POLL: Should Indiana Fix It Now?

Re: It's simple....

Originally posted by rsomm:
You can not discriminate against anybody or anything except Christians. This law which is the same as federal (Bill Clinton signed into law)and same as many states in the union, but the left, far left wants to destroy the constitution and our past changing the fabric of our country. They know the glue to our constitution is God. They need to minimize the religious aspect of our country so we can destroy our nation. Of course the sheep in this country are falling in lock step with this movement. We are flushing our rights down the tube!
If the glue to our constitution was God, seems like his name may have come up in the document. But, even though I'm a bit rusty on the document, I don't recall God being mentioned.
Originally posted by Jock_Tamson:
The Obama administration is involved with Germany and the UK, amongst others, in a conspiracy to create a nuclear armed Iran and to disguise this fact they arranged for media sources in the United States to manufacture a fake controversy about a law in Indiana that had nothing at all to do with gay marriage.

I encourage you two to share this opinion with as many people as possible. Not just those who already know about the vast liberal conspiracy, but those moderates who might have their doubts about the law and haven't heard this explanation.


Jock Tamson
Order of Sheeple
Vast Liberal Conspiracy Local 7623

Now on to item 2 on the agenda. How many charge calls do we give Duke in the second half. Ms Merkel?
Posted from Rivals Mobile

I actually saw someone post on Facebook a few weeks ago that 9/11 was also a plan devised by the U.S. Government and that Russia was going to release satellite photos proving it.

What was scary was that quite a few of the responses actually believe that it was.

Lots of whackadoo thinking out there.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Re: It's simple....

Originally posted by rsomm:

I said destroy not change. You can change it today, it's in the Constitution! You sound like a liberal college professor!
Lol. Yeah, i dont think most would classify me as liberal. Just dont deem every threat to stereotypical christian views as an assault on the constitution.
Re: It's simple....

Gotta agree, the Constitution was made to be modified, and thus live and breathe. A provision was made to allow that to happen through Constitutional Amendments, not executive or legislative fiat (sp?) from either side of the aisle.
Originally posted by Jock_Tamson:
The Obama administration is involved with Germany and the UK, amongst others, in a conspiracy to create a nuclear armed Iran and to disguise this fact they arranged for media sources in the United States to manufacture a fake controversy about a law in Indiana that had nothing at all to do with gay marriage.

I encourage you two to share this opinion with as many people as possible. Not just those who already know about the vast liberal conspiracy, but those moderates who might have their doubts about the law and haven't heard this explanation.


Jock Tamson
Order of Sheeple
Vast Liberal Conspiracy Local 7623

Now on to item 2 on the agenda. How many charge calls do we give Duke in the second half. Ms Merkel?
Posted from Rivals Mobile

I actually saw someone post on Facebook a few weeks ago that 9/11 was also a plan devised by the U.S. Government and that Russia was going to release satellite photos proving it.

What was scary was that quite a few of the responses actually believe that it was.

Lots of whackadoo thinking out there.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
probably for several reasons

1. It codified discrimination where before it was merely from an absence of protections.

2. This law dealt not with state on individual, but also individual on individual, thus it is different from other RFRA laws.

3. This law was passed as a response to gay marriage legalization through a federal judge.

I realize none of that sits as well with you as "them liberuls got all riled up" but you asked.
We in the Vast Liberal Conspiracy manufacture a lot of those things to make our opponents look crazy. Most of the people you see interviewed on the Daily Show are actually our plants. I'm able to tell you this because it makes it less believable. Wheels within wheels my friend.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
You don't know the Star then do you? It is a total... and I mean total liberal rag.

thankfully, the Constitution as written is crystal clear about everything and is no way written as a compromise political document melding two contrary views with any degree of vagueness or confusion.

Thus any time we have a dispute as to what the Constitution says, how to interpret it, etc, we should go to an amendment process.
Originally posted by vonbraun:

Originally posted by bodog57:

This was a totally unnecessary bill to pacify his base. First time I've ever heard of the Indy Star being liberal media before.
First time? You have to realize that almost all the major dailies are owned by Gannet....
I understand they are owned by Gannett, but it's not like they are some bastion of libthink in their editorials. In fact I've heard people around work call it a "Republican Rag".
Re: It's simple....

it has to be so hard to be a White Christian male in today's society.

