Biden Replacment - Question for liberals

Yep. You keep confirming your racism on every post. You ain't the only one on here that's for sure. This is another reason why blacks don't fool with the republican party. Every time a black woman, democrat in particular gets nominated to a high profile position the first thing y'all say that it's a DEI hire. Or, they checked the boxes. Kamala Harris prior to being selected as VP was quite an accomplished person in her own right as CA AG. What in Harris's qualifications disqualifies her from being selected as VP in y'all's minds. Y'all did the same Justice Katanji Brown. Right winger on here and media called her nomination as a DEI hire. However, when Chump nominated Justice Amy Comey Barrett, y'all said nothing about her being a DEI hire. I think Harris is doing a good job but for the sake of argument she is not that is on her to do well. Her qualifications prior to being VP is comparable to any previous VP in history. What did Dan Quayle do that was so significant other than being called out on national TV for misspelling the word potato?
If she wasn’t a DEI pick by Biden then she is the odd one out. If she was a pick by Biden on merit then the dems have no problem replacing Biden with her. You continue to use racism instead of logic as a means of deferring from uncomfortable truth. Both statements are true and known by all. Is it racist that three people I most admire are black? Thomas Sowell and Ben Carson and Condi Rice or because they are smart and value education they are grifters?
If she wasn’t a DEI pick by Biden then she is the odd one out. If she was a pick by Biden on merit then the dems have no problem replacing Biden with her. You continue to use racism instead of logic as a means of deferring from uncomfortable truth. Both statements are true and known by all. Is it racist that three people I most admire are black? Thomas Sowell and Ben Carson and Condi Rice or because they are smart and value education they are grifters?
Of course you like them. They are black grifters and they make you feel comfortable. However, I have a feeling that Condoleezza Rice is not in that MAGA cult. I'll give her a pass for now. I bet Justice Clarence Thomas is high on your list as well. Colin Powell is probably a RINO in your mind.
A slip I know, but we were never intended to be a democracy.

Not a slip, I was using "Democracy" as the freedom of the people to this voting constitutional Republic we are.

As you see, the freedom to choose not to important to many DEMS right now. Just run rough shod right over the first black women ever to be voted on in all these primaries. Vote not important.....we will just throw her aside, and get us a white candidate. Would that be considered RACIST by anyone in the DEM party????? Hmmm🤔🤔
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Of course you like them. They are black grifters and they make you feel comfortable. However, I have a feeling that Condoleezza Rice is not in that MAGA cult. I'll give her a pass for now. I bet Justice Clarence Thomas is high on your list as well. Colin Powell is probably a RINO in your mind.
The point is they are black and so skin color has no bearing on what I like or don’t and so racism doesn’t work unless intelligent thought is racist
The point is they are black and so skin color has no bearing on what I like or don’t and so racism doesn’t work unless intelligent thought is racist
According to racist like you, Sowell, Dr. Ben Carson, Tim Scott and others are what racist white folks call the “good” blacks. Mainly because these black grifters uphold white supremacy like they do. They feel comfortable with these types of grifters.
According to racist like you, Sowell, Dr. Ben Carson, Tim Scott and others are what racist white folks call the “good” blacks. Mainly because these black grifters uphold white supremacy like they do. They feel comfortable with these types of grifters.
So racism to you has nothing to do with color, but thought. No wonder so many think you see everything as racist because they disagree with your thoughts. So in your world being a racist has nothing to do with color, but in thought. The general public considers thought of no importance, but that only a different color believes some way to be racist. Liking the intelligence of an individual is what makes them racist…not color in your world. Now things become clearer when posters point out your errors and you call them racist. Marva Collin’s must be racist as well.

I remember well MLK’s comments that he hopes someday his grandchildren live in a world where all share numbness of thought! Unbelievable!
I remember well MLK’s comments that he hopes someday his grandchildren live in a world where all share numbness of thought! Unbelievable!

Could you please share the link to that quote. You use MLK to support your argument, but I cannot find any quote about "numbness of thought" anywhere on the internet.

