Biden is going to win Arizona

What about that sounds bad to you? I don't understand why social programs are anathema to you right wingers. I'm sure you don't complain about social security, or at least you won't when you are collecting. We pay taxes because we live in a society. Better education benefits us all. Paved roads benefit us all. The tax-free Republican paradise would result in crumbling infrastructure and low quality education.

I don't mind paying taxes if there's an ROI. I haven't really stopped to think about the universal basic income, which Biden has not proposed to the best of my knowledge, but I don't have a major issue with it if the economics make sense.

And let's talk about welcoming chaos, oh mighty Trump supporter ...

Obamacare was more than a social program. It was a blatant attempt by Obama to Nationalize health care. It was designed to fail, so the Dems could increase the size of government and increase their control of the populace by making us dependent on the government for our healthcare. You don't want National Health Care. If you've ever heard all the horror stories about people dying, while waiting for appointments at the VA, that is what National Health Care looks like.

You need to travel more. Go spend some time in some of your Left Wing paradises. San Francisco used to be a beautiful city, very scenic with great restaurants. Now it is a Hell Hole with feces on the streets, junkies & homeless everywhere and needles mixed with the feces. The man, who created that literal Shit Hole city is now the Governor of California, Gavin Newsom. A prime example that competence is NOT required to rise to the top of Democrat politics.

In NY you have Gov. Cuomo, who killed thousands of Senior Citizens by sending CV-19 positive people to nursing homes. Then you have Mayor De Blasio, who is using San Francisco as his goal for the future of NYC.

You can go to Chicago, Baltimore, Newark or any other major city that is run by Democrats and you'll find taxes are high, costs are high, crime is high and schools are invariably the worst in the nation. Why do rational thinking people vote for Democrats, since they have a very long record of failure? They are long on rhetoric and long on excuses, but very short on positive results.
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Hopefully Biden flips every major state. The dictator must be sent packing.

Hey, Genius. Biden is the one that wants to make it mandatory to wear masks all over the country and will institute a countrywide shutdown, if the medical experts tell him to do it. That sounds a lot more dictatorial than anything Trump has ever done, but don't let facts get in the way of your rant.

An act of desperation, Bob.
Did you ever consider that some of those people may not have had the means to pay for the trip to the event at the WH, so BLEXIT picked up the tab? So you're crapping on poor Black people that want to have an opportunity to visit the WH and see the President? smh

That was not a rally, since Trump has no trouble getting lots of people to rallies with short notice.
Biden, not so much. He could probably have a rally and still have lots of room left over in his basement.
RE a social security. How many times have you heard that it is going to go bankrupt. It’s going bankrupt because people take more than they contribute. I’m 52. I had a teacher tell me in 8th grade (so around 1982) that due to the number of baby boomers collecting SS and the inability of Congress to tie the retirement age to life expectancy, that I would be lucky to ever collect a SS check. I plan on retiring in about 10 you know when SS is expected to run out? Yep, probably about the day I retire.

That story is the exact reason I have a problem with social programs...why not just have everyone pay their own way? What’s wrong with that concept. It seems so simple to implement.

Government programs mean government employees and their accompanying fat pensions.

This world and the US would be In a much better place if people just worked harder, worked longer and didn’t expect a government handout at every turn. Nope, people want more vacation, more paid leave, free college, free healthcare, and basic universal income.

Given all of the above, why go to work?

RE crumbling infrastructure...that’s funny...all of the roads were I live have all been paved over in the past 2 years...Thanks Donald Trump!

Lower taxes mean more economic stimulus, which lowers in unemployment (3.4% prior to Covid) lowest in 50 years. Lower corporate taxes mean more profits, and higher wages. What’s wrong with that? Oh yeah, the last 5% to be employed actually have to pick up their lunch box off the table and go to a place called work for 8 hours instead of sitting at home and watching Price is Right. Universal basic income...that’s what they need.

more on social security...

One of the biggest problems we're facing is the ever increasing growth of government. I think of the Private Sector as the host and Government as a parasite. As long as the parasite doesn't get to large, they can maintain a symbiotic relationship. As the parasite continues to grow, it keeps sucking sustenance from the host and eventually can kill it.

