with illegal aliens leaving will it help economy?

Then why would you and other conservatives be against a higher minimum wage?
Because of what I said above. Wages are and will stabilize at what the market will bear. I don't need some liberal politico telling me how much to pay my workers. If they're not happy, they leave for another job that pays more money. But if, I value my employees, I pay them a fair wage.

Again, Econ 101 relating to supply and demand.

I deal with small to medium manufacturing companies every week, and a prime example is one who has trouble keeping workers because he pays $10.50 per hour with instant benefits for running CNC's, etc. Top wages are over $21 per hour. But here's the rub...he's in a small community and there are two other concerns that start at $12 per hour, and the workers are willing to wait 60 days for their health care to kick in. $60 additional a week is a lot of money to a lot of people.
Which segments do you expect higher wages in? Wages can only go so high before the business cant afford to compete anymore.
Totally understand that Nat. Supply and demand raises wages/benefits/etc., when the supply of workers dry up and wages then rise, creating more spendable income for those who move up. And you're right....they have to reach a plateau.
sorry just a side response to top's other post.

regarding gov $ spent on areas like eminent domain has been an increasing issue imo
(taking your money to then take your property)

if citizens can truly fight in court like top says, things like the border wall in texas could be held up for a long time, no?
When Schummer and Pelosi fail to stop the SCOTUS appointee, I'm sure they'll waste more time and taxpayer money on that one, even though Obama and Hillary have both propose the same thing.
To some degree but they only have to pay you for the value of the property they take. They can proceed with the condemnation and argue about the value of the property in court later. So we're going to see that crazy wall despite its cost and its lack of effectiveness so Trump can fulfill a campaign promise.
And Bill, please inform us all of how you propose to stop illegal's from entering the US where they've been known to kill innocents, take jobs from American's....many times of their own Nationality....committing rapes and assaults?

Please....I'd really like to know because I'm sure liberals would raise nine kinds of hell if you put the military there and those crossing were shot.
And Bill, please inform us all of how you propose to stop illegal's from entering the US where they've been known to kill innocents, take jobs from American's....many times of their own Nationality....committing rapes and assaults?

Please....I'd really like to know because I'm sure liberals would raise nine kinds of hell if you put the military there and those crossing were shot.
If you think a fence is going to work then I've got a bridge in Brooklyn that I'd like to sell you. if Trump wants to put his increased military money into protecting the border as they are going to have a lot of free time and a huge budget to spend unless Trump decides to invade someone that would make a lot more sense than a Great Wall, which by the way didn't work to keep the Mongols out of China.

The Great Wall is just a Trump campaign rhetoric that he thinks will now make him look he delivers on his promises.
For many years, the United Nations is unable to come up with an agreed-upon definition of terrorism and linking the word "terrorism" with a religion is indeed the issue.

Thanks for the links. Just a little common sense from someone who has never been on such a ridiculous committee.
I'll save The United Nations a ton of time and money.
When someone tries to kill you they inflict terror. When a group of people try to kill you because you belong to a group they don't like, they inflict terror on the ones they are trying to kill.
If you inflict terror on someone intentionally you are a terrorist. The above examples are intentional.
I won't even charge The United Nations for the definition.
Thanks for the links. Just a little common sense from someone who has never been on such a ridiculous committee.
I'll save The United Nations a ton of time and money.
When someone tries to kill you they inflict terror. When a group of people try to kill you because you belong to a group they don't like, they inflict terror on the ones they are trying to kill.
If you inflict terror on someone intentionally you are a terrorist. The above examples are intentional.
I won't even charge The United Nations for the definition.
Here ya go, the Oxford Dictionary defines terrorism: "The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims."

P*O*L*I*T*I*C*A*L A*I*M*S - got it?

Muslims commit jihad because it is a holy war for them. They have no political agenda. They kill infidels to please Allah.
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Here ya go, the Oxford Dictionary defines terrorism: "The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims."

P*O*L*I*T*I*C*A*L A*I*M*S - got it?

Muslims commit jihad because it is a holy war for them. They have no political agenda. They kill infidels to please Allah.

