ESPN laying the lumber

Well, the liberals are against coal, pipelines, oil, fracking, mining, etc. All things that make Caterpillar.
This isn't true. Liberals are for a responsible appproach to leaving a livable planet for future generations. It just so happens that all of the industries you listed threaten that goal. Context matters here or else it just becomes propaganda.
Say what?
It's pretty simple. All of the industries mentioned have done irreparable damage to the planet. The responsibile approach is to stop doing this damage and find alternatives to replace them. It's called taking responsibility. Future generations will either thank us, or blame us. Your choice.
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My main point without diving itoo deep nto politics and science, was this. Liberals aren't against caterpillar and they don't attempt to harm their business. They are merely attempting to reverse the group think that consumption is growth because it has been shown our consumption has done harm and that it quite frankly isn't sustainable at the rate we have attained. If stopping this damage such as fracking and use of oil harms Caterpillar, it is merely a side effect and they will have to make the choice to adapt or not. I am sure the folks who radios were upset with the folks who made TV's too. But the smart ones adapted and continued to grow. Caterpillar will need to do the same. But the fact is, at the rate our consumption is growing, in less than 50 years, we will need a new planet. Parts of this one are already suffering with extreme droughts and other weather related phenomenon. You can believe these are just normal cycles of the planet or you can believe the billions of dollars worth of data science has collected that shows a direct link to these phenomenon and our habits of releasing carbon into the atmosphere.

It's a huge task at hand and it will take a whole bunch of really smart dedicted people to figure out. So I can understand why people want to ignore it. But we once thought it was impossible to fly at Mach 1, but we didn't give up, we worked it out.
For the record, No, we are not doing irreparable damage to the planet. Our actions ARE affecting the current environment that is "ideal" to our survival. A two degree temperature change is not going to kill off the human race. We will find ways to adapt. Thousands, maybe even millions will die, but we'll get by. The Earth wont care. We could nuke ourselves into oblivion tomorrow, and a million years from now (a mere blip to the Earth’s timeline), the sky will look just like it looks today.
With that said, I generally prefer to do things in a way that keep those thousands / millions of people from dying, if possible. So yes, I would encourage people to keep progressing science to find better ways of making energy that reduce the impact on the current environment that we thrive in. You can’t kill coal / fracking overnight, but it will go away eventually.
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My main point without diving itoo deep nto politics and science, was this. Liberals aren't against caterpillar and they don't attempt to harm their business. They are merely attempting to reverse the group think that consumption is growth because it has been shown our consumption has done harm and that it quite frankly isn't sustainable at the rate we have attained. If stopping this damage such as fracking and use of oil harms Caterpillar, it is merely a side effect and they will have to make the choice to adapt or not. I am sure the folks who radios were upset with the folks who made TV's too. But the smart ones adapted and continued to grow. Caterpillar will need to do the same. But the fact is, at the rate our consumption is growing, in less than 50 years, we will need a new planet. Parts of this one are already suffering with extreme droughts and other weather related phenomenon. You can believe these are just normal cycles of the planet or you can believe the billions of dollars worth of data science has collected that shows a direct link to these phenomenon and our habits of releasing carbon into the atmosphere.

It's a huge task at hand and it will take a whole bunch of really smart dedicted people to figure out. So I can understand why people want to ignore it. But we once thought it was impossible to fly at Mach 1, but we didn't give up, we worked it out.
Not this again. What % of carbon dioxide emissions are directly attributable to man (anthropogenic)? Two studies, one from the US Department of Energy, have shown the number to be between 3 - 4%. The remainder is from natural causes, such as plant respiration, decomposition, and ocean outgassing.
It's pretty simple. All of the industries mentioned have done irreparable damage to the planet. The responsibile approach is to stop doing this damage and find alternatives to replace them. It's called taking responsibility. Future generations will either thank us, or blame us. Your choice.

Yes. We need to take the "responsibile" approach!
My main point without diving itoo deep nto politics and science, was this. Liberals aren't against caterpillar and they don't attempt to harm their business. They are merely attempting to reverse the group think that consumption is growth because it has been shown our consumption has done harm and that it quite frankly isn't sustainable at the rate we have attained. If stopping this damage such as fracking and use of oil harms Caterpillar, it is merely a side effect and they will have to make the choice to adapt or not. I am sure the folks who radios were upset with the folks who made TV's too. But the smart ones adapted and continued to grow. Caterpillar will need to do the same. But the fact is, at the rate our consumption is growing, in less than 50 years, we will need a new planet. Parts of this one are already suffering with extreme droughts and other weather related phenomenon. You can believe these are just normal cycles of the planet or you can believe the billions of dollars worth of data science has collected that shows a direct link to these phenomenon and our habits of releasing carbon into the atmosphere.