Wouldn't want to attribute the apparently positive (??) nature of "numbness of thought" without it being accurate.
To me, numbness of thought sounds more like a Trump attribute or what Biden did during the debate last week.
Not a slip, I was using "Democracy" as the freedom of the people to this voting constitutional Republic we are.

As you see, the freedom to choose not to important to many DEMS right now. Just run rough shod right over the first black women ever to be voted on in all these primaries. Vote not important.....we will just throw her aside, and get us a white candidate. Would that be considered RACIST by anyone in the DEM party????? Hmmm🤔🤔
Quietly waiting for a disagreement on Harris not being a DEI pick and then explaining how this pick on “merit” scares so many that haven’t straight lined. It seems so conflicted
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I think the DEM power mongers realized that problem......not to mention the non-transferable $200 Million Biden warchest that only he and KH can use........and rushed out to all the Sunday shows to lie again about Biden.
I bet there is a way Hunter can use it after it is channeled through the 20 mysterious Biden LLCs that appear to have no legitimate reason to exist.
Could you please share the link to that quote. You use MLK to support your argument, but I cannot find any quote about "numbness of thought" anywhere on the internet.

Wouldn't want to attribute the apparently positive (??) nature of "numbness of thought" without it being accurate.
To me, numbness of thought sounds more like a Trump attribute or what Biden did during the debate last week.
Not just during the debate. For at least the last 5 years, starting with when he said that refugees should "surge" to the border if he is elected. How could you have voted for such a liberal dimwit? Did you learn nothing in IU's nationally acclaimed General Studies program?

So racism to you has nothing to do with color, but thought. No wonder so many think you see everything as racist because they disagree with your thoughts. So in your world being a racist has nothing to do with color, but in thought. The general public considers thought of no importance, but that only a different color believes some way to be racist. Liking the intelligence of an individual is what makes them racist…not color in your world. Now things become clearer when posters point out your errors and you call them racist. Marva Collin’s must be racist as well.

I remember well MLK’s comments that he hopes someday his grandchildren live in a world where all share numbness of thought! Unbelievable!
I never said that racism has nothing to do with color. Where did you get that from? Racism has everything to do with color. What are you talking about?
A long term Biden guy, Rep. Clyburn, says he is for Biden staying in.....but if he goes, he is for Kamela Harris at the top of the ticket. Pointing out the parties problem of leap frogging the VP when she has support within the party.

His discussion ignores the fitness for office discussion.....if you can't run....then you shouldn't be leading this country.

But ignoring that, of note, KH actually polls the best vs Trump of any hypothetical replacement @ this time. Thus replacing with a white candidate becomes a bad look by DEMS for multiple reasons.

We know currently VP Harris has to be involved in the ticket if they want the $200M. But leapfrogging her will lose alot of minority support and result in calls for racism. It's an entertaining DEM conundrum on the radio right now.
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A long term Biden guy, Rep. Clyburn, says he is for Biden staying in.....but if he goes, he is for Kamela Harris at the top of the ticket. Pointing out the parties problem of leap frogging the VP when she has support within the party.

His discussion ignores the fitness for office discussion.....if you can't run....then you shouldn't be leading this country.

But ignoring that, of note, KH actually polls the best vs Trump of any hypothetical replacement @ this time. Thus replacing with a white candidate becomes a bad look by DEMS for multiple reasons.

We know currently VP Harris has to be involved in the ticket if they want the $200M. But leapfrogging her will lose alot of minority support and result in calls for racism. It's an entertaining DEM conundrum on the radio right now.
Since Harris is the current VP, she is the likely choice to run if Biden decides not to remove himself as a candidate. I have the feeling that he going to continue to run at this point.
A long term Biden guy, Rep. Clyburn, says he is for Biden staying in.....but if he goes, he is for Kamela Harris at the top of the ticket. Pointing out the parties problem of leap frogging the VP when she has support within the party.

His discussion ignores the fitness for office discussion.....if you can't run....then you shouldn't be leading this country.

But ignoring that, of note, KH actually polls the best vs Trump of any hypothetical replacement @ this time. Thus replacing with a white candidate becomes a bad look by DEMS for multiple reasons.

