A Blanket Response to the Anti-Christian Posters

Our nation needs the C*O*M*P*L*E*T*E separation of church and state. The federal government should not dignify ANY religion as having legitimacy before the federal government any more than the KKK or Ayran Nation or the lunatic culture of ******-hating moslems. The federal government should be brain dead to religious freaks and laser focused upon equality of all US citizens.
...the hell does that have to do with what I wrote?
Christianity is the enemy of the government because the government wants to put the mark of the beast in humanity at birth. Transhumanism = recreation of humans in Lucifer's image rather than gods. They hate Christians because it is real. It is the only true religion that firmly opposes the mark of the beast systems that the Illuminati are attempting to enslave mankind with. It also calls out the world government antichrist beast government in Revelation. I mean when world leaders worship Lucifer at Bohemian Grove and do human sacrifices and get caught on VIDEO I think it is pretty clear why the government hates Christians.

This is why the government loves ISIS / Muslims and hates Christianity (ON VIDEO). If it is demonic the government likes it. If it attacks freedom and humanity the government likes it. Why else do you think the lib licker faces want to open the US border open to ISIS and at the same time ask America to hand in their weapons. You cucks.
This Trappist Monk probably had a better understanding of Catholicism/Christianity than you and here is an article on his study of Buddhism with a little Hinduism thrown in.

I didn't read every word (it was quite long) but here are my thoughts. Merton was a Catholic priest. It doesn't seem from a cursory read that he actually "joined" any other religions, it seems more like he was trying to better understand other religions, not "sign up" for them. So unless I missed something (which is quite possible) is this example just a Catholic priest who had a deep interest in comparative religion?

Presumably Merton would go to "heaven" as a Catholic priest--his interest in other religions wouldn't bar him of course. But what about the Buddhist or Hindu who is NOT Christian? There are many dozens of passages in the Christian Bible which say a non-believer isn't going to heaven (best case) or is going to hell (worst case).

Also what is less clear are churches' modern positions on this. For an interesting Catholic example, Pope Francis recently stated that even atheists will go to heaven as long as they "do good".

I commend his inclusivity but now all the Pope has done is just arrive at secular moralism, where anyone can simply "do good" and go to heaven despite not believing one ounce in the Christian God.

I believe modern-day religions have no choice BUT to hold this universalism stance, reason being what I've cited before which is the problem of the "location heaven lottery". However this becomes really interesting because with no fear of hell and no religious requirements for heaven, church membership will surely decline. Pascal's Wager would now be retired.
I didn't read every word (it was quite long) but here are my thoughts. Merton was a Catholic priest. It doesn't seem from a cursory read that he actually "joined" any other religions, it seems more like he was trying to better understand other religions, not "sign up" for them. So unless I missed something (which is quite possible) is this example just a Catholic priest who had a deep interest in comparative religion?

Presumably Merton would go to "heaven" as a Catholic priest--his interest in other religions wouldn't bar him of course. But what about the Buddhist or Hindu who is NOT Christian? There are many dozens of passages in the Christian Bible which say a non-believer isn't going to heaven (best case) or is going to hell (worst case).

Also what is less clear are churches' modern positions on this. For an interesting Catholic example, Pope Francis recently stated that even atheists will go to heaven as long as they "do good".

I commend his inclusivity but now all the Pope has done is just arrive at secular moralism, where anyone can simply "do good" and go to heaven despite not believing one ounce in the Christian God.

I believe modern-day religions have no choice BUT to hold this universalism stance, reason being what I've cited before which is the problem of the "location heaven lottery". However this becomes really interesting because with no fear of hell and no religious requirements for heaven, church membership will surely decline. Pascal's Wager would now be retired.
I didn't see anyone in this thread say heaven was exclusively reserved for Christians, other than you.
What about when people in the government believe that 7 billion humans must be sacrificed to please their devil god in order to save Earth. The government believes that Satan is god. But then also has a monopoly on violence and carries out war. What is the difference between a Muslim extremist that believes they must kill white people to go to heaven and a government that believes they must exterminate billions for population control while they attend Bohemian Grove performing human sacrifices? Hillary Clinton is a real life witch, not just that she looks like one, she actually is one. That comes directly from the Secret Service as well as her top aides. Now, it is publicly known that she held Satanic rituals in the White House while Bill Clinton was president and actually spoke to dead people, that she herself claimed. She did Satanic rituals to conjure up demon spirits and speak with them. What about witch religion? It is in Bob Woodward's book as well.

