Your Predictions on the Midterms

“Dems can point to prosperity”? What planet do you live on? People are prospering much more under Trump than Obama.

The Ds can point to the road to the bottom. Equal outcomes regardless of effort. Progressive Socialism means Everyone will suffer, except for a few bureaucrats. And that’s what you are advocating.

You must have a very short term memory. The economy does better under Democrats than Republicans, Trump is benefiting from where the economy was left under Obama. Turns out when you put plans in place to help 99% of people instead of just the wealthiest 1% the economy as a whole does better.
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With the midterms 3 weeks out, figured it would be interesting to get peoples take on what will happen election night in terms of numbers. Equally fun to check them the day after to see what we got right and wrong.

So reply with:
- Seat split in the House
- Seat split in Senate (maybe add some of your guesses on toss-up races).

My guess:

House: Dems take House 226 - 209.

Senate : GOP holds 51-49
- GOP flips: Missouri and ND
- Dem flips: Tenessee and Arizona
- GOP holds: TX and Nevada
- Dem holds: Fla, WV and Indiana

I think if not for the Kavanaugh mess, the Dems may have picked up more seats, but there was a noticable change in Senate chances for them right when Kav gave his speech.

If you follow polling, many are predicting a bigger house landslide (538 currently has 234-201 house split). I'm more cautious given what we saw in 2016. But the erosion of Independent voters for the President from Nov 2016 to today will be a difference maker. I think both bases will be fired up.

Senate: Republican 54 Democrat 46

House: Democratic 219 Republican 216
You must have a very short term memory. The economy does better under Democrats than Republicans, Trump is benefiting from where the economy was left under Obama. Turns out when you put plans in place to help 99% of people instead of just the wealthiest 1% the economy as a whole does better.
Really? Did you live through the Jimmy Carter years? Inflation was through the roof, gas shortages everywhere, interest rates in the double digits...Economy in the tank. Yeah, those were GREAT TIMES. Reagan saved the country.

The recovery under Obama was THE WORST since the Great Depression. Every honest economist says this. It's been documented many places.
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I hope you are correct!! It would be great to see her get her ass handed to her again.
I watched a predictor of elections two days ago...he's neither left or right...and he made the point Hillary is the only choice the Democrat party has. He stated that Booker, Bernie, Warren, and the rest of those predicted and currently posturing to be the nominee are all to liberal and pointed out that the Democrat party is still much more centrist than those listed. Stated that Hillary is the most moderate, has the most campaign funds, and still has her base, thus she'll be the choice. She's running because she claims Trump cheated and she can't stand the fact that she lost.
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Enthusiam gap is massive and the Senate is split 50/50 after the MS special. Murkowski becomes independent but caucuses with the Ds to give them control. She still votes fairly reliably Republican, though.

I don't think it will be as dramatic as some are portraying it to be - mainly because of redistricting in the House. The popular vote will likely show a much stronger Democratic tilt in popular vote vs. district pick ups.

I think Democrats will either win a slim majority in the House, or it will be fairly equal.

The Senate races don't really favor Democrats even in this climate. And because most of the competitive ones are in red states, that will lessen chances of House pick ups in those states. The only somewhat favorable Democratic state with a competitive Senate election is Nevada.
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I watched a predictor of elections two days ago...he's neither left or right...and he made the point Hillary is the only choice the Democrat party has. He stated that Booker, Bernie, Warren, and the rest of those predicted and currently posturing to be the nominee are all to liberal and pointed out that the Democrat party is still much more centrist than those listed. Stated that Hillary is the most moderate, has the most campaign funds, and still has her base, thus she'll be the choice. She's running because she claims Trump cheated and she can't stand the fact that she lost.

Yeah, that sounds like a nonpartisan talking for sure. o_O
I don't think it will be as dramatic as some are portraying it to be - mainly because of redistricting in the House. The popular vote will likely show a much stronger Democratic tilt in popular vote vs. district pick ups.

I think Democrats will either win a slim majority in the House, or it will be fairly equal.

