Biden CNN interview 15 lies in 17 minutes

Boiler Buck

Mar 11, 2010
Now that's a new record for President interviews....15 lies in 17 minutes.

On CNN. And the CNN interviewer NEVER challenged any of these lies - showing America once again they are not a news outlet, but a propaganda outlet.

There are some whoppers there. The one I liked best is when he said inflation was at 9% when he took over. Actually was 1.4%. 🤡 LOL

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Chump said 30,000 lies in 4 years and you say nothin'.

Clearly not true. The one lying here is YOU.

I cannot say how many times I posted & admitted, "All Politicians Lie" after you posted Trump exaggerations and occasional lies.

I would post several of these, but it would be a waste of time, as you have demonstrated you are NOT a grown up man, and cannot admit when you are wrong.
Clearly not true. The one lying here is YOU.

I cannot say how many times I posted & admitted, "All Politicians Lie" after you posted Trump exaggerations and occasional lies.

I would post several of these, but it would be a waste of time, as you have demonstrated you are NOT a grown up man, and cannot admit when you are wrong.
When it comes to Chump, there is no such thing as an occasional lie. Are you kidding me? By you saying that means that you are totally indoctrinated in that MAGA cult BS; aka Flav-Or-Aid drinkers.
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When it comes to Chump, there is no such thing as an occasional lie. Are you kidding me? By you saying that means that you are totally indoctrinated in that MAGA cult BS; aka Flav-Or-Aid drinkers.

I just voted for Nikki Haley Tuesday.

Demonstrating once again you are wrong......but all readers here know you are not a grown up man, as you cannot admit when you are wrong.
I just voted for Nikki Haley Tuesday.

Demonstrating once again you are wrong......but all readers here know you are not a grown up man, as you cannot admit when you are wrong.
You are 29,999 lies from reaching your hero.
You are 29,999 lies from reaching your hero.

Please document your proof I did not vote for Haley. You cannot. And it really demonstrates your response is what a little boy would say.

As one thing I have documented for sure is you are not a grown up. But you keep working on it. Maybe someday you can transition from a boy to a man. Have a good day, and keep working on it.
I just voted for Nikki Haley Tuesday.

Demonstrating once again you are wrong......but all readers here know you are not a grown up man, as you cannot admit when you are wrong.
This is just you giving yourself cover for later to distance yourself from trump when he does or says something you can’t defend. You’ve been doing it for years. You carry his bags all the time on policy and preach MAGA outrage on social issues. Save it.
This is just you giving yourself cover for later to distance yourself from trump when he does or says something you can’t defend. You’ve been doing it for years. You carry his bags all the time on policy and preach MAGA outrage on social issues. Save it.

The Buckster is so easy to see through it ain't funny. He defends Chump to no end and now says that he voted for Haley.

The Buckster is so easy to see through it ain't funny. He defends Chump to no end and now says that he voted for Haley.

Wrong again.
Making quite a habit of being wrong BNI. You are just on a roll.

I can show you several posts where I criticized Trump. Being critical proves, I do not "defend him to no end."

Would look them up, but know when I do you still won't be man enough to admit you are wrong. Sad.
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Now that's a new record for President interviews....15 lies in 17 minutes.

On CNN. And the CNN interviewer NEVER challenged any of these lies - showing America once again they are not a news outlet, but a propaganda outlet.

There are some whoppers there. The one I liked best is when he said inflation was at 9% when he took over. Actually was 1.4%. 🤡 LOL

Biden can't tell the truth. He has no clue what truth is.
Now that's a new record for President interviews....15 lies in 17 minutes.

On CNN. And the CNN interviewer NEVER challenged any of these lies - showing America once again they are not a news outlet, but a propaganda outlet.

There are some whoppers there. The one I liked best is when he said inflation was at 9% when he took over. Actually was 1.4%. 🤡 LOL

Not to mention, a new Crow record for serious interviews in a year: 1.

Regime media is turning against him, as shown by this interview. Crow looked stunned at times that she was asking him non-frivolous questions.

Where was Riley Lastname when Crow needed him? I hope he wasn't eaten by cannibals.
When it comes to Chump, there is no such thing as an occasional lie. Are you kidding me? By you saying that means that you are totally indoctrinated in that MAGA cult BS; aka Flav-Or-Aid drinkers.
Uncle, you need to correct your Pavlovian response about 'Flav-Or-Aid." You no doubt heard it on urban radio, but that is not how it is spelled.

I estimate you have misspelled it about 30,000 times in your last four years of Pavlovian responses.
Uncle, you need to correct your Pavlovian response about 'Flav-Or-Aid." You no doubt heard it on urban radio, but that is not how it is spelled.

