Liberal Wish List


Aug 30, 2001
So on Monday, I put my list of Democrat wishes...I’m amazed at how many of them have (1) recent been passed by the house, (2) been proposed for house bills or (3) at least made the news this week.

Proposed, passed or discussed this week

*demand that taxes be raised on rich Americans (except those rich people in blue states paying high state taxes and property taxes - aka SALT tax repeal) for those individuals, their taxes get reduced (aka rich Democrats). Check
*ask that all illegal immigrants be given amnesty and thus be given the same free handouts as other poor Americans (even though they aren’t US citizens). Yep, just ask NY and LA
*give the same illegal immigrants voting rights (no ID required)
*open the southern border for all individuals to be let into the US without recourse....Yep just ask Texas and Arizona
* rewrite elections laws to eliminate the electoral college (law since 1804)
* Change the number of Supreme Court justices from 9 to 13 (law since 1870), check
* Change the election laws to allow the Federal government has control, instead of the states (law since the inception of the US, 1776). Yep, HR1.
* Defund all policed departments
* free college for everyone (only for those making less than $125k...
if you make $126k, you foot the people)
* free healthcare for everyone
* free housing for everyone (only if you decide not to pay your rent)
* free universal basic income for everyone (ask LA, NY and Chicago)
* free child care for everyone....Yep, that’s free too!
* all electric cars (ok, not now but by 2035)
* $10T spending to reverse climate change, aka AOCs version of the Green New Deal
* Statehood for DC
* dealing and/or doing drugs should no longer a crime (
and should be free for everyone, regardless of age. Ok free not include yet)

on the docket for next week

* Statehood for Puerto Rico (how the Dems forget this?)
* free adult care for everyone.
* reparations for all black people, brown people, indigenous people and all foreigners.
* deprogramming for all Republicans who voted for Trump
* elimination of all fossil fuels

On the docket for Biden 2nd year
* Mandatory that the US Senate stay Democrat
* Mandatory that the House of Reps stay Democrat
* Rolling SC justices to ensure a Democratic majority
* eliminating all gun rights, unless the person is a criminal, then it’s OK, because murder is no longer a crime.
* mandatory mask requirements nationwide
* mandatory COVID vaccinations/COVID passports mandatory to enter any business.
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So on Monday, I put my list of Democrat wishes...I’m amazed at how many of them have (1) recent been passed by the house, (2) been proposed for house bills or (3) at least made the news this week.

Proposed, passed or discussed this week

*demand that taxes be raised on rich Americans (except those rich people in blue states paying high state taxes and property taxes - aka SALT tax repeal) for those individuals, their taxes get reduced (aka rich Democrats). Check
*ask that all illegal immigrants be given amnesty and thus be given the same free handouts as other poor Americans (even though they aren’t US citizens). Yep, just ask NY and LA
*give the same illegal immigrants voting rights (no ID required)
*open the southern border for all individuals to be let into the US without recourse....Yep just ask Texas and Arizona
* rewrite elections laws to eliminate the electoral college (law since 1804)
* Change the number of Supreme Court justices from 9 to 13 (law since 1870), check
* Change the election laws to allow the Federal government has control, instead of the states (law since the inception of the US, 1776). Yep, HR1.
* Defund all policed departments
* free college for everyone (only for those making less than $125k...
if you make $126k, you foot the people)
* free healthcare for everyone
* free housing for everyone (only if you decide not to pay your rent)
* free universal basic income for everyone (ask LA, NY and Chicago)
* free child care for everyone....Yep, that’s free too!
* all electric cars (ok, not now but by 2035)
* $10T spending to reverse climate change, aka AOCs version of the Green New Deal
* Statehood for DC
* dealing and/or doing drugs should no longer a crime (
and should be free for everyone, regardless of age. Ok free not include yet)

on the docket for next week

* Statehood for Puerto Rico (how the Dems forget this?)
* free adult care for everyone.
* reparations for all black people, brown people, indigenous people and all foreigners.
* deprogramming for all Republicans who voted for Trump
* elimination of all fossil fuels

On the docket for Biden 2nd year
* Mandatory that the US Senate stay Democrat
* Mandatory that the House of Reps stay Democrat
* Rolling SC justices to ensure a Democratic majority
* eliminating all gun rights, unless the person is a criminal, then it’s OK, because murder is no longer a crime.
* mandatory mask requirements nationwide
* mandatory COVID vaccinations/COVID passports mandatory to enter any business.
This is such BS. I'm google newsing questionable points on your list and finding nothing. Did you hear some far left progressive throw out an idea......or hear a PUB SAY dems want illegals to be able to vote without an ID?.........cause that's the only thing I could find on that topic. A pub tells a lie and suddenly it's a dem proposal? Dealing drugs no longer a crime? Universal basic income?

