Why each of these two deeply flawed candidates will lose this election....

Boiler Buck

Mar 11, 2010
Well they both can't lose? Someone's going to win this crapfest of 2 of the worse candidates in history. But let's look at what each are doing wrong.....

✅ Wastes resources on unproductive rallys where he preaches to the choir. These do nothing to capture the independent voter. Biggest error.
✅ Crazy messaging like cats, Hate for this person, or that person is a loser, etc....takes away from communicating outstanding policy....some of the best policy in history for middle class. Also big problem.
✅ Media stacked against him, make it beyond an unfair race. Not only was debate unfair, but media is handling K2 with kid gloves, with little follow up questions, unlike Trump and his VP. VP good @ dealing with it, T not so much.
✅. Media focus on issues not important to public to sway them away from their top issues. A great add could defeat this, haven't seen it yet.
✅. Wasted time in states he cannot win
✅ A lack of focus by T. Leads to rambling messaging with tangents. Independent voter dislikes this.
✅ Overseas election interference- both T & VP played right into it...with poor messaging.
✅ Lack great TV & internet marketing to promote message to needed independents in key states
✅ Trump very poor debater, perhaps maybe hurt him with a small # of independents?
✅ Might not make it to election day let alone Jan 21, 2025. If the focus was on Internet & TV this wouldn't be a problem.
✅ Doesn't seem to have honest brokers around him to lead him to what needs done. Bunch of yes guys or those in it for the $ only, not the win. Seems to ignore polls where he is down.

🌀 Beyond a poor communicator, word salads, and repeats nonsensical items when asked direct questions.
🌀 Slow on getting policy out, thus independents know little about her
🌀 Flip flops = untrustworthy
🌀 Some of her policies make no sense to the problems @ hand
🌀 The Seinfeld Candidate....a campaign about nothing but laughs & giggles. - Joy doesn't pay the grocery bill for MC.
🌀 VP Choice does not appeal to independent voter, and show K2s extreme radical tendencies she is trying to hide.
🌀 Refuses to do needed interviews to capture independent voters
🌀 K1, K2, accents, silence.....No one knows who she is. Thus, people are left with her less than poor record of last 4 years
🌀 Reputation and mannor of a poor leader. Skipped out on responsibilities of office given, like the border, and 92% of her own staff hated her & left.
🌀. Bad reputation of last 4 years.....high tax rep of party, lead over 52% to think they will be taxed more. 58% see her as more of the same bad policy. Hasn't been able to communicate that away.
🌀 K2 comes off as phony & fake to middle Americans.

Voter turnout will determine the President imo in these 8 swing states. How many pissed off middle class come out for T vs how many marginal independent voters are tricked into thinking K2 is something she is not & come out for her when many times they don't even bother to vote.
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You forgot Racist as one of the Chump’s bullet points.

The potential independent and R voters he will get do not see him that way. Not close to it really

Only deep blue Dems see him that way......and they were not voting for him anyway.

Here is where you are 100% correct .......
I would agree all of his messaging about race steps on his messaging about policy.
And when you have the greatest policy for the middle class in history.....and you are talking about what race K2 is instead, or sports stars, etc....well that steps ALL OVER T's messaging of that great policy for the MC. He does that quite often. This hurts him with independent voters. But this was my 2nd point above......crazy messaging.
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The potential independent and R voters he will get do not see him that way. Not close to it really

Only deep blue Dems see him that way......and they were not voting for him anyway.

Here is where you are 100% correct .......
I would agree all of his messaging about race steps on his messaging about policy.
And when you have the greatest policy for the middle class in history.....and you are talking about what race K2 is instead, or sports stars, etc....well that steps ALL OVER T's messaging of that great policy for the MC. He does that quite often. This hurts him with independent voters. But this was my 2nd point above......crazy messaging.
Anyone with a pulse knows that Chump is a stone cold racist. This includes the repubs as they are now the party of white supremacy for nearly 60 years now when Barry Goldwater kicked blacks out of the republican party. When a party is collectively against affirmative action, police reform, John Lewis Voting Act, or any other black related issues. they are racist. Folks that say otherwise that Chump is not a racist is in denial or don't care in order to further the conservative agenda.

As far as yes people working for Chump. That's because he runs things like a Cosa Nostra. They tell him what he wants to hear. They are frighten to tell him what he needs to hear.

During the debate when things was going south for Chump, I knew that the more that he kept bringing up the immigrant issue that he was going to mention the very debunked Haitian cat eating BS as desperation.

The bottom line that Chump is a racist narcissist.. He is a mean and evil individual. The repubs could have done better with a better candidate but they didn't. Instead they blame 2020 election cheating and media hate. Try putting out a better candidate. I mentioned a couple but get shot down all the time.
Anyone with a pulse knows that Chump is a stone cold racist. This includes the repubs as they are now the party of white supremacy for nearly 60 years now when Barry Goldwater kicked blacks out of the republican party. When a party is collectively against affirmative action, police reform, John Lewis Voting Act, or any other black related issues. they are racist. Folks that say otherwise that Chump is not a racist is in denial or don't care in order to further the conservative agenda.

As far as yes people working for Chump. That's because he runs things like a Cosa Nostra. They tell him what he wants to hear. They are frighten to tell him what he needs to hear.

During the debate when things was going south for Chump, I knew that the more that he kept bringing up the immigrant issue that he was going to mention the very debunked Haitian cat eating BS as desperation.

The bottom line that Chump is a racist narcissist.. He is a mean and evil individual. The repubs could have done better with a better candidate but they didn't. Instead they blame 2020 election cheating and media hate. Try putting out a better candidate. I mentioned a couple but get shot down all the time.

I know of no one who will vote for Trump that believes any of the above. Thus, not a reason he will lose.

Crazy messaging will sway some vacuous independents ........ so yes there, as I said above.
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I know of no one who will vote for Trump that believes any of the above. Thus, not a reason he will lose.

Crazy messaging will sway some vacuous independents ........ so yes there, as I said above.
A ton of good stuff in your analysis. Including the stuff on Trump's racism. The best take of yours? Even if the racism is 100% true, no one that thinks it is true was voting for him anyway.

Another (summary) major point on why Trump will lose that you did not mention:

Now that Biden is out, Trump seems really old. Without the distraction of Biden's decline Trump is a rambling old guy that many just don't want to hear from anymore. The 'funny as sh!t' attractiveness of prior incarnations of Trump has been replaced by 'not that funny anymore.'
A ton of good stuff in your analysis. Including the stuff on Trump's racism. The best take of yours? Even if the racism is 100% true, no one that thinks it is true was voting for him anyway.

Another (summary) major point on why Trump will lose that you did not mention:

Now that Biden is out, Trump seems really old. Without the distraction of Biden's decline Trump is a rambling old guy that many just don't want to hear from anymore. The 'funny as sh!t' attractiveness of prior incarnations of Trump has been replaced by 'not that funny anymore.'

I agree with the last paragraph 100%.
His age is reflected in his lack of focus on messaging - I mentioned above. Point 6.

His elderly nature, makes his communication wander off on tangents & rambling. Has a hard time sticking with the point. Also makes him prioritize responding to being wronged, over communicating what's important to the listener. This is due to age. But in any case he looks old and communicates old. Independent voter will notice to Ts detriment. Very good point.

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