OT: Harrison Model United Nations looking for donors/donations...


Sep 23, 2013
West Lafayette
Hello All,

I don't necessarily like to pander but I have become the adviser for Harrison High School's Model United Nations team. We are relatively young and I am trying to grow the club exponentially from last year and moving forward. We are currently at 16 active members which is up from only 6 last year. I am asking if anyone would like to donate any monetary amount to our organization which can be used to help pay for delegate and hotel room fees for delegates that struggle financially at home. You can use the donation as a tax write off and I can provide a receipt for such purposes. We currently have an operating budget of $0 and am trying to attend multiple conferences for the first time this year. Next year, we will be increasing our competition season to include 4 conferences.

If you are interested or would like more information, please feel free to email me at Thanks!

Model United Nations is a chance to students to learn about parliamentary procedure, debate, in-depth analysis, and the legislative process. Many of these students will later become lawyers, politicians, and public policy majors in college and the chance to learn, practice, and debate is invaluable for them. I have included a brief video that explains what MUN is:

Again, sorry to pander but I'm trying to reach any and all sources I have access to.