We know currently VP Harris has to be involved in the ticket if they want the $200M. But leapfrogging her will lose alot of minority support and result in calls for racism. It's an entertaining DEM conundrum on the radio right now.
Could they return the 200 mil to the donors and then have the donors send the donation to the next candidate?
Since Harris is the current VP, she is the likely choice to run if Biden decides not to remove himself as a candidate. I have the feeling that he going to continue to run at this point.
I think Biden is a goner. And Clyburn is going to be the one to break the news to him.
I never said that racism has nothing to do with color. Where did you get that from? Racism has everything to do with color. What are you talking about?
apparently in your mind racism has nothing to do with color and it is a bit time consuming explaining to you what you type. I listed three black people quickly that I have deep respect. You discounted them even though they were black as people I highly respect as exhibit 1 that some of the most admired people I have are black...when you call me racist. Apparently respecting 3 blacks at the top of my list of 350 million potential candidates doesn't prevent calling me or others racist...because get this (drum roll please) you don't consider them really black because they think different and eat out of a different trough of what you eat. Therefore thought regardless of which color holds an opinion is racist in your mind...even if those thoughts are not denigrating people based upon color. Why do I have to explain to you what you said and what I said?
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apparently in your mind racism has nothing to do with color and it is a bit time consuming explaining to you what you type. I listed three black people quickly that I have deep respect. You discounted them even though they were black as people I highly respect as exhibit 1 that some of the most admired people I have are black...when you call me racist. Apparently respecting 3 blacks at the top of my list of 350 million potential candidates doesn't prevent calling me or others racist...because get this (drum roll please) you don't consider them really black because they think different and eat out of a different trough of what you eat. Therefore thought regardless of which color holds an opinion is racist in your mind...even if those thoughts are not denigrating people based upon color. Why do I have to explain to you what you said and what I said?
Dude I just told you racism has everything to do with color and ethnicity. I called you racist because you over and over defend confederate monuments and statues. Defend and deflect discussions on slavery. Plus other stuff you have said. You say that I don't consider them to be black. Yes I do consider them black because they are black. You say that you respect them. You probably respect them because they share your white supremacy views. Are there any black liberals that you like and respect? You never mention any. In this thread about Kamala Harris, who is just as smart and accomplished as the folks that you respect and immediately you call her a DEI hire. Conservatives do this all the time. But say nothing when Justice Bryant gets chosen for the Supreme Court.

The problem is that these black grifters like Thomas, Scott, Carson and others hate being black and a lot of it has to do with racism that they have dealt with. And the following is the reasons why.

I watched a PBS documentary on Clarence Thomas a year or so ago. As a child growing up he was ridiculed of his dark skin by both the white and the black kids. Because of Jim Crow, in those days and the pressure of living in the world where the so-called European standard of good looks was prevalent, blacks in those days and decades to come performed what was called colorism amongst ourselves. Darker skinned blacks were shunned by all people including blacks. Clarence Thomas and others like him were no stranger to this. Black Latinos and Hispanics in the Latin American and Caribbean countries have also done this colorism as well till to this day. Then Thomas faced racism at the Catholic high school he attended. That was probably the gist of his so-called over correction by joining the the controversial Black Panther Party in the early 70s. You see this colorism ll the time in entertainment, movies, and music.

The bottom line is that the Jim Crow era was very traumatic for blacks living in those times. The result of that has affected how blacks not only view white people but view themselves negatively or positively and those views are still prevalent to this day.

I know you and others are not going to agree what I just laid out. But trust me, I've been black all of my life and I've seen this myself. Plus I've watched countless documentaries about slavery, Jim Crow, blacks in the entertainment industry.
Since Harris is the current VP, she is the likely choice to run if Biden decides not to remove himself as a candidate. I have the feeling that he going to continue to run at this point.

Changed your mind again.
Dude I just told you racism has everything to do with color and ethnicity. I called you racist because you over and over defend confederate monuments and statues. Defend and deflect discussions on slavery. Plus other stuff you have said. You say that I don't consider them to be black. Yes I do consider them black because they are black. You say that you respect them. You probably respect them because they share your white supremacy views. Are there any black liberals that you like and respect? You never mention any. In this thread about Kamala Harris, who is just as smart and accomplished as the folks that you respect and immediately you call her a DEI hire. Conservatives do this all the time. But say nothing when Justice Bryant gets chosen for the Supreme Court.

