong, but I’ll side with the numerous statistical impossibilities that contradict the idea that the basement dwelling, ice cream eating, Chinese compromised, establishment turd won the election.
How many have been charged with insurrection? For as sure as you are about what it was, you’d think someone would have been charged with more than misdemeanors.
So because Trump didn’t tweet that proves something? And make up your mind, on one hand you claim Trump incited violence with his subliminal messaging and rhetoric but then say he didn’t say enough to stop the riot. Why can’t people just acknowledge a bunch of dipshits, many of which were Trump supporters, some of which were left wing antagonist, and reportedly possibly some that were fbi informants, turned a protest into a riot and let those who are responsible for committing crimes face justice? Why do you guys keep trying to make this into something else? Never heard a peep out of you clowns all last year while cities across the country were burned and destroyed by BLM and antifa. But by god, how dare a bunch of sloppy, middle aged white men, riot at the capital!! It’s the worst threat to our democracy since the civil war!!! How f$@%#*# stupid and ignorant of a claim.
Someone has been charged with more than misdemeanors. 6 have already pleaded guilty to felonies. Many more are charged with felonies and the FBI is still searching for over 300 people who participated. Do your homework.

"Some legal scholars say that sedition charges could be justified but that prosecutors may be reluctant to bring them because of their legal complexity and the difficulty historically in securing convictions. Overzealousness in applying them going back centuries has also discredited their use. And defense attorneys say discussions of such charges only add to the hyperbole around the events of that day."

You act like it was just another demonstration. You conveniently leave out the part about why they were there and what was going on in the federal building they violently broke through police lines to get into.
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Someone has been charged with more than misdemeanors. 6 have already pleaded guilty to felonies. Many more are charged with felonies and the FBI is still searching for over 300 people who participated. Do your homework.

"Some legal scholars say that sedition charges could be justified but that prosecutors may be reluctant to bring them because of their legal complexity and the difficulty historically in securing convictions. Overzealousness in applying them going back centuries has also discredited their use. And defense attorneys say discussions of such charges only add to the hyperbole around the events of that day."

You act like it was just another demonstration. You conveniently leave out the part about why they were there and what was going on in the federal building they violently broke through police lines to get into.
Again, what have they been charged with? Any with insurrection?
I never said it was a demonstration, I said it was a riot, the same as all those that took place throughout the country last year at the hands of antifa and BLM.
Again, what have they been charged with? Any with insurrection?
I never said it was a demonstration, I said it was a riot, the same as all those that took place throughout the country last year at the hands of antifa and BLM.
So you were wrong about there being only misdemeanor charges.

No one has been charged with sedition.......yet. You realize this investigation has a long way to go? I posted why such a serious charge is rarely used. Are you saying that because it hasn't been charged yet means this wasn't serious? Just a protest?

You ignore why they were at the Capitol, what fundamental democratic process they were trying to stop, that they best police officers and broke down doors and windows to get in....... and try to equate that with civil rights protests over a black man that was unjustly killed by a police officer.

Yes there was looting and damage, but most of the BLM protests were non violent.

Were you alive in '68? Or are you at least aware of of the civil rights protests during that decade?

Are you comparing the riots based on property damage or number of participants and ignore the intent?
If the rioters on January 6th had been successful, for the first time in history the greatest democratic republic on earth would have had the certification of an election stopped by a violent attack by its citizens? Does that mean nothing to you Mr flag waving, constitution loving patriot?
So you were wrong about there being only misdemeanor charges.

No one has been charged with sedition.......yet. You realize
this investigation has a long way to go? I posted why such a serious charge is rarely used. Are you saying that because it hasn't been charged yet means this wasn't serious? Just a protest?

You ignore why they were at the Capitol, what fundamental democratic process they were trying to stop, that they best police officers and broke down doors and windows to get in....... and try to equate that with civil rights protests over a black man that was unjustly killed by a police officer.

Yes there was looting and damage, but most of the BLM protests were non violent.

Were you alive in '68? Or are you at least aware of of the civil rights protests during that decade?

