Your Least Favorite IU Hoosier

Pretty amazing that this thread has gotten this long without mentioning any of Sampson's druggies or the guy charged with murder that used to blast guys in the package...
Were they really that hateable if you can't remember any of their names?
Just a testament to how loathsome the list of douche-nozzles, felons and asshats are that are even easier to hate than the Deven Dumes-es of your proud history...
Fife was the first that came to my mind.

Least hated would be cheaney, yogi, and guyton.

For those of you that like to visit them, who are their most hated boilers? I'd guess Cardinal and Kramer top the list. Maybe Barlow too.
The ones that come over to OUR forum to hijack threads with their bad grammar and misspellings and then asking US to act like children and "fill in the blanks" so we can understand their drivel.