It's a huge task at hand and it will take a whole bunch of really smart dedicted people to figure out. So I can understand why people want to ignore it. But we once thought it was impossible to fly at Mach 1, but we didn't give up, we worked it out.
Liberals, by their policies, are harming Cat, whether they intend to do so or not. Yes, mere "side effects", as you call them, have destroyed the lives of millions of Americans, but I guess they were just too dumb to overcome the liberal policies.

They always seem to have "good intentions", but they don't think through the long-term impacts of their "good intentions". As the old saying goes: "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
I have often said that if I didn't consume any entertainment from sources that had different political views than me that I would have a very limited catalog from which to choose. There is something to be said, though, for the refusal to "stick to sports" turning off some viewers. I don't think that it is the only reason for ESPN making these cuts, but it might be the reason people are waking up to the idea that they can live without cable. Those lost subscribers cost money.

ESPN has made some bad contract moves and have too many arguing pundit shows. ESPN on-air contributors often push a left-leaning SJW agenda that makes some folks tune out. Those two things are not mutually exclusive.
Liberals, by their policies, are harming Cat, whether they intend to do so or not. Yes, mere "side effects", as you call them, have destroyed the lives of millions of Americans, but I guess they were just too dumb to overcome the liberal policies.

They always seem to have "good intentions", but they don't think through the long-term impacts of their "good intentions". As the old saying goes: "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
Or, liberals do consider the long term effects and realize that new innovations can provide jobs, yet no amount ignoring money can buy clean drinking water once it's all gone?

Like I said. It's complex and I'm not surprised people choose to ignore it.
I believe since so many of you are now commenting about Catepillar, I deserve more likes for my original post and hijacking this thread! Where is the love for Wolegib?

I think part of ESPN's problem is they started to go outside the lines too much and rather than just covering sports, everything had to have a personal story! Look at last night's NFL draft. How much time was dedicated to learning about the story of the athlete from Oakland and his promise to his grandma on her death bed? As a viewer, all I remember is the story. I don't remember his name, college or position. All I remember is the story much like Blind Side. If ESPN. Wants to improve their ratings, they need to go back, back, back to what gained them their initial popularity: more sports coverage and less personal drama stories.

Right or wrong, I got sick of their overblown coverage of Sandusky and Paterno! When I go to ESPN I want sports coverage, not the news! All of the News stations gave the story 1-2 weeks coverage and pressed on! ESPN. Is still talking about it. And everytime they talk about Penn st they talk about it some more! That story needed to be told, but not over and over and over ad nauseum! I even prefer pro bowling and the dog shows over watching more Sandusky documentaries. And they didn't learn their lesson and now all I hear about is Baylor! I'm tired of hearing the news and political commentary on a sports channel.

I'm a Bucks fan! I want to hear about their scores not about how Trump's travel ban could affect Thon Maker because he was born in Sudan. I could care less about Gyannis' realitives in Greece! Just give me the scores even if they lose in 6 to some Canadian team who drinks cheaper milk!
Say what?
19 Trillion in debt isn't very responsible.
This isn't true. Liberals are for a responsible appproach to leaving a livable planet for future generations. It just so happens that all of the industries you listed threaten that goal. Context matters here or else it just becomes propaganda.
19 Trillion in debt isn't very responsible. And spending other people's money works great until those other people run out of money.
I just love the dichotomous thinking exhibited here. If you are a "liberal" then you are automatically assumed to be for ecologically green policies. If you are a conservative, then you want to pollute everything. I think this is extraordinarily lazy and arrogant thinking. It does make name calling and pigeon-holing easier when you can shift the population into two groups, but it is nothing more than a form of prejudice, based on political thinking rather than race or religion.
I just love the dichotomous thinking exhibited here. If you are a "liberal" then you are automatically assumed to be for ecologically green policies. If you are a conservative, then you want to pollute everything. I think this is extraordinarily lazy and arrogant thinking. It does make name calling and pigeon-holing easier when you can shift the population into two groups, but it is nothing more than a form of prejudice, based on political thinking rather than race or religion.
so was Pam Ward and Beth Mowens spared?

