What are we drinking tonight?

At frat parties I drank regular mt dew! The other people there were so stoned they didn’t know the difference
What a party animal you are.
I'm a great actor ,

BOILER UP !!!! those refs suck ! we're going to the Final 4 for sure this year. How about those Eye Aiata Pies!!! Order some noble Romans. BWW !!! i wouldn't be caught dead at the MCL. only old people, mama's boys and nerds eat there. mid terms ? where's last year's test and cheat sheets ? Spring break is next week ? I'm already there. Classes? who goes to classes ? I bombed that last thermo test //no problem, everybody else did too. I'm positive the professor will grade on the curve. where's our water ballon catapult ? we need to attack. library ? where's that ? the nude olympics was last night ? Man I forgot. maybe I didn't . was i there ? Delta upsilon ?? ha ha ha . it's teke is unique or pike or die.

it's very easy to fit right in. oh what happy times.
what ever you are drinking, after that game, its not enough!!

hopefully they play better tonight!
What a party animal you are.

I'm a great actor ,

BOILER UP !!!! those refs suck ! we're going to the Final 4 for sure this year. How about those Eye Aiata Pies!!! Order some noble Romans. BWW !!! i wouldn't be caught dead at the MCL. only old people, mama's boys and nerds eat there. mid terms ? where's last year's test and cheat sheets ? Spring break is next week ? I'm already there. Classes? who goes to classes ? I bombed that last thermo test //no problem, everybody else did too. I'm positive the professor will grade on the curve. where's our water ballon catapult ? we need to attack. library ? where's that ? the nude olympics was last night ? Man I forgot. maybe I didn't . was i there ? Delta upsilon ?? ha ha ha . it's teke is unique or pike or die.

it's very easy to fit right in. oh what happy times.

Wole-ga! Wole-ga!


Gotta be Pizza Keg or LMO......