Non-binary Transexual Male Lesbian Queer.

There are about 15,000,000 LGBT individuals in the US. There are 750,000 on the sex offender registry. And yes, I understand that there are sex offenders who haven't been caught, so there are more. But, for your statement to be accurate, it would have to be off by a factor of 20.
you’re telling me that 5% of the US population is LGBT?
And to be clear, I’m only concerned about the percentage that want to use the other sex bathroom, which I would assume is a tiny fraction of the entire LGBT community.
And yes, 750,000 is a fraction of the sex offenders in our society. Trust me, you don’t want to know the truth, you won’t sleep well at night if you do
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Bottom line, I don’t want some dude who thinks he’s a woman, whipping his cock out in front of my daughter in the bathroom, whether intentional or not. Why must this concept be so difficult for some?
It all boils down to liberals forcing compliance on the masses in the name of equality and making the masses accept the delusions of a very tiny minority.
Well, trans women have been using the women's restroom for a long time before it became a legal issue. And, agreed, no one would want that. Good thing there are private stalls in the women's restrooms and that people generally don't just "whip out their cocks" for all to see in the restroom. Bottom line for me is that it is no easier for a man to walk into a women's restroom in a place with a non-discrimination law and still exactly as illegal for one to commit assault. Your fear is not justified.

you’re telling me that 5% of the US population is LGBT?

And yes, 750,000 is a fraction of the sex offenders in our society. Trust me, you don’t want to know the truth, you won’t sleep well at night if you do

And yes, only a fraction of those identify as trans and would use a restroom different than the sex listed on their birth certificate. We agree there.

And, data to support your assertion?
Agree and did you notice he said I said she had a mental disease? I said mental problems. There’s a difference
You are correct, you said mental problems. Are his mental problems the reason you don’t want to call him he? What are his mental problems?
I would like to see a biologically born woman squat at a urinal.
Even better to do it in front of a line of drunks at half time, of a Bears game, at Soldier Field.
Why on earth would you want to see this, that sounds like some pervy stuff right there

And yes, only a fraction of those identify as trans and would use a restroom different than the sex listed on their birth certificate. We agree there.

And, data to support your assertion?
My assertion comes from first hand knowledge and experience. The vast majority of offenders I’ve worked with are non registered and that’s in just one mid size Midwestern community.

And what percentage of the LGBT community is transgender and wants to use the other sex restroom? I’m guessing a tiny fraction. Maybe I should have been more specific when I compared their numbers to sex offenders. I was referring to trans individuals
You are correct, you said mental problems. Are his mental problems the reason you don’t want to call him he? What are his mental problems?

Why on earth would you want to see this, that sounds like some pervy stuff right there
I would laugh my butt off watching her trying to hit the raised stainless steel trough.
Visualize it and try not to laugh. Than have 50 guys around you urinating while staring at the sight.
WTF is enby?

Non-Binary -> NB-> enby.

In the attempt to put everyone in categories defined on characteristics like race, sex, religion, etc...Democrats cannibalized acronyms of other groups.

NB couldn't be used for non-binary because it was already in use to mean Non Black.

Most notably in the acronym NBPOC - Non Black Person of Color.

So Democrats had to come up with another way to convey non-binary in a shorthand form.

Enby was born.
Create a boogeyman. That way, you have something to justify all your unwarranted fears.

Are you marginalizing the concerns of gay men and lesbians by calling their voice a boogeyman?

Why are you trying to invalidate Andrew Sullivan and Katie Herzog?
I'm a white guy, but I now want to identify as black.
Oh, and I'm going to list black on any school or employment applications and I'm going to apply for college scholarships specifically funded for black students and if there's any slavery appropriations, as a black person, I want my share to ease the suffering of my people.
Yeh.....I see no problem with it.
I trust The Daily Caller as much as I trust The National Enquired. is video.

What about Pelosi's congressional transcript?

Why are you PURPOSELY trying to DISTORT what DEMOCRATS are saying?

Bear in mind, these are archived documents. I would want to separeate from this engagement as well. Its the one where she admits she didn't move on covid reliefe because she didn't want to give R's a win before the election.

Q: Oh, thank you. Joe Biden said that, on his first day in office, he will use Title IX to give transgender students access to sports, bathrooms and locker rooms in accordance with their gender identity in all federally funded schools. Does he have the power to unilaterally do this? And do you agree with this?

Speaker Pelosi. Yes. And I think he does.
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Men entering restrooms to assault women will be legally protected? You must know of a law that I don't.

Once again, this is not a real problem:
once again purposefully dense. live in your dreamland where words have no meaning. it's quite easy to imagine uncomfortable scenarios without assaulting anyone. Never taken a young child to swim lessons? I'm not exposing my children to psychotic people so they can feel better. identity does not substitute for reality.
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And what about locker rooms? I assume if one is okay with the bathroom scenario then you would also be okay with a trans individual using the locker room of their identified sex? Maybe at the local gym where a teenage female is undressing and having to do so in the presence of a biological male who identifies as a female? Or that same female teenager walks into the bathroom at any store and then hears a male pissing in the stahl next to her (the sounds are quite distinctive). Why is her comfort and security less important than the trans individual’s? Again, trans people are free to think what they want and live their life the way they want but where it becomes a problem for a lot of people is when we’re expected to play along and it impacts our lives or the lives of our families, regardless how minimal some may view that impact.
once again purposefully dense. live in your dreamland where words have no meaning. it's quite easy to imagine uncomfortable scenarios without assaulting anyone. Never taken a young child to swim lessons? I'm not exposing my children to psychotic people so they can feel better. identity does not substitute for reality.
A trans person , by definition, has sexual identity issues.
Were these issues caused by child abuse that makes an individual hate a certain sex?
Is there a hormone imbalance that has an effect?
If you believe in reincarnation maybe in a prior life they were the opposite sex and subconsciously they can’t adjust to their new physical body.
Maybe they just want attention.
Regardless, I don‘t want an individual with male genitalia sharing a restroom, locker room, dressing room or any other room with my wife, daughter or granddaughter.
I trust The Daily Caller as much as I trust The National Enquired.

