Winning is a "want to"....

Re: Winning is a want to.....

Originally posted by *4purdue*:
Hopefully he learns from this...
I totally missed that. AJ is better than that, clearly a "brain fart" on his part but still. Like you said, hopefully he learns from it.
why nobody left his man to help is beyond me. Yeah, he could have dished it out to a teammate, but with basically no amount of time left, it would have been very difficult.

First the Packers, and now this. Jeez.
What was he supposed to do at that point? We're up by 2 with less than a second left in the game. Is he supposed to come over and foul?
Originally posted by GodFamilyCountryPurdue:
What was he supposed to do at that point? We're up by 2 with less than a second left in the game. Is he supposed to come over and foul?
he could of got in front of the driving player. The guy he was guarding was out near the 3 point line and wasn't going to make that shot (okay not for certain sure) or at least would of taken more time off the clock.

Last night was just a culmination of things that could of gone better, but didn't.
Step in and hold his ground straight up to shoot over. The ref is not going to blow th whistle on that play. Backing away was the wrong play.
His guy was out at the 3 point line. You can't leave him. He didn't have enough time to get over in position. He moved out of the way so he wouldn't get called for a foul. He did the right thing.
His guy was Drewberry. I would give him a 3 all night in that situation. Watch the tape again, he had plenty of time to get over. They were not going to blow the whistle at the end of that game.
In all honesty, you can't let a guy guy a two point shot up near the rim...

You've got to foul in that situation and not allow the ball to get above the rim. Make a guy, in the NCAA Tourney, with no time left, hit two consecutive FT's. If he can do that, then clap your hands and go to OT. I'd say 50% of the time a guy misses both FT's.
He could have at least blocked out after the shot instead of letting the other team get position in front of him. It seems like he was shell-shocked from Cincy's come back or something. It reminds me of what I used to see sometimes when my son was playing ball in 6th grade. Just an utter lapse.
I don't think that the loss was about lack of "want to" at all. It was about handling the pressure when the "want to' is off the charts high.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I watched it enough. He didn't have time. You're up 2 with less than 5 seconds to go. YOU DON'T GIVE UP A WIDE OPEN 3. I don't care who the guy is. You play solid d, force them to take a contested 2, don't foul (if you do - make sure you don't give up an and-1), and protect the arc! We did what we were supposed to do. The guy made a shot with .1 seconds left that hit every part of the rim. We played it the way it was supposed to be played.
When a guy shoots like Shaq you leave him open at the 3 pt line. Though I'm more ticked that mathias wasn't at the half court when the guy hit the 3. giving them a barely contested 3 is stupid and falls on coaching.
AJ was kind of in no man's land. Moved away from the driver and wasn't really out on the perimeter player. I'd prefer he help defend the drive while looking to prevent a pass to the perimeter (which is what he was doing anyway).
AJ recognized his guy was wide open for a three down 2 with a few seconds left and he responded to prevent a kickout pass. How that was a stupid move on his part is beyond me. We contested the layup very well; the player made a huge play and it went in. That's basketball.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
After watching the UK Cincy game and that same player doing the same thing to UK that he did to us, constantly. I don't think what AJH did mattered. Could he of tried to defend it? Probably, but that player (I forget his name) had been doing that drive all night and tossed up a prayer that went in.

To me there are three main reasons we lost:

1. Free throws -- make just one missed FT and we play UK
2. Open shots -- Make just one of the many missed open shots and we play UK
3. Turnovers -- This has been an issue all season long. Something I expect with a young team but still needs fixed.

There are many more I am sure, but if we negate just one of those issues, we would of been playing UK. But, that is why they play the game.
Posted on KHC if we make 25% of our 3's and RD and Jon hit their normal FT%, we win by 11. If we hit 33% of 3's we win by 20. Again if our coaches design an offense that gets us literally 20 WIDE OPEN 3's and gets our best foul shooters on the line and they then miss a 1-1, one in a double bonus and then both ends of a double bonus, it seems to me that's on the players. 45 from Butler was 20% better shooting last night than his career averages. Why other teams have guys who rise to the occasion and we struggle with it is a great question.
Posted from Rivals Mobile

This post was edited on 3/22 10:18 AM by Tony79
I agree with Tony79 100% !! We got great looks and just missed the open shots. As a coach, you have to use logic, we got great looks for 3's from two guys would are both shooting over 35% and they just plain missed them. That's bad, terrible luck and timing. Also, they got the best guys on the foul line down the stretch, and those guys missed.

I even agree that the timeout was the correct call to set up and build a wall around the basket, I assume that was the purpose of the time out. Like the missed 3's and missed free throws, I think it was execution that was lacking.

You can't blame that stuff on the coaches.

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