The problem is that these black grifters like Thomas, Scott, Carson and others hate being black and a lot of it has to do with racism that they have dealt with. And the following is the reasons why.

I watched a PBS documentary on Clarence Thomas a year or so ago. As a child growing up he was ridiculed of his dark skin by both the white and the black kids. Because of Jim Crow, in those days and the pressure of living in the world where the so-called European standard of good looks was prevalent, blacks in those days and decades to come performed what was called colorism amongst ourselves. Darker skinned blacks were shunned by all people including blacks. Clarence Thomas and others like him were no stranger to this. Black Latinos and Hispanics in the Latin American and Caribbean countries have also done this colorism as well till to this day. Then Thomas faced racism at the Catholic high school he attended. That was probably the gist of his so-called over correction by joining the the controversial Black Panther Party in the early 70s. You see this colorism ll the time in entertainment, movies, and music.

The bottom line is that the Jim Crow era was very traumatic for blacks living in those times. The result of that has affected how blacks not only view white people but view themselves negatively or positively and those views are still prevalent to this day.

I know you and others are not going to agree what I just laid out. But trust me, I've been black all of my life and I've seen this myself. Plus I've watched countless documentaries about slavery, Jim Crow, blacks in the entertainment industry.
She was a DEI appointee and that LACK of merit is painful to the dems at this time. Imagine DEI appointments "absent merit" and how harmful it is in other areas of life
That's a really insulting way to talk about her.
Yep. You keep confirming your racism on every post. You ain't the only one on here that's for sure. This is another reason why blacks don't fool with the republican party. Every time a black woman, democrat in particular gets nominated to a high profile position the first thing y'all say that it's a DEI hire. Or, they checked the boxes. Kamala Harris prior to being selected as VP was quite an accomplished person in her own right as CA AG. What in Harris's qualifications disqualifies her from being selected as VP in y'all's minds. Y'all did the same Justice Katanji Brown. Right winger on here and media called her nomination as a DEI hire. However, when Chump nominated Justice Amy Comey Barrett, y'all said nothing about her being a DEI hire. I think Harris is doing a good job but for the sake of argument she is not that is on her to do well. Her qualifications prior to being VP is comparable to any previous VP in history. What did Dan Quayle do that was so significant other than being called out on national TV for misspelling the word potato?
And don't forget that these folks are from a political party who thought it was a good idea to have Sarah Palin one 70-something heartbeat from the Presidency. Like you I think she is doing a fine job.
That's a really insulting way to talk about her.
He never said he would hire the most qualified running mate which obviously some could be black, Hispanic, Asian and the larger pool...white, but that he was looking for a black women out of four black women he would consider. Sounds like DEI to me...just like he wanted a black women that didn't know what a women was for the SCOTUS. Taken together with many other appointments he has logically concludes that this was but another DEI as were so many others. His resume' suggest such...I suppose truth can be insulting, but insulting truth is better than untruths that sound nice

A real quick find-​

Joe Biden says he is considering four Black women to be his running mate​

And don't forget that these folks are from a political party who thought it was a good idea to have Sarah Palin one 70-something heartbeat from the Presidency. Like you I think she is doing a fine job.

I don't recall Ms. Palin being elected. Many conservative voters choose to not vote for the office of Pres, or to stay home.

But key here......I do recall Biden & Harris being a record 81 M voters. That might be the most embarrassing vote in history. Lol
He never said he would hire the most qualified running mate which obviously some could be black, Hispanic, Asian and the larger pool...white, but that he was looking for a black women out of four black women he would consider. Sounds like DEI to me...just like he wanted a black women that didn't know what a women was for the SCOTUS. Taken together with many other appointments he has logically concludes that this was but another DEI as were so many others. His resume' suggest such...I suppose truth can be insulting, but insulting truth is better than untruths that sound nice