How do you do it man?!
Originally posted by mfj:
You don't know the Star then do you? It is a total... and I mean total liberal rag.
Well, I'm not a subscriber and it appears that those who follow Fox News have an opposing viewpoint than those I work around.

(I probably didn't do a good job of expounding) but if you bring enough cameras and media to cover it, you could have a good lead in to the nightly news. It would be idiotic for the owner of that restaurant to fall under the statue as you pointed out but that won't prevent someone from trying to "test the waters".

The reason I thought of that example is that there used to be a deli in Long Beach (who now has an openly gay mayor, I might add) who charged $1,000 to make a BLT. Why, he didn't like the grease of the bacon on his grill so he didn't want to sell any of them.
While you would think...

Gays will be the next to become a protected class, I'm not so sure it will be "soon".
Re: It's simple....

I'm white? How did you assume that?
This post was edited on 4/1 1:19 PM by rsomm
Re: probably for several reasons

Originally posted by qazplm:
1. It codified discrimination where before it was merely from an absence of protections.

2. This law dealt not with state on individual, but also individual on individual, thus it is different from other RFRA laws.

3. This law was passed as a response to gay marriage legalization through a federal judge.

I realize none of that sits as well with you as "them liberuls got all riled up" but you asked.
I've seen enough of Liberals getting the country fired up on a LIE before.

Most recently, "Hands up, Don't shoot" was based purely on a lie, which cost an innocent police officer his career, several other police officers were killed and it almost destroyed a city. The Liberals rely on ignorant acceptance of the LIE to proliferate it in society. I watched Liberal media types on TV and Congressmen in the HOUSE raise their hands and say, "Hands up, Don't shoot". I'm still waiting for ANY of them to apologize to the country for proliferating that LIE and fomenting riots because of it. It was completely irresponsible, but Liberals never seem to care about responsibility, it's all about cause and effect.
Re: While you would think...

by soon I mean in the next five years.

Once gay marriage is more or less protected, which will happen this summer, then you pretty much run out of areas to discriminate against except possibly adoption.

But really, adoption is not going to be the line in the sand.

Some states already have the protections...more will follow, the feds (whether legislative or judicial) will follow after that.
Re: While you would think...

Originally posted by CalBoiler:
Gays will be the next to become a protected class, I'm not so sure it will be "soon".
somewhat true, gays will be members of a protected class called "sexual orientation". heterosexuals likely will also be members of that class. curious to see if polygamists will be included or not. there will be many sexual orientations that won't make the cut. which becomes an odd dilema for those championing for sexual orientation as a protected class, where do you draw the line?
if a baker

didn't want to do wedding cakes at all, they could (or charge 1000 bucks for them).

The problem is when you only do them for one group, but not the other.
Re: It's simple....

Originally posted by rsomm:

I'm white? How did you assume that?

This post was edited on 4/1 1:19 PM by rsomm
qaz just got a new deck and he loves to play his race cards....
Re: It's simple....

Ah so what race are you then?
Originally posted by IronChefBBQ:
Arkansas passed the same law yesterday.
Where's the outrage..?
Has it been signed yet? Probably only affects WalMart and a few bait shops in Arkansas. Heard Georgia has a similar bill and they are gonna sit on it to see how the Indiana thing turns out.
Re: It's simple....

Originally posted by nat100:

Originally posted by rsomm:
You can not discriminate against anybody or anything except Christians. This law which is the same as federal (Bill Clinton signed into law)and same as many states in the union, but the left, far left wants to destroy the constitution and our past changing the fabric of our country. They know the glue to our constitution is God. They need to minimize the religious aspect of our country so we can destroy our nation. Of course the sheep in this country are falling in lock step with this movement. We are flushing our rights down the tube!
Lol. The Constitution was written and signed by white protestant men, some of whom owned slaves. The composition of the US changed and as such, the constitution should change. It was never intended to be carved in stone. It was intended to adapt as society adapted.
That's why we have amendments.
Re: So if a baker

is black and a representive of the KKK wants him to bake a cake with KKK on it that baker can not refuse to do it?
Re: While you would think...

I'm bestiality?
Re: yes

Originally posted by qazplm:
thankfully, the Constitution as written is crystal clear about everything and is no way written as a compromise political document melding two contrary views with any degree of vagueness or confusion.