The Senate races don't really favor Democrats even in this climate. And because most of the competitive ones are in red states, that will lessen chances of House pick ups in those states. The only somewhat favorable Democratic state with a competitive Senate election is Nevada.
And Rosen is now trailing Heller by 5-6% in the latest polls.
I think the Dems will gain a slight majority in the house and the Republicans will pick up a couple of seats in the senate. Unfortunately if I am correct everything is really going to go in the toilet after the mid-terms with the Mueller report (Rosenstein will get canned and it won't be released but somehow the findings will magically come out) and the Democrats holding a house majority will impeach Trump, the trial in the senate won't go anyplace with the majority being Republican and the Supreme's being a Republican court but it's going to be really ugly.
I think the Dems will gain a slight majority in the house and the Republicans will pick up a couple of seats in the senate. Unfortunately if I am correct everything is really going to go in the toilet after the mid-terms with the Mueller report (Rosenstein will get canned and it won't be released but somehow the findings will magically come out) and the Democrats holding a house majority will impeach Trump, the trial in the senate won't go anyplace with the majority being Republican and the Supreme's being a Republican court but it's going to be really ugly.
I think this scenario is entirely possible. Still, the more the Ds run against Trump and fail to bring their own policies to the table, the more likely Trump is to get a second term, especially if the economy stays strong.
Healthcare has become the number one issue to the chagrin of the pubs. Now we hear them talking about pre-existing conditions when they have been against them with Obamacare.

Many dems are running on healthcare and focusing on local issues. Most are not running against Trump, although pubs will keep saying they are.
Healthcare has become the number one issue to the chagrin of the pubs. Now we hear them talking about pre-existing conditions when they have been against them with Obamacare.

Many dems are running on healthcare and focusing on local issues. Most are not running against Trump, although pubs will keep saying they are.
And the Rs will club the Ds over the head with Kavanaugh and illegal immigration. The caravan is not helping the Ds at all.
Kavanaugh is already fading. It's hard to generate anger when the pubs got what they wanted with two on the bench.

The caravan is bad timing, especially when Trump and the far right try and paint them as criminals and terrorists.

BTW, why would Soros and the dems fund the caravan if it was such a bad idea?

Kavanaugh is already fading. It's hard to generate anger when the pubs got what they wanted with two on the bench.

The caravan is bad timing, especially when Trump and the far right try and paint them as criminals and terrorists.

BTW, why would Soros and the dems fund the caravan if it was such a bad idea?

Your’re wrong across the board. Ds are talking about Impeaching Kavanaugh or running an investigation on him if the Ds gain control. Rs are tired of the Ds continual hissy fits and are actively working to keep control of both chambers. Kavanaugh is Exhibit A of the lengths the Ds will go to destroy people in order to regain power.

Bad timing? Really? It’s a coordinated effort. I personally know someone whose son has spent the last 6 weeks in Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico recruiting migrants to join the caravan. This guy went to both Obama inaugurations as an invited guest. There is no question that Soros’ Open Borders Foundation is funding multiple groups behind this caravan. It is NOT an organic event. This has been timed to correspond with the 2018 election because the Ds think it’s a winning play, especially since the family separation fiasco earlier this year.
Your’re wrong across the board. Ds are talking about Impeaching Kavanaugh or running an investigation on him if the Ds gain control. Rs are tired of the Ds continual hissy fits and are actively working to keep control of both chambers. Kavanaugh is Exhibit A of the lengths the Ds will go to destroy people in order to regain power.

Bad timing? Really? It’s a coordinated effort. I personally know someone whose son has spent the last 6 weeks in Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico recruiting migrants to join the caravan. This guy went to both Obama inaugurations as an invited guest. There is no question that Soros’ Open Borders Foundation is funding multiple groups behind this caravan. It is NOT an organic event. This has been timed to correspond with the 2018 election because the Ds think it’s a winning play, especially since the family separation fiasco earlier this year.
You see everything from an extreme position......of course I'm wrong across the board.

The dems aren't going to try to impeach Kavanaugh, only the crazies are calling for that. They aren't even going to try and impeach Trump without a hell of a lot more than there is now. Without the senate it isn't going anywhere and it won't help them in 2020.