I mean JCF man, how freakin paranoid are you? Mandatory mask requirements is not even legal. All police departments aren't going to be defunded. Eliminate all gun rights? Is this where you idiots throw out total and complete lies and exaggerations to foment the hayseeds who only watch OAN? You accuse the admin of deprogramming.......while you're programming?

The American people are in control of the direction of this's like you people forget that. If this admin goes too far with changes, they will be replaced, as will the congress. Control will swing to the pubs and those changes will be reversed. Control of our government goes back and forth between parties.......and eventually we get to keep the laws that most americans want. The people will have spoken......but it happens over time.

I get that you're all freaked out that the country is changing but whatever laws are created aren't written in stone. If.......I'm trying to find something on your list that's a sure thing but having trouble........if taxes are raised on people making over 400k , it's not permanent. If Americans don't like it they will make a change. It's the two party system. Representative government. I think we can do better. But it's people like you who have created this war over control........and caused moderation and compromise to be almost eliminated........which are what we need to have a functioning government that actually solves the people's problems.

You helped make this bed..........but you got kicked out and are sleeping on the floor..........and instead of asking yourself why, you're doubling down on what got you kicked out in the first place. It's my firm belief the dems will do the same thing. Round and round we go.
This is such BS. I'm google newsing questionable points on your list and finding nothing. Did you hear some far left progressive throw out an idea......or hear a PUB SAY dems want illegals to be able to vote without an ID?.........cause that's the only thing I could find on that topic. A pub tells a lie and suddenly it's a dem proposal? Dealing drugs no longer a crime? Universal basic income?

I mean JCF man, how freakin paranoid are you? Mandatory mask requirements is not even legal. All police departments aren't going to be defunded. Eliminate all gun rights? Is this where you idiots throw out total and complete lies and exaggerations to foment the hayseeds who only watch OAN? You accuse the admin of deprogramming.......while you're programming?

The American people are in control of the direction of this's like you people forget that. If this admin goes too far with changes, they will be replaced, as will the congress. Control will swing to the pubs and those changes will be reversed. Control of our government goes back and forth between parties.......and eventually we get to keep the laws that most americans want. The people will have spoken......but it happens over time.

I get that you're all freaked out that the country is changing but whatever laws are created aren't written in stone. If.......I'm trying to find something on your list that's a sure thing but having trouble........if taxes are raised on people making over 400k , it's not permanent. If Americans don't like it they will make a change. It's the two party system. Representative government. I think we can do better. But it's people like you who have created this war over control........and caused moderation and compromise to be almost eliminated........which are what we need to have a functioning government that actually solves the people's problems.

You helped make this bed..........but you got kicked out and are sleeping on the floor..........and instead of asking yourself why, you're doubling down on what got you kicked out in the first place. It's my firm belief the dems will do the same thing. Round and round we go.
Bob, did you vote for Joe Biden the Moderate Democrat or did you vote for Joe Biden the Progressive, Left of Bernie?
Enjoy your Neil Armstrong profile photo. Bleating idiots like are you are the reason America's space program (and manufacturing, and infrastructure, etc.) got pieced out to shitty private bidders.
Enjoy your Neil Armstrong profile photo. Bleating idiots like are you are the reason America's space program (and manufacturing, and infrastructure, etc.) got pieced out to shitty private bidders.
I believe this was directed at me

if so, how did “idiots like me” have the space program pieced out to shitty private bidders?

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I don't think you're capable of recognizing the difference.
It's pretty obvious. Biden ran as a Moderate. He's (more accurately, his handlers are) governing as Bernie's Ultra-Socialist brother.
Apparently, you seem to have difficulty recognizing the difference or you wouldn't have made that lame comment.
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So on Monday, I put my list of Democrat wishes...I’m amazed at how many of them have (1) recent been passed by the house, (2) been proposed for house bills or (3) at least made the news this week.

