Biden Replacment - Question for liberals

You see that is how out of touch you are. As long as there are white supremacy groups like the KKK and Oath Keepers still around plus some whites still feel superior to blacks and others, the term white supremacy still applies. I don’t know where this BS about the term being co-opted out academia. Wow, that’s a reach.

2 groups OK & KKK ....Maybe .0001% of population.

3rd group ...Probably about 1000 race baiters for every one of those.

And I find all 3 groups reprehensible worthless divisive reprobates this society doesn't need.
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Thank you for history I already knew that WS is a historical term from the PAST. To be clearer --- today's academia coopted the term so that race baiters & they could use it. When I said fictitious.....I meant they revised and coopted the term from it's original use making it fictitious because it just doesn't apply today.

If any race or person from a race believes they are superior to anyone else they are an abhorrent reprobate of an individual. However, these types of people were common pre-1970 in my Dad's generation. But it is pretty much all historical now...thus fictitious.

In the past I have worked with tens of thousands of people of different races in my career in two major cities in Indiana and have yet to encounter the fictional white supremacist since around the turn of the century.
Well, they do exist. Charlottsville tiki-torch march. Unless you are into the conspiracy stuff that thinks they are all "FBI-staged events". Which would be the same crowd that says Sandy Hook was a "staged event" carried out by "crisis actors".
But like you, I never ran into one of those white nationalists personally.
Well, they do exist. Charlottsville tiki-torch march. Unless you are into the conspiracy stuff that thinks they are all "FBI-staged events". Which would be the same crowd that says Sandy Hook was a "staged event" carried out by "crisis actors".
But like you, I never ran into one of those white nationalists personally.

Like I told BNI likely .001% of population....hard to run into.

I have ran into a large number of race baiters and race centric people though. But then I worked in Indiana's 2 biggest cities
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2 groups OK & KKK ....Maybe .0001% of population.

3rd group ...Probably about 1000 race baiters for every one of those.

And I find all 3 groups reprehensible worthless divisive reprobates this society doesn't need.
You don’t get it don’t you. Yes you have the obvious white supremacy groups. What you don’t realize is that you don’t have to be in these group to be a racist and white supremacist. There are over 200 million white folks in the US. There millions of those in the US that are racist/white supremacist. After the fall of Jim Crow in the 60s, even there are still overt racism from time to time but since the 60s racism went underground and became more subtle. Sadly there are black folks in the US that empathize with the white supremacists like Clarence Thomas, Tim Scott, Candace Owens, Officer Tatum to name a few.
You don’t get it don’t you. Yes you have the obvious white supremacy groups. What you don’t realize is that you don’t have to be in these group to be a racist and white supremacist. There are over 200 million white folks in the US. There millions of those in the US that are racist/white supremacist. After the fall of Jim Crow in the 60s, even there are still overt racism from time to time but since the 60s racism went underground and became more subtle. Sadly there are black folks in the US that empathize with the white supremacists like Clarence Thomas, Tim Scott, Candace Owens, Officer Tatum to name a few.
What percentage of the white population, even a little, do you think are racists?
What percentage of the black population, even a little, do you think are racists?
You don’t get it don’t you. Yes you have the obvious white supremacy groups. What you don’t realize is that you don’t have to be in these group to be a racist and white supremacist. There are over 200 million white folks in the US. There millions of those in the US that are racist/white supremacist. After the fall of Jim Crow in the 60s, even there are still overt racism from time to time but since the 60s racism went underground and became more subtle. Sadly there are black folks in the US that empathize with the white supremacists like Clarence Thomas, Tim Scott, Candace Owens, Officer Tatum to name a few.

I know in your eyes a high % of 200 million are racist. Your comments here show that. But you have a race centric mind warped by years of race baiting. So one thing for sure, you have zero credibility here with me.

A normal guy has never or rarely encountered a racist....after all it's 2024 not 1960/70 anymore.....a past you seem to be stuck in.
I know in your eyes a high % of 200 million are racist. Your comments here show that. But you have a race centric mind warped by years of race baiting. So one thing for sure, you have zero credibility here with me.