Are you comparing the riots based on property damage or number of participants and ignore the intent?
If the rioters on January 6th had been successful, for the first time in history the greatest democratic republic on earth would have had the certification of an election stopped by a violent attack by its citizens? Does that mean nothing to you Mr flag waving, constitution loving patriot?
Flipping hilarious.
Almost as funny as you guys who think Biden actually got 81 million legitimate votes. Now that’s some comical shit! 15 million more votes than Obama’s second run, and against all statistical improbabilities and impossibilities, Joe Biden 🤣 C’mon man!
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Almost as funny as you guys who think Biden actually got 81 million legitimate votes. Now that’s some comical shit! 15 million more votes than Obama’s second run, and against all statistical improbabilities and impossibilities, Joe Biden 🤣 C’mon man!
Feel free to educate the rest of us on why it wasn’t possible for Biden to receive more votes than Trump. With proof, because living in Cuckooville and huffing a lot of glue doesn’t cut it. We can even put the utter embarrassment of you continuing to double down on your hysteria about this to the side.

So go ahead, I’m all eyes and ears here. Go collect all of the evidence you have stashed in one of your MyPillows and show me that Trump got more votes than Biden. Go on. Git!
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Someone has been charged with more than misdemeanors. 6 have already pleaded guilty to felonies. Many more are charged with felonies and the FBI is still searching for over 300 people who participated. Do your homework.

"Some legal scholars say that sedition charges could be justified but that prosecutors may be reluctant to bring them because of their legal complexity and the difficulty historically in securing convictions. Overzealousness in applying them going back centuries has also discredited their use. And defense attorneys say discussions of such charges only add to the hyperbole around the events of that day."

You act like it was just another demonstration. You conveniently leave out the part about why they were there and what was going on in the federal building they violently broke through police lines to get into.
Yep, I was wrong, there have been some felony charges, although the majority of the guilty pleas, 17/23 have been for misdeamenors.
There have also been cases dropped against some defendants.
But your continued attempt to justify and downplay the violence that took place last summer is unfortunate. There were hundreds of millions of dollars in damage to businesses, government buildings, private property, there were thousands of people seriously injured and many who died during these “mostly peaceful” protests. That’s one of the dumbest attempted qualifiers I’ve ever seen. And yes, I understand the perceived implications if the 1/6 rioters planned to do what you say, but once they got into the Capitol many of them did photo ops with the police and kicked their feet up on Pelosi’s desk. Why were they let into the Capitol? Why did the police escort them in? Why were the Capitol doors unlocked? Why was the Capitol less secure that day than any other day of the year? A day after pipe bombs were found at both the RNC and DNC?I strongly detest the violence that took place on 1/6, just as I do any violence, but let’s settle down on this overthrowing of the govt nonsense. You realize the capital police annual budget is 2X that of the entire city of Detroit? So let’s not pretend these couple hundred fat, middle aged, unarmed, honkies we’re going to unseat our govt. Its silly
Feel free to educate the rest of us on why it wasn’t possible for Biden to receive more votes than Trump. With proof, because living in Cuckooville and huffing a lot of glue doesn’t cut it. We can even put the utter embarrassment of you continuing to double down on your hysteria about this to the side.

So go ahead, I’m all eyes and ears here. Go collect all of the evidence you have stashed in one of your MyPillows and show me that Trump got more votes than Biden. Go on. Git!
Most people have to admit that it seems unlikely that 81 million people actually voted for a guy who didn’t campaign or can’t even convey an original thought.
Again, you’re more than welcome to show proof that the number isn’t right. Otherwise it’s the same batshittery from you as it is from jr.
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Almost as funny as you guys who think Biden actually got 81 million legitimate votes. Now that’s some comical shit! 15 million more votes than Obama’s second run, and against all statistical improbabilities and impossibilities, Joe Biden 🤣 C’mon man!
Anything you say going forward is lost on me. You said the quiet part out loud QBert.
You’re really starting to look desperate and that’s coming from a guy who thinks Mike Lindell is going to save our democracy
@jrcrist , is this who you think is going to save our democracy?


Holy shit HAHAHAHAHAHAHA lmfaooooo you’re such a moron oh my god woowoowoowoowoo cuckoooooo!!!!

Do you need a hug too?

Did daddy not pay enough attention to you?

Should be an easy $5million for someone if it’s not legit
Oh no no no no no. You have to own this shit. This is fukking hilarious. The MyPillow guy saving democracy one whacko thought at a time and you’re licking the plate. Lmaoooooo.
Oh no no no no no. You have to own this shit. This is fukking hilarious. The MyPillow guy saving democracy one whacko thought at a time and you’re licking the plate. Lmaoooooo.
When did I ever not own it?

Mike Lindell is your fu$&ing daddy

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