People need to understand that Government produces NOTHING. It requires a strong economy in the Private Sector to exist. Government does serve a function, but it is most effective, when it is small and largely unobtrusive.
The "everyone should just work harder to pay their own way" nonsense is garbage. You were lucky to be born white. I guarantee you had an easier childhood than many, many people. If I'm wrong and you rose above the hardship, good for you. That's the exception, not the rule. Republicans strive to make sure the poor stay poor, which is vividly displayed by the opinions you continue to post.

If poverty could be reduced substantially by helping people with, gasp!, help from the government, it STILL benefits those like you and me who didn't have to scratch and claw to eat every day. I just don't understand why you people are so selfish and can't sympathize with people who haven't had any opportunities in their lives. It's absolutely appalling and sickening.

Do you pay taxes? There's your paved road. Your facetious thanking of Trump aside, taxes pay for infrastructure. Cutting taxes for no other reason than, "cuz freedom!" makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Cutting taxes on corporations has been proven to accomplish nothing more than to make shareholders richer. So if you're a wealthy individual holding a lot of stock, Thanks Trump!

Man, are you confused.

Look at who is running the cities and states, where you have the largest amount of minority poverty. In almost every case it's Democrat controlled government. They have the worst schools and do nothing to improve them. They also don't want to allow Charter Schools or school choice to compete with those failed government schools.

The Dems always give the minorities all sorts of alibies and excuses for their lot in life, but never any solutions. They give them just enough welfare to keep them poor and dependent on the Democrat machine that has them locked in poverty. The only time the Dems give a damn about these people, is when it's time to vote. Then they will be ignored, until the next election. That is a primary case of Institutional Racism, since education would give these people opportunity and the Dems do nothing to help them in that regard.
BTW, I do understand the need to make college more affordable. I would propose a government backed program for 0-1% interest on all college loans as long as the student is current in making payment (is they are unemployed, they can make no payments). One could argue this would better than a one time $10k payment for a good portion of the students (likely for anyone with $30 debt at 6-8% interest). This does two things, incentivizes student to pay their loan and it does not cost the tax payer. The only people who would complain are the banks who are milking the students.
Loved your story but No! Government intervention has made college as stupidly expensive as it is now. If they had government loans for cars like they do for college then cars would cost twice as much as well. You can’t provide a huge financial bubble in a marketplace without that marketplace ingesting every bit of the excess. That’s why we have baristas with $120,000 private college loans. Now we’re going to forgive them? I’ve got two kids college age, I’m investing in college loans as a way to offset my bet that it would be better just to pay their education costs.
[QUOTE="BoilerMadness, post: 2726688, member: ]The Dems always give the minorities all sorts of alibies and excuses for their lot in life, but never any solutions. They give them just enough welfare to keep them poor and dependent on the Democrat machine that has them locked in poverty. The only time the Dems give a damn about these people, is when it's time to vote. Then they will be ignored, until the next election. That is a primary case of Institutional Racism, since education would give these people opportunity and the Dems do nothing to help them in that regard.
The minorities? No just a select few that have been badgered into thinking that’s their lot in life. I’ve worked amongst quite a few Vietnamese and they don’t feel that way even though they’re relatively new here . Also, someone needs to explain the Asian lawsuit against Ivy League schools because it’s obvious there’s a quota.
In the last couple Biden rallies, there were as many Trump supporters there, as there were Biden supporters. Trump has the enthusiasm behind him. Biden needs to have a landslide of mail in ballots, which will need to be scrutinized closely. If we can keep the dead from voting 2-3 times, I think Trump is going to win again.
How do the dead vote 2-3 times? Describe how the process works, EXACTLY how those votes get counted. No conspiracy theories.
How do the dead vote 2-3 times? Describe how the process works, EXACTLY how those votes get counted. No conspiracy theories.
This should be good. Fox never tells them how it happens, only that it does.
This should be good. Fox never tells them how it happens, only that it does.
Right. I’m sure the devils trio of Tucker/Hannity/Eva Braun have done extensive research. And by extensive research I mean reached way up their collective asses for more bullshit and spouted that off.
An act of desperation, Bob.
Did you ever consider that some of those people may not have had the means to pay for the trip to the event at the WH, so BLEXIT picked up the tab? So you're crapping on poor Black people that want to have an opportunity to visit the WH and see the President? smh