A normal guy has never or rarely encountered a racist....after all it's 2024 not 1960/70 anymore.....a past you seem to be stuck in.
Ok, so you tell me, why do home appraisers under value black home sellers?

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Having done appraisals, they are NOT done by who lives in the home, nor the art in the home. So the article is way off base there. They are based on comps in the neighborhood of comparable size and space and adjusted for inflation or deflation of market direction as well as other factors. Glad the family got multiple

But sure can't tell you what happened here as it is from a source, CNN, who has a documented history of lying to the public. So I have no way of knowing if the article is even true. Could be total BS like many of CNNs long term lies to manipulate the public. They simply have less credibility than even you, and that saying something!
Having done appraisals, they are NOT done by who lives in the home, nor the art in the home. So the article is way off base there. They are based on comps in the neighborhood of comparable size and space and adjusted for inflation or deflation of market direction as well as other factors. Glad the family got multiple

But sure can't tell you what happened here as it is from a source, CNN, who has a documented history of lying to the public. So I have no way of knowing if the article is even true. Could be total BS like many of CNNs long term lies to manipulate the public. They simply have less credibility than even you, and that saying something!
You have an answer for everything don’t you? Plus your reading skills are a little off. The article said absolutely nothing the the appraiser living in the home. This was a black family trying to sell their home that they live in. The appraiser appraises their home. They think that it is under appraised. So they get another appraisal from another appraiser company. At the time of the new appraisal they remove all references in the home that may indicate that a black family lives their like pictures, hair products, etc. They also have their white friend pose as the seller during the new appraisal. The new appraisal comes in at $500K more than the first appraisal. Here are more references.

You have an answer for everything don’t you? Plus your reading skills are a little off. The article said absolutely nothing the the appraiser living in the home. This was a black family trying to sell their home that they live in. The appraiser appraises their home. They think that it is under appraised. So they get another appraisal from another appraiser company. At the time of the new appraisal they remove all references in the home that may indicate that a black family lives their like pictures, hair products, etc. They also have their white friend pose as the seller during the new appraisal. The new appraisal comes in at $500K more than the first appraisal. Here are more references.

My reading skills are sub par? LOL I said....
"Having done appraisals, they are NOT done by who lives in the home"

This doesn't mean the appraiser lives in the you interpreted via your reading somehow!!

It means, the value of the home is not determined by who lives in it. Makes no difference who lives in the home to determine market value.
Shouldn't have to explain that to you but it's par for the course with you
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You see that is how out of touch you are. As long as there are white supremacy groups like the KKK and Oath Keepers still around plus some whites still feel superior to blacks and others, the term white supremacy still applies. I don’t know where this BS about the term being co-opted out academia. Wow, that’s a reach.
Is BLM a racist group?
2 groups OK & KKK ....Maybe .0001% of population.

3rd group ...Probably about 1000 race baiters for every one of those.

And I find all 3 groups reprehensible worthless divisive reprobates this society doesn't need.

BNI will find a something that doesn't register as statistically significant, and point to it as proof that a condition (white supremacy or groups like the KKK) group or event exists in wide stream society.
Everything and every outcome, and I mean EVERYTHING, to him, is based on skin color.
My reading skills are sub par? LOL I said....
"Having done appraisals, they are NOT done by who lives in the home"

This doesn't mean the appraiser lives in the you interpreted via your reading somehow!!

