Your Least Favorite IU Hoosier

Jan 27, 2016
So the Peegs have their own "Least Favorite Boiler" over we might as well return the favor in honor of rivalry week.

My least favorite - Easy choice: Derek "The Trip" Elston, although on second thought, he really wasn't good enough to HATE.

Damon "Golden Boy" Bailey? Todd Leary? DJ White? Sheehey?
So the Peegs have their own "Least Favorite Boiler" over we might as well return the favor in honor of rivalry week.

My least favorite - Easy choice: Derek "The Trip" Elston, although on second thought, he really wasn't good enough to HATE.

Damon "Golden Boy" Bailey? Todd Leary? DJ White? Sheehey?

While the list could be long....i really don't hate an individual players - but I do the school and the team in general. Going back to Alford and the 70's players. Sheehe, however, does rise to the top of the list over all the decades due to his disrespectful antics during the national anthem. And, in general, the guy always acted like a complete a** regardless of time or place. So yes, he gets my vote.

For the record, Yogi makes my category of 'also receiving votes' due to his constant flopping, whining, and selfish demeanor. Started when he got p.o's that his big 'announcement' at Park Tudor about attending IU was scooped and it took some attention away from him. Giant ego = little man = makes the list
As an IU fan, my least favorite Hoosier would have to be Marco Killingsworth, talented but lazy, lazy, lazy.
I can't remember his name but I don't like the one that wears the IU uniform during the game.

Jordy Hulls, the most overrated player in IU history. They treated him like a god because he could hit a few 3s a game. Close second Zeller he was so cocky.
SheHe: because he dances like a Kansas City Fa......well, you know.
Jordy Hulls: because he shoots like a girl
Pat Knight: because he can't take a kick
Damon Bailey: because......I don't know...just because.
Michael Lewis, Pat Graham, Dane Fife, Will Sheehey, and I'm sure there are more.....
So the Peegs have their own "Least Favorite Boiler" over we might as well return the favor in honor of rivalry week.

My least favorite - Easy choice: Derek "The Trip" Elston, although on second thought, he really wasn't good enough to HATE.

Damon "Golden Boy" Bailey? Todd Leary? DJ White? Sheehey?
Several....At the top would probably be Yogi because of his mama. Second....Crean for trying to impersonate a Hoosier.
Sheehy and Zeller, but I admittedly only really started following the rivalry once I matriculated to Purdue as a freshman (Fall '07).
Eric Anderson, Dane Fife, Will Sheehy, and Todd Leary(post graduation).
What about our FAVORITE Hoosier?

hold on a second............ thinking....................................... thinking....................................................................... still thinking.........................................................................................................

Suprised none of you mentioned Jockitch? The man just has Vitalle Fever! Obnoxious, loud and IUcentric.
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