Does the Oxford dictionary define the difference between political aims and religious aims.
Killing infidels because they don't agree with your beliefs. Religious or political.
IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THAT ISIS IS A MUSLIM BASED TERRORIST ORGANIZATION I SUGGEST YOU GO TO IRAQ AND SPORT A T SHIRT WITH THE AMERICAN FLAG ON IT, WITH THE WORDS IN GOD WE TRUST (Is there only one god called different names?). AS THEY TORTURE YOU REMIND THEM WE GAVE THEM 1.5 BILLION DOLLARS. And as they torture you keep repeating to yourself, these are not terrorists, these are not terrorists.
I suggest you tell the Oxford dictionary, per their definition, the Nazis weren't a terror group because their crimes were religious in nature. They only killed the jews.
Does the Oxford dictionary define the difference between political aims and religious aims.
Killing infidels because they don't agree with your beliefs. Religious or political.
IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THAT ISIS IS A MUSLIM BASED TERRORIST ORGANIZATION I SUGGEST YOU GO TO IRAQ AND SPORT A T SHIRT WITH THE AMERICAN FLAG ON IT, WITH THE WORDS IN GOD WE TRUST (Is there only one god called different names?). AS THEY TORTURE YOU REMIND THEM WE GAVE THEM 1.5 BILLION DOLLARS. And as they torture you keep repeating to yourself, these are not terrorists, these are not terrorists.
I suggest you tell the Oxford dictionary, per their definition, the Nazis weren't a terror group because their crimes were religious in nature. They only killed the jews.
What the Nazis did was genocide, not terrorism. You appear to have difficulty understanding the definition of some words.
Bin Laden's primary targets as the leader of AQ were almost entirely politically motivated. Specifically, he targeted Saudi-Western interests because he did not want his country joining the rest of the world in becoming "westernized". The basis for that desire was largely founded in religious conservatism, but to say that terrorists aren't acting based on their political aims is ignorant.

Par for the course...
Bin Laden's primary targets as the leader of AQ were almost entirely politically motivated. Specifically, he targeted Saudi-Western interests because he did not want his country joining the rest of the world in becoming "westernized". The basis for that desire was largely founded in religious conservatism, but to say that terrorists aren't acting based on their political aims is ignorant.

Par for the course...
Bin Laden was (past tense) and other Islamic extremeists are engaged in a self-declared holy war and they make no bones about it. Here is the dictionary definition of jihad: "a struggle or fight against the enemies of Islam."

Your feeble attempt at revisionist history is foolish. These people are motivated by religous fervor, not a political agenda.
Bin Laden was (past tense) and other Islamic extremeists are engaged in a self-declared holy war and they make no bones about it. Here is the dictionary definition of jihad: "a struggle or fight against the enemies of Islam."

Your feeble attempt at revisionist history is foolish. These people are motivated by religous fervor, not a political agenda.
I mean, I've actually lived in that area for quite a while, stood next to them, studied them and jihadists, but yeah, you definitely have a good sense of what you're talking about. Or not at all.
I mean, I've actually lived in that area for quite a while, stood next to them, studied them and jihadists, but yeah, you definitely have a good sense of what you're talking about. Or not at all.
Actually, I too have studied them....

Actually, I too have studied them....
No, you haven't. Why do you think AQ selected the WTC, Pentagon, and White House? Because Christians live there? They could've massacred any number of Christians very easily in other places far more easily than those specific targets. Nope, those targets and method were politically motivated for the reasons that I mentioned in the post before - the anti-Westernization of the Arabian Peninsula, founded in deep religious conservatism (Wahabbism).

Anyway, we've been roundy-roundy like this before. I'd be better served to talk to the brick wall behind me. Probably more comprehension and willingness to listen there.
No, you haven't. Why do you think AQ selected the WTC, Pentagon, and White House? Because Christians live there? They could've massacred any number of Christians very easily in other places far more easily than those specific targets. Nope, those targets and method were politically motivated for the reasons that I mentioned in the post before - the anti-Westernization of the Arabian Peninsula, founded in deep religious conservatism (Wahabbism).

Anyway, we've been roundy-roundy like this before. I'd be better served to talk to the brick wall behind me. Probably more comprehension and willingness to listen there.



If you think a fence is going to work then I've got a bridge in Brooklyn that I'd like to sell you. if Trump wants to put his increased military money into protecting the border as they are going to have a lot of free time and a huge budget to spend unless Trump decides to invade someone that would make a lot more sense than a Great Wall, which by the way didn't work to keep the Mongols out of China.

The Great Wall is just a Trump campaign rhetoric that he thinks will now make him look he delivers on his promises.
A fence will work in tandem with other measures. Trump never said it will be a continuous fence. As for Trump and his promises, he's already delivered on more than Obama did in his first three years.
A fence will work in tandem with other measures. Trump never said it will be a continuous fence. As for Trump and his promises, he's already delivered on more than Obama did in his first three years.
Well, "the wall" is actually a euphemism for more fences, vastly enhanced border security and ending the policy wherein the border security agents apprehend illegal invaders and give them nice, kissy-huggy welcome before escorting them off to their bed-and-breakfast accommodations.

The term "wetback" is obsolete. They just walk in and demand lawyers for services.
What the Nazis did was genocide, not terrorism. You appear to have difficulty understanding the definition of some words.
Well I still don't consider curling a sport. But these guys with little brooms are considered athletes.
And I will stand by my take on the Nazis that they terrorized the Jews. Thus they were terrorists. I'll give you they were terrorists that committed genocide.
Well I still don't consider curling a sport. But these guys with little brooms are considered athletes.
And I will stand by my take on the Nazis that they terrorized the Jews. Thus they were terrorists. I'll give you they were terrorists that committed genocide.
I'm not trying to defend any of the horrors that the Nazis committed. The invaded defenseless nations, virtually enslaved people and committed horrific genocide. But that is not terrorism.