It means, the value of the home is not determined by who lives in it. Makes no difference who lives in the home to determine market value.
Shouldn't have to explain that to you but it's par for the course with you
Great day in the morning! You are so hell bent on there is no racism that you absolute do not see the point. I know a little bit about homes as well since I used to do home inspections. Of course the appraisal value is not determined by who lives in the home. Dude that is the gist of all of the articles that I posted including the law suits. The racist appraiser did in fact based their appraisal estimate on who lived in the home, in this case a black person, and because of there racism unvalued the home. The same home was appraised again after all of the refences to a black family was removed and the home value appraised a lot higher. If you can't see the racism in this is either because you are trolling, a racist that won't admit that this is racism, or just plain ignorant.
Is BLM a racist group?
You tell me. Y'all know more about this BLM organization than I do. From the little that I've seen and heard about them I have not seen any racist tendencies from them. I don't really pay attention to this group. But if they have said some racist stuff towards white folks then they are racist. However, back in the 60s and 70s one can argue that the Black Panther Party was a black nationalist group that have said racist stuff towards white folks at the time. Similarly with another 60's organization, the Nation of Islam led by Elijah Muhammad along with his main representative, the one Malcomb Little. Better known as Malcomb X.
Great day in the morning! You are so hell bent on there is no racism that you absolute do not see the point. I know a little bit about homes as well since I used to do home inspections. Of course the appraisal value is not determined by who lives in the home. Dude that is the gist of all of the articles that I posted including the law suits. The racist appraiser did in fact based heir appraisal estimate on who lived in the home, in this case a black person, and because of there racism unvalued the home. The same home was appraised again after all of the refences to a black family was removed and the home value appraised a lot higher. If you can't see the racism in this is either because you are trolling, a racist that won't admit that this is racism, or just plain ignorant.

There is DUDE

When CNN is the SOURCE article it has NO credibility. NONE.

But assuming the article is true, that is 1 racist. ONE.......reading your posts, you think racism is common place. You commonly call everyone here racist. Racist, Racist, Racist. You are stuck in the past. That's just NUTS in this day and age when maybe .001% of the country might fit that description.

There are WAY more race baiters out there than Racists......BOTH are despicable, divisive, miserable people. BOTH deliver HATE. Sadly you are one. Seek help.
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There is DUDE

When CNN is the SOURCE article it has NO credibility. NONE.

Assuming the article is true, that is 1 racist. ONE.......reading your posts, you think racism is common place. You commonly call everyone here racist. Racist, Racist, Racist. You are stuck in the past. That's just NUTS in this day and age when maybe .001% of the country might fit that description.

There are WAY more race baiters out there than Racists......BOTH are despicable, divisive, miserable people. Sadly you are one. Seek help.
DUDE. I posted several more articles other than CNN. You sir are a racist troll. Even if is, we all really know it's a lot more, than 0.001% it's still too much, right? At least that is what y'all say about my percentage of voter fraud which is 0.0001%. That's too much fraud so now laws have to be changed because of it, right? Give me a break.
DUDE. I posted several more articles other than CNN. You sir are a racist troll. Even if is, we all really know it's a lot more, than 0.001% it's still too much, right? At least that is what y'all say about my percentage of voter fraud which is 0.0001%. That's too much fraud so now laws have to be changed because of it, right? Give me a break.

As Reagan famously said ..."There you Go Again"

So now I'm a racist? Like I said everyone here, that questions your crap eventually is in that warped mind of yours. LoL. 🤡

Race Baiter's & Racist both evil despicable people. You sir are an unquestioned race baiter. Your HATE is not welcome here.
As Reagan famously said ..."There you Go Again"

So now I'm a racist? Like I said everyone here, that questions your crap eventually is in that warped mind of yours. LoL. 🤡

Race Baiter's & Racist both evil despicable people. You sir are an unquestioned race baiter. Your HATE is not welcome here.
Welcome to the club. Y'all call me a racist all the time.
Welcome to the club. Y'all call me a racist all the time.

I do not believe I have ever have done that.

I have called you what you are ....a
race centric race baiter.

How is your HATE any different than the HATE of a racist?
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Back to the original question before it was derailed by the usual topic diverter, who do the libs pick to replace Biden?

There is a draft Gretch thing happening. But if that happens, the California delegates will go nuts according to radio today......and that is a monster stumbling block.

All of the interested D candidates poll below T. That shows how BAD DEM policy is.....if all the interested candidates poll worse than T. Perhaps enough voters have FINALLY figured out ....all the D candidates are the exact same policy.