Don't deny it Christian haters. You can go cuck to Hillary all you want like good lil lib lackaz but don't deny what is documented.

What is the difference between George Bush being in "the order of death" a secret society that believes in mass death as well as Hitler was in the same society through the Thule chapter in Germany of the Illuminati. Prescott Bush his grandfather actually financed Adolf Hitler directly as his top spy and money laundered the German war machine.

So what am I supposed to do not believe Christianity? Christianity has been targeted by government because it is the religion supportive of life and against mark of the beast system, while it is clear that government is attacking Christianity and siding with Muslim religion because it more closely mimics their religion of death. Evil combines to attack good things. When you see government opening the borders to Muslims from terrorist nations that hate America openly and then a Muslim ISIS lover goes out and slaughters Orlando and President Obama gets up on TV telling America to hand in their guns and second amendment, but lick foreign feet coming into the country and that we should cuck bow to them then that has to tell you something. Why would the president lie to America on something so nakedly a terrorist attack from ISIS and attack the rights of americans instead? Might want to try and think about that.

Trump knows wazzz up:
What about when people in the government believe that 7 billion humans must be sacrificed to please their devil god in order to save Earth. The government believes that Satan is god. But then also has a monopoly on violence and carries out war. What is the difference between a Muslim extremist that believes they must kill white people to go to heaven and a government that believes they must exterminate billions for population control while they attend Bohemian Grove performing human sacrifices? Hillary Clinton is a real life witch, not just that she looks like one, she actually is one. That comes directly from the Secret Service as well as her top aides. Now, it is publicly known that she held Satanic rituals in the White House while Bill Clinton was president and actually spoke to dead people, that she herself claimed. She did Satanic rituals to conjure up demon spirits and speak with them. What about witch religion? It is in Bob Woodward's book as well.

Don't deny it Christian haters. You can go cuck to Hillary all you want like good lil lib lackaz but don't deny what is documented.

What is the difference between George Bush being in "the order of death" a secret society that believes in mass death as well as Hitler was in the same society through the Thule chapter in Germany of the Illuminati. Prescott Bush his grandfather actually financed Adolf Hitler directly as his top spy and money laundered the German war machine.

So what am I supposed to do not believe Christianity? Christianity has been targeted by government because it is the religion supportive of life and against mark of the beast system, while it is clear that government is attacking Christianity and siding with Muslim religion because it more closely mimics their religion of death. Evil combines to attack good things. When you see government opening the borders to Muslims and then a Muslim ISIS lover goes out and slaughters Orlando and President Obama gets up on TV telling America to hand in their guns and second amendment, but lick foreign feet coming into the country and that we should cuck bow to them then that has to tell you something.

Trump knows wazzz up:
You seem to use the word cuck a lot.
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I don't personally believe that, no. But I also don't believe you or anyone else should be imposing your beliefs on someone else or their child if it doesn't directly affect you. In other words, you shouldn't have a say in "what's right" for someone else. Period.

I don't know you of course but I have a hard time believing that you actually believe what you've written there. Maybe I wasn't clear in staging the scenario, here's a retry: a 5-year old boy has leukemia, his doctors give him a month to live without chemo, but with chemo he has a 95% chance at a full recovery. However the parents' religion forbids their accepting this type of medical treatment. So the parents tell the doctors not to give the child chemo. Instead, the parents will pray and also ask their entire community to pray as hard as they can. The doctors plead with the parents repeatedly, but to no avail. A month later the child dies.

Note that none of this scenario "directly affected me" (it's not my child, it's perhaps even a stranger, etc.) But the reason we (thankfully) have the likes of child protection laws on the books is precisely because of situations where parents neglect properly caring for their children.