If you have personal knowledge of dems coordinating the caravan why don't you run to FOX and give an interview? Seems to me that would be some actual facts to back up what so far has been NOTHING but bullshit.
soros can't even outspend/out-influence the right, let alone be the globalist world leader

#1 bezos $160B
koch charles 53.5
koch david 53.5
murdoch 18
ican 16
soros 8
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Of the 6 Senate toss up races - look for the R's to pick up senate seats in Indiana, Nevada, Arizona, and Missouri. R's will hold 54 Senate seats post election.
Of the 6 Senate toss up races - look for the R's to pick up senate seats in Indiana, Nevada, Arizona, and Missouri. R's will hold 54 Senate seats post election.
The GOP already holds the seats in Nevada and Arizona.If they win Indiana and Missouri that would give them53 seats,right?
The GOP already holds the seats in Nevada and Arizona.If they win Indiana and Missouri that would give them53 seats,right?

Republican (Heller) holds the Nevada seat, and Republican (Flake - not running) holds the Arizona seat. There is also Tennessee where a Republican (Corker) is retiring. And then there is also likely to be a change in North Dakota where the Democrat (Heitkamp) currently holds that seat.

If I had to guess now, I would think the Democrats would hold a slim to very slim edge in the 435 House of Representatives seats, and the Republicans would gain seats in the Senate, perhaps from 2-4.

If that's the case, I would expect the only major meaningful compromise legislation passed to be spending related for infrastructure. JMHO.

Also, just a reminder, under Article I, Section 3 of the US Constitution, 2/3 of the Senate is required to remove the President under impeachment. Al Green, a Democrat from Texas' 9th District (SW Houston area) already introduced articles of impeachment, which were tabled in a House vote back in 2017. Will he reintroduce? We shall see.
Republican (Heller) holds the Nevada seat, and Republican (Flake - not running) holds the Arizona seat. There is also Tennessee where a Republican (Corker) is retiring. And then there is also likely to be a change in North Dakota where the Democrat (Heitkamp) currently holds that seat.

If I had to guess now, I would think the Democrats would hold a slim to very slim edge in the 435 House of Representatives seats, and the Republicans would gain seats in the Senate, perhaps from 2-4.

If that's the case, I would expect the only major meaningful compromise legislation passed to be spending related for infrastructure. JMHO.

Also, just a reminder, under Article I, Section 3 of the US Constitution, 2/3 of the Senate is required to remove the President under impeachment. Al Green, a Democrat from Texas' 9th District (SW Houston area) already introduced articles of impeachment, which were tabled in a House vote back in 2017. Will he reintroduce? We shall see.
The Dems will wind up with a huge egg omelet on their face if they move to impeach Trump.The votes just arent in the Senate to remove him from office so they would be wasting their time.
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The Dems will wind up with a huge egg omelet on their face if they move to impeach Trump.The votes just arent in the Senate to remove him from office so they would be wasting their time.
Unless there is more than I think will be revealed by the Mueller report you are probably right.
The Dems will wind up with a huge egg omelet on their face if they move to impeach Trump.The votes just arent in the Senate to remove him from office so they would be wasting their time.
On what grounds would the President be impeached?
There may not be more.......but this reasoning is not based on facts. Mueller has leaked almost nothing.
That's pretty telling don't you think, since everything prior had been leaked.
I think this Mueller investigation will slowly fade away and be forgotten. It isn't good for the FBI to spend so much time chasing it's own tail. Maybe I'm wrong but I doubt it.
Maybe the FBI should investigate Biden's son and his China connection. Or Soros and how he made millions in the coal industry.
Look no further than the University of Phoenix for more Obama corruption.
That's pretty telling don't you think, since everything prior had been leaked.
I think this Mueller investigation will slowly fade away and be forgotten. It isn't good for the FBI to spend so much time chasing it's own tail. Maybe I'm wrong but I doubt it.
Maybe the FBI should investigate Biden's son and his China connection. Or Soros and how he made millions in the coal industry.
Look no further than the University of Phoenix for more Obama corruption.
Well it's not an FBI investigation so.......

What's pretty telling is that almost everytime Mueller comes out with new information it's a surprise to everyone, including the media. The leaks have come from the Congress, the WH, and the Trump admin.
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Well it's not an FBI investigation so.......

What's pretty telling is that almost everytime Mueller comes out with new information it's a surprise to everyone, including the media. The leaks have come from the Congress, the WH, and the Trump admin.
Just not true. That he nvestigation leaked like as sieve for the first 6 months. Stuff magically found its way into the hands of WaPo and NYT regularly. Manafort and George P. Certainly, there has been less leaking in recent months, but it was a sieve early on.
Just not true. That he nvestigation leaked like as sieve for the first 6 months. Stuff magically found its way into the hands of WaPo and NYT regularly. Manafort and George P. Certainly, there has been less leaking in recent months, but it was a sieve early on.
The Senate and House committees had access to the same information as the investigation was starting. You don't know anything came from Mueller.