19 Trillion in debt isn't very responsible.

19 Trillion in debt isn't very responsible. And spending other people's money works great until those other people run out of money.
I am not sure where all of you are getting your data. When Bill Clinton left office, we had a balanced budget. Then we had W start two foreign wars and create the housing crash. Do you guys feel that was responsible?
I am not even a liberal.
19 Trillion in debt isn't very responsible.

19 Trillion in debt isn't very responsible. And spending other people's money works great until those other people run out of money.
You want to compare your numbers to what it was at the end of 2008, or the last GOP administration. I guess you must not have an issue with spending other people's money as long as we are doing it to start wars in foreign lands.
The two wars we lost in Iraq and Afghanistan are what drove the debt to record levels and that doesn't even take into account the costs in lives lost. It's amazing that the GOP can ignore the long term effects on the people we send overseas to fight our wars yet believe the liberals don't think long term.

Clinton left us with a balanced budget and a reduced debt, W, increased it once again to record levels and caused the economy to go backwards. Perhaps you don't appreciate the fact that Obama actually got us back to a positive GDP, or perhaps you choose to ignore it.

Time will tell on Trump and his policies. I do find it a bit hypocritical that you don't have an issue with all of the "other people's money" he is spending, just on himself, yet you want to both about money spent that actually brought us out of a recession.

Responsibility seems to be something you struggle with understanding.
I am not sure where all of you are getting your data. When Bill Clinton left office, we had a balanced budget. Then we had W start two foreign wars and create the housing crash. Do you guys feel that was responsible?
I am not even a liberal.

You want to compare your numbers to what it was at the end of 2008, or the last GOP administration. I guess you must not have an issue with spending other people's money as long as we are doing it to start wars in foreign lands.
The two wars we lost in Iraq and Afghanistan are what drove the debt to record levels and that doesn't even take into account the costs in lives lost. It's amazing that the GOP can ignore the long term effects on the people we send overseas to fight our wars yet believe the liberals don't think long term.

Clinton left us with a balanced budget and a reduced debt, W, increased it once again to record levels and caused the economy to go backwards. Perhaps you don't appreciate the fact that Obama actually got us back to a positive GDP, or perhaps you choose to ignore it.

Time will tell on Trump and his policies. I do find it a bit hypocritical that you don't have an issue with all of the "other people's money" he is spending, just on himself, yet you want to both about money spent that actually brought us out of a recession.

Responsibility seems to be something you struggle with understanding.
Our debt and unfunded liabilities have been created mostly by entitlement programs that were instituted by Democrats. The trillion or so that W blew in the Middle East is a drop in the bucket comparatively.

And Obama added more debt than all the other presidents combined.

Not a fan of Trump's plan to match Obama's deficit spending either.
I hate to go politics, but I think this is a big reason why. The same reason Trump was voted POTUS, is because we the people are sick and tired of this liberal agenda being shoved down our throat.

That said, I think Fox Sports has a lot to do with ESPNs decline in ratings. I have been one to switch to FS1 for nearly all my sports news. ESPN is way too liberal for me, basing a lot of their topics on race and gender, primarily focusing on the negative news on white people, but when it happens on the other side, they just simply ignore to view it. FS1 does push the liberal agenda, but nowhere near as much as ESPN, but they also have no problem swinging towards the right either.

The Lamar Ball situation comes to mind recently. Snoop Dogg and his outlandish comments towards our POTUS. They invite him on their show. Or basically saying Colin Kaepernick was right when he protested the American Flag during the National Anthem. I just can't stand that kind of stuff.


Those are the 3 most important things, in that order, to me. And it seems that way for a whole lot of America as well.

Again, sorry to go political, but I think that is the ultimate reason behind it, regardless of what reasons anyone shows me according to a CNN/ESPN or any other liberal source.

Amen brother preach on.
I am not sure where all of you are getting your data. When Bill Clinton left office, we had a balanced budget. Then we had W start two foreign wars and create the housing crash. Do you guys feel that was responsible?
I am not even a liberal.

You want to compare your numbers to what it was at the end of 2008, or the last GOP administration. I guess you must not have an issue with spending other people's money as long as we are doing it to start wars in foreign lands.
The two wars we lost in Iraq and Afghanistan are what drove the debt to record levels and that doesn't even take into account the costs in lives lost. It's amazing that the GOP can ignore the long term effects on the people we send overseas to fight our wars yet believe the liberals don't think long term.

Clinton left us with a balanced budget and a reduced debt, W, increased it once again to record levels and caused the economy to go backwards. Perhaps you don't appreciate the fact that Obama actually got us back to a positive GDP, or perhaps you choose to ignore it.

