OT - FBI reopening Clinton E-mail investigation

Many Republicans are coming back to Trump in the last few weeks, even ones that were starting to lean to HRC - that is, until the $hit hit the fan about the emails, the Clinton Foundation, and Obamacare. And yes, this includes white, educated Republican females. Trump leads HRC with white males by 11%. White, educated D females were going to vote for HRC anyway.
it's going to be a tough night for you.
OK, so Silver is wrong now. RCP shows HRC 203 EV and Trump 164 EV RIGHT NOW. Are they wrong, too? Trump has made many more states toss-ups than the Ds EVER expected. He is taking the offensive and campaigning in places NO ONE thought he could he be close to competitive. You need to pay more attention to the state-by-state polls. Trump is gaining in many states right now. All he needs to do is have a + surprise in a place like MI or PA and she could lose.

EVERYONE of the Ds harps on this, but the RNC locations, R state locations, and the Trump campaign have morphed together and so Trump has a bigger presence according to Reince Priebus (and he would know). He says the RNC spent $100M preparing for this election. The Ds have a better GOTV machine, but the Rs are in better shape than the lefties ever give them credit for. The Ds literally drive people to the polls in some places. They hand out free Jay Z and Beyoncé tickets, free Katy Perry tickets...

HRC is in desperation mode right now. She is in for a complete dogfight and she knows it. In typical HRC fashion, she got too overconfident (largely because of the sycophants she surrounds herself with like Joel Benenson, Phillipe Reines, and John Podesta), and then despite the Loretta Lynch DoJ running interference for her for months, the FBI did their job and she tanked.
did you take my earlier advice? Have you started drinking yet? You will need it. Next round on me.