Assertiveness from Mathias

Great! In your opinion, it was getting old. So what? Who cares? Get over it!! You are going to come on and tell me to stop because you don't like it? You made yourself the subject!! Like I said earlier, don't like it......then don't worry about it. But you think I'm going to stop posting about the officials because you said so? Get real. This really bothers you doesn't it? Obviously, you do care........or you wouldn't have started this in the first place. It was my, among other's, opinion that the officiating, the missed calls, the stoppages, etc. were sub par and we pointed it out. Nothing more, nothing less. Where does this even involve you? If you are going to call us out in game thread, then take it like a man when you are called out.

Yes, in my opinion it was getting old. So? Get over it. Read carefully...I never told you to stop...just that it was getting old. And, it was. Deal with it. And, YES YES it was old. So I posted it. Get over it. Trying to find a rule that disallows saying that the same thing repeated over and over and over and over is getting old is somehow bad or unacceptable LOL. was getting old. LOL
Yes, in my opinion it was getting old. So? Get over it. Read carefully...I never told you to stop...just that it was getting old. And, it was. Deal with it. And, YES YES it was old. So I posted it. Get over it. Trying to find a rule that disallows saying that the same thing repeated over and over and over and over is getting old is somehow bad or unacceptable LOL. was getting old. LOL

IN YOUR OPINION, it was getting old. IN OUR OPINION, it was bad officiating. Don't worry about it. If it ruined your evening, or your game time pleasure, then that is too bad. You said your piece, and so did we. You actually think I, or the others, are going to say, "oh, we better not make any more officiating comments because it will upset boiler deuce?" Come on man. You knew what you were doing. Get over it LOL!!
Get a room guys; enough flirting.

Back to Mathias... I think he will get more minutes than his average for the rest of the season because he is playing with aggression but also confidence & control.

He has my vote for captain next year, and that's based on the whole season. Glad he wears Old Gold & Black.

Boiler Up!
IN YOUR OPINION, it was getting old. IN OUR OPINION, it was bad officiating. Don't worry about it. If it ruined your evening, or your game time pleasure, then that is too bad. You said your piece, and so did we. You actually think I, or the others, are going to say, "oh, we better not make any more officiating comments because it will upset boiler deuce?" Come on man. You knew what you were doing. Get over it LOL!!

All I've been doing since is poking the bear. Just my opinion, your bitching was getting old...and it was....then I just basically started poking since you got all wound up. LOL. Meh. So, next time you start rattling off, mindlessly bitching about the officials, as the calls mount against our opponents, but you still think we deserve "home cooking", and want help to win....instead of telling you that you look silly, I'll just chuckle. And comment to someone relatively sane. LOL!! Roger! We good? LOL
All I've been doing since is poking the bear. Just my opinion, your bitching was getting old...and it was....then I just basically started poking since you got all wound up. LOL. Meh. So, next time you start rattling off, mindlessly bitching about the officials, as the calls mount against our opponents, but you still think we deserve "home cooking", and want help to win....instead of telling you that you look silly, I'll just chuckle. And comment to someone relatively sane. LOL!! Roger! We good? LOL

LOL, just don't let it get to you next's silly. Hopefully, the last couple of games will be officiated better. BTW, there has been some bitching about the officiating during the Iowa/OSU game, and I think it is in two different threads!!!!!!!!!!! You better go correct those posters before it's too late LOL!!! Good luck Chuck!
The potential is there, he just hasn't done anything with it. I'm not surprised he's found a spot on the bench. He doesn't have anything that Mathias and Cline don't, and they are better passers. Plus, and I expect to get blasted for saying it, he hasn't shown himself to have the mental toughness that you'd want in a big game.

I don't know how you can say he doesn't have mental toughness. I actually feel better about him in big situations than early game situations. He has hit several big shots, including the one that put the team in the tournament last year.

There are things about this game to pick apart but hitting big shots isn't really one of them. I still think the team has a higher ceiling if Stephens in involved and playing to close to his potential. I remember his driving dunk earlier this season and thinking he was taking the next step. His season clearly went off the rails but it doesn't necessarily mean it can't get back on. It was good to see his excitement yesterday ... seems promising.
I watched the Maryland game again and Dakota hit some open shots, contested shots, fall-away shots...and like others have said, his confidence was off the charts.

But his entry passes into the paint were on a different level. He put the ball right where our bigs could go right into their attack and before the defense had a chance to react.
LOL, just don't let it get to you next's silly. Hopefully, the last couple of games will be officiated better. BTW, there has been some bitching about the officiating during the Iowa/OSU game, and I think it is in two different threads!!!!!!!!!!! You better go correct those posters before it's too late LOL!!! Good luck Chuck!

Actually, I didn't even post it directly too you in the first place. I made the comment in general. You just got your panties in a bunch over it. LOL I think they still are. :-D Then, I decided to rib you over it. I'll admit...I'm still kinda just ribbing you for fun...LOL
Actually, I didn't even post it directly too you in the first place. I made the comment in general. You just got your panties in a bunch over it. LOL I think they still are. :-D Then, I decided to rib you over it. I'll admit...I'm still kinda just ribbing you for fun...LOL

It takes a big man to apologize, and I accept:) Until we meet again..............
Not a slam. Just my personal opinion. I think he's taken so many bad shots, so many of what I consider just dumb shots...shots that I think defy common sense that he just thinks he has a green light in any situation and any time. JMHO. There is no law you have to agree. No law that I have to say what everyone likes. But, it's my opinion.

Do you not think that MP gave him that green light? Or is it really your opinion that Stephens just "spent too much time reading about how awesome he was shooting"?
Do you not think that MP gave him that green light? Or is it really your opinion that Stephens just "spent too much time reading about how awesome he was shooting"?

If Painter gave him that much of a "green light" there is a problem. It doesn't take a basketball authority to see when shots are seriously circus like and early in the shot clock at that....are not wise nor value added attempts. And, any player that thinks those shots are logical, has something going on. And, yes, I do have a hunch that he has a high opinion of self. I don't care if he takes those silly shots, if he demonstrated consistently the ability to hit them. He hasn't. I'm glad he's benched. Not forever, as I think he CAN shoot well. But he needed a swift kick in the pants to get his act together and change his perception of a "Good shot". Some, good coaches, would certainly have benched him IN GAME. I would have. I'm willing to bet Keady would have also. LOL