But Hope DID leave us a mess. No experienced depth at QB. An OL with no depth that wasn't good. WRs that were wildly unproven or just not good. 0 LB depth.
I can agree that after 2 years, all excuses are null and void....but i'd love you to point me to a coach making less than $4mil a year that could have fixed all the issues this program had....from a branding and identity standpoint to a on field performance stand point in under 2 years.
That said, its put up or shut up time now. If there's a backslide, I would hope we move on and find another coach. If we win 4-5 games, the gauntlet is laid and its bowl or bust in 2016. If this is handled any other way, I can't imagine ANYBODY left in the stands in 2016.