Arizona admits that nearly 100,000 non-citizen 'voters' wrongly listed on voter rolls amid lawsuit to watch using words that are outside the rubicon of normal discourse on here. Confuses simple folk. Lol

I used "sciolism" describing an individuals views on here the other day, and he told me to use spell check first when responding. Got a great laugh out of the irony of that statement.

Anyway, your last paragraph reveals the truth about K2. She is a big govt Marxist. Equity is key to them. Equality of opportunity is, well.....not so important or relevant.
Commandant K2 and Lt. Commandant Walz are Marxist to the core. Anyone who can't see that, read that, or know that are simply pawns in the destruction of this once great Republic.
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Good. So absolutely no one that assaulted law enforcement gets money under your plan.

What about the ones that ran through the halls of the Capitol screaming “Hang Mike Pence!”

Do they get a $25,000 payment of our tax dollars under your plan?
No the grandpa's and grandma's were old enough to have lived without safe spaces. They grew up at a time where they were taught "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" and never considered it literally. It was a phrase to stay calm if someone called you a name and such and to not escalate things due to verbal abuse. Course, if there were one that meant it literally, grandpa and grandma were not strong enough to lift Mike up to the noose and trying to discern that person from the police yelling for them to come in probably distorted the ability to discern if one meant it literally. $25,000 is for special patriotic activity that is above and beyond the typical grandma and grandpa. Shoot those without the cell phones to get caught (similar to the mules with phones) probably went home and had old person sex later if walking around the outside didn't wear them out, let alone trying to hear each other if the hearing aid battery was low and the energy required for communication when so many were singing "God Bless America!".
No the grandpa's and grandma's were old enough to have lived without safe spaces. They grew up at a time where they were taught "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" and never considered it literally. It was a phrase to stay calm if someone called you a name and such and to not escalate things due to verbal abuse. Course, if there were one that meant it literally, grandpa and grandma were not strong enough to lift Mike up to the noose and trying to discern that person from the police yelling for them to come in probably distorted the ability to discern if one meant it literally. $25,000 is for special patriotic activity that is above and beyond the typical grandma and grandpa. Shoot those without the cell phones to get caught (similar to the mules with phones) probably went home and had old person sex later if walking around the outside didn't wear them out, let alone trying to hear each other if the hearing aid battery was low and the energy required for communication when so many were singing "God Bless America!".
That 70S Show Lol GIF by Peacock
What about the ones who paraded through the Capitol with a Confederate flag?

Do they get a $25,000 payment under your plan?
No, nothing having the battle flag is special. There are a lot of those down south and considered myself if it were worth buying and preserving one for a future market after all the other history is erased. Nothing special there. The future value of money took a hit the last 3 1/2 years as far as compounding along with the huge inflation and so unlike Kamala's thoughts on money since she has never created it, my plans have a bit of belt tightening required.

I'm talking about special things like whistle blowers leading to firing some heads in the FBI and CIA and being transparent to the DEI hires that are hurting the country, but obscured by the media. Finding out which clerk leaked the Roe/Wade correct reversal to the states, who killed Epstein, where the money is going in Ukraine and how many terrorists they know have been let in the country are all things worth rewarding along with a few others, but you get the gist.
Oh, and what about the ones who defacated in the halls of the Capitol. Do they get a $25,000 taxpayer funded payment under your plan?
No those were people from California with many from San Francisco and were used to going where they were. They have been doing it for a few years under Gavin's leadership. Nancy wasn't about to punish those trained by Gavin relative to human excrement. Blood is thicker than water.
What about people who were proven in court to be Proud Boys and Oath Keepers organizers. Do they get a $25,000 taxpayer funded payment under your plan?
Obama was a community organizer as well. Being an organizer is nothing special. Hell, the local PTA has an organizer. Even in this forum there is an organizer. Again, it has to be something special of which I already listed a few
Obama was a community organizer as well. Being an organizer is nothing special. Hell, the local PTA has an organizer. Even in this forum there is an organizer. Again, it has to be something special of which I already listed a few
I give you credit for being consistent.