I estimate you have misspelled it about 30,000 times in your last four years of Pavlovian responses.

Not to mention libs don't understand the difference between exaggerating and out right lying. ALL politicians do BOTH. But Biden heavy on the latter....Trump heavy on the former.
Now that's a new record for President interviews....15 lies in 17 minutes.

On CNN. And the CNN interviewer NEVER challenged any of these lies - showing America once again they are not a news outlet, but a propaganda outlet.

There are some whoppers there. The one I liked best is when he said inflation was at 9% when he took over. Actually was 1.4%. 🤡 LOL

Let me get this straight, you are criticizing Biden for his facts when the most dishonest president in the history of our country gets a free ride. You never fail to amaze me.
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Let me get this straight, you are criticizing Biden for his facts when the most dishonest president in the history of our country gets a free ride. You never fail to amaze me.
In your opinion, what were three big lies that Trump told? I used to read the media stating that Trump lied, and then I read the body, and most of the lies they claimed were either a difference of opinion or puffing.
Let me get this straight, you are criticizing Biden for his facts when the most dishonest president in the history of our country gets a free ride. You never fail to amaze me.

No specifically I was discussing 1 interview where Biden lied 15 times in 17 minutes. No other Presidents were present at the time during the interview. So why bring it up??

When other Presidents have lied or exaggerated.....I sometimes call all Presidents out for it, including Trump....the ONLY one on the board who has or does call out both sides........... including you.
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Slick Clinton is the most dishonest Prez we've ever had. I consider Bed Pan Biden to be the dumbest.
For the record, I don't think Biden is dumb. He became a lawyer after barely getting the grades to be a lawyer, and being caught plagerizing. He wisely went into politics, and somehow remained despite lies that the media had said would remove him from being reelected.

However, he wisely and Machivalean used the system not only to move into the same neighborhood as the Duponts, but also to manipulate the system to get his entire family to become multi-millionaires.

I concluded LBJ to be the most dishonest after reading the Ellsberg Reports, and I became politically agnostic. Over the years, I have probably voted slightly more Democrat, but on a state/county level. I was intrigued by Reagan. But I was thrilled with Obama, until I saw his agenda was to stoke racism and parrot the Globalist Corporations.

The thing I loved about Reagan and even Obama that I hate about Trump is that he does not act Presidential. When reporters are trying to ambush him, he walks right into the confrontation. When they ask him questions, when he is going to his helicopter or anywhere, he stops and gives his opinion. When anyone says anything negative about him, he answers back. I have never seen such honesty from a President, but it is not Presidential. And like I said, the media will fact check him not with facts but with their opinion. And thus, I will wait for someone to tell me what lies he said as President that were so awful.
And thus, I will wait for someone to tell me what lies he said as President that were so awful.

Most of Trump's lies were just over the top exaggerations. Like when he said he had the biggest inauguration ever. Lol. No, not close. But a funny exaggeration....yes. why funny, because he knew it wasn't true, but was a way to get press. And it worked.

But when he said constantly & consistently Mexico would pay for the wall everyone knew that was a lie. Awful? No, not really. But over and over until it was shameful...yes.
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Sean Spicer said that when you factor in people who streamed President Trump’s inauguration online, it would make it the most-watched presidential inauguration in history.

Mexico took unprecedented steps to curb irregular migration following threats by Trump to impose tariffs. Mexico also required asylum seekers to wait for their claims to be processed in Mexico rather than in the U.S. Mexico retained 28,000 soldiers, with the majority deployed to its southern border, stopping the caravans.

This is what I call propaganda. I don't mind debating whether this equivalent to Mexico paying for the wall? But for the media, which should be reporting the news, to state that these statements are lies is called yellow journalism at best.

Biden stating that Trump saying there were good people on both sides when talking about white nationalists is a lie! It is a blatant lie, because Biden knows it is a lie and said it anyway. For Trump to puff a fact, or get a figure wrong is IMO a forgiveable mistake. And for the record, I do not like it when Trump infers something about a person who takes a shot at him.
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Sean Spicer said that when you factor in people who streamed President Trump’s inauguration online, it would make it the most-watched presidential inauguration in history.

Mexico took unprecedented steps to curb irregular migration following threats by Trump to impose tariffs. Mexico also required asylum seekers to wait for their claims to be processed in Mexico rather than in the U.S. Mexico retained 28,000 soldiers, with the majority deployed to its southern border, stopping the caravans.

This is what I call propaganda. I don't mind debating whether this equivalent to Mexico paying for the wall? But for the media, which should be reporting the news, to state that these statements are lies is called yellow journalism at best.