IMO if the parents in the above scenario refused life-saving medical care for their 5-year old, it should then become a child protective services situation, and the child should be given the chemo regardless of the parents' beliefs about religion or politics or the weather. After laying it out more clearly are you in agreement or do you still maintain a different view than that?
I don't know you of course but I have a hard time believing that you actually believe what you've written there. Maybe I wasn't clear in staging the scenario, here's a retry: a 5-year old boy has leukemia, his doctors give him a month to live without chemo, but with chemo he has a 95% chance at a full recovery. However the parents' religion forbids their accepting this type of medical treatment. So the parents tell the doctors not to give the child chemo. Instead, the parents will pray and also ask their entire community to pray as hard as they can. The doctors plead with the parents repeatedly, but to no avail. A month later the child dies.

Note that none of this scenario "directly affected me" (it's not my child, it's perhaps even a stranger, etc.) But the reason we (thankfully) have the likes of child protection laws on the books is precisely because of situations where parents neglect properly caring for their children.

IMO if the parents in the above scenario refused life-saving medical care for their 5-year old, it should then become a child protective services situation, and the child should be given the chemo regardless of the parents' beliefs about religion or politics or the weather. After laying it out more clearly are you in agreement or do you still maintain a different view than that?
If I knew them I would encourage them to accept chemo, and I would try to convince them that their prayers were being answered by God by the very presence of the doctors and treatments that could save their child.

In your scenario, the government would essentially force them to accept treatment, so what I think is immaterial. I personally cannot fathom watching a child die from a treatable condition, but neither can our government, so... yeah.

There are SCOTUS cases where a lower chance of survival (the one I know of was 40%) for painful chemo treatment vs. spiritual healing, the parents' preference for spiritual healing was upheld. And in that scenario, no, I do not believe anyone should force the parents to accept medical treatment.
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Riiiiigggghhht. You married?

Liberals belie
If I knew them I would encourage them to accept chemo, and I would try to convince them that their prayers were being answered by God by the very presence of the doctors and treatments that could save their child.

In your scenario, the government would essentially force them to accept treatment, so what I think is immaterial. I personally cannot fathom watching a child die from a treatable condition, but neither can our government, so... yeah.

There are SCOTUS cases where a lower chance of survival (the one I know of was 40%) for painful chemo treatment vs. spiritual healing, the parents' preference for spiritual healing was upheld. And in that scenario, no, I do not believe anyone should force the parents to accept medical treatment.

Imagine a scenario where the doctor says hey there now. You need a shot to live. Enjoy the plutonium because it is for population control. Doctor religion is that it saves the Earth.

Here is the scenario where the same doctors said here is a little shot now. Tata suckaazzzz. Government styled. Enjoy your plutonium shots now.

In a secret program that is now admitted to be true, the United States government injected unknowing human ‘participants’ with highly toxic plutonium. It sounds like a bizarre torture scenario that you’d expect to see blamed on illegal terror organizations, but the individuals behind this crime are actually doctors working for the United States government. Disregarding the health of innocent citizens, the government testers were eager to see how unknowing participants suffered as a result of secret plutonium injection.
I'm not sure how someone can write what you wrote, yet claim to be an atheist. It sounds to me like you're agnostic, but the vigor with which you defend your supposed atheism belies the above two paragraphs.

I'd consider myself an atheist, which doesn't mean I'm saying there IS no God...atheism is not a positive statement about what "is" but rather a rejection of the belief in god(s), resulting from a lack of evidence. If the lack of evidence aspect changes, I am completely open-minded to belief in god(s). Similarly, if a UFO lands in my front yard tomorrow and I'm confident that I'm awake and not delusional, I'm pretty sure I would start believing in UFOs, whereas right now I don't.
I'd consider myself an atheist, which doesn't mean I'm saying there IS no God...atheism is not a positive statement about what "is" but rather a rejection of the belief in god(s), resulting from a lack of evidence. If the lack of evidence aspect changes, I am completely open-minded to belief in god(s). Similarly, if a UFO lands in my front yard tomorrow and I'm confident that I'm awake and not delusional, I'm pretty sure I would start believing in UFOs, whereas right now I don't.
Interesting view of things, and one I'd call "agnostic" more than "atheist" based on your discussion of, essentially, "seeing is believing, and not seeing is unbelieving", but I do understand the difference.
Liberals belie

Imagine a scenario where the doctor says hey there now. You need a shot to live. Enjoy the plutonium because it is for population control. Doctor religion is that it saves the Earth.

