Calling Vince, Ray.......


Gold Member
Oct 6, 2002
Please show up with your A game the second half. My God, you both looked lost in space.
I've been a huge Davis fan for awhile. Love the defensive tenacity, but to not show up for some games as a senior especially against top rival is a huge disappointment to me.
Matt continued to let PJ guard Yogi down the stretch which was crap. Davis should of been on him. If Matt doesn't want Rapheal guarding the guy in crunch time, who we all know is going to shoot the ball, then why have him in there?
Matt continued to let PJ guard Yogi down the stretch which was crap. Davis should of been on him. If Matt doesn't want Rapheal guarding the guy in crunch time, who we all know is going to shoot the ball, then why have him in there?
I agree with this approach. Put Ray on Yogi and make him pass the ball. However, I am beginning to think Ray might be hurt, and does not have the lateral quickness to stay with a guard like Yogi.

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Matt continued to let PJ guard Yogi down the stretch which was crap. Davis should of been on him. If Matt doesn't want Rapheal guarding the guy in crunch time, who we all know is going to shoot the ball, then why have him in there?
Why didn't Davis guard Yogi..if he is Purdue's best defender? Then...Davis goes scoreless in 34 minutes. Absolutely nothing from that position. When Hill is in the game with Davis...the defense can really pack it in...mitigating the advantage Purdue has inside in almost every game Purdue plays. The defense needs to respect the perimeter game. Stephens and Mathias need more minutes. Better outside shooting threats...more athletic than Cline...and therefore can create their own shot...good basketball IQ. Cline should play...but his minutes should be less than either Stephens or Mathias. I would like to see Mathias play some point guard.
Edwards was non-existent until the last 8 minutes. WTF? Why wasn't he more involved in the offense tonight?
Edwards was non-existent until the last 8 minutes. WTF? Why wasn't he more involved in the offense tonight?

I think a lot of the issue is the offense in general:

-Edwards is a much better offensive player at the 4. Better match up, more space in offense, and another shooter that has to be guarded. Purdue did seem to go smaller towards end of game

-I am not sure there are many ball players at any level that could drive with success(What Edwards was good at ) with how much defenses pack it in vs Purdue now. Just no room. Product of other players that will not shoot, cannot shoot, cannot create own shot

-Part of the issue is Purdue wants to pound the ball down low so much all the time I think players are looking for ways to pass into post rather than looking at open shots/drives to take in offense before that happens. Edwards hit some threes late when he took them and honestly those same looks where there earlier in game and he did not take them

-Part of it I believe is Edwards is a guy who lets the game come to him. Well especially when Purdue is struggling to score or stay in game he really needs to be more aggressive.

Just my 2 cents

I've been saying all along that Davis must be more injured than what they are saying. He's a senior and leader. He's not going to sit. Really unfortunate, to say the least.
I agree with this approach. Put Ray on Yogi and make him pass the ball. However, I am beginning to think Ray might be hurt, and does not have the lateral quickness to stay with a guard like Yogi.

I don't think Ray could stay with Yogi if he was 100%. Few can.
How can you said he's injured with the way he played against MSU. He is not a skilled player, therefor the results will always be varied when emotion is highly involved but playing in a very stagnant offense.
Edwards was non-existent until the last 8 minutes. WTF? Why wasn't he more involved in the offense tonight?
Good question and I thought the key in the first half was a drive to the hoop by VE and when he got there instead of putting it up, he tried to dish to Isaac and the ball turned over. Not sure if it was bad hands or IU got a touch but it sure looked like VE could have put it up off the glass for at least two if not an and one.
How can you said he's injured with the way he played against MSU. He is not a skilled player, therefor the results will always be varied when emotion is highly involved but playing in a very stagnant offense.

certainly a valid question. about only thing i can think of is he fed off totally raw emotion and adrenalin (sp?) and which transcended his limited physical state.

To the posters who have played HS (or college) level ball ...AND have had a knee injury: i've read many times when even after a knee is 'healed' that the mental aspect is as much or even more challenging to heal from. Do you find this was the case with those of you who may have had sim experiences?

Seems like i recall Robbie saying it even took him a LOT to "trust the knee" again -- especially after the 2nd ACL - reconstruction.

In sum
1. Ray isn't healed - maybe wont be until post season surgery.
2. It's messing with his mind (tentative, a bit unsure)
and tho I'm just a message board pile of goo... that situation (mentally) sure seems like a tough mental job to overcome.
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