A lil ditty about Jeff and Nick.


Gold Member
Sep 27, 2008
and so I watched the game on TV in Bsummers area with a lot of Purdue fans and a few IU fans. This tailgate inside a rather large garage was started by a family that lost a son a couple of years ago, that was finishing his last year at Purdue in an automobile accident a couple of years ago tomorrow. Within that group was a sister to that young man that apparently is dating a manager on the defensive side for Purdue. His (manager) version agrees with many, that Purdue has TWO geniuses (Nick and Jeff) on the sidelines...nothing new there right?

Was told the story that Nick had a blitz called and the person messed up the blitz signal and a "different" blitz happened. It just so happened that it worked out quite well with the "wrong call" and so Nicked walked over to him after the play and said, "That is not the blitz I called. Should I fire you NOW or wait until the game is over?" When Nick walked away his buddy said, why didn't you tell him ...but it worked! He said, "No way would he tell him that!" Mr. intensity! Anyway, I asked if he was the "get back" coach...and they didn't know.

With Brohm steering this ship I expect quite a string of wins in the Bucket...and moving on up in the Big...

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