John Bolton & Ukraine Aid

Again you need to educate yourself. Electoral college is what determines the election not popular vote. Popular vote is meaningless and Trump was smart enough to realize this. Hillary failed to realize this by not campaigning in Michigan and other states.
You're right that the Electoral college determines the winner but it shouldn't be this way. It makes no sense that a vote in Wyoming is worth a lot more than your vote in California but you are correct that these are the current antiquated rules. We only have them in order to get the slave states to agree to come into the nation in 1787, as 2/3 of a slave (who had no voting rights btw) were then counted in determining who would be the president. I wouldn't brag too much about the Electoral college, if I were you.
You're right that the Electoral college determines the winner but it shouldn't be this way. It makes no sense that a vote in Wyoming is worth a lot more than your vote in California but you are correct that these are the current antiquated rules. We only have them in order to get the slave states to agree to come into the nation in 1787, as 2/3 of a slave (who had no voting rights btw) were then counted in determining who would be the president. I wouldn't brag too much about the Electoral college, if I were you.
Liberals are pushing to abolish the Electoral College because it is a road block to victory in their eyes just like they are trying to add seats to the Supreme Court. I am glad our founders had the foresight to incorporate the EE because it protects all states so larger states wouldn’t exert excessive control of the country. Funny Liberals say they are for the little guy and underrepresented but balk at the EE which helps the “little states”. By the way Wyoming was against slavery (wasn’t even a state) and was the first state to allow women to vote
Liberals are pushing to abolish the Electoral College because it is a road block to victory in their eyes just like they are trying to add seats to the Supreme Court. I am glad our founders had the foresight to incorporate the EE because it protects all states so larger states wouldn’t exert excessive control of the country. Funny Liberals say they are for the little guy and underrepresented but balk at the EE which helps the “little states”. By the way Wyoming was against slavery (wasn’t even a state) and was the first state to allow women to vote
Why shouldn’t larger states have more impact-they have more Americans. The Electoral college is BS pure and simple but if it helped the Dems they wouldn’t want it repealed either.
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Why shouldn’t larger states have more impact-they have more Americans. The Electoral college is BS pure and simple but if it helped the Dems they wouldn’t want it repealed either.

There have been a couple of threads that have come up in the last couple of years since DJT became POTUS centering on the EC. I personally agree that it is antiquated and not applicable in the modern error, but open to be proven wrong. In the information age, here in 2020, I don't see why the EC should exist...and why one vote shouldn't equal one vote.

Can anyone actually explain why TODAY the EC should still be the process?
Final score 306 Trump 232 Clinton. And I think he could expand the victory margin with Minnesota, Nevada, and New Mexico and other states that will come into play
Yes that's what the final numbers were with the electoral college. Still nothing close to what one would call a landslide. That's why you should look things up instead of just taking whatever the right wing propaganda tells you. nice man.
I hear you, W is posting about spending money to take care of me, hiring hit men etc. I don't find that funny and he is obviously unbalanced so hard to tell?. Like I said I dont really care about name calling but threatening to kill me? Joking or not I dont find any humor in that
You're right that the Electoral college determines the winner but it shouldn't be this way. It makes no sense that a vote in Wyoming is worth a lot more than your vote in California but you are correct that these are the current antiquated rules. We only have them in order to get the slave states to agree to come into the nation in 1787, as 2/3 of a slave (who had no voting rights btw) were then counted in determining who would be the president. I wouldn't brag too much about the Electoral college, if I were you.
Only when you are a Democrat that lost. Reversed and you would be the first one bitching . Its the way it is,so get over it. Jeez you libs keep beating dead horses from over 200 yrs ago because you didnt get your way.
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lol you're still going? More like BoilerMad, amirite? :p

You grossly overestimate your impact. I'm usually sitting here laughing at some of the silly comments that you guys put on here, made even funnier by the fact that you actually believe the silly things that you post.

I can't seem to win, though. You give me crap, because I respond to the posts and BuilderBob gives me crap, because I didn't respond to one of his posts. It just adds to the humor.
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You don’t have anything to argue the point. Conservatives were yelling that unemployment numbers were being made up during the Obama years, then as soon as Trump’s elected they’re all like “woah, look at these unemployment numbers, rocket ship Trump economy.”

