Weight room


True Freshman
Gold Member
Jan 13, 2002
Does anyone know what the football players are maxing out at in the weight room ( especially the linemen )? I assume the information is posted on a spread sheet in the weight room on a wall or in folders listed by position on the weight room wall. The information I would be the most interested in would be what we called the Big Four, Bench press, Squats, Power clean, and Dead lift. By posting the players max outs it often created a friendly competition in the weight room among the players.
Does anyone know what the football players are maxing out at in the weight room ( especially the linemen )? I assume the information is posted on a spread sheet in the weight room on a wall or in folders listed by position on the weight room wall. The information I would be the most interested in would be what we called the Big Four, Bench press, Squats, Power clean, and Dead lift. By posting the players max outs it often created a friendly competition in the weight room among the players.
It was posted that the players have moved away from weights and into more yoga and pilates for more flexibility and injury prevention. Too many back surgeries this off season.
I would just be happy to see our OFFENSIVE Line look like a Big ten line for once!!! Been a long time since we had one..............need to bulk those boys up
As of last August they were not doing 1 rep maxes on most of those lifts because that offers greater potential for injury. Sounded like they had moved to 3 and 4 rep maxes on squat and BP. I do know that their weight training was focused more on effective strength than maximum strength. In other words, not just how much you can lift but how explosively / quickly can you move the weight. The theory is that this focuses on explosiveness, which better translates into applicable football strength. So there's a time component to their lifts as well as a weight component and their "maxes" are measured against speed targets for the lift (not to be confused with recovery time or rest time between reps).
I don't recall ever hearing about them deadlifting so I can't offer any input on that.
I would just be happy to see our OFFENSIVE Line look like a Big ten line for once!!! Been a long time since we had one..............need to bulk those boys up
I remember under Hazel when NIU showed up and I said to my buddy 'they look like more of a B1G football team than Purdue does.' Purdue promptly got thrashed 55-24 in a game where I have maybe only seen Purdue get more physically dominated a few other times during my life (Whisky a few times and the game at OSU where Hope was denied the chance at a 65 yard field goal in the waning seconds of a 56-0 blowout in 2013).
I remember under Hazel when NIU showed up and I said to my buddy 'they look like more of a B1G football team than Purdue does.' Purdue promptly got thrashed 55-24 in a game where I have maybe only seen Purdue get more physically dominated a few other times during my life (Whisky a few times and the game at OSU where Hope was denied the chance at a 65 yard field goal in the waning seconds of a 56-0 blowout in 2013).

Are you forgetting the last Music City Bowl vs. Auburn or was it even worse than that?

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