A hurricane is a nasty thing but it is not an earthquake. It's a hurricane.
Good luck with that! This country already has too many people that won't work as they like doing nothing and letting government programs pay them for doing that.
this is the biggest bullshit ever written.
The billions of Muslims defense isn't working in Europe anymore. They are getting tired of daily attacks.

Antwerp wasn't even reported in the US. But yeah, there were so many military floating around that they were able to stop another Muslim attack. Same as usual, mow down and chop.

Fight back against those that insist this is the new normal.
The billions of Muslims defense isn't working in Europe anymore. They are getting tired of daily attacks.

Antwerp wasn't even reported in the US. But yeah, there were so many military floating around that they were able to stop another Muslim attack. Same as usual, mow down and chop.

Fight back against those that insist this is the new normal.
Not only is it the "new normal" but the far-left news media have made it a standard practice to denounce anyone who opposes the infiltration of our society with this cult of infidel-hating ghouls as Islamophobic, neo-Nazis, deplorables and my very favorite, racists.

If people don't wake up, routine jihad attacks will indeed become the new normal.
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A hurricane is a nasty thing but it is not an earthquake. It's a hurricane.[/QUOTE]
But the results are the same. Can you not understand that.
So what do you want to call these persons that inflict violence upon their fellow humans, if not terrorists?
I'm game and we are getting a little particular here, are we not?
Extremist vigilantes? Religious murders? Genocide assassins? Suffrage kidnappers (you know the ones who kidnapped and raped 20 some young school girls)?
I guess we have names for, Bank Robbers, Armed Robberies, Hold ups etc. They are still all felonies.
Whatever tickles your fancy I guess.
Sorry, I don't have the bandwidth to post photos of the other billion Muslims in the world. Nice deflection, though. You have no argument when armed only with ignorance.

Is Europe the new normal? Their leaders are certainly trying to convince the rest of the world that it is. If it is, can one be surprised by Brexit and Trump?

ETA: I don't know enough to comment on Brexit. But, I think this shoulder shrug approach helped elect Trump.
No, you haven't. Why do you think AQ selected the WTC, Pentagon, and White House? Because Christians live there? They could've massacred any number of Christians very easily in other places far more easily than those specific targets. Nope, those targets and method were politically motivated for the reasons that I mentioned in the post before - the anti-Westernization of the Arabian Peninsula, founded in deep religious conservatism (Wahabbism).

Anyway, we've been roundy-roundy like this before. I'd be better served to talk to the brick wall behind me. Probably more comprehension and willingness to listen there.

It seems to me that Americans have a tough time understanding that in Islam there is no difference between the church and the government.

I found this article interesting.
Here you have a young man brought here illegally at the age of 7. Now age 24, he gets a DUI and the Feds detain him and want to deport him.
By the letter of the law he should be gone. He is here illegally and he commits a crime. Not entirely in agreement with deporting him but:
What is DACA doing. DACA was put in place under Obama to help illegal aliens. Help them do what? Help them from getting deported after committing crimes?
GMAFB. They should be helping these young people become US citizens. Guess what, if this young man had become a US citizen he wouldn't have to worry about being deported.
He's had 17 years to apply for and strive to become a US citizen. Why should US citizens give a s#t whether he gets deported?
He's had more than ample time to become a citizen so why anyone would have a problem with him being deported is beyond me.
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Is Europe the new normal? Their leaders are certainly trying to convince the rest of the world that it is. If it is, can one be surprised by Brexit and Trump?

ETA: I don't know enough to comment on Brexit. But, I think this shoulder shrug approach helped elect Trump.
I don't understand what your response has to do with anything I've posted or said in this thread.
I think the H1B program is worse for Americans than the Central and South Americans being undocumented and working - doing day labor. Anyway, a decent employer will withhold and remit the taxes - even if the illegal cannot file a tax return - the government does get some tax revenue. The bad employer will just pay cash under the table no matter if the worker is legal or not.

Many large companies bring in H1B's at a lower wage for technical - Engineering, IT, Science, finance/accounting type jobs - make current emplioyees train them and then loose their jobs to the H1B. It was not supposed to be that way - but firms that do this. The H1B program was supposed to be used due to the shortage of qualified US workers. The truth is that if you can pay 65% to a H1B rather than a US qualifed worker - that is a lot of $$ that is "saved" in payroll expense - which is rolled up into executive compensation and paid out via bonuses and cashless stock options. Long term share holders do not benefit, nor does the local communities as there is less disposable income being spent.
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Yeah, that's a really broad generalization about "the Islamic World". There are few countries and regions which govern strictly by Islamic law.

True, that may be the current situation but the Islamic countries like Iran that have the most radical views against the West are run by the religious clerics
True, that may be the current situation but the Islamic countries like Iran that have the most radical views against the West are run by the religious clerics
Yeah. The list is basically Iran and... Iran.

You just painted every other Muslim majority country with the same broad brush. If they were all Iran, I'd be in prison right now.

But this is what ignorant people do. They find something about a limited section of a group and apply it to the whole. All Muslims want us dead... if that were true, I'd be dead many times over.

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