You're still baffled.
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You grossly overestimate your impact. I'm usually sitting here laughing at some of the silly comments that you guys put on here, made even funnier by the fact that you actually believe the silly things that you post.

I can't seem to win, though. You give me crap, because I respond to the posts and BuilderBob gives me crap, because I didn't respond to one of his posts. It just adds to the humor.
Feel honored BM....when they have no facts, when they have discovered their pants are around their ankles, all the have to do is shout racism, pretend that they actually know something about the topic, or to attempt to belittle other's opinions and writings. You're winning....they just don't want you to know they know you are.
Feel honored BM....when they have no facts, when they have discovered their pants are around their ankles, all the have to do is shout racism, pretend that they actually know something about the topic, or to attempt to belittle other's opinions and writings. You're winning....they just don't want you to know they know you are.

Winning what? We're competing?
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There have been a couple of threads that have come up in the last couple of years since DJT became POTUS centering on the EC. I personally agree that it is antiquated and not applicable in the modern error, but open to be proven wrong. In the information age, here in 2020, I don't see why the EC should exist...and why one vote shouldn't equal one vote.

Can anyone actually explain why TODAY the EC should still be the process?
Liberals are pushing to abolish the Electoral College because it is a road block to victory in their eyes just like they are trying to add seats to the Supreme Court. I am glad our founders had the foresight to incorporate the EC because it protects all states so larger states wouldn’t exert excessive control of the country. Funny Liberals say they are for the little guy and underrepresented but balk at the EC which helps the “little states”. By the way Wyoming was against slavery (wasn’t even a state) and was the first state to allow women to vote. Additionally it protects all states. I bet you would appreciate California exerting its political will if you are a Liberal or Texas if you were are a Conservative. Otherwise you have the larger states having a greater influence over smaller states.
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Liberals are pushing to abolish the Electoral College because it is a road block to victory in their eyes just like they are trying to add seats to the Supreme Court. I am glad our founders had the foresight to incorporate the EE because it protects all states so larger states wouldn’t exert excessive control of the country. Funny Liberals say they are for the little guy and underrepresented but balk at the EE which helps the “little states”. By the way Wyoming was against slavery (wasn’t even a state) and was the first state to allow women to vote. Additionally it protects all states. I bet you would appreciate California exerting its political will if you are a Liberal or Texas if you were are a Conservative. Otherwise you have the larger states having a greater influence over smaller states.
Dem's have never been for the little guy. The only thing they want from the little guy is to own him/her just like they owned the African-American community for years....which they are beginning to lose.
Dem's have never been for the little guy. The only thing they want from the little guy is to own him/her just like they owned the African-American community for years....which they are beginning to lose.
Yep, it is rather ironic that the EC protects the "little states" and the party saying they represent the underrepresented want it abolished
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Check next fall's Dem. election ads; we'll see if "it doesn't matter"....

We expect them to continue lying, as they have been for years. Some things you can rely on. That's why they launched the "Cover Up" spin within the last couple weeks.
They knew that there wasn't any validity to this impeachment, so they did a shoddy job and tried to pass the buck to the Senate. The Senate won't do their work for them, so the Dems will scream "COVER UP". Throwing mud is their primary strength.
Breitbart is like a security blanket for conservatives. You’re watching the Lev Parnas recording and the Bolton revelations and you start to realize that you’ve been completely lied to. You’re watching the White House defense and realizing that their only arguments are outright lies and illogical half-truths. The real world starts poking in the bubble and you’re getting nervous, let’s log into Breitbart, ah the sweet propaganda, let all those well-founded worries go, you’re safe again.

Lev Parnas has about as much credibility as Michael Avenatti. You remember him, don't you. He was the guy that CNN and MSNBC had on their networks hundreds of times, during the Kavenaugh hearings and projected that he would be an outstanding Presidential Nominee for the Dems. He might, if he ever gets out of jail.

The Bolton revelations are irrelevant. If you had a clue, you'd know that.