Thus any time we have a dispute as to what the Constitution says, how to interpret it, etc, we should go to an amendment process.
NO, you would think, as a Lawyer, that you would know that was why the Supreme Court was created, to resolve any issues regarding interpretation of the Constitution. Those Founding Fathers did a Helluva good job.
Re: So if a baker

let me explain this again just for you...

If you do something for some, but not for others, that's a problem.

If you are asked to do something special, that you don't do for anyone, and you refuse, that's not a problem.

Does that make it easier now for you to get the answer to your question?
Re: So if a baker

qzplm must go to the mike pence school of digging yourself into a hole. nice work.

The supreme court was not created for that purpose.

That's why Marbury v. Madison is kind of a big deal (and to a lesser extent Calder v. Bull).

Read up on that.

It was an open question as to whether the SC actually had the power of judicial review. While the Federalist Papers discuss it positively, and many of the attendees to the Constitutional Convention agreed to it in some form it is NOT EXPLICITLY in the Constitution.

It was more or less made into law in Marbury.

From Thomas Jefferson:

"You seem to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all
constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one
which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy. Our judges are as honest as other men, and not more so. They have, with
others, the same passions for party, for power, and the privilege of
their corps.... Their power [is] the more dangerous as they are in
office for life, and not responsible, as the other functionaries are, to
the elective control. The Constitution has erected no such single
tribunal, knowing that to whatever hands confided, with the corruptions
of time and party, its members would become despots. It has more wisely
made all the departments co-equal and co-sovereign within themselves."

Like a lot of other things in the Constitution, even the Supreme Court isn't clear.
so clearly

even that breaking it down doesn't break through to explain it well enough to you either.

So, no, you don't have to put KKK on a cake just because someone wants you to, nor do you have to put dead babies on an abortion cake.

What you can't do is say I don't sell wedding cakes to gay people. You don't have to put "I love gay weddings" on the wedding cake, you can propose a simple cake without decoration if you want to, what you cant do is say, no, no wedding cakes for gays.

I mean I can't make it any simpler even as I realize you may need simpler.
Originally posted by vonbraun:
This entire fake controversy was about providing cover for Obama's Iran Nuclear deal / getting Hillary's email mess out of the news. Much like Treyvon Martin etc, it's a media brush fire ginned up to take people's attention away stories that the media and their political puppet masters would not like them to see.

If you are getting your news from the mainstream media, you are being manipulated.

BTW - Iran would not cater a gay wedding either..and yet this administration would like to see them have nuclear weapons. Cut the strings folks....

This post was edited on 4/1 11:50 AM by vonbraun

Batshit alert!!

Put on your tin hat, "they" are out to get us!!!
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Just curious, but...

are you so used to arguing with me over the years that you are continuing to do so, even though I'm not disagreeing with you?
Originally posted by bodog57:

This was a totally unnecessary bill to pacify his base. First time I've ever heard of the Indy Star being liberal media before.

Keep in mind that liberal media equals any media outlet that I disagree with on a given day, never mind what 90% of their editorial leanings are.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
can you point me to

where I argued with you?

Just because I respond to you with a statement or point does not instantly turn it into an argument.
Honestly, the concept of someone "discriminating" against someone based on who they have sex with is going to end up in the Supreme Court. If I had to guess, it will come down to this: a religious person cannot be forced to violate their religion (I.E. By participating in a homosexual wedding), but you can't justify something like not selling products to gay people when it's not forcing you to participate in something that violates your religion. If you sell picture frames for a living and you are willing to sell them to people who, for example, lie, then it's hard to justify not selling them to someone who commits another sin, can you? That's where it will end up, regardless of whether or not there's a RFRA.
Wrong place for a political post. I personally think it makes the state look terrible. If a pizza place doesn't want to sell pizza because of a difference in "values" they'll come to a different realization when their business tanks. Definitely not a business mind running that company or the state for that matter.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Re: I guess I don't understand

I assume you're just stirring the pot and you do realize that the law is about preventing people from being able to force religious people (particularly Christians, Muslims and Jews) to violate their religion. It is not about allowing people to just say "I hate gay people, so I won't serve them in my restaurant).