Proposed, passed or discussed this week

*demand that taxes be raised on rich Americans (except those rich people in blue states paying high state taxes and property taxes - aka SALT tax repeal) for those individuals, their taxes get reduced (aka rich Democrats). Check Yeah, raised back to 39.6% where they were before Trump inexplicably cut them.
*ask that all illegal immigrants be given amnesty and thus be given the same free handouts as other poor Americans (even though they aren’t US citizens). Yep, just ask NY and LA No, this is a right wing talking point.
*give the same illegal immigrants voting rights (no ID required)
*open the southern border for all individuals to be let into the US without recourse....Yep just ask Texas and Arizona No, right wing talking point.
* rewrite elections laws to eliminate the electoral college (law since 1804) "Law since 1804" is absolutely not a good argument to keep an archaic system that inexplicably favors minority rule.
* Change the number of Supreme Court justices from 9 to 13 (law since 1870), check SCOTUS has not been expanded to match the size of the lower court. The only reason the right wants it to be 9 is to maintain control. That's a common thread - GOP wants to retain power, let's make sure the laws allow this.
* Change the election laws to allow the Federal government has control, instead of the states (law since the inception of the US, 1776). Yep, HR1. I haven't thought this through, but it would prevent states from enacting voter suppression laws targeted at, you guessed it, keeping the minority GOP in control.
* Defund all policed departments Another right wing talking point. This is intentionally misinterpreted by you folks to hyperbolically instill fear in the base.
* free college for everyone (only for those making less than $125k...
if you make $126k, you foot the people) You're awfully considerate of the wealthy. I don't mind helping pay for people to go to COMMUNITY college. Nobody is proposing paying for 4-year, private universities. Again, right wing talking point.
* free healthcare for everyone You mean like Europe? Why is this an issue? Would your costs even go up? My wife's company pays 100% of our healthcare coverage costs. I don't mind having to pay more taxes for universal healthcare, as it would help the entire country.
* free housing for everyone (only if you decide not to pay your rent) Right wing talking point, not reality.
* free universal basic income for everyone (ask LA, NY and Chicago) Maybe - there are test programs out there in places like Stockton, CA. I don't know if this would work or not.
* free child care for everyone....Yep, that’s free too! So what? K-12 is free as well. It's a society - this allows people to work without spending $35k of their salary for childcare. Why is this bad?
* all electric cars (ok, not now but by 2035) Oh, do you want them now? I'd support it. Hey, I have one and it's awesome to drive by the gas station every day and never have to stop. We need to build the infrastructure. Again, you're held up on "it's always been this way, maintain status quo." Should we have stuck with horses and carriages?
* $10T spending to reverse climate change, aka AOCs version of the Green New Deal Debunked repeatedly by Droid.
* Statehood for DC Why not? There are more people there than several existing states. Oh yeah, GOP control ...
* dealing and/or doing drugs should no longer a crime (
and should be free for everyone, regardless of age. Ok free not include yet) Nope, just cannabis. This is famously also supported by your boy Matt Gaetz and almost every Libertarian.

on the docket for next week
* Statehood for Puerto Rico (how the Dems forget this?) Any legitimate argument against this beyond GOP losing control?
* free adult care for everyone. ? You mean for elderly with disabilities?
* reparations for all black people, brown people, indigenous people and all foreigners. Hyperbole, of courese.
* deprogramming for all Republicans who voted for Trump I mean, you said it.
* elimination of all fossil fuels Why not?

On the docket for Biden 2nd year And now you're really losing your mind here.

* Mandatory that the US Senate stay Democrat
* Mandatory that the House of Reps stay Democrat
* Rolling SC justices to ensure a Democratic majority
* eliminating all gun rights, unless the person is a criminal, then it’s OK, because murder is no longer a crime.
* mandatory mask requirements nationwide
* mandatory COVID vaccinations/COVID passports mandatory to enter any business.
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This is such BS. I'm google newsing questionable points on your list and finding nothing. Did you hear some far left progressive throw out an idea......or hear a PUB SAY dems want illegals to be able to vote without an ID?.........cause that's the only thing I could find on that topic. A pub tells a lie and suddenly it's a dem proposal? Dealing drugs no longer a crime? Universal basic income?

I mean JCF man, how freakin paranoid are you? Mandatory mask requirements is not even legal. All police departments aren't going to be defunded. Eliminate all gun rights? Is this where you idiots throw out total and complete lies and exaggerations to foment the hayseeds who only watch OAN? You accuse the admin of deprogramming.......while you're programming?

The American people are in control of the direction of this's like you people forget that. If this admin goes too far with changes, they will be replaced, as will the congress. Control will swing to the pubs and those changes will be reversed. Control of our government goes back and forth between parties.......and eventually we get to keep the laws that most americans want. The people will have spoken......but it happens over time.

I get that you're all freaked out that the country is changing but whatever laws are created aren't written in stone. If.......I'm trying to find something on your list that's a sure thing but having trouble........if taxes are raised on people making over 400k , it's not permanent. If Americans don't like it they will make a change. It's the two party system. Representative government. I think we can do better. But it's people like you who have created this war over control........and caused moderation and compromise to be almost eliminated........which are what we need to have a functioning government that actually solves the people's problems.

You helped make this bed..........but you got kicked out and are sleeping on the floor..........and instead of asking yourself why, you're doubling down on what got you kicked out in the first place. It's my firm belief the dems will do the same thing. Round and round we go.

@BuilderBob6, are you still building houses for ''high end'' rich people that you abhor so much? I actually love you and the opportunity to show just what a hypocrite you and your ilk are. Bob , lets have dinner some time...........I will have a steak, do you eat kelp? @BuilderBob6 you sell people on crap and call it high end and screw them . C'mon Bob man up.
Joe is thinking about changing his name to Bernie.

Bernie Biden has a nice ring and everyone would have to stop calling him Slow Joe.
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