One more question; would you be happier if the Confederacy has won the Civil War, seceded, and still had slaves?
What about the ones who carried bear spray. Do the taxpayers pay them $25,000 under your plan?
no biggie, just two days ago a lady called me (haven't given up the homeowners authority yet) to complain about a "new neighbor" that had two dogs (almost always in the house) and told me she carried bear spray in case the dogs came towards here. I told her to file a complaint with the cops. A couple of years earlier she complained that I had driven my truck where she mowed and she tried to keep it nice (the ground was hard and the grass was back to normal in a couple of hours. I told her I had to drive down to the pond to clean up growth there and didn't want to drive over some crops. She said she took care of it and I told her she didn't have to do that, but most do to keep the bugs down and that on the side of the ditch I was driving she apparently didn't know that was my land. This after her husband and her rapidly drove down my lane to see me. So no, a lot of people have bear spray...probably more now with the open borders
I give you credit for being consistent.

One more question; would you be happier if the Confederacy has won the Civil War, seceded, and still had slaves?
First of all there wouldn't be slaves. It would have ended not long after the war. Interesting, hypothetical question about had the south won the war and the effects today. I have NO certainty about how things would be today had the war success been reversed or as you say...secession was allowed. I'm sure there could be a lot of speculation, but it would just be speculation other than on the whole the military force and natural influence across the globe would be diminished most likely because whatever split took place there would not be universal leverage. What we do know is the German Hessians that ventured into the southern states in Antebellum were taken back by the lazy and redneck ways. A particular reference in Thomas Sowell's book

makes particular reference to the farmers plowing around stumps instead of removing them for year after year. Thomas mentions that the red neck ways of the south were taken up north by the blacks as they migrated. I have and read the book, but haven't listened to this video which I expect tells about this book. So, that migration wouldn't have happened to the extent it did. Interesting question that nobody knows exactly how different it would be .

First of all there wouldn't be slaves. It would have ended not long after the war. Interesting, hypothetical question about had the south won the war and the effects today. I have NO certainty about how things would be today had the war success been reversed or as you say...secession was allowed. I'm sure there could be a lot of speculation, but it would just be speculation other than on the whole the military force and natural influence across the globe would be diminished most likely because whatever split took place there would not be universal leverage. What we do know is the German Hessians that ventured into the southern states in Antebellum were taken back by the lazy and redneck ways. A particular reference in Thomas Sowell's book

makes particular reference to the farmers plowing around stumps instead of removing them for year after year. Thomas mentions that the red neck ways of the south were taken up north by the blacks as they migrated. I have and read the book, but haven't listened to this video which I expect tells about this book. So, that migration wouldn't have happened to the extent it did. Interesting question that nobody knows exactly how different it would be .

a bit shorter that mentions Indianapolis
One more question; would you be happier if the Confederacy has won the Civil War, seceded, and still had slaves?

First of all there wouldn't be slaves. It would have ended not long after the war. Interesting, hypothetical question about had the south won the war and the effects today. I have NO certainty about how things would be today had the war success been reversed or as you say...secession was allowed. I'm sure there could be a lot of speculation, but it would just be speculation other than on the whole the military force and natural influence across the globe would be diminished most likely because whatever split took place there would not be universal leverage. What we do know is the German Hessians that ventured into the southern states in Antebellum were taken back by the lazy and redneck ways. A particular reference in Thomas Sowell's book

makes particular reference to the farmers plowing around stumps instead of removing them for year after year. Thomas mentions that the red neck ways of the south were taken up north by the blacks as they migrated. I have and read the book, but haven't listened to this video which I expect tells about this book. So, that migration wouldn't have happened to the extent it did. Interesting question that nobody knows exactly how different it would be .

A far better answer would have been “No!”

But for you to say “no” first before your long diversion, it would have required you to be dishonest.
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A far better answer would have been “No!”

