He’s lying TO BECOME a politician. He ain’t one yet.
All liars are the same according to you. The number, the frequency, the intent, all the same.
Lying to grandma about why you can’t come to dinner on Sunday is the same as saying you lost an election because it was rigged. Is that your position?
So we just accept that politicians are going to lie and no longer consider lying to be a negative? So what attributes do you use to make your decision about who to vote for? Where do you draw the line? Is insider trading a problem for you? How about infidelity? Convicted felon? Or is your only requirement that they belong to your party, like Walker? Sure sounds like it. By any measure, he is a deeply flawed man who knows little about the issues his job as senator would require him to address. He’s ONLY there because of trump. Would he have a chance in hell of even winning the nomination without him?
Your attempt to minimize lying as a disqualifying vice is yet another attempt to normalize trump’s lies.
How the hell do we get good people in our government if we don’t demand and expect them to possess character and decency? We aren’t going to get quality in every official every time, but we sure as hell need to keep trying. Lowering the bar isn’t the answer. In fact, it’s one of the most ridiculous arguments you’ve ever made. But it wasn’t what you really think, it was just a stupid reply to avoid the subject.