We'll leave all the lies to you. You've shown outstanding proficiency for avoiding the truth at all costs.
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You're right that the Electoral college determines the winner but it shouldn't be this way. It makes no sense that a vote in Wyoming is worth a lot more than your vote in California but you are correct that these are the current antiquated rules. We only have them in order to get the slave states to agree to come into the nation in 1787, as 2/3 of a slave (who had no voting rights btw) were then counted in determining who would be the president. I wouldn't brag too much about the Electoral college, if I were you.
You know, I used to have the false narrative regarding the EC that you do. Then, I began to look into it, to read about it, and was reaffirmed just how intelligent and how much of a visionary they were.. What I discovered is that it's such a needed article, and even more so when voted in, that does give those smaller states the same voice as the more populated ones. It's sad that we don't have such learned leaders today.
I, uh, wouldn't be banking on NJ going R. Anytime Trump goes to rural area, even in a blue state, he's going to get a turnout NYC and Philly suburbs are WAY too dense for Rs to have a shot.

The high lighted portion of your post may have been the most insightful statement that you've ever made...LOL
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Lev Parnas has about as much credibility as Michael Avenatti. You remember him, don't you. He was the guy that CNN and MSNBC had on their networks hundreds of times, during the Kavenaugh hearings and projected that he would be an outstanding Presidential Nominee for the Dems. He might, if he ever gets out of jail.

The Bolton revelations are irrelevant. If you had a clue, you'd know that.

We'll leave all the lies to you. You've shown outstanding proficiency for avoiding the truth at all costs.
So you're ready to believe Sondand when he said trump SAID there was no quid pro quo. But you won't believe Bolton when he said trump said there was? That pretty much cover it?

Irrelevant my ass. Just watch
Lev Parnas has about as much credibility as Michael Avenatti. You remember him, don't you. He was the guy that CNN and MSNBC had on their networks hundreds of times, during the Kavenaugh hearings and projected that he would be an outstanding Presidential Nominee for the Dems. He might, if he ever gets out of jail.

The Bolton revelations are irrelevant. If you had a clue, you'd know that.

We'll leave all the lies to you. You've shown outstanding proficiency for avoiding the truth at all costs.
Did right wing propaganda not cover the 90 minutes recording Parnas had of Trump? Didn’t catch that on the Daily Caller? Being more informed will keep you from looking ignorant, or a liar.
Did right wing propaganda not cover the 90 minutes recording Parnas had of Trump? Didn’t catch that on the Daily Caller? Being more informed will keep you from looking ignorant, or a liar.
Nothing seems to stop you from being ignorant 24/7 so what is your point?
Did right wing propaganda not cover the 90 minutes recording Parnas had of Trump? Didn’t catch that on the Daily Caller? Being more informed will keep you from looking ignorant, or a liar.
Hmmmm.....Am I going to take the word of a Soviet born known crook wearing an ankle bracelet or the word of Dershowitz who has stated that even ol' Lev's testimony would not lead to an impeachable offense.

You're so screwed dude. So screwed.
You know, I used to have the false narrative regarding the EC that you do. Then, I began to look into it, to read about it, and was reaffirmed just how intelligent and how much of a visionary they were.. What I discovered is that it's such a needed article, and even more so when voted in, that does give those smaller states the same voice as the more populated ones. It's sad that we don't have such learned leaders today.
Was that before or after you thought Clinton only won 57 counties in the election? You know, your carefully researched factual argument you’re so known for?
Was that before or after you thought Clinton only won 57 counties in the election? You know, your carefully researched factual argument you’re so known for?
You are such a little bitch Indy. Such a little bitch. I screwed up, admitted I screwed up, and you keep bringing up that old, antiquated post. You really have nothing do you.

November....2020 Here's your countdown clock to fo' mo' years of POTUS DJT.

279 days
6701 hours
402068 minutes
24124099 seconds
Hmmmm.....Am I going to take the word of a Soviet born known crook wearing an ankle bracelet or the word of Dershowitz who has stated that even ol' Lev's testimony would not lead to an impeachable offense.

You're so screwed dude. So screwed.
It’s not his word, it’s a video of Trump himself. No one is this dumb. You can’t even see what’s right in front of you, I shouldn’t take glee in your misery, but you bring it on yourself.
Hmmmm.....Am I going to take the word of a Soviet born known crook wearing an ankle bracelet or the word of Dershowitz who has stated that even ol' Lev's testimony would not lead to an impeachable offense.