Biden stating that Trump saying there were good people on both sides when talking about white nationalists is a lie! It is a blatant lie, because Biden knows it is a lie and said it anyway. For Trump to puff a fact, or get a figure wrong is IMO a forgiveable mistake. And for the record, I do not like it when Trump infers something about a person who takes a shot at him.
I just wish Trump hadn't caused the 9% inflation 18 months into the Crow presidency. That was over the top.
[In your opinion, what were three big lies that Trump told? I used to read the media stating that Trump lied, and then I read the body, and most of the lies they claimed were either a difference of opinion or puffing.
I can give you three from the last few weeks.

He said the gag order keeps him from testifying in the NY case. Lie.

The judge wouldn’t allow him to attend his son’s graduation. Lie.

He said “All legal scholars, both sides, wanted, and in fact demanded” that Roe v. Wade be overturned.” Lie. Not even an exaggeration.

The democrats kill babies after they are born. Lie. Or is that just another exaggeration Buck?

Oh that’s four. Want more?
I’m looking forward to watching you twist those into truth.

How about speculative lying? That’s his thing. Nearly every time he speaks that is some version of Armageddon will happen if he’s not elected.

Here’s a hall of fame speculative exaggeration.

Chump said 30,000 lies in 4 years and you say nothin'.
So when Joe is lying at a pace of one per minute or 600/day he will have Trump beat in 50 days. Lyin’ Biden at his best.


Even CBS/NBC/ABC cannot take time to correct every one of these lies…but the WH will try their best
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So when Joe is lying at a pace of one per minute or 600/day he will have Trump beat in 50 days. Lyin’ Biden at his best.


Even CBS/NBC/ABC cannot take time to correct every one of these lies…but the WH will try their best
So Biden is closing in on 290,000 lies just in his presidency. 😂 30,000 lies told by Trump is paltry.
I can give you three from the last few weeks.

He said the gag order keeps him from testifying in the NY case. Lie.

The judge wouldn’t allow him to attend his son’s graduation. Lie.

He said “All legal scholars, both sides, wanted, and in fact demanded” that Roe v. Wade be overturned.” Lie. Not even an exaggeration.

The democrats kill babies after they are born. Lie. Or is that just another exaggeration Buck?

Oh that’s four. Want more?
I’m looking forward to watching you twist those into truth.

How about speculative lying? That’s his thing. Nearly every time he speaks that is some version of Armageddon will happen if he’s not elected.

Here’s a hall of fame speculative exaggeration.

I appreciate you responding. Here is my response.

I have not been actively following the NY political persecution cases. I did live in Manhattan, and I can tell you all Manhattanites know that it is impossible to rape a woman in Bergdorf Goodman's dressing rooms. And from my limited knowledge of law, I am amazed a NY State Judge would try a case already dismissed by a federal inquiry that was dismissed. Unless the judge has a daughter who is making money from the case, which the daughter is and which the judge himself donated. However, I just researched it and you are right. This is lie, but then again, it is harmless.

Roe vs Wade is to be decided at the state level, and not at the federal level because it is not mentioned in the Constitution. And while Trump may not have stated this correctly, I think all legal scholars would agree. Almost every Christian, Jew, and Muslim is taught that abortion is wrong. I am very religious, but I agree with Trump that in cases of deformity, rape, incest, probable harm to mother or child that the mother can choose. I also agree that the mother may decide within 14 weeks. I am liberal on many issues,and this is what I call justifiable homicide.

If Trump said that the Democrats kill babies after they are born, he is DEAD wrong. However, in my quick search, I saw that Trump said that Democrats support the killing of babies after they are born. And I believe they are for partial birth abortion. Do I have that wrong?

And I found the video amusing, and I cannot call that a lie because maybe the pollster told the amusing story to Trump.
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Most of Trump's lies were just over the top exaggerations. Like when he said he had the biggest inauguration ever. Lol. No, not close. But a funny exaggeration....yes. why funny, because he knew it wasn't true, but was a way to get press. And it worked.

But when he said constantly & consistently Mexico would pay for the wall everyone knew that was a lie. Awful? No, not really. But over and over until it was shameful...yes.
Yes and no. He convinced them to have troops along the boarder to keep people from crossing. It cost them money to do this. It isn't paying for the wall, but it's something.
Let me get this straight, you are criticizing Biden for his facts when the most dishonest president in the history of our country gets a free ride. You never fail to amaze me.
So Lyin’ Biden gets a free pass because Trump lied first…got it. Even though Joe said he’d bring honesty to the Presidency…the first (ok that probably wasn’t his first) lie on the campaign trail.
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