Time will tell on Trump and his policies. I do find it a bit hypocritical that you don't have an issue with all of the "other people's money" he is spending, just on himself, yet you want to both about money spent that actually brought us out of a recession.

Responsibility seems to be something you struggle with understanding.

Bill Clinton passed NAFTA and expanded Medicare and Medicade that was supposed to cost a few billion and cost a few trillion. Clinton started the free fall. The blame actually should fall on LBJ who put restrictions on welfare to put restrictions and exclusions on married couples, encouraging mothers to remain single and poor couples not to get married. Very sad really.
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I just love the dichotomous thinking exhibited here. If you are a "liberal" then you are automatically assumed to be for ecologically green policies. If you are a conservative, then you want to pollute everything. I think this is extraordinarily lazy and arrogant thinking. It does make name calling and pigeon-holing easier when you can shift the population into two groups, but it is nothing more than a form of prejudice, based on political thinking rather than race or religion.
I thought you wanted the mods to delete this thread. Now you are here partaking in discussion. What do you want?
I agree with your examples about Lamar Ball and Kapernick. We have a divided country and I don't want to hear these people with political views on a sports show.
Yes, nor am I interested in hearing of politics on this SPORTS send the political bullshit to the general discussion board.
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Again, didn't want to go political, just answering the question of what I believed was the reason...
Obviously you wanted to go political. No one made you post what you did and no one made you say more than you simply thought that the liberal positions you felt they were advocating took a toll on viewership. Instead you chose to express a rather lengthy political commentary.
So, if I say that I dont want to be offensive but go screw yourself would that mean that 1) it wasn't offensive or 2) someone forced me to do it or 3) I meant to be offensive and succeeded?
ESPN leaning left is upsetting but even as a republican/conservative I wouldn't want it to show only right leaning ways either. I want my sports to only be about sports. An escape from political thinking. Plenty of other channels out there for politics so I don't need "the worldwide leader in SPORTS" to concern itself with views on either side!
I just wanted to make myself clear. I believe 100% that ESPN has a leftist slant to it. I just don't think that is the reason they are struggling and have had to layoff a ton of employees.

A bad deal with the NBA and a bad deal with the NFL. The NFL took a huge hit last year. NFL had the Lowest viewership in a long time (and yes that was fully pollitically driven). The NBA is an awful product and the games are meaningless until the playoffs. ESPN ties itself to their success. They also went away from what made them successful. They went with more live shows which cost them more money. They had far too many employees. ESPN the magazine struggled, as did all paper media. They do offer the insider, but the content isn't worth the cost. They expanded to way too many channels. It is an extremely easy fix. People love the idea of ESPN, they just don't like paying for what it has become. It wouldn't even take a good CEO to fix it. Just somebody with common sense.
I just wanted to make myself clear. I believe 100% that ESPN has a leftist slant to it. I just don't think that is the reason they are struggling and have had to layoff a ton of employees.
I think it is one of many reasons, but overpaying for NBA and NFL is the biggest reason.
ESPN made almost 5 billion for its parent company last year. They aren't losing money because a few didn't like their content.
That's hard to believe.
Krish from the pay board works there and posted the profits figure. I don't watch other than games because that's all that interests me. I've never been one to look for politics in every part of life and I grew up a Barry Goldwater conservative and have supported Democrats lately because of the religious right agenda of the Republican Party. Still vote Republican locally.
ESPN made almost 5 billion for its parent company last year. They aren't losing money because a few didn't like their content.
ESPN has indeed done well but revenue continues to fall as cord-cutting becomes more widespread. IMHO, ESPN will have a really hard time launching the ACC cable network in 2019 as promised by John Swofford last year. I'm taking $10 bets it won't launch.
Krish from the pay board works there and posted the profits figure. I don't watch other than games because that's all that interests me. I've never been one to look for politics in every part of life and I grew up a Barry Goldwater conservative and have supported Democrats lately because of the religious right agenda of the Republican Party. Still vote Republican locally.
I guess 5 billion is not enough profit for Iger to get all his bonus millions.
We all should be stewards of our environment, this is the only home we have. Terri forming Mars is a LOOOOOONG way off.
Now we have our ancestors to blame for global warming. Neanderthals mastered fire and boom, the glaciers melted. Coincidence?
Now global cooling scares me more than global warming. If the corn belt is again under two miles of ice, who feeds the world? And where do we all live?
If we lose a few miles off the coast of California and New York I actually think the U.S would be better off.