A real quick find-​

Joe Biden says he is considering four Black women to be his running mate​

You can call it DEI if you want but all four of those black women were fully qualified to be chosen as VP pick. All four of these women were fully vetted and of course one was subsequently chosen. It's not like he went down to the local hair salon and found the first 4 black woman he could find. You racist right wingers act like DEI is a four letter word. Perhaps the repubs will get to a true 20% or greater black support if they fully embrace diversity. Again, racist republicans set the table for this back at the 1964 and 1968 Republican national conventions.
Quietly waiting for a disagreement on Harris not being a DEI pick and then explaining how this pick on “merit” scares so many that haven’t straight lined. It seems so conflicted
All I know is that I cant stand the sound of Harris's voice. Hurts my ears, kinda like Sarah Palin's did.
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I don't think the family will let Joe step aside. He needs to stay in office until January so that he can pardon any and all Bidens that need saved at that time. If he is relived under the 25th amendment, Hunter is facing a lifetime behind bars and the family income will dry up.
You can call it DEI if you want but all four of those black women were fully qualified to be chosen as VP pick. All four of these women were fully vetted and of course one was subsequently chosen. It's not like he went down to the local hair salon and found the first 4 black woman he could find. You racist right wingers act like DEI is a four letter word. Perhaps the repubs will get to a true 20% or greater black support if they fully embrace diversity. Again, racist republicans set the table for this back at the 1964 and 1968 Republican national conventions.
Honest question. What qualifies one to be VP? For that matter, what qualifies one to be POTUS?
Honest question. What qualifies one to be VP? For that matter, what qualifies one to be POTUS?

Same for both.....
  • Be a natural-born U.S. citizen;
  • Be at least 35 years old;
  • Be a resident in the U.S. for at least 14 years
Very little qualifications.....
So that's why you get a mix of good ones like Reagan & Clinton and bad ones like Obama, Trump, Bush and Biden.
Same for both.....
  • Be a natural-born U.S. citizen;
  • Be at least 35 years old;
  • Be a resident in the U.S. for at least 14 years
Very little qualifications.....
So that's why you get a mix of good ones like Reagan & Clinton and bad ones like Obama, Trump, Bush and Biden.
So those are the legal qualifications, what do folks on this board look for in a candidate?

My thoughts are someone that has been a CEO, Military General, Senior leader in the US congress or Cabinet. I love Dr. Carson. He meets my qualifications and has a lot of the same beliefs.
So those are the legal qualifications, what do folks on this board look for in a candidate?

My thoughts are someone that has been a CEO, Military General, Senior leader in the US congress or Cabinet. I love Dr. Carson. He meets my qualifications and has a lot of the same beliefs.
He said...
"He meets my qualifications and has a lot of the same beliefs."

Thus "nope" would be a stupid response unless you know his beliefs. Simply makes no sense to what you responded to
I said nope because I am don’t like Dr. Ben Carson. He’s a black grifter for one thing. And part of that BS MAGA cult.
apparently in your mind racism has nothing to do with color and it is a bit time consuming explaining to you what you type. I listed three black people quickly that I have deep respect. You discounted them even though they were black as people I highly respect as exhibit 1 that some of the most admired people I have are black...when you call me racist. Apparently respecting 3 blacks at the top of my list of 350 million potential candidates doesn't prevent calling me or others racist...because get this (drum roll please) you don't consider them really black because they think different and eat out of a different trough of what you eat. Therefore thought regardless of which color holds an opinion is racist in your mind...even if those thoughts are not denigrating people based upon color. Why do I have to explain to you what you said and what I said?
He only means black in thought. You know be the victim. That is what black thought is, not be responsible for poor life choices. BNI likes white people who think blacks are victims of their circumstances versus their decisions that led them to where they are at. In this day and age the successful white businessman, doctor,mechanic was in the same class in kindergarten as the black kid who ended up getting pregnant at 16, grandma at 32 and unmarried at 35 with 3 kids and 2 grandkids living together getting government assistance.
I said nope because I am don’t like Dr. Ben Carson. He’s a black grifter for one thing. And part of that BS MAGA cult.

Has there ever been a national Republican you voted for? Thus we assume your opinion is always "nope". But thanks for chiming in.