I honestly wonder if the other QB's on the roster have told the coach they are transferring? Like get Card out of there! Give someone a chance...How worse can the offense look?
there is just no redeeming quality with this group.
This whole team sucks. Lack talent at every position. OL, WR, DL, LB, DB. Hell the long snapper and kicker stink. We have one TE, RB and safety. Inept coaching staff and zero talent is bad combo.
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This game has given me a migraine. Guys have a good rest of the night.

I hope there is an announcement on Walters, but it looks like 2025 is going to be the same. Bobinski is determined to run this program into the ground with Walters leading the way.

Thank goodness for our basketball team!
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Walters and Bobinski owe Purdue fans an apology.
Walters was/is over his head. He had an inflated view of his qualifications. Bobinski, on the other hand, absolutely failed on the coaching search. This was his job.

The pair failed the fans, the boosters, the players, the other Purdue teams, the conference, and the memories of all Boilermakers, past and present.

How the hell does Gardner not know who Barney Fife is.....

Them thar is fightin words.....Ange.

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IU currently has just about 10 times as many yards on offense as we do. Absolutely pathetic performance. Ww would be better off moving to the FBS in football.
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Can the AD order the program off the field and on to the bus? I’m almost crying this is so bad. At least I’m sipping a nice scotch
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