But for you to say “no” first before your long diversion, it would have required you to be dishonest.
you knew the future of a person living in the north with the thousand of hypotheticals in an evolving culture...I should have figured Kreskin. You should try Sowell sometime, he might broaden your understanding as he has mine.
you knew the future of a person living in the north with the thousand of hypotheticals in an evolving culture...I should have figured Kreskin. You should try Sowell sometime, he might broaden your understanding as he has mine.
Katscratch fever, you are free to project where we would be had the two different outcomes existed over 150 years later or something more recent like the difference in the USA had Japan not bombed the USA...or how Hitler and Germany might have responded had the Versailles treaty not been as harsh as it was? Go ahead if you desire Kreskin? I should not be amazed, but the hits keep coming
Katscratch fever, you are free to project where we would be had the two different outcomes existed over 150 years later or something more recent like the difference in the USA had Japan not bombed the USA...or how Hitler and Germany might have responded had the Versailles treaty not been as harsh as it was? Go ahead if you desire Kreskin? I should not be amazed, but the hits keep coming
You are the one who isn’t bothered by the Confederate flag being marched through the Capitol by people who wanted to hang the Vice President and overthrow the Presidential Election. In fact, you stated that those who did so should get a taxpayer funded reward.

So I was wondering if you are a fan of the Confederacy and its policy of the enslavement of black people.

It was a very simple question. Yet you still aren’t able to answer in a straightforward way.
Katscratch fever, you are free to project where we would be had the two different outcomes existed over 150 years later or something more recent like the difference in the USA had Japan not bombed the USA...or how Hitler and Germany might have responded had the Versailles treaty not been as harsh as it was? Go ahead if you desire Kreskin? I should not be amazed, but the hits keep coming
You are the one who isn’t bothered by the Confederate flag being marched through the Capitol. So I was wondering if you are a fan of the Confederacy and their policy of enslavement of black people.

It was a very simple question. Yet you still aren’t able to answer in a straightforward way.
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You are the one who isn’t bothered by the Confederate flag being marched through the Capitol. So I was wondering if you are a fan of the Confederacy and their policy of enslavement of black people.

It was a very simple question. Yet you still aren’t able to answer in a straightforward way.
Did he actually answer any of your questions? Old person sex? Human excrement? Cleaning out the pond?
Did he actually answer any of your questions? Old person sex? Human excrement? Cleaning out the pond?

Sadly, he did.

He was reasonably clear in stating that he is in favor of giving a $25,000 taxpayer-funded payment to each convicted felon that stormed the Capitol at the command of Donald Trump.

He stated that he would support giving that reward to the following categories of convicted felons, whom he considers patriots:
  • If they were carrying a Confederate flag while doing so,
  • Defecated in the halls of Congress,
  • Assaulted law enforcement,
    • he carved out an exception for those who assaulted law enforcement at the behest of law enforcement -- so, literally no exceptions.
  • Screaming that the Vice President should hang, or
  • Were part of the Proud Boys or Oath Keepers greater conspiracy,
You are the one who isn’t bothered by the Confederate flag being marched through the Capitol. So I was wondering if you are a fan of the Confederacy and their policy of enslavement of black people.

It was a very simple question. Yet you still aren’t able to answer in a straightforward way.
I bet you that tjreese and others, who seem to embrace the confederate flag and monuments, is the same person that was against the NFL football players kneeling during the National Anthem. People that still own and display the confederate flag is more egregious than the football players kneeling.
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I mean, I'm not upset at all, so...

And what does that have to do, in the slightest, with Just the News writing a headline that misrepresents its own article in such a way that the OP thinks there are 100,000 non-citizens who are registered to vote in Arizona? Or shall I presume this is just a deflection, given that you have no argument against my statement?
What's your contention about the article? That there is only 1 out of the 97,000 registered voters that can vote in Arizona elections? I think we can all agree that Federal elections are the main concern here and all of those "voters" could vote in Federal elections.
What's your contention about the article? That there is only 1 out of the 97,000 registered voters that can vote in Arizona elections? I think we can all agree that Federal elections are the main concern here and all of those "voters" could vote in Federal elections.
My contention is that the article doesn't say that ANY of the 97,000 referenced, save for the 1, are actually non-citizens.