The idea that there's nothing coming out it it would have been leaked is just wishful thinking.
The Senate and House committees had access to the same information as the investigation was starting. You don't know anything came from Mueller.

The idea that there's nothing coming out it it would have been leaked is just wishful thinking.
It’s wishful thinking on your part that anything Mueller has will stick to Trump. Mueller’s already told Trump twice that he was not the target of the investigation.
Just not true. That he nvestigation leaked like as sieve for the first 6 months. Stuff magically found its way into the hands of WaPo and NYT regularly. Manafort and George P. Certainly, there has been less leaking in recent months, but it was a sieve early on.

So it leaked like crazy, then suddenly became impenetrable? Ok.

The subjects being interviewed could also be leaking you know....
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So it leaked like crazy, then suddenly became impenetrable? Ok.

The subjects being interviewed could also be leaking you know....
Early on, every detail was salacious and the media ate it up. Resist Trump and help take him out! Turned out there wasn’t much there, there. At least not w.r.t. Trump himself. Again, Mueller himself told Trump he wasn’t a target of his investigation twice.
Early on, every detail was salacious and the media ate it up. Resist Trump and help take him out! Turned out there wasn’t much there, there. At least not w.r.t. Trump himself. Again, Mueller himself told Trump he wasn’t a target of his investigation twice.

I love that you're hanging onto that like it can't possibly ever change.

I don't think anything will come of the Mueller probe - not because of there being no wrongdoing by Trump and/or those around him, but because Mueller will not charge a sitting President and Congress won't do a thing. Mueller isn't some special counsel out for red meat ala Starr, he's a very disciplined and won't do anything out of the ordinary.
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Identity politics, The Rs frame arguments playing these groups against each other. Listen to just a few minutes of Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham. Listen to Trump, Matt Gaetz, Steve King. They know that they have to make anyone not white the enemy. The R's base is almost exclusively white, they use those other groups as boogeymen to scare their elderly base.

Black vs. White
Non-White vs. White
Gay vs. Straight
LGTBQ vs. Straight
Female vs. Male
Transgender vs. Male and Female
Muslim vs. Christian
Atheist and Agnostic vs. Christian
Illegal vs. Citizen
AAs vs LEOs

Dems can point to prosperity, a social safety net, an educated populace, environmental protections for future generations, access to health care since that is one thing that every single person will need in their life. Rs will bankrupt the middle class and the poor even further to move money to wealthy donors.
Indy, if....IF...the Dem's could point to any of those you mention, I would consider voting for them. Instead, they bitch about keeping kids and parents who come illegally being mistreated while they openly support abortion as birth control even as the fetus is leaving the birth canal. And that mostly white thing about Republicans, Trump has more Black support than any before him.
Indy, if....IF...the Dem's could point to any of those you mention, I would consider voting for them. Instead, they bitch about keeping kids and parents who come illegally being mistreated while they openly support abortion as birth control even as the fetus is leaving the birth canal. And that mostly white thing about Republicans, Trump has more Black support than any before him.
Step away from the Fox News bubble and you'd realize that Dem's can point to all that was mentioned, they have real policies on those items. Your understanding on the position on abortion is totally inaccurate.
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Step away from the Fox News bubble and you'd realize that Dem's can point to all that was mentioned, they have real policies on those items. Your understanding on the position on abortion is totally inaccurate.
Actually I don't need Fox news Indy...I can think and understand things without their help. As for abortion, I'm not wrong in the least. But keep on pushing those socialist viewpoints right along with Chuckie, Pelosi, and the fake Indian.
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Indy, if....IF...the Dem's could point to any of those you mention, I would consider voting for them. Instead, they bitch about keeping kids and parents who come illegally being mistreated while they openly support abortion as birth control even as the fetus is leaving the birth canal. And that mostly white thing about Republicans, Trump has more Black support than any before him.

LOL Trump's approval by African-Americans is at 10-11% in most of the top polling.

George W Bush in December 2008 (during the financial collapse) was 8%.

Super impressive work, Donald!

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