Here is the scenario where the same doctors said here is a little shot now. Tata suckaazzzz. Government styled. Enjoy your plutonium shots now.

In a secret program that is now admitted to be true, the United States government injected unknowing human ‘participants’ with highly toxic plutonium. It sounds like a bizarre torture scenario that you’d expect to see blamed on illegal terror organizations, but the individuals behind this crime are actually doctors working for the United States government. Disregarding the health of innocent citizens, the government testers were eager to see how unknowing participants suffered as a result of secret plutonium injection.
Shouldn't you be out looking for your wife?
="pastorjoeboggs, post: 1032105, member: 3396"]What I find most fascinating about you is that, despite your condescension, you post no actual facts or real, logical arguments. You act as though your vitriol against all religion makes you a superior person, but you have no response to real, substantive debate. I posted legitimate criticisms of your argument. You ignored them and went with insults.

I posted FACTS. Facts like: you cannot speak of "Christianity" as one thing and expect to encompass all Christians. You ignored them and went with insults.

The irony is that I'm not even all that interested in debating what seems to be your real point - that some Christians are bad, evil even, and that the Christian Scripture has been read in ways that have caused great harm. Both of those things are true.

What I take issue with is the fact that, when it comes to actually making your case, you seem to be a simpleton who either can't grasp or stubbornly refuses to acknowledge that it is entirely possible for some members of a faith to be evil and the faith itself to not be evil. Christianity has been responsible for some great evils in world history. Christianity has also been responsible for great good in world history. BOTH of those statements are inarguable fact.

Let me ask you a simple series of true or false questions and see if you'll step down from your condescending high horse and deign to provide a real response.

1. True or false: Christian teaching - the whole of Christian teaching - is evil.
2. True or false: Because Christian teaching is evil, every single person in the world who professes Christian faith is evil.
3. True or false: Mother Theresa was an evil person.

If you would try to not move the goalposts or change the argument and simply answer the questions, that would be great.

1. Yes.
2. It depends upon how much they surrender reason for faith. It depends on whether or not they believe in the actual words, or those of folks that watered down the word of GOD.
3. Yes.
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Interesting, but now that have passed judgment, how do you see yourself?

Yes or no, are you evil?
Will you explain your answer?


I don't understand your question. Is it a secular morality debate?
I didn't see anyone in this thread say heaven was exclusively reserved for Christians, other than you.

Is your position then that the Bible says non-believers (what we now call non-Christians) will go to heaven? Because there are no shortage of verses which directly contradict your position:

And here's the nasty eternal torture and damnation that happens to sinners--and keep in mind a nonbeliever wouldn't have repented nor asked for forgiveness and therefore his sin fully remains, therefore he's probably headed to the lake of fire:
Is your position then that the Bible says non-believers (what we now call non-Christians) will go to heaven? Because there are no shortage of verses which directly contradict your position:

And here's the nasty eternal torture and damnation that happens to sinners--and keep in mind a nonbeliever wouldn't have repented nor asked for forgiveness and therefore his sin fully remains, therefore he's probably headed to the lake of fire:
You're the bible literalist here, not me. Here is my position, like the article I posted, and Merton sought, truth, no matter where you find it, is truth. No, I do not believe you or anyone else is barred from "heaven." In fact I think "heaven" is an issue between myself and my God, who bears no resemblance to the God you have assigned me. Got it?
No. This is basic after you a drop philosophy.
Wait you just passed judgment on people, please give some context, if they are evil according to you, where do you stand on the scale? You say you're not a Christain so you can't judge them by their Chritian beliefs, so if your "evil" judgment comes from secular morality then are you evil or not? Don't dodge it.
In your scenario, the government would essentially force them to accept treatment, so what I think is immaterial...

That's just it, unfortunately in many/most states the government actually can't force the parents to accept treatment for their child. As you can see in the graph below, something like 30% of states even allow for "religious exemptions" in the case of negligent homicide, manslaughter, capital murder, and felony endangerment or neglect of children. Yikes.

I'm all for assisted suicide being legal--if a mature adult wants to kill himself, that's his call. But parents shouldn't have the right to let their children die from negligence. Hell pet owners are even subject to a year of prison for cruel neglect!!!