That was not a rally, since Trump has no trouble getting lots of people to rallies with short notice.
Biden, not so much. He could probably have a rally and still have lots of room left over in his basement.
You make the accusation that I'm crapping on poor black people based on an assumption you made that these people couldn't pay their own way? Do you have any proof of that.....cause there's plenty of proof that Blexit paid for people to attend. Do you usually base your attacks on people using only a theory you came up with?

News alert. Joe isn't in the basement anymore. He's on the campaign trail and currently kicking Trump's ass.
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Hey, Genius. Biden is the one that wants to make it mandatory to wear masks all over the country and will institute a countrywide shutdown, if the medical experts tell him to do it. That sounds a lot more dictatorial than anything Trump has ever done, but don't let facts get in the way of your rant.
Those actions would end the pandemic here. So far Trump’s results involve a couple hundred thousand deaths.
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You make the accusation that I'm crapping on poor black people based on an assumption you made that these people couldn't pay their own way? Do you have any proof of that.....cause there's plenty of proof that Blexit paid for people to attend. Do you usually base your attacks on people using only a theory you came up with?

News alert. Joe isn't in the basement anymore. He's on the campaign trail and currently kicking Trump's ass.
It’s hilarious that righties think the orange idiot will get a second term. He’s the worst president in American history with no close second place. We are ready to kick him out.
Man, are you confused.

Look at who is running the cities and states, where you have the largest amount of minority poverty. In almost every case it's Democrat controlled government. They have the worst schools and do nothing to improve them. They also don't want to allow Charter Schools or school choice to compete with those failed government schools.

The Dems always give the minorities all sorts of alibies and excuses for their lot in life, but never any solutions. They give them just enough welfare to keep them poor and dependent on the Democrat machine that has them locked in poverty. The only time the Dems give a damn about these people, is when it's time to vote. Then they will be ignored, until the next election. That is a primary case of Institutional Racism, since education would give these people opportunity and the Dems do nothing to help them in that regard.
Look who’s in charge of the country where 200,000 people died. Oh yeah, it’s a Republican.
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Those actions would end the pandemic here. So far Trump’s results involve a couple hundred thousand deaths.
Trump and his people are responsible for the spreading of the virus. We’ve heard it from the media and believe it.

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Trump and his people are responsible for the spreading of the virus. We’ve heard it from the media and believe it.
You don't have to hear anything from the media, you can hear it right from Trump's mouth every time he downplays it's seriousness.
Trump and his people are responsible for the spreading of the virus. We’ve heard it from the media and believe it.

There's little doubt he's doing at every mask less event he does. Joe can that be argued?

Trumpers can go on about how everyone is going to get it or we have to learn to live with it........but he's contributing to the problem and putting his supporters at risk. Doesn't bother him.
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Obamacare was more than a social program. It was a blatant attempt by Obama to Nationalize health care. It was designed to fail, so the Dems could increase the size of government and increase their control of the populace by making us dependent on the government for our healthcare. You don't want National Health Care. If you've ever heard all the horror stories about people dying, while waiting for appointments at the VA, that is what National Health Care looks like.

You need to travel more. Go spend some time in some of your Left Wing paradises. San Francisco used to be a beautiful city, very scenic with great restaurants. Now it is a Hell Hole with feces on the streets, junkies & homeless everywhere and needles mixed with the feces. The man, who created that literal Shit Hole city is now the Governor of California, Gavin Newsom. A prime example that competence is NOT required to rise to the top of Democrat politics.

In NY you have Gov. Cuomo, who killed thousands of Senior Citizens by sending CV-19 positive people to nursing homes. Then you have Mayor De Blasio, who is using San Francisco as his goal for the future of NYC.