Did you read the follow up?

Why are Democrats running away from their party's platform all of the sudden?
And what about locker rooms? I assume if one is okay with the bathroom scenario then you would also be okay with a trans individual using the locker room of their identified sex? Maybe at the local gym where a teenage female is undressing and having to do so in the presence of a biological male who identifies as a female? Or that same female teenager walks into the bathroom at any store and then hears a male pissing in the stahl next to her (the sounds are quite distinctive). Why is her comfort and security less important than the trans individual’s? Again, trans people are free to think what they want and live their life the way they want but where it becomes a problem for a lot of people is when we’re expected to play along and it impacts our lives or the lives of our families, regardless how minimal some may view that impact.

Exactly right. If you're a boy but think you're a girl, that's fine with me. Dress how you want, wear makeup, grow your hair, change your name from Norm to Norma. Have at it.
BUT.....when my daughters are in the locker room and you think you're allowed to go in there just because you "Feel" like a female, then that's were I have a problem.
An no....I'm not going to refer to someone as they, them, SiS or whatever other ludicrous pronoun you now decide I have to learn just to appease your feelings. You're a he or she, her or him. Period. (wait.....I probably shouldn't say 'period' in the context of this discussion)
Who questioned your right to claim a different ethnicity, I didn’t. I’m a white guy who identifies as black, it was the example you used, and pretty apparent from what you typed, you laid out specific economic perks associated with the claim. Now you seem to be pivoting away from this. I get it. Yes in fact, his chromosomes are that of a women, wants to identify as he. Do you have evidence of trans females entering women’s locker rooms just to get at our daughters, evidence of more male pervs entering female bathrooms since the trans community gained more rights? The bogeyman will getcha if you don’t watch out.

There's a whole sex fetish market out there for stuff like locker room peeping, dressing room video, weird $hit like that.
So, while the risk of physical assault might not be that great. the risk of a mental assault or assault on one's privacy is very real.
Waiting for a link from Joe Biden saying that.

Did you vote for Biden?

It is literally on his campaign website.

  • Guaranteeing transgender students have access to facilities based on their gender identity. On his first day in office, Biden will reinstate the Obama-Biden guidance revoked by the Trump-Pence Administration, which will restore transgender students’ access to sports, bathrooms, and locker rooms in accordance with their gender identity. He will direct his Department of Education to vigorously enforce and investigate violations of transgender students’ civil rights.

Pelosi is onboard.

Chuck is onboard.

Are you onboard?

Remember, as noted by Elliot Page, his gender identity can change daily.

What locker room does Elliot Page use in 10th grade Phys Ed?
Pretty sure I was succinct and clear.

You show me the point system and how to score.

Yes. You clearly delivered an off topic, ad hominem. Are you proud of that?

What do you think of Andrew Sullivan's rebuke or Katie Herzog's concerns about this emerging trend?

Are they way off or do they land some blows?

Why are you marganilizing gays and lesbians by attacking their concerns?
Did you vote for Biden?

It is literally on his campaign website.

  • Guaranteeing transgender students have access to facilities based on their gender identity. On his first day in office, Biden will reinstate the Obama-Biden guidance revoked by the Trump-Pence Administration, which will restore transgender students’ access to sports, bathrooms, and locker rooms in accordance with their gender identity. He will direct his Department of Education to vigorously enforce and investigate violations of transgender students’ civil rights.

Pelosi is onboard.

Chuck is onboard.

Are you onboard?

Remember, as noted by Elliot Page, his gender identity can change daily.

What locker room does Elliot Page use in 10th grade Phys Ed?
Personally this one doesn’t register on my care meter. Has zero affect on our country.
Personally this one doesn’t register on my care meter. Has zero affect on our country.

How does it have zero affect on our country?
Are you married? Do you have daughters?
Are you OK if BuilderBob decides that today, he feels like a woman and decides that he's going to use the women's locker room at the healthclub while your wife or daughters are in there getting showered and dressed?
Do you have the balls to stop the guy from going in there? But then again, if you're a liberal, probably not.
(the fact that BuilderBob feels like a woman today is a different issue).
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How does it have zero affect on our country?
Are you married? Do you have daughters?
Are you OK if BuilderBob decides that today, he feels like a woman and decides that he's going to use the women's locker room at the healthclub while your wife or daughters are in there getting showered and dressed?
Do you have the balls to stop the guy from going in there? But then again, if you're a liberal, probably not.
(the fact that BuilderBob feels like a woman today is a different issue).
Hyperbole. I would solve it by just having unisex bathrooms across the board.
Hyperbole. I would solve it by just having unisex bathrooms across the board.
There are a lot of those already in some public buildings.
The problem is they are single user restrooms.
They would hardly work in high capacity public building use.
Wrong on all accounts. I don’t worry bout things like Jimmy becoming Jan or some stupid shit. People used to be happier when they minded their own business.

My kids and family are my business. And if you're sporting a johnson, I don't care how long your hair is or how much makeup you wear or how flowy your dress is, you're not going in the ladies locker room if I can prevent it.
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