You're so screwed dude. So screwed.

That Lev Parnas is the moral compass in the room should tell you something about who Trump surrounds himself.
You are such a little bitch Indy. Such a little bitch. I screwed up, admitted I screwed up, and you keep bringing up that old, antiquated post. You really have nothing do you.

November....2020 Here's your countdown clock to fo' mo' years of POTUS DJT.


I bring it up because it shows how little you think about your positions. It shows that you believe anything at all you hear as long as it fits what you want to believe. If you researched or really thought about it, you never would have posted something so stupid, but that’s not who you are.
You seem especially unhinged tonight, some of the impeachment reality starting to penetrate the bubble you live in?
I bring it up because it shows how little you think about your positions. It shows that you believe anything at all you hear as long as it fits what you want to believe. If you researched or really thought about it, you never would have posted something so stupid, but that’s not who you are.
You seem especially unhinged tonight, some of the impeachment reality starting to penetrate the bubble you live in?
Nope....once again you're wrong. I value my positions and I value making right choices.

Keep on watching ol' Rachael Maddow while fornicating with your Hillary blow up doll. It's the only educational supplement you get.
306 vs 232 and trending higher victory margin is all the facts that matter IMO
May want to check your “facts.” Election results from 2017, 2018, and 2019 were not good for Republicans at all. Current polling is also favorable for Democrats. Did you realize that your claim of a landslide was ridiculous?
Not sure what “trends” you’re looking at but you maybe need to check your prescription for your glasses and look again.
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Hey Indy....because I love it that you're constantly providing levity and laughter for those on here who don't "fit" your agenda, I know you're going to be inclined to jump off that bridge in a few months, I've ordered the following for you from Amazon. Just need to know which bridge your going to jump from so I can have it there to save your life.
Nope....once again you're wrong. I value my positions and I value making right choices.

Keep on watching ol' Rachael Maddow while fornicating with your Hillary blow up doll. It's the only educational supplement you get.
You seem pretty upset tonight, makes sense with your world crashing down. I know you’ll never admit it and that’s fine, but I think the reality of all this evidence is slightly penetrating the propaganda bubble. You’re still not quite capable of understanding it all, but you can tell it’s awful for Trump/Republicans.
There have been a couple of threads that have come up in the last couple of years since DJT became POTUS centering on the EC. I personally agree that it is antiquated and not applicable in the modern error, but open to be proven wrong. In the information age, here in 2020, I don't see why the EC should exist...and why one vote shouldn't equal one vote.

Can anyone actually explain why TODAY the EC should still be the process?
The difficulty (virtual impossibility) of amending the Constitution to eliminate the E.C.
We're stuck.
You seem pretty upset tonight, makes sense with your world crashing down. I know you’ll never admit it and that’s fine, but I think the reality of all this evidence is slightly penetrating the propaganda bubble. You’re still not quite capable of understanding it all, but you can tell it’s awful for Trump/Republicans.
Indy....they are not going to impeach POTUS. There are no offenses, high crimes, misdemeanors, or over due parking tickets to do so. Give it're looking weak.
May want to check your “facts.” Election results from 2017, 2018, and 2019 were not good for Republicans at all. Current polling is also favorable for Democrats. Did you realize that your claim of a landslide was ridiculous?
Not sure what “trends” you’re looking at but you maybe need to check your prescription for your glasses and look again.
Lol your CNN shows Trump getting stronger. Imagine that
CNN analyst: 'Massive movement towards' Trump in new 2020 poll

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Liberals are pushing to abolish the Electoral College because it is a road block to victory in their eyes just like they are trying to add seats to the Supreme Court. I am glad our founders had the foresight to incorporate the EE because it protects all states so larger states wouldn’t exert excessive control of the country. Funny Liberals say they are for the little guy and underrepresented but balk at the EE which helps the “little states”. By the way Wyoming was against slavery (wasn’t even a state) and was the first state to allow women to vote. Additionally it protects all states. I bet you would appreciate California exerting its political will if you are a Liberal or Texas if you were are a Conservative. Otherwise you have the larger states having a greater influence over smaller states.
What's the "EE" ??

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