Better NBA career, Zach of Clingan?

Who will have a better NBA career, Zach, or Clingan from UConn?

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I think people do not understand how athletic Zach is for this size. Too many preconceived notions that he is slow. I think the combine helped with that some.

As Lively has shown with Dallas, there is a need for rebounders and rim protectors. If both players get in the right system, they will both have successful NBA careers.
Zach will play for 10 years if he wants to.
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I pointed out Lartner’s Olympic accomplishments because many other college players were Olympic stars and Laetner, despite his college hype was a total non factor on his Olympic team. Is that his fault? Yes it was his fault. If he was better, he would have played more rather than just occupying a roster spot they were obligated to give to a college player!

I’ll stick to my assessment. Clingman’s nba career will be no better than Laetner’s nba career.

That’s my opinion! You can agree with it or not. But you don’t have to resort to name calling just because you don’t agree with my opinions. But then again, why change your behavior now? Nobody will ban you for harassing me!
If your point is that Clingan's NBA career will be no better than Laetner's I completely agree. That was not easy to ascertain from your initial post. For DC to play a meaningful role in the league for over a decade would be a win for him and the team that selects him.

Any expectations that Laettner would be a franchise player were probably unfair. That 1992 draft had two stars and a bunch of good players. I'm not sure this year's draft has any sure stars/franchise players. If Clingan goes in the top five the expectations for him will likely be unrealistic.
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