AG Locks up 3 Domestic Terrorist Dem Extremist

Boiler Buck

Mar 11, 2010
The next election is getting easier by the day for the Rs, with the Dems......
Standing for Domestic Terrorism of Tesla
As Climate Hypocrites
Standing up for Hamas Terrorism
For illegal criminal immigrants
For transgender boys playing girls sports
For men undressing in women locker rooms
For government waste & corrupt spending

The Idiot Extremist Dems are writing the commercials daily for the woeful Republican Party.

So glad AG Bondi is nailing these DEM Extremist Terrorists to the wall. Great Job!!!

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The next election is getting easier by the day for the Rs, with the Dems......
Standing for Domestic Terrorism of Tesla
As Climate Hypocrites
Standing up for Hamas Terrorism
For illegal criminal immigrants
For transgender boys playing girls sports
For men undressing in women locker rooms
For government waste & corrupt spending

The Idiot Extremist Dems are writing the commercials daily for the woeful Republican Party.

So glad AG Bondi is nailing these DEM Extremist Terrorists to the wall. Great Job!!!

I would bet that Chump ain't going to pardon these folks like he pardoned all of the Jan 6 Flavor Aiders.