You're the bible literalist here, not me. Here is my position, like the article I posted, and Merton sought, truth, no matter where you find it, is truth. No, I do not believe you or anyone else is barred from "heaven." In fact I think "heaven" is an issue between myself and my God, who bears no resemblance to the God you have assigned me. Got it?

You created your own religion.
You're the bible literalist here, not me. Here is my position, like the article I posted, and Merton sought, truth, no matter where you find it, is truth. No, I do not believe you or anyone else is barred from "heaven." In fact I think "heaven" is an issue between myself and my God, who bears no resemblance to the God you have assigned me. Got it?

You don't sound religious at all then. Don't get me wrong, that's a compliment. ;)
You don't sound religious at all then. Don't get me wrong, that's a compliment. ;)
No, you don't understand religion, it's a far more diverse place than you give it credit for, and no offense intended, far deeper minds than yours have been exploring it for thousands of years. You would be far better off, and your mental energy better served, doing what Merton does in the article if you truely want to understand your atheism by becoming the best Catholic, Christian, Morman... you can be. Right now you're just blowing spitballs from the back of the room trying to get a reaction.
No, you don't understand religion, it's a far more diverse place than you give it credit for, and no offense intended, far deeper minds than yours have been exploring it for thousands of years. You would be far better off, and your mental energy better served, doing what Merton does in the article if you truely want to understand your atheism by becoming the best Catholic, Christian, Morman... you can be. Right now you're just blowing spitballs from the back of the room trying to get a reaction.

I know very well how to be a Catholic and Christian--I was a really good one for around 30 years!

Now you want me to be a Mormon lol? Have you ever READ The Book of Mormon?? Speaking of bat shit crazy, Mormonism. Seriously. It makes most older religions seem sane by comparison. And it's clearly a fraud, the whole Joseph Smith finding tablets from God in upstate New York crap. Mormonism is not as ridiculous as Scientology but it's pretty ridiculous.
Okay, I'll side with you, don't own your beliefs? Who created them for you then? I thought you were portraying yourself as a free thinker.

I am a free thinker. Did you just ask me who created the thoughts in my head?
I know very well how to be a Catholic and Christian--I was a really good one for around 30 years!

Now you want me to be a Mormon lol? Have you ever READ The Book of Mormon?? Speaking of bat shit crazy, Mormonism. Seriously. It makes most older religions seem sane by comparison. And it's clearly a fraud, the whole Joseph Smith finding tablets from God in upstate New York crap. Mormonism is not as ridiculous as Scientology but it's pretty ridiculous.
Okay, then you have found all the answers you need, let the rest of us search.
Liberals belie

Imagine a scenario where the doctor says hey there now. You need a shot to live. Enjoy the plutonium because it is for population control. Doctor religion is that it saves the Earth.

Here is the scenario where the same doctors said here is a little shot now. Tata suckaazzzz. Government styled. Enjoy your plutonium shots now.

In a secret program that is now admitted to be true, the United States government injected unknowing human ‘participants’ with highly toxic plutonium. It sounds like a bizarre torture scenario that you’d expect to see blamed on illegal terror organizations, but the individuals behind this crime are actually doctors working for the United States government. Disregarding the health of innocent citizens, the government testers were eager to see how unknowing participants suffered as a result of secret plutonium injection.
Are the Freemasons involved in this scenario, in your opinion?
While my criticisms in the other thread were indeed mostly centered around immoral parts of the Bible, that is a relatively small part of what drives my overall opinion about religion. And, my criticisms of religion are fairly universal (Christian/Islam/Scientology/Mormonism/YouNameIt)--I speak mainly about Christianity because it's what I know best and was raised in, and living in America it's obviously the predominate faith.

To me the unavoidable nail in the coffin of religion is the Problem of Evil. Essentially the logical dilemma is it's impossible for disease/suffering/etc. to exist in a world whose sole creator is all-powerful, all-knowing AND all-good. To me this means there is no all-knowing, all-powerful, all-good god.

Consider a scientist in a lab who has the ability to clone a human baby, but knows for a fact that in so doing, the cloned human baby will live for a mere 12 months, in intense daily agony, and then will end up dying a horribly painful death on his first birthday. Would it be criminally and disastrously immoral and evil for this scientist to create said baby? Of course. Yet "god" does this type of thing many times every day. So I now know that God can be HIGHLY immoral and at times even evil. Nobody taught me that in Bible school, yet as a rational adult now this line of logic is inescapable.