You can go to Chicago, Baltimore, Newark or any other major city that is run by Democrats and you'll find taxes are high, costs are high, crime is high and schools are invariably the worst in the nation. Why do rational thinking people vote for Democrats, since they have a very long record of failure? They are long on rhetoric and long on excuses, but very short on positive results.
Trump and his people are responsible for the spreading of the virus. We’ve heard it from the media and believe it.

Correct, Trump and his people are responsible.
There's little doubt he's doing at every mask less event he does. Joe can that be argued?

Trumpers can go on about how everyone is going to get it or we have to learn to live with it........but he's contributing to the problem and putting his supporters at risk. Doesn't bother him.
So early on masks weren’t needed as Dr. Fauci stated and now they are necessary. The game has changed many times on different things about this virus as the science continues to change as new things are learned. The media and others continue to blame a Trump throughout this whole time no matter what as again many things have changed. No matter what this seems unfair regardless of who’s in charge.
So early on masks weren’t needed as Dr. Fauci stated and now they are necessary. The game has changed many times on different things about this virus as the science continues to change as new things are learned. The media and others continue to blame a Trump throughout this whole time no matter what as again many things have changed. No matter what this seems unfair regardless of who’s in charge.
Except.... Trump still thinks masks aren’t necessary and continues to hold rallies which are potential superspreader events. As you said, the science changes. But the man in charge doesn’t give two shits about science.
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So early on masks weren’t needed as Dr. Fauci stated and now they are necessary. The game has changed many times on different things about this virus as the science continues to change as new things are learned. The media and others continue to blame a Trump throughout this whole time no matter what as again many things have changed. No matter what this seems unfair regardless of who’s in charge.

When the CDC was talking about masks at the time do you remember what was happening with toilet paper? I don't necessary agree with lying to the public about the virus (as a trump fan I know you don't have a problem with it) but could you imagine the issues getting PPE for the doctors, nurses, police, fire fighters, EMTs, ect. being exponentially harder if there was a similar market run?
When the CDC was talking about masks at the time do you remember what was happening with toilet paper? I don't necessary agree with lying to the public about the virus (as a trump fan I know you don't have a problem with it) but could you imagine the issues getting PPE for the doctors, nurses, police, fire fighters, EMTs, ect. being exponentially harder if there was a similar market run?
I’d be more concerned about a food shortage and the panic it would have caused. So you are right, I was ok with the so called lying in this case.
I’d be more concerned about a food shortage and the panic it would have caused. So you are right, I was ok with the so called lying in this case.

There was already food supply disruptions at the time but you do make a good point even if it wasn't your intention.

The president only talks in superlatives, if he was going to say something about the virus at the time, I'm sure it would have sent the market for preordered caskets into a frenzy. Everything is "the greatest" or "the worst", no in between. This is a perfect example why he can't be trusted and is unfit to speak on behalf of the American people.
What was needed at the time was a consistent, concise, sober discussion with the American people from our president (Similar to W. after 9/11). Trump isn't capable.
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There was already food supply disruptions at the time but you do make a good point even if it wasn't your intention.

The president only talks in superlatives, if he was going to say something about the virus at the time, I'm sure it would have sent the market for preordered caskets into a frenzy. Everything is "the greatest" or "the worst", no in between. This is a perfect example why he can't be trusted and is unfit to speak on behalf of the American people.
What was needed at the time was a consistent, concise, sober discussion with the American people from our president (Similar to W. after 9/11). Trump isn't capable.
The science hasn’t exactly been spot on either. No matter what Trump did it would be criticized. It’s not being fair with the science changing either.
The science hasn’t exactly been spot on either. No matter what Trump did it would be criticized. It’s not being fair with the science changing either.
Yeah, so the virus is NEW, in case you haven’t heard. And as tends to happen with NEW viruses, the science changes. What hasn’t changed, however, is Dumpty’s making light of it.
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Except.... Trump still thinks masks aren’t necessary and continues to hold rallies which are potential superspreader events. As you said, the science changes. But the man in charge doesn’t give two shits about science.

the virus doesn’t give two shits either

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