new brown video


Gold Member
Feb 5, 2003
in a nutshell:

two white contractors
didn't know brown or the brown family
looking at shooting as it happened (shooting itself not in video)
you can hear them say something to the effect of "he had his f-ing hands up!"
you can see one of them raise both hands in the air apparently mimicing the above
at least one of them says one shot was fired while brown was running away

new brown video
the new pro-Wilson defense is that all the eye witnesses don't match up perfectly, so they should all be thrown out.
Did not think that was the new defense. There are/were videos out on youtube, at least there were, that had eyewitnesses stating that Brown was charging the police officer.

Bottom line is it is hard to get a conviction when no clear presentation of the event can be presented to a jury.
Originally posted by Purdue97:
Did not think that was the new defense. There are/were videos out on youtube, at least there were, that had eyewitnesses stating that Brown was charging the police officer.

Bottom line is it is hard to get a conviction when no clear presentation of the event can be presented to a jury.
New eye witness accounts don't deny that at some point Brown was coming towards the cops. They do say it happened after he had stopped running, turned around, raised his hands up to surrender and was still getting shot at.

They said he might have been walking back towards the officer with his hands raised but he wasn't charging till after he was hit multiple times with his hands up.
Fact: There are now some 6 independent eye witness that agree that on the following

1. he was running away while being shot at.
2. he stopped running and turned around
3. he raised his hands up in surrender
4. the fatal shots were fired after 1 to 3 above.

Other eye witness testimonies out there
1. Brown charged at the officer after turning around. the timing of this differs from witness to witness. What some saw as charging at the officer, others saw as someone falling forward after being hit.

I won't claim to be absolutely neutral on this issue. I am not pro law enforcement. I have nothing against them just too many unwarranted negative personal experiences. I would rather live my life with as little contact with them as absolutely possible.

At the same time, I can't imagine that a police officer, no matter how racist - and I am not saying Wilson is, will just open fire on someone in broad daylight for nor reasons. I can however believe that an officer can exercise poor judgement so severe as to unnecessarily gun down a black young man for whatever perceived threat the officer has in head. And I rightly believe the officer should be held responsible of such injudicious use of force.
they both say

just like others, that the cop shot at the kid while he was running away.

These aren't two guys in the community, they are related to Brown, they aren't black.

They are two white male contractors just in the area to earn a living. They back up what a lot of other people say, and it's on video, in real time. Not just that the cop shot at the kid's back, but then that the kid had his hands up. The one guy viscerally re-enacts it. That's what you call an excited utterance. The law recognizes that as a hearsay exception because it's really hard to fake something that causes you to react like that in real-time.

I don't know how even Purdue97 and a few others on here aren't at least somewhat taken aback by that. How it doesn't cause anyone to go, you know what, maybe some wrong did happen here.
Re: But, but, but!!!!!

That some people thought that was a legit photo is just absurd. Someone above talked about avoiding all interaction with law enforcement (yep, me too, but not because of prior interactions... it just makes sense); I want to do the same with stupid people... there are a hell of a lot of them.
Like I said before

Another case in point with your weak argument/debate skills-where did I ever say I was not taken aback by some accounts of the tragedy? Nope-I never did.

All I said in my post was basically this is where it will be hard to get a conviction-eyewitness testimonies that really seem to contradict each other.

11 and 18 series in war I have seen plenty of these incidents. I am just not so quick to judge the shooter or the victim.

One question I have is what happened to use of tasers?
Re: Like I said before

Originally posted by Purdue97:
One question I have is what happened to use of tasers?
I'm guessing that when Brown starting assaulting the officer and went for the gun and the gun ended up being discharged in the car that the thought of using a taser was a distant 2nd thought in Wilson's mind on how to put this criminal down.
Re: Like I said before

Fair enough-Thanks for reminding me of that version or part of the event. That right there is enough to justify lethal force imo.

but you aren't judging or anything. You two are predictably hilarious.
Sorry but

No, I am not judging. That is my opinion on that version. There are a few versions of this tragedy that go in completely different directions.

If that incident happened in the car, then sure, lethal force is justified. I would think a lawyer such as yourself would even agree that lethal force is justified in that situation.

One of the main issues with this entire incident is what actually happened and did not happen. Not sure anyone really knows. Which is why I have not said much on it.

If the version of the fight in the car, damaged eye socket, bruised face, suspect went for the officers gun, gun discharged in car, suspect charged the officer is legit, then by all means this should not even be a story. Of course lethal force is justified in that situation. I would think a lawyer such as yourself would agree. Not even sure there would need to be much of an investigation on the shooting if this was known to happen.

If it is true that the cop was not hurt, no fight occurred, the suspect had his hands in the air, and was not charging the cop then it is murder. If you go back to my original lpost, you will see that was my point then, and is my point now. There are just different versions of this event that are 180 degrees from each other. One version is clear murder, yet the other requires no action again the cop.

All you contributed to this thread was a claim of a belief I supposedly have which was I never stated anywhere and a lousy attempt at a cheap shot.

This post was edited on 9/16 6:19 PM by Purdue97
Re: they both say

"I don't know how even Purdue97 and a few others on here aren't at least
somewhat taken aback by that. How it doesn't cause anyone to go, you
know what, maybe some wrong did happen here

Out of curiosity, what was this comment based on?
uh no

when he is running away, lethal force is rarely justified, and it isn't in this case. From Tenn v. Garner on down, it's pretty clear there are very narrow times when you can lawfully shoot a fleeing subject. They'd need to be a extreme threat to others, and an unarmed man is rarely an extreme threat to others.

When they've surrendered, you DEFINITELY can't shoot them. Even if they "went for your gun" earlier, even if they "broke your eye socket." Of course, the whole broken eye socket stuff you are hanging on to is BS as we all know.

Oh yeah, you're really just the guy talking about two equal possibilities, in now way have you leaned one way or the other lol
Originally posted by qazplm:
in a nutshell:

two white contractors
didn't know brown or the brown family
looking at shooting as it happened (shooting itself not in video)
you can hear them say something to the effect of "he had his f-ing hands up!"
you can see one of them raise both hands in the air apparently mimicing the above
at least one of them says one shot was fired while brown was running away
Can you rename this thread? Everytime I read this (especially without the name being capitalized), all I think about is the brown note from South Park.
Re: uh no

I think a lot of times you read what you want or what you think someone will post. I clearly said if the suspect was running away, hands in the air, surrendered, it is murder. Uh yes, that is what I posted.

I really do not know what was or what was not bs at this point. That was also my original point Delta Bravo. Like I said, one version of events this cop will be back on the street in no time, the other it is murder and he is in jail.