With that in mind let's circle back to the immoral parts of the Bible (such as killing gays), and all of a sudden, it's pretty easy to see where these immoral parts might actually fit into God's precepts and worldview, because we can see similarly evil acts happening every day all around us in the world, in a world that was reportedly entirely created by God. So who's to say God didn't directly inspire a biblical author to talk about killing homosexuals? After all God created the AIDS virus, which senselessly killed off millions of mostly gay people. Naturally I don't believe any of this, but the Problem of Evil leaves the door wide open to all of this--to sum it up, if God can be evil in everyday life and in nature, then we just don't know where else God may be evil, including in his direct commands to his followers.

Most importantly, I just find it to be a fairly absurd scenario when viewed from 30,000-feet:

at least 9 billion years after creating the universe, an all-powerful being then creates one planet out of hundreds of billions of planets in the universe, then on that planet over more billions of years have plants and animals evolve from tiny cells, then eventually having a small subset of primate animals evolve into humans, then having humans continue to live their lives in many ways as they did when they were more primitive animals e.g. still having random sex and stealing and so forth, then apparently God at some point determines that sex/stealing/etc. is "wrong" (of course God created sex/stealing/etc in the first this is already starting to go off the rails), then he tells some of these humans to tell all the other humans this (e.g. 10 commandments), then God decides to "save" all of these humans from their sex/stealing/etc. (wait, why do they need "saved" again???) by creating a semi-human/semi-divine son with the full intent that his son will endure torture and literal human sacrifice (which is another example of God being immoral--he could easily "save" humans without human sacrifice if he wanted), then after his son goes through all of this, God doesn't even ensure that humans properly document everything that happened to his son in such a way that future humans would even be compelled to believe any of it, given the highly questionable authorship of the documentation over the centuries, and given the thousands of other resurrections and miracles that have also been reported (through word of mouth of course) in all parts of the world, etc. etc. etc.

Good Luck appropriate name... I hope God opens your eyes some day. Through this series of posts you have a few more people praying for you.
1. Yes.
2. It depends upon how much they surrender reason for faith. It depends on whether or not they believe in the actual words, or those of folks that watered down the word of GOD.
3. Yes.

And this post right here is where you reveal yourself as an extremist and a fool. Not even the most strident critics of the Christian faith would call Mother Theresa an unequivocally evil person.

Mother Theresa was an evil person.

But not you. You're good. In fact, you're better than everyone else...

Our nation needs the C*O*M*P*L*E*T*E separation of church and state. The federal government should not dignify ANY religion as having legitimacy before the federal government any more than the KKK or Ayran Nation or the lunatic culture of ******-hating moslems. The federal government should be brain dead to religious freaks and laser focused upon equality of all US citizens.
Equality for all except religious US citizens...then the gov't should be able to force those citizens to violate their conscience rights because "the federal government should not dignify any religion as having legitimacy before the federal government" i.e., the federal government should be every citizen's god. Thank goodness for the 1st amendment...even under the tortured interpretation of the US Supreme Court.
And this post right here is where you reveal yourself as an extremist and a fool. Not even the most strident critics of the Christian faith would call Mother Theresa an unequivocally evil person.

Mother Theresa was an evil person.

But not you. You're good. In fact, you're better than everyone else...

I don't agree, but there was at least one rather famous person who didn't care much for Mother Teresa. Christopher Hitchens thought Mother Teresa was evil. In fact, he was called by the Vatican to be an advocatus diaboli in her cause for sainthood.
Good Luck appropriate name... I hope God opens your eyes some day. Through this series of posts you have a few more people praying for you.

Thanks Bruce, I will certainly never turn down well wishes! Good luck to you as well.
I don't agree, but there was at least one rather famous person who didn't care much for Mother Teresa. Christopher Hitchens thought Mother Teresa was evil. In fact, he was called by the Vatican to be an advocatus diaboli in her cause for sainthood.

I stand corrected, then, in my statement that not even the strident atheists would think her evil. I wasn't aware of Hitchens' animosity towards her. What was his reason for thinking she was evil?

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