As a follow up, I just took the quiz again, this time more thoughtfully. Unfortunately, Trump is the one I align with most, and I suspect that's because I place more emphasis on economic policy and less on most of the rest where I find his policies abhorrent (immigration, women's rights, etc.). I do not and will not support Trump for or as President (insofar as I am allowed as a servicemember) as I would be ashamed to have him as CinC or the direct representative of our country, regardless of his purported ideological stances.
Rubio was a close second, not surprisingly. He's "my boy" as far as this election goes.
Followed then by Fiorina and then Cruz and most of the rest of the R candidates.
Interestingly, Clinton was mid-pack, ahead of Christie and Carson for me. Sanders was, of course, last because of my vast differences of opinion with him economically and in foreign policy. On domestic policy, he was one of my top 4, and near the top with respect to electoral policy as well as I would've expected.
The entire range was 85% for Trump (83% Rubio down to 79% Cruz) down to 63% for Sanders, which makes me feel a little bit better about having Trump at the top.
I feel like that quiz is OK except that listening to Trump and Cruz speak actually bugs me more than Sanders, even though I admit that more of Sanders' policies make me want to vomit.
I'd be happiest with a Rubio-Clinton election, regardless of the outcome. I'd be fine with a Rubio-Sanders election - for one, I think Rubio would win, and for another 80% of Sanders' crazy-ass ideas (IMO) aren't going to happen, but election reform might!
I'd vote for Clinton over Trump. I might vote for her over Cruz. And I might vote Sanders over either one of those imbeciles as well.
Rubio was a close second, not surprisingly. He's "my boy" as far as this election goes.
Followed then by Fiorina and then Cruz and most of the rest of the R candidates.
Interestingly, Clinton was mid-pack, ahead of Christie and Carson for me. Sanders was, of course, last because of my vast differences of opinion with him economically and in foreign policy. On domestic policy, he was one of my top 4, and near the top with respect to electoral policy as well as I would've expected.
The entire range was 85% for Trump (83% Rubio down to 79% Cruz) down to 63% for Sanders, which makes me feel a little bit better about having Trump at the top.
I feel like that quiz is OK except that listening to Trump and Cruz speak actually bugs me more than Sanders, even though I admit that more of Sanders' policies make me want to vomit.
I'd be happiest with a Rubio-Clinton election, regardless of the outcome. I'd be fine with a Rubio-Sanders election - for one, I think Rubio would win, and for another 80% of Sanders' crazy-ass ideas (IMO) aren't going to happen, but election reform might!
I'd vote for Clinton over Trump. I might vote for her over Cruz. And I might vote Sanders over either one of those imbeciles as well.