Will the FBI Investigate Joe Biden's Rape Accusation?

Trump is a complete pig (as related to Michael Wolff by Steve Bannon Trump has over 100 NDA with women) but Biden not wanting just a simple search of Tara's name of the records held at the University of Delaware sounds off. I think he did more damage to himself today than just staying quiet.

I think that search will eventually occur if an independent commission can be agreed upon to conduct it. I just don't see why such a complaint would be archived in the office of the individual senator & not with the Senate archives themselves.

Maybe the press can work out a deal between the presumptive nominee & the President. Biden allows an independent search of his records & Trump releases all his financial information over the course of the past 30 years?

We all want full disclosure, right?
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Trump is a complete pig (as related to Michael Wolff by Steve Bannon Trump has over 100 NDA with women) but Biden not wanting just a simple search of Tara's name of the records held at the University of Delaware sounds off. I think he did more damage to himself today than just staying quiet.
Classic right wing smear job. Throw a bunch of shit against a wall and the simple fact of anyone covering it gives the story legs.
Hell, the man's forgotten the encounter. It's as if he's been whisked up into the mother ship, programmed what to say, and then sent back to the two dumbest folks on morning TV. Hell no he won't admit it....because he's forgotten it.
The banjo player on the bridge from Deliverance and Mika. I can say that was the first time I’ve ever tuned into Morning Joe (said with Joe’s stupid accent) and it will certainly be the last. Dumb and boring is a dangerous combination in television but they check both boxes.
You guys got that? Blame the “right wing” for Tara Reade coming out and saying that Biden sexually assaulted her. When in doubt, blame right wingers. It works every time!
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I think that search will eventually occur if an independent commission can be agreed upon to conduct it. I just don't see why such a complaint would be archived in the office of the individual senator & not with the Senate archives themselves.

Maybe the press can work out a deal between the presumptive nominee & the President. Biden allows an independent search of his records & Trump releases all his financial information over the course of the past 30 years?

We all want full disclosure, right?
Trump will never allow a search of any records of his, but this to me looks like a "be careful what you wish for" moment for Trumpers. If Biden does allow some kind of search, it amplifies Trump's unwillingness to allow any transparency or on the other end if it forces Biden out of the race the DNC can now, because of COVID's disruption of the primary, go recruit whoever they want to run against Trump.
Trump will never allow a search of any records of his, but this to me looks like a "be careful what you wish for" moment for Trumpers. If Biden does allow some kind of search, it amplifies Trump's unwillingness to allow any transparency or on the other end if it forces Biden out of the race the DNC can now, because of COVID's disruption of the primary, go recruit whoever they want to run against Trump.
You're assuming that the Republican voters will make that distinction. From the posts on this board, do you really think someone like atl or Twin is going to sit there and say, "wow, Biden authorized and released everything he had, can't believe Trump won't do the same, really makes him look bad."
Of course they won't.
Trump will never allow a search of any records of his, but this to me looks like a "be careful what you wish for" moment for Trumpers. If Biden does allow some kind of search, it amplifies Trump's unwillingness to allow any transparency or on the other end if it forces Biden out of the race the DNC can now, because of COVID's disruption of the primary, go recruit whoever they want to run against Trump.

I can think of a good thought experiment for Trump supporters: If such a search of Trump's records were to be conducted, what sort of information might persuade them to either A) vote for Biden or B) vote for anyone other than Trump?
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Trump is a complete pig (as related to Michael Wolff by Steve Bannon Trump has over 100 NDA with women) but Biden not wanting just a simple search of Tara's name of the records held at the University of Delaware sounds off. I think he did more damage to himself today than just staying quiet.
They are both complete scumbags and/or pigs, like Clinton. Any moral high ground that Biden could ever have claimed is gone.
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You're assuming that the Republican voters will make that distinction. From the posts on this board, do you really think someone like atl or Twin is going to sit there and say, "wow, Biden authorized and released everything he had, can't believe Trump won't do the same, really makes him look bad."
Of course they won't.
I think there is a distinction to made between Trumpers and Republicans. My wife held her nose and voted for Trump. She will vote Dem in POTUS election for the first time, regardless of the candidate. I doubt she is unique and while she and others like her in SC won't hurt Trump, there are meaningful states that they will.

As we get closer to Nov. with forces that can't be washed away with fallacious arguments continuing to hound the USA Trump will get more divisive, erratic and continue opening his mouth to prove how dumb he is, more Republicans will walk away from Trump.
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They are both complete scumbags and/or pigs, like Clinton. Any moral high ground that Biden could ever have claimed is gone.
Not everyone falls to Trumps level. Maybe Bill Clinton does but I would not put Biden in that category. Joe may have gotten mixed signals from Tara but Bill and Donald just didn't care if they did or not. It's no wonder they were golfing buddies.
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Just wanted to make sure you hadn't forgotten about what I asked last night (copied/pasted below so you don't have to search for it), because I noticed you've posted memes and all sorts of other responses yet somehow skipped right on past this one. I'll ask again for you to clarify the perceived hypocrisy here from you:

"So let me get this right, just so it's on the record: It bothers you that a presidential candidate has been accused of sexual assault.....but it doesn't bother you that the current president has also been accused of sexual assault (by 25 women no less.....come on man, don't be so dense

I just want to make sure we are clear with the hypocrisy here. I've seen nothing from you to indicate that E. Jean Carroll's accusation is just as serious to you asTara Reade's accusation is (I mean you practically tossed Carroll's accusation aside in your post above where you mentioned her). So until you come out swinging just as hard at Trump for the accusations against him (or 25 times harder, to be exact), then no, I really don't think you give a shit at all."
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They are both complete scumbags and/or pigs, like Clinton. Any moral high ground that Biden could ever have claimed is gone.
Yep. The problem that leftists have is that politics is their religion. They look at politicians as beacons of morality and completely beyond reproach. They’re getting fooled on a daily basis but they’re the only thing they believe in. Sad.
I can think of a good thought experiment for Trump supporters: If such a search of Trump's records were to be conducted, what sort of information might persuade them to either A) vote for Biden or B) vote for anyone other than Trump?
Without the chance of seeing those records I would wager most will say they could be persuaded to vote against Trump, as they have in the past. Problem is, when the records come out they will find a way to convince themselves not believe their lying eyes.
Not everyone falls to Trumps level. Maybe Bill Clinton does but I would not put Biden in that category. Joe may have gotten mixed signals from Tara but Bill and Donald just didn't care if they did or not. It's no wonder they were golfing buddies.
So Joe’s maybe slightly less of a scumbag...moral high ground still gone.
Just wanted to make sure you hadn't forgotten about what I asked last night (copied/pasted below so you don't have to search for it), because I noticed you've posted memes and all sorts of other responses yet somehow skipped right on past this one. I'll ask again for you to clarify the perceived hypocrisy here from you:

"So let me get this right, just so it's on the record: It bothers you that a presidential candidate has been accused of sexual assault.....but it doesn't bother you that the current president has also been accused of sexual assault (by 25 women no less.....come on man, don't be so dense

I just want to make sure we are clear with the hypocrisy here. I've seen nothing from you to indicate that E. Jean Carroll's accusation is just as serious to you asTara Reade's accusation is (I mean you practically tossed Carroll's accusation aside in your post above where you mentioned her). So until you come out swinging just as hard at Trump for the accusations against him (or 25 times harder, to be exact), then no, I really don't think you give a shit at all."
Posting memes? When did I post a meme? Are you all there mentally? Honest question. You seem to be throwing these wild things out there that I keep saying and doing that are completely not true.

It would absolutely bother me if Trump had been credibly accused and proven he sexually assaulted 25 women. Who wouldn’t it bother?

E Jean Carroll was on every single television program for a week and we all kept waiting for some serious evidence or a corroboration of her story.

I’ll be honest, the Democrat Party press has promoted so many hits against Trump that I get them confused.

Where is law enforcement on these 25 accusers?
Posting memes? When did I post a meme? Are you all there mentally? Honest question. You seem to be throwing these wild things out there that I keep saying and doing that are completely not true.

It would absolutely bother me if Trump had been credibly accused and proven he sexually assaulted 25 women. Who wouldn’t it bother?

E Jean Carroll was on every single television program for a week and we all kept waiting for some serious evidence or a corroboration of her story.

I’ll be honest, the Democrat Party press has promoted so many hits against Trump that I get them confused.

Where is law enforcement on these 25 accusers?

Gif/meme, tomato/tomatoe.

He has been credibly accused, 25 times.

I just want to make sure that for every time you post about Biden, you also show 25 times the concern about Trump.
Gif/meme, tomato/tomatoe.

He has been credibly accused, 25 times.

I just want to make sure that for every time you post about Biden, you also show 25 times the concern about Trump.
Sir, yes sir! Make sure you keep a watchful eye on my posts to keep me in line.
Trump will never allow a search of any records of his, but this to me looks like a "be careful what you wish for" moment for Trumpers. If Biden does allow some kind of search, it amplifies Trump's unwillingness to allow any transparency or on the other end if it forces Biden out of the race the DNC can now, because of COVID's disruption of the primary, go recruit whoever they want to run against Trump.
Shift the reality K. You dem's do that so well.
It's not about Trump. It's about a liberal turning more left every day sticking his finger where it wasn't wanted.

Of course it's also about Trump. You don't get to excuse the 25 accusations against him, hammer on the one against Biden, and then act like you really give a shit. Otherwise it's pure hypocrisy on your part.
So Joe’s maybe slightly less of a scumbag...moral high ground still gone.
That is only presuming she is remembering her story accurately after 27 years. I never saw a quicker rush to judgment than what some of you seem to be doing. I hope you are never on any jury that I would be appearing in front of as you would presume that the prosecutors story is always correct.
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Of course it's also about Trump. You don't get to excuse the 25 accusations against him, hammer on the one against Biden, and then act like you really give a shit. Otherwise it's pure hypocrisy on your part.
You know, I thought the accusations against DJT had been put to bed. You know, like Russia, impeachment, Russia, impeachment. Nothing has stuck, and this is Biden's turn. Hell, you should be supporting getting rid of ol' slow Joe for the good of your liberal aspirations.
That is only presuming she is remembering her story accurately after 27 years. I never saw a quicker rush to judgment than what some of you seem to be doing. I hope you are never on any jury that I would be appearing in front of as you would presume that the prosecutors story is always correct.
The thing with this lady is she reported to several at the time of occurrence. You saying they've all lost their memory?
You know, I thought the accusations against DJT had been put to bed. You know, like Russia, impeachment, Russia, impeachment. Nothing has stuck, and this is Biden's turn. Hell, you should be supporting getting rid of ol' slow Joe for the good of your liberal aspirations.

Nope, they sure haven't. Just been swept under the rug by the Republicans.
Just watched the replay and ole dementia Joe says this about the pandemic. “The president has no INTERCOURSE whatsoever with the rest of the world on dealing with these things!” Why does he keep using this word, doesn’t it mean sexy time??
Just wanted to make sure you hadn't forgotten about what I asked last night (copied/pasted below so you don't have to search for it), because I noticed you've posted memes and all sorts of other responses yet somehow skipped right on past this one. I'll ask again for you to clarify the perceived hypocrisy here from you:

"So let me get this right, just so it's on the record: It bothers you that a presidential candidate has been accused of sexual assault.....but it doesn't bother you that the current president has also been accused of sexual assault (by 25 women no less.....come on man, don't be so dense

I just want to make sure we are clear with the hypocrisy here. I've seen nothing from you to indicate that E. Jean Carroll's accusation is just as serious to you asTara Reade's accusation is (I mean you practically tossed Carroll's accusation aside in your post above where you mentioned her). So until you come out swinging just as hard at Trump for the accusations against him (or 25 times harder, to be exact), then no, I really don't think you give a shit at all."
YOU are the hypocrites. joe biden grabs them by the p****. everyone knew what trump was about. i better see some protests and outrage.
Just watched the replay and ole dementia Joe says this about the pandemic. “The president has no INTERCOURSE whatsoever with the rest of the world on dealing with these things!” Why does he keep using this word, doesn’t it mean sexy time??
Common usage amongst the bus driver’s union. Move along - nothing to see here.
Just watched the replay and ole dementia Joe says this about the pandemic. “The president has no INTERCOURSE whatsoever with the rest of the world on dealing with these things!” Why does he keep using this word, doesn’t it mean sexy time??
he is just a miserable foil to trump. can't believe the dnc